CRAN Package Check Results for Package condvis2

Last updated on 2022-09-11 12:56:15 CEST.

Flavor Version Tinstall Tcheck Ttotal Status Flags
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang 0.1.1 11.10 143.20 154.30 ERROR
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc 0.1.1 10.08 104.34 114.42 ERROR
r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang 0.1.1 198.76 ERROR
r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc 0.1.1 196.36 ERROR
r-devel-windows-x86_64 0.1.1 20.00 182.00 202.00 ERROR
r-patched-linux-x86_64 0.1.1 9.69 134.18 143.87 ERROR
r-release-linux-x86_64 0.1.1 10.90 133.10 144.00 ERROR
r-release-macos-arm64 0.1.1 54.00 NOTE
r-release-macos-x86_64 0.1.1 97.00 NOTE
r-release-windows-x86_64 0.1.1 49.00 173.00 222.00 ERROR
r-oldrel-macos-arm64 0.1.1 89.00 NOTE
r-oldrel-macos-x86_64 0.1.1 89.00 NOTE
r-oldrel-windows-ix86+x86_64 0.1.1 25.00 165.00 190.00 ERROR

Check Details

Version: 0.1.1
Check: LazyData
Result: NOTE
     'LazyData' is specified without a 'data' directory
Flavors: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang, r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc, r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang, r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc, r-devel-windows-x86_64, r-patched-linux-x86_64, r-release-linux-x86_64, r-release-macos-arm64, r-release-macos-x86_64, r-release-windows-x86_64, r-oldrel-macos-arm64, r-oldrel-macos-x86_64, r-oldrel-windows-ix86+x86_64

Version: 0.1.1
Check: tests
Result: ERROR
     Running 'testthat.R' [26s/30s]
    Running the tests in 'tests/testthat.R' failed.
    Complete output:
     > library(testthat)
     > library(condvis2)
     > test_check("condvis2")
     [ FAIL 2 | WARN 2 | SKIP 0 | PASS 205 ]
     == Failed tests ================================================================
     -- Error (test-CVpredict.R:485:3): CVpredict bartMachine factor ----------------
     Error in `(function (X = NULL, y = NULL, Xy = NULL, num_trees = 50, num_burn_in = 250,
     num_iterations_after_burn_in = 1000, alpha = 0.95, beta = 2,
     k = 2, q = 0.9, nu = 3, prob_rule_class = 0.5, mh_prob_steps = c(2.5,
     2.5, 4)/9, debug_log = FALSE, run_in_sample = TRUE, s_sq_y = "mse",
     sig_sq_est = NULL, cov_prior_vec = NULL, interaction_constraints = NULL,
     use_missing_data = FALSE, covariates_to_permute = NULL, num_rand_samps_in_library = 10000,
     use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars = FALSE, replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar = FALSE,
     impute_missingness_with_rf_impute = FALSE, impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm = TRUE,
     mem_cache_for_speed = TRUE, flush_indices_to_save_RAM = TRUE,
     serialize = FALSE, seed = NULL, verbose = TRUE)
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine initializing with", num_trees, "trees...\n")
     t0 = Sys.time()
     if (use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars && replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar) {
     stop("You cannot impute by averages and use missing data as dummies simultaneously.")
     if ((is.null(X) && is.null(Xy)) || is.null(y) && is.null(Xy)) {
     stop("You need to give bartMachine a training set either by specifying X and y or by specifying a matrix Xy which contains the response named \"y.\"\n")
     else if (!is.null(X) && !is.null(y) && !is.null(Xy)) {
     stop("You cannot specify both X,y and Xy simultaneously.")
     else if (is.null(X) && is.null(y)) {
     if (!inherits(Xy, "data.frame")) {
     stop(paste("The training data Xy must be a data frame."),
     call. = FALSE)
     y = Xy[, ncol(Xy)]
     for (cov in 1:(ncol(Xy) - 1)) {
     if (colnames(Xy)[cov] == "") {
     colnames(Xy)[cov] = paste("V", cov, sep = "")
     X =[, 1:(ncol(Xy) - 1)])
     colnames(X) = colnames(Xy)[1:(ncol(Xy) - 1)]
     if (!inherits(X, "data.frame")) {
     stop(paste("The training data X must be a data frame."),
     call. = FALSE)
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine vars checked...\n")
     y_levels = levels(y)
     if (inherits(y, "numeric") || inherits(y, "integer")) {
     if (inherits(y, "integer")) {
     y = as.numeric(y)
     java_bart_machine = .jnew("bartMachine.bartMachineRegressionMultThread")
     y_remaining = y
     pred_type = "regression"
     if (inherits(y, "integer")) {
     cat("Warning: The response y is integer, bartMachine will run regression.\n")
     else if (inherits(y, "factor") & length(y_levels) == 2) {
     java_bart_machine = .jnew("bartMachine.bartMachineClassificationMultThread")
     y_remaining = ifelse(y == y_levels[1], 1, 0)
     pred_type = "classification"
     else {
     stop("Your response must be either numeric, an integer or a factor with two levels.\n")
     num_gibbs = num_burn_in + num_iterations_after_burn_in
     if (ncol(X) == 0) {
     stop("Your data matrix must have at least one attribute.")
     if (nrow(X) == 0) {
     stop("Your data matrix must have at least one observation.")
     if (length(y) != nrow(X)) {
     stop("The number of responses must be equal to the number of observations in the training data.")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine java init...\n")
     if (is.null(colnames(X))) {
     colnames(X) = paste("V", seq(from = 1, to = ncol(X),
     by = 1), sep = "")
     if (any(mh_prob_steps < 0)) {
     stop("The grow, prune, change ratio parameter vector must all be greater than 0.")
     predictors_which_are_factors = names(which(sapply(X, is.factor)))
     for (predictor in predictors_which_are_factors) {
     X[, predictor] = factor(X[, predictor])
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine factors created...\n")
     if (sum( > 0) {
     stop("You cannot have any missing data in your response vector.")
     rf_imputations_for_missing = NULL
     if (impute_missingness_with_rf_impute) {
     if (nrow(na.omit(X)) == nrow(X)) {
     warning("No missing entries in the training data to impute.")
     rf_imputations_for_missing = X
     else {
     predictor_colnums_with_missingness = names(which(colSums( >
     rf_imputations_for_missing = rfImpute(X, y)
     rf_imputations_for_missing = rf_imputations_for_missing[,
     rf_imputations_for_missing = rf_imputations_for_missing[,
     colnames(rf_imputations_for_missing) = paste(colnames(rf_imputations_for_missing),
     "_imp", sep = "")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine after rf imputations...\n")
     if (!use_missing_data && !replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar) {
     rows_before = nrow(X)
     X = na.omit(X)
     rows_after = nrow(X)
     if (rows_before - rows_after > 0) {
     stop("You have ", rows_before - rows_after, " observations with missing data. \nYou must either omit your missing data using \"na.omit()\" or turn on the\n\"use_missing_data\" or \"replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar\" feature in order to use bartMachine.\n")
     else if (replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar) {
     X = imputeMatrixByXbarjContinuousOrModalForBinary(X,
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Imputed missing data using attribute averages.\n")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine before preprocess...\n")
     pre_process_obj = pre_process_training_data(X, use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars,
     model_matrix_training_data = cbind(pre_process_obj$data,
     p = ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1
     factor_lengths = pre_process_obj$factor_lengths
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine after preprocess...", p, "total features...\n")
     null_cov_prior_vec = is.null(cov_prior_vec)
     if (null_cov_prior_vec && length(factor_lengths) > 0) {
     cov_prior_vec = rep(1, p)
     j_factor_begin = p - sum(factor_lengths) + 1
     for (l in 1:length(factor_lengths)) {
     factor_length = factor_lengths[l]
     cov_prior_vec[j_factor_begin:(j_factor_begin + factor_length -
     1)] = 1/factor_length
     j_factor_begin = j_factor_begin + factor_length
     if (!is.null(interaction_constraints)) {
     if (!mem_cache_for_speed) {
     stop("In order to use interaction constraints, \"mem_cache_for_speed\" must be set to TRUE.")
     if (!inherits(interaction_constraints, "list")) {
     stop("specified parameter \"interaction_constraints\" must be a list")
     else if (length(interaction_constraints) == 0) {
     stop("interaction_constraints list cannot be empty")
     for (a in 1:length(interaction_constraints)) {
     vars_a = interaction_constraints[[a]]
     for (b in 1:length(vars_a)) {
     var = vars_a[b]
     if ((inherits(var, "numeric") | inherits(var,
     "integer")) & !(var %in% (1:p))) {
     stop(paste("Element", var, "in interaction_constraints vector number",
     a, "is numeric but not one of 1, ...,", p,
     "where", p, "is the number of columns in X."))
     if (inherits(var, "factor")) {
     var = as.character(var)
     if (inherits(var, "character") & !(var %in% colnames(X))) {
     stop(paste("Element", var, "in interaction_constraints vector number",
     a, "is a string but not one of the column names of X."))
     if (inherits(var, "integer") | inherits(var,
     "numeric")) {
     vars_a[b] = var - 1
     else if (inherits(var, "character")) {
     vars_a[b] = which(colnames(X) == var) - 1
     interaction_constraints[[a]] = as.integer(vars_a)
     if (!is.null(covariates_to_permute)) {
     for (cov in covariates_to_permute) {
     if (!(cov %in% colnames(model_matrix_training_data)) &&
     inherits(cov, "character")) {
     stop("Covariate \"", cov, "\" not found in design matrix.")
     permuted_order = sample(1:nrow(model_matrix_training_data),
     model_matrix_training_data[, covariates_to_permute] = model_matrix_training_data[permuted_order,
     if (debug_log & verbose) {
     cat("warning: printing out the log file will slow down the runtime significantly.\n")
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "writeStdOutToLogFile")
     if (ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1 >= nrow(model_matrix_training_data)) {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("warning: cannot use MSE of linear model for s_sq_y if p > n. bartMachine will use sample var(y) instead.\n")
     s_sq_y = "var"
     if (is.null(sig_sq_est)) {
     if (pred_type == "regression") {
     y_range = max(y) - min(y)
     y_trans = (y - min(y))/y_range - 0.5
     if (s_sq_y == "mse") {
     X_for_lm =[1:(ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     if (impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm) {
     X_for_lm = imputeMatrixByXbarjContinuousOrModalForBinary(X_for_lm,
     else if (nrow(na.omit(X_for_lm)) == 0) {
     stop("The data does not have enough full records to estimate a naive prediction error. Please rerun with \"impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm\" set to true.")
     mod = lm(y_trans ~ ., X_for_lm)
     mse = var(mod$residuals)
     sig_sq_est = as.numeric(mse)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setSampleVarY",
     else if (s_sq_y == "var") {
     sig_sq_est = as.numeric(var(y_trans))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setSampleVarY",
     else {
     stop("s_sq_y must be \"mse\" or \"var\"", call. = FALSE)
     sig_sq_est = sig_sq_est * y_range^2
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine sigsq estimated...\n")
     else {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine using previous sigsq estimated...\n")
     if (!exists("BART_NUM_CORES", envir = bartMachine_globals)) {
     assign("BART_NUM_CORES", BART_NUM_CORES_DEFAULT, bartMachine_globals)
     num_cores = get("BART_NUM_CORES", bartMachine_globals)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumCores", as.integer(num_cores))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumTrees", as.integer(num_trees))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumGibbsBurnIn", as.integer(num_burn_in))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumGibbsTotalIterations",
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setAlpha", alpha)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setBeta", beta)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setK", k)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setQ", q)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNU", nu)
     mh_prob_steps = mh_prob_steps/sum(mh_prob_steps)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setProbGrow", mh_prob_steps[1])
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setProbPrune", mh_prob_steps[2])
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setVerbose", verbose)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setMemCacheForSpeed", mem_cache_for_speed)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setFlushIndicesToSaveRAM",
     if (!is.null(seed)) {
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setSeed", as.integer(seed))
     if (num_cores > 1) {
     warning("Setting the seed when using parallelization does not result in deterministic output.\nIf you need deterministic output, you must run \"set_bart_machine_num_cores(1)\" and then build the BART model with the set seed.")
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNormSamples", rnorm(num_rand_samps_in_library))
     n_plus_hyper_nu = nrow(model_matrix_training_data) + nu
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setGammaSamples", rchisq(num_rand_samps_in_library,
     if (length(cov_prior_vec) != 0) {
     offset = length(cov_prior_vec) - (ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     if (offset < 0) {
     warning(paste("covariate prior vector length =",
     length(cov_prior_vec), "has to be equal to p =",
     ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1, "(the vector was lengthened with 1's)"))
     cov_prior_vec = c(cov_prior_vec, rep(1, -offset))
     if (length(cov_prior_vec) != ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     1) {
     warning(paste("covariate prior vector length =",
     length(cov_prior_vec), "has to be equal to p =",
     ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1, "(the vector was shortened)"))
     cov_prior_vec = cov_prior_vec[1:(ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     if (sum(cov_prior_vec > 0) != ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     1) {
     stop("covariate prior vector has to have all its elements be positive",
     call. = FALSE)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setCovSplitPrior", .jarray(as.numeric(cov_prior_vec)))
     if (!is.null(interaction_constraints)) {
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "intializeInteractionConstraints",
     for (interaction_constraint_vector in interaction_constraints) {
     for (b in 1:length(interaction_constraint_vector)) {
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "addInteractionConstraint",
     for (i in 1:nrow(model_matrix_training_data)) {
     row_as_char = as.character(model_matrix_training_data[i,
     row_as_char = replace(row_as_char,,
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "addTrainingDataRow",
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "finalizeTrainingData")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine training data finalized...\n")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Now building bartMachine for", pred_type)
     if (pred_type == "classification") {
     cat(" where \"", y_levels[1], "\" is considered the target level",
     sep = "")
     if (length(cov_prior_vec) != 0) {
     cat("Covariate importance prior ON. ")
     if (use_missing_data) {
     cat("Missing data feature ON. ")
     if (use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars) {
     cat("Missingness used as covariates. ")
     if (impute_missingness_with_rf_impute) {
     cat("Missing values imputed via rfImpute. ")
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "Build")
     bart_machine = list(java_bart_machine = java_bart_machine,
     training_data_features = colnames(model_matrix_training_data)[1:ifelse(use_missing_data &&
     use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars, (p/2), p)], training_data_features_with_missing_features = colnames(model_matrix_training_data)[1:p],
     X = X, y = y, y_levels = y_levels, pred_type = pred_type,
     model_matrix_training_data = model_matrix_training_data,
     n = nrow(model_matrix_training_data), p = p, num_cores = num_cores,
     num_trees = num_trees, num_burn_in = num_burn_in, num_iterations_after_burn_in = num_iterations_after_burn_in,
     num_gibbs = num_gibbs, alpha = alpha, beta = beta, k = k,
     q = q, nu = nu, prob_rule_class = prob_rule_class, mh_prob_steps = mh_prob_steps,
     s_sq_y = s_sq_y, run_in_sample = run_in_sample, sig_sq_est = sig_sq_est,
     time_to_build = Sys.time() - t0, cov_prior_vec = cov_prior_vec,
     interaction_constraints = interaction_constraints, use_missing_data = use_missing_data,
     use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars = use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars,
     replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar = replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar,
     impute_missingness_with_rf_impute = impute_missingness_with_rf_impute,
     impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm = impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm,
     verbose = verbose, serialize = serialize, mem_cache_for_speed = mem_cache_for_speed,
     flush_indices_to_save_RAM = flush_indices_to_save_RAM,
     debug_log = debug_log, seed = seed, num_rand_samps_in_library = num_rand_samps_in_library)
     if (!null_cov_prior_vec) {
     bart_machine$cov_prior_vec = cov_prior_vec
     if (run_in_sample) {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("evaluating in sample data...")
     if (pred_type == "regression") {
     y_hat_posterior_samples = .jcall(bart_machine$java_bart_machine,
     "[[D", "getGibbsSamplesForPrediction", .jarray(model_matrix_training_data,
     dispatch = TRUE), as.integer(num_cores), simplify = TRUE)
     y_hat_train = rowMeans(y_hat_posterior_samples)
     bart_machine$y_hat_train = y_hat_train
     bart_machine$residuals = y_remaining - bart_machine$y_hat_train
     bart_machine$L1_err_train = sum(abs(bart_machine$residuals))
     bart_machine$L2_err_train = sum(bart_machine$residuals^2)
     bart_machine$PseudoRsq = 1 - bart_machine$L2_err_train/sum((y_remaining -
     bart_machine$rmse_train = sqrt(bart_machine$L2_err_train/bart_machine$n)
     else if (pred_type == "classification") {
     p_hat_posterior_samples = .jcall(bart_machine$java_bart_machine,
     "[[D", "getGibbsSamplesForPrediction", .jarray(model_matrix_training_data,
     dispatch = TRUE), as.integer(num_cores), simplify = TRUE)
     p_hat_train = rowMeans(p_hat_posterior_samples)
     y_hat_train = labels_to_y_levels(bart_machine, p_hat_train >
     bart_machine$p_hat_train = p_hat_train
     bart_machine$y_hat_train = y_hat_train
     confusion_matrix =, nrow = 3,
     ncol = 3))
     rownames(confusion_matrix) = c(paste("actual", y_levels),
     "use errors")
     colnames(confusion_matrix) = c(paste("predicted",
     y_levels), "model errors")
     confusion_matrix[1:2, 1:2] = as.integer(table(y,
     confusion_matrix[3, 1] = round(confusion_matrix[2,
     1]/(confusion_matrix[1, 1] + confusion_matrix[2,
     1]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[3, 2] = round(confusion_matrix[1,
     2]/(confusion_matrix[1, 2] + confusion_matrix[2,
     2]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[1, 3] = round(confusion_matrix[1,
     2]/(confusion_matrix[1, 1] + confusion_matrix[1,
     2]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[2, 3] = round(confusion_matrix[2,
     1]/(confusion_matrix[2, 1] + confusion_matrix[2,
     2]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[3, 3] = round((confusion_matrix[1,
     2] + confusion_matrix[2, 1])/sum(confusion_matrix[1:2,
     1:2]), 3)
     bart_machine$confusion_matrix = confusion_matrix
     bart_machine$misclassification_error = confusion_matrix[3,
     if (verbose) {
     if (serialize) {
     cat("serializing in order to be saved for future R sessions...")
     class(bart_machine) = "bartMachine"
     })(X = iris1[, -5], y = iris1[, 5], verbose = FALSE)`: object 'iris1' not found
     1. \-bartMachine::bartMachine(iris1[, -5], iris1[, 5], verbose = FALSE) at test-CVpredict.R:485:2
     2., as.list([-1])
     3. \-bartMachine (local) `<fn>`(X = iris1[, -5], y = iris1[, 5], verbose = FALSE)
     -- Error (test-CVpredict.R:502:3): CVpredict bartMachine numeric ---------------
     Error in `(function (X = NULL, y = NULL, Xy = NULL, num_trees = 50, num_burn_in = 250,
     num_iterations_after_burn_in = 1000, alpha = 0.95, beta = 2,
     k = 2, q = 0.9, nu = 3, prob_rule_class = 0.5, mh_prob_steps = c(2.5,
     2.5, 4)/9, debug_log = FALSE, run_in_sample = TRUE, s_sq_y = "mse",
     sig_sq_est = NULL, cov_prior_vec = NULL, interaction_constraints = NULL,
     use_missing_data = FALSE, covariates_to_permute = NULL, num_rand_samps_in_library = 10000,
     use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars = FALSE, replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar = FALSE,
     impute_missingness_with_rf_impute = FALSE, impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm = TRUE,
     mem_cache_for_speed = TRUE, flush_indices_to_save_RAM = TRUE,
     serialize = FALSE, seed = NULL, verbose = TRUE)
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine initializing with", num_trees, "trees...\n")
     t0 = Sys.time()
     if (use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars && replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar) {
     stop("You cannot impute by averages and use missing data as dummies simultaneously.")
     if ((is.null(X) && is.null(Xy)) || is.null(y) && is.null(Xy)) {
     stop("You need to give bartMachine a training set either by specifying X and y or by specifying a matrix Xy which contains the response named \"y.\"\n")
     else if (!is.null(X) && !is.null(y) && !is.null(Xy)) {
     stop("You cannot specify both X,y and Xy simultaneously.")
     else if (is.null(X) && is.null(y)) {
     if (!inherits(Xy, "data.frame")) {
     stop(paste("The training data Xy must be a data frame."),
     call. = FALSE)
     y = Xy[, ncol(Xy)]
     for (cov in 1:(ncol(Xy) - 1)) {
     if (colnames(Xy)[cov] == "") {
     colnames(Xy)[cov] = paste("V", cov, sep = "")
     X =[, 1:(ncol(Xy) - 1)])
     colnames(X) = colnames(Xy)[1:(ncol(Xy) - 1)]
     if (!inherits(X, "data.frame")) {
     stop(paste("The training data X must be a data frame."),
     call. = FALSE)
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine vars checked...\n")
     y_levels = levels(y)
     if (inherits(y, "numeric") || inherits(y, "integer")) {
     if (inherits(y, "integer")) {
     y = as.numeric(y)
     java_bart_machine = .jnew("bartMachine.bartMachineRegressionMultThread")
     y_remaining = y
     pred_type = "regression"
     if (inherits(y, "integer")) {
     cat("Warning: The response y is integer, bartMachine will run regression.\n")
     else if (inherits(y, "factor") & length(y_levels) == 2) {
     java_bart_machine = .jnew("bartMachine.bartMachineClassificationMultThread")
     y_remaining = ifelse(y == y_levels[1], 1, 0)
     pred_type = "classification"
     else {
     stop("Your response must be either numeric, an integer or a factor with two levels.\n")
     num_gibbs = num_burn_in + num_iterations_after_burn_in
     if (ncol(X) == 0) {
     stop("Your data matrix must have at least one attribute.")
     if (nrow(X) == 0) {
     stop("Your data matrix must have at least one observation.")
     if (length(y) != nrow(X)) {
     stop("The number of responses must be equal to the number of observations in the training data.")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine java init...\n")
     if (is.null(colnames(X))) {
     colnames(X) = paste("V", seq(from = 1, to = ncol(X),
     by = 1), sep = "")
     if (any(mh_prob_steps < 0)) {
     stop("The grow, prune, change ratio parameter vector must all be greater than 0.")
     predictors_which_are_factors = names(which(sapply(X, is.factor)))
     for (predictor in predictors_which_are_factors) {
     X[, predictor] = factor(X[, predictor])
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine factors created...\n")
     if (sum( > 0) {
     stop("You cannot have any missing data in your response vector.")
     rf_imputations_for_missing = NULL
     if (impute_missingness_with_rf_impute) {
     if (nrow(na.omit(X)) == nrow(X)) {
     warning("No missing entries in the training data to impute.")
     rf_imputations_for_missing = X
     else {
     predictor_colnums_with_missingness = names(which(colSums( >
     rf_imputations_for_missing = rfImpute(X, y)
     rf_imputations_for_missing = rf_imputations_for_missing[,
     rf_imputations_for_missing = rf_imputations_for_missing[,
     colnames(rf_imputations_for_missing) = paste(colnames(rf_imputations_for_missing),
     "_imp", sep = "")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine after rf imputations...\n")
     if (!use_missing_data && !replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar) {
     rows_before = nrow(X)
     X = na.omit(X)
     rows_after = nrow(X)
     if (rows_before - rows_after > 0) {
     stop("You have ", rows_before - rows_after, " observations with missing data. \nYou must either omit your missing data using \"na.omit()\" or turn on the\n\"use_missing_data\" or \"replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar\" feature in order to use bartMachine.\n")
     else if (replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar) {
     X = imputeMatrixByXbarjContinuousOrModalForBinary(X,
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Imputed missing data using attribute averages.\n")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine before preprocess...\n")
     pre_process_obj = pre_process_training_data(X, use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars,
     model_matrix_training_data = cbind(pre_process_obj$data,
     p = ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1
     factor_lengths = pre_process_obj$factor_lengths
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine after preprocess...", p, "total features...\n")
     null_cov_prior_vec = is.null(cov_prior_vec)
     if (null_cov_prior_vec && length(factor_lengths) > 0) {
     cov_prior_vec = rep(1, p)
     j_factor_begin = p - sum(factor_lengths) + 1
     for (l in 1:length(factor_lengths)) {
     factor_length = factor_lengths[l]
     cov_prior_vec[j_factor_begin:(j_factor_begin + factor_length -
     1)] = 1/factor_length
     j_factor_begin = j_factor_begin + factor_length
     if (!is.null(interaction_constraints)) {
     if (!mem_cache_for_speed) {
     stop("In order to use interaction constraints, \"mem_cache_for_speed\" must be set to TRUE.")
     if (!inherits(interaction_constraints, "list")) {
     stop("specified parameter \"interaction_constraints\" must be a list")
     else if (length(interaction_constraints) == 0) {
     stop("interaction_constraints list cannot be empty")
     for (a in 1:length(interaction_constraints)) {
     vars_a = interaction_constraints[[a]]
     for (b in 1:length(vars_a)) {
     var = vars_a[b]
     if ((inherits(var, "numeric") | inherits(var,
     "integer")) & !(var %in% (1:p))) {
     stop(paste("Element", var, "in interaction_constraints vector number",
     a, "is numeric but not one of 1, ...,", p,
     "where", p, "is the number of columns in X."))
     if (inherits(var, "factor")) {
     var = as.character(var)
     if (inherits(var, "character") & !(var %in% colnames(X))) {
     stop(paste("Element", var, "in interaction_constraints vector number",
     a, "is a string but not one of the column names of X."))
     if (inherits(var, "integer") | inherits(var,
     "numeric")) {
     vars_a[b] = var - 1
     else if (inherits(var, "character")) {
     vars_a[b] = which(colnames(X) == var) - 1
     interaction_constraints[[a]] = as.integer(vars_a)
     if (!is.null(covariates_to_permute)) {
     for (cov in covariates_to_permute) {
     if (!(cov %in% colnames(model_matrix_training_data)) &&
     inherits(cov, "character")) {
     stop("Covariate \"", cov, "\" not found in design matrix.")
     permuted_order = sample(1:nrow(model_matrix_training_data),
     model_matrix_training_data[, covariates_to_permute] = model_matrix_training_data[permuted_order,
     if (debug_log & verbose) {
     cat("warning: printing out the log file will slow down the runtime significantly.\n")
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "writeStdOutToLogFile")
     if (ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1 >= nrow(model_matrix_training_data)) {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("warning: cannot use MSE of linear model for s_sq_y if p > n. bartMachine will use sample var(y) instead.\n")
     s_sq_y = "var"
     if (is.null(sig_sq_est)) {
     if (pred_type == "regression") {
     y_range = max(y) - min(y)
     y_trans = (y - min(y))/y_range - 0.5
     if (s_sq_y == "mse") {
     X_for_lm =[1:(ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     if (impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm) {
     X_for_lm = imputeMatrixByXbarjContinuousOrModalForBinary(X_for_lm,
     else if (nrow(na.omit(X_for_lm)) == 0) {
     stop("The data does not have enough full records to estimate a naive prediction error. Please rerun with \"impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm\" set to true.")
     mod = lm(y_trans ~ ., X_for_lm)
     mse = var(mod$residuals)
     sig_sq_est = as.numeric(mse)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setSampleVarY",
     else if (s_sq_y == "var") {
     sig_sq_est = as.numeric(var(y_trans))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setSampleVarY",
     else {
     stop("s_sq_y must be \"mse\" or \"var\"", call. = FALSE)
     sig_sq_est = sig_sq_est * y_range^2
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine sigsq estimated...\n")
     else {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine using previous sigsq estimated...\n")
     if (!exists("BART_NUM_CORES", envir = bartMachine_globals)) {
     assign("BART_NUM_CORES", BART_NUM_CORES_DEFAULT, bartMachine_globals)
     num_cores = get("BART_NUM_CORES", bartMachine_globals)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumCores", as.integer(num_cores))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumTrees", as.integer(num_trees))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumGibbsBurnIn", as.integer(num_burn_in))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumGibbsTotalIterations",
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setAlpha", alpha)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setBeta", beta)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setK", k)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setQ", q)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNU", nu)
     mh_prob_steps = mh_prob_steps/sum(mh_prob_steps)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setProbGrow", mh_prob_steps[1])
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setProbPrune", mh_prob_steps[2])
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setVerbose", verbose)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setMemCacheForSpeed", mem_cache_for_speed)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setFlushIndicesToSaveRAM",
     if (!is.null(seed)) {
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setSeed", as.integer(seed))
     if (num_cores > 1) {
     warning("Setting the seed when using parallelization does not result in deterministic output.\nIf you need deterministic output, you must run \"set_bart_machine_num_cores(1)\" and then build the BART model with the set seed.")
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNormSamples", rnorm(num_rand_samps_in_library))
     n_plus_hyper_nu = nrow(model_matrix_training_data) + nu
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setGammaSamples", rchisq(num_rand_samps_in_library,
     if (length(cov_prior_vec) != 0) {
     offset = length(cov_prior_vec) - (ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     if (offset < 0) {
     warning(paste("covariate prior vector length =",
     length(cov_prior_vec), "has to be equal to p =",
     ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1, "(the vector was lengthened with 1's)"))
     cov_prior_vec = c(cov_prior_vec, rep(1, -offset))
     if (length(cov_prior_vec) != ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     1) {
     warning(paste("covariate prior vector length =",
     length(cov_prior_vec), "has to be equal to p =",
     ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1, "(the vector was shortened)"))
     cov_prior_vec = cov_prior_vec[1:(ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     if (sum(cov_prior_vec > 0) != ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     1) {
     stop("covariate prior vector has to have all its elements be positive",
     call. = FALSE)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setCovSplitPrior", .jarray(as.numeric(cov_prior_vec)))
     if (!is.null(interaction_constraints)) {
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "intializeInteractionConstraints",
     for (interaction_constraint_vector in interaction_constraints) {
     for (b in 1:length(interaction_constraint_vector)) {
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "addInteractionConstraint",
     for (i in 1:nrow(model_matrix_training_data)) {
     row_as_char = as.character(model_matrix_training_data[i,
     row_as_char = replace(row_as_char,,
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "addTrainingDataRow",
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "finalizeTrainingData")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine training data finalized...\n")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Now building bartMachine for", pred_type)
     if (pred_type == "classification") {
     cat(" where \"", y_levels[1], "\" is considered the target level",
     sep = "")
     if (length(cov_prior_vec) != 0) {
     cat("Covariate importance prior ON. ")
     if (use_missing_data) {
     cat("Missing data feature ON. ")
     if (use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars) {
     cat("Missingness used as covariates. ")
     if (impute_missingness_with_rf_impute) {
     cat("Missing values imputed via rfImpute. ")
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "Build")
     bart_machine = list(java_bart_machine = java_bart_machine,
     training_data_features = colnames(model_matrix_training_data)[1:ifelse(use_missing_data &&
     use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars, (p/2), p)], training_data_features_with_missing_features = colnames(model_matrix_training_data)[1:p],
     X = X, y = y, y_levels = y_levels, pred_type = pred_type,
     model_matrix_training_data = model_matrix_training_data,
     n = nrow(model_matrix_training_data), p = p, num_cores = num_cores,
     num_trees = num_trees, num_burn_in = num_burn_in, num_iterations_after_burn_in = num_iterations_after_burn_in,
     num_gibbs = num_gibbs, alpha = alpha, beta = beta, k = k,
     q = q, nu = nu, prob_rule_class = prob_rule_class, mh_prob_steps = mh_prob_steps,
     s_sq_y = s_sq_y, run_in_sample = run_in_sample, sig_sq_est = sig_sq_est,
     time_to_build = Sys.time() - t0, cov_prior_vec = cov_prior_vec,
     interaction_constraints = interaction_constraints, use_missing_data = use_missing_data,
     use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars = use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars,
     replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar = replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar,
     impute_missingness_with_rf_impute = impute_missingness_with_rf_impute,
     impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm = impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm,
     verbose = verbose, serialize = serialize, mem_cache_for_speed = mem_cache_for_speed,
     flush_indices_to_save_RAM = flush_indices_to_save_RAM,
     debug_log = debug_log, seed = seed, num_rand_samps_in_library = num_rand_samps_in_library)
     if (!null_cov_prior_vec) {
     bart_machine$cov_prior_vec = cov_prior_vec
     if (run_in_sample) {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("evaluating in sample data...")
     if (pred_type == "regression") {
     y_hat_posterior_samples = .jcall(bart_machine$java_bart_machine,
     "[[D", "getGibbsSamplesForPrediction", .jarray(model_matrix_training_data,
     dispatch = TRUE), as.integer(num_cores), simplify = TRUE)
     y_hat_train = rowMeans(y_hat_posterior_samples)
     bart_machine$y_hat_train = y_hat_train
     bart_machine$residuals = y_remaining - bart_machine$y_hat_train
     bart_machine$L1_err_train = sum(abs(bart_machine$residuals))
     bart_machine$L2_err_train = sum(bart_machine$residuals^2)
     bart_machine$PseudoRsq = 1 - bart_machine$L2_err_train/sum((y_remaining -
     bart_machine$rmse_train = sqrt(bart_machine$L2_err_train/bart_machine$n)
     else if (pred_type == "classification") {
     p_hat_posterior_samples = .jcall(bart_machine$java_bart_machine,
     "[[D", "getGibbsSamplesForPrediction", .jarray(model_matrix_training_data,
     dispatch = TRUE), as.integer(num_cores), simplify = TRUE)
     p_hat_train = rowMeans(p_hat_posterior_samples)
     y_hat_train = labels_to_y_levels(bart_machine, p_hat_train >
     bart_machine$p_hat_train = p_hat_train
     bart_machine$y_hat_train = y_hat_train
     confusion_matrix =, nrow = 3,
     ncol = 3))
     rownames(confusion_matrix) = c(paste("actual", y_levels),
     "use errors")
     colnames(confusion_matrix) = c(paste("predicted",
     y_levels), "model errors")
     confusion_matrix[1:2, 1:2] = as.integer(table(y,
     confusion_matrix[3, 1] = round(confusion_matrix[2,
     1]/(confusion_matrix[1, 1] + confusion_matrix[2,
     1]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[3, 2] = round(confusion_matrix[1,
     2]/(confusion_matrix[1, 2] + confusion_matrix[2,
     2]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[1, 3] = round(confusion_matrix[1,
     2]/(confusion_matrix[1, 1] + confusion_matrix[1,
     2]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[2, 3] = round(confusion_matrix[2,
     1]/(confusion_matrix[2, 1] + confusion_matrix[2,
     2]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[3, 3] = round((confusion_matrix[1,
     2] + confusion_matrix[2, 1])/sum(confusion_matrix[1:2,
     1:2]), 3)
     bart_machine$confusion_matrix = confusion_matrix
     bart_machine$misclassification_error = confusion_matrix[3,
     if (verbose) {
     if (serialize) {
     cat("serializing in order to be saved for future R sessions...")
     class(bart_machine) = "bartMachine"
     })(X = iris1[, -1], y = iris1[, 1], verbose = FALSE)`: object 'iris1' not found
     1. \-bartMachine::bartMachine(iris1[, -1], iris1[, 1], verbose = FALSE) at test-CVpredict.R:502:2
     2., as.list([-1])
     3. \-bartMachine (local) `<fn>`(X = iris1[, -1], y = iris1[, 1], verbose = FALSE)
     [ FAIL 2 | WARN 2 | SKIP 0 | PASS 205 ]
     Error: Test failures
     Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang

Version: 0.1.1
Check: tests
Result: ERROR
     Running ‘testthat.R’ [19s/25s]
    Running the tests in ‘tests/testthat.R’ failed.
    Complete output:
     > library(testthat)
     > library(condvis2)
     > test_check("condvis2")
     [ FAIL 2 | WARN 2 | SKIP 0 | PASS 205 ]
     ══ Failed tests ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
     ── Error (test-CVpredict.R:485:3): CVpredict bartMachine factor ────────────────
     Error in `(function (X = NULL, y = NULL, Xy = NULL, num_trees = 50, num_burn_in = 250,
     num_iterations_after_burn_in = 1000, alpha = 0.95, beta = 2,
     k = 2, q = 0.9, nu = 3, prob_rule_class = 0.5, mh_prob_steps = c(2.5,
     2.5, 4)/9, debug_log = FALSE, run_in_sample = TRUE, s_sq_y = "mse",
     sig_sq_est = NULL, cov_prior_vec = NULL, interaction_constraints = NULL,
     use_missing_data = FALSE, covariates_to_permute = NULL, num_rand_samps_in_library = 10000,
     use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars = FALSE, replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar = FALSE,
     impute_missingness_with_rf_impute = FALSE, impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm = TRUE,
     mem_cache_for_speed = TRUE, flush_indices_to_save_RAM = TRUE,
     serialize = FALSE, seed = NULL, verbose = TRUE)
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine initializing with", num_trees, "trees...\n")
     t0 = Sys.time()
     if (use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars && replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar) {
     stop("You cannot impute by averages and use missing data as dummies simultaneously.")
     if ((is.null(X) && is.null(Xy)) || is.null(y) && is.null(Xy)) {
     stop("You need to give bartMachine a training set either by specifying X and y or by specifying a matrix Xy which contains the response named \"y.\"\n")
     else if (!is.null(X) && !is.null(y) && !is.null(Xy)) {
     stop("You cannot specify both X,y and Xy simultaneously.")
     else if (is.null(X) && is.null(y)) {
     if (!inherits(Xy, "data.frame")) {
     stop(paste("The training data Xy must be a data frame."),
     call. = FALSE)
     y = Xy[, ncol(Xy)]
     for (cov in 1:(ncol(Xy) - 1)) {
     if (colnames(Xy)[cov] == "") {
     colnames(Xy)[cov] = paste("V", cov, sep = "")
     X =[, 1:(ncol(Xy) - 1)])
     colnames(X) = colnames(Xy)[1:(ncol(Xy) - 1)]
     if (!inherits(X, "data.frame")) {
     stop(paste("The training data X must be a data frame."),
     call. = FALSE)
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine vars checked...\n")
     y_levels = levels(y)
     if (inherits(y, "numeric") || inherits(y, "integer")) {
     if (inherits(y, "integer")) {
     y = as.numeric(y)
     java_bart_machine = .jnew("bartMachine.bartMachineRegressionMultThread")
     y_remaining = y
     pred_type = "regression"
     if (inherits(y, "integer")) {
     cat("Warning: The response y is integer, bartMachine will run regression.\n")
     else if (inherits(y, "factor") & length(y_levels) == 2) {
     java_bart_machine = .jnew("bartMachine.bartMachineClassificationMultThread")
     y_remaining = ifelse(y == y_levels[1], 1, 0)
     pred_type = "classification"
     else {
     stop("Your response must be either numeric, an integer or a factor with two levels.\n")
     num_gibbs = num_burn_in + num_iterations_after_burn_in
     if (ncol(X) == 0) {
     stop("Your data matrix must have at least one attribute.")
     if (nrow(X) == 0) {
     stop("Your data matrix must have at least one observation.")
     if (length(y) != nrow(X)) {
     stop("The number of responses must be equal to the number of observations in the training data.")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine java init...\n")
     if (is.null(colnames(X))) {
     colnames(X) = paste("V", seq(from = 1, to = ncol(X),
     by = 1), sep = "")
     if (any(mh_prob_steps < 0)) {
     stop("The grow, prune, change ratio parameter vector must all be greater than 0.")
     predictors_which_are_factors = names(which(sapply(X, is.factor)))
     for (predictor in predictors_which_are_factors) {
     X[, predictor] = factor(X[, predictor])
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine factors created...\n")
     if (sum( > 0) {
     stop("You cannot have any missing data in your response vector.")
     rf_imputations_for_missing = NULL
     if (impute_missingness_with_rf_impute) {
     if (nrow(na.omit(X)) == nrow(X)) {
     warning("No missing entries in the training data to impute.")
     rf_imputations_for_missing = X
     else {
     predictor_colnums_with_missingness = names(which(colSums( >
     rf_imputations_for_missing = rfImpute(X, y)
     rf_imputations_for_missing = rf_imputations_for_missing[,
     rf_imputations_for_missing = rf_imputations_for_missing[,
     colnames(rf_imputations_for_missing) = paste(colnames(rf_imputations_for_missing),
     "_imp", sep = "")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine after rf imputations...\n")
     if (!use_missing_data && !replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar) {
     rows_before = nrow(X)
     X = na.omit(X)
     rows_after = nrow(X)
     if (rows_before - rows_after > 0) {
     stop("You have ", rows_before - rows_after, " observations with missing data. \nYou must either omit your missing data using \"na.omit()\" or turn on the\n\"use_missing_data\" or \"replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar\" feature in order to use bartMachine.\n")
     else if (replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar) {
     X = imputeMatrixByXbarjContinuousOrModalForBinary(X,
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Imputed missing data using attribute averages.\n")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine before preprocess...\n")
     pre_process_obj = pre_process_training_data(X, use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars,
     model_matrix_training_data = cbind(pre_process_obj$data,
     p = ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1
     factor_lengths = pre_process_obj$factor_lengths
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine after preprocess...", p, "total features...\n")
     null_cov_prior_vec = is.null(cov_prior_vec)
     if (null_cov_prior_vec && length(factor_lengths) > 0) {
     cov_prior_vec = rep(1, p)
     j_factor_begin = p - sum(factor_lengths) + 1
     for (l in 1:length(factor_lengths)) {
     factor_length = factor_lengths[l]
     cov_prior_vec[j_factor_begin:(j_factor_begin + factor_length -
     1)] = 1/factor_length
     j_factor_begin = j_factor_begin + factor_length
     if (!is.null(interaction_constraints)) {
     if (!mem_cache_for_speed) {
     stop("In order to use interaction constraints, \"mem_cache_for_speed\" must be set to TRUE.")
     if (!inherits(interaction_constraints, "list")) {
     stop("specified parameter \"interaction_constraints\" must be a list")
     else if (length(interaction_constraints) == 0) {
     stop("interaction_constraints list cannot be empty")
     for (a in 1:length(interaction_constraints)) {
     vars_a = interaction_constraints[[a]]
     for (b in 1:length(vars_a)) {
     var = vars_a[b]
     if ((inherits(var, "numeric") | inherits(var,
     "integer")) & !(var %in% (1:p))) {
     stop(paste("Element", var, "in interaction_constraints vector number",
     a, "is numeric but not one of 1, ...,", p,
     "where", p, "is the number of columns in X."))
     if (inherits(var, "factor")) {
     var = as.character(var)
     if (inherits(var, "character") & !(var %in% colnames(X))) {
     stop(paste("Element", var, "in interaction_constraints vector number",
     a, "is a string but not one of the column names of X."))
     if (inherits(var, "integer") | inherits(var,
     "numeric")) {
     vars_a[b] = var - 1
     else if (inherits(var, "character")) {
     vars_a[b] = which(colnames(X) == var) - 1
     interaction_constraints[[a]] = as.integer(vars_a)
     if (!is.null(covariates_to_permute)) {
     for (cov in covariates_to_permute) {
     if (!(cov %in% colnames(model_matrix_training_data)) &&
     inherits(cov, "character")) {
     stop("Covariate \"", cov, "\" not found in design matrix.")
     permuted_order = sample(1:nrow(model_matrix_training_data),
     model_matrix_training_data[, covariates_to_permute] = model_matrix_training_data[permuted_order,
     if (debug_log & verbose) {
     cat("warning: printing out the log file will slow down the runtime significantly.\n")
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "writeStdOutToLogFile")
     if (ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1 >= nrow(model_matrix_training_data)) {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("warning: cannot use MSE of linear model for s_sq_y if p > n. bartMachine will use sample var(y) instead.\n")
     s_sq_y = "var"
     if (is.null(sig_sq_est)) {
     if (pred_type == "regression") {
     y_range = max(y) - min(y)
     y_trans = (y - min(y))/y_range - 0.5
     if (s_sq_y == "mse") {
     X_for_lm =[1:(ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     if (impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm) {
     X_for_lm = imputeMatrixByXbarjContinuousOrModalForBinary(X_for_lm,
     else if (nrow(na.omit(X_for_lm)) == 0) {
     stop("The data does not have enough full records to estimate a naive prediction error. Please rerun with \"impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm\" set to true.")
     mod = lm(y_trans ~ ., X_for_lm)
     mse = var(mod$residuals)
     sig_sq_est = as.numeric(mse)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setSampleVarY",
     else if (s_sq_y == "var") {
     sig_sq_est = as.numeric(var(y_trans))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setSampleVarY",
     else {
     stop("s_sq_y must be \"mse\" or \"var\"", call. = FALSE)
     sig_sq_est = sig_sq_est * y_range^2
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine sigsq estimated...\n")
     else {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine using previous sigsq estimated...\n")
     if (!exists("BART_NUM_CORES", envir = bartMachine_globals)) {
     assign("BART_NUM_CORES", BART_NUM_CORES_DEFAULT, bartMachine_globals)
     num_cores = get("BART_NUM_CORES", bartMachine_globals)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumCores", as.integer(num_cores))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumTrees", as.integer(num_trees))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumGibbsBurnIn", as.integer(num_burn_in))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumGibbsTotalIterations",
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setAlpha", alpha)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setBeta", beta)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setK", k)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setQ", q)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNU", nu)
     mh_prob_steps = mh_prob_steps/sum(mh_prob_steps)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setProbGrow", mh_prob_steps[1])
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setProbPrune", mh_prob_steps[2])
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setVerbose", verbose)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setMemCacheForSpeed", mem_cache_for_speed)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setFlushIndicesToSaveRAM",
     if (!is.null(seed)) {
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setSeed", as.integer(seed))
     if (num_cores > 1) {
     warning("Setting the seed when using parallelization does not result in deterministic output.\nIf you need deterministic output, you must run \"set_bart_machine_num_cores(1)\" and then build the BART model with the set seed.")
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNormSamples", rnorm(num_rand_samps_in_library))
     n_plus_hyper_nu = nrow(model_matrix_training_data) + nu
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setGammaSamples", rchisq(num_rand_samps_in_library,
     if (length(cov_prior_vec) != 0) {
     offset = length(cov_prior_vec) - (ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     if (offset < 0) {
     warning(paste("covariate prior vector length =",
     length(cov_prior_vec), "has to be equal to p =",
     ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1, "(the vector was lengthened with 1's)"))
     cov_prior_vec = c(cov_prior_vec, rep(1, -offset))
     if (length(cov_prior_vec) != ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     1) {
     warning(paste("covariate prior vector length =",
     length(cov_prior_vec), "has to be equal to p =",
     ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1, "(the vector was shortened)"))
     cov_prior_vec = cov_prior_vec[1:(ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     if (sum(cov_prior_vec > 0) != ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     1) {
     stop("covariate prior vector has to have all its elements be positive",
     call. = FALSE)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setCovSplitPrior", .jarray(as.numeric(cov_prior_vec)))
     if (!is.null(interaction_constraints)) {
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "intializeInteractionConstraints",
     for (interaction_constraint_vector in interaction_constraints) {
     for (b in 1:length(interaction_constraint_vector)) {
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "addInteractionConstraint",
     for (i in 1:nrow(model_matrix_training_data)) {
     row_as_char = as.character(model_matrix_training_data[i,
     row_as_char = replace(row_as_char,,
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "addTrainingDataRow",
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "finalizeTrainingData")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine training data finalized...\n")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Now building bartMachine for", pred_type)
     if (pred_type == "classification") {
     cat(" where \"", y_levels[1], "\" is considered the target level",
     sep = "")
     if (length(cov_prior_vec) != 0) {
     cat("Covariate importance prior ON. ")
     if (use_missing_data) {
     cat("Missing data feature ON. ")
     if (use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars) {
     cat("Missingness used as covariates. ")
     if (impute_missingness_with_rf_impute) {
     cat("Missing values imputed via rfImpute. ")
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "Build")
     bart_machine = list(java_bart_machine = java_bart_machine,
     training_data_features = colnames(model_matrix_training_data)[1:ifelse(use_missing_data &&
     use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars, (p/2), p)], training_data_features_with_missing_features = colnames(model_matrix_training_data)[1:p],
     X = X, y = y, y_levels = y_levels, pred_type = pred_type,
     model_matrix_training_data = model_matrix_training_data,
     n = nrow(model_matrix_training_data), p = p, num_cores = num_cores,
     num_trees = num_trees, num_burn_in = num_burn_in, num_iterations_after_burn_in = num_iterations_after_burn_in,
     num_gibbs = num_gibbs, alpha = alpha, beta = beta, k = k,
     q = q, nu = nu, prob_rule_class = prob_rule_class, mh_prob_steps = mh_prob_steps,
     s_sq_y = s_sq_y, run_in_sample = run_in_sample, sig_sq_est = sig_sq_est,
     time_to_build = Sys.time() - t0, cov_prior_vec = cov_prior_vec,
     interaction_constraints = interaction_constraints, use_missing_data = use_missing_data,
     use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars = use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars,
     replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar = replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar,
     impute_missingness_with_rf_impute = impute_missingness_with_rf_impute,
     impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm = impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm,
     verbose = verbose, serialize = serialize, mem_cache_for_speed = mem_cache_for_speed,
     flush_indices_to_save_RAM = flush_indices_to_save_RAM,
     debug_log = debug_log, seed = seed, num_rand_samps_in_library = num_rand_samps_in_library)
     if (!null_cov_prior_vec) {
     bart_machine$cov_prior_vec = cov_prior_vec
     if (run_in_sample) {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("evaluating in sample data...")
     if (pred_type == "regression") {
     y_hat_posterior_samples = .jcall(bart_machine$java_bart_machine,
     "[[D", "getGibbsSamplesForPrediction", .jarray(model_matrix_training_data,
     dispatch = TRUE), as.integer(num_cores), simplify = TRUE)
     y_hat_train = rowMeans(y_hat_posterior_samples)
     bart_machine$y_hat_train = y_hat_train
     bart_machine$residuals = y_remaining - bart_machine$y_hat_train
     bart_machine$L1_err_train = sum(abs(bart_machine$residuals))
     bart_machine$L2_err_train = sum(bart_machine$residuals^2)
     bart_machine$PseudoRsq = 1 - bart_machine$L2_err_train/sum((y_remaining -
     bart_machine$rmse_train = sqrt(bart_machine$L2_err_train/bart_machine$n)
     else if (pred_type == "classification") {
     p_hat_posterior_samples = .jcall(bart_machine$java_bart_machine,
     "[[D", "getGibbsSamplesForPrediction", .jarray(model_matrix_training_data,
     dispatch = TRUE), as.integer(num_cores), simplify = TRUE)
     p_hat_train = rowMeans(p_hat_posterior_samples)
     y_hat_train = labels_to_y_levels(bart_machine, p_hat_train >
     bart_machine$p_hat_train = p_hat_train
     bart_machine$y_hat_train = y_hat_train
     confusion_matrix =, nrow = 3,
     ncol = 3))
     rownames(confusion_matrix) = c(paste("actual", y_levels),
     "use errors")
     colnames(confusion_matrix) = c(paste("predicted",
     y_levels), "model errors")
     confusion_matrix[1:2, 1:2] = as.integer(table(y,
     confusion_matrix[3, 1] = round(confusion_matrix[2,
     1]/(confusion_matrix[1, 1] + confusion_matrix[2,
     1]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[3, 2] = round(confusion_matrix[1,
     2]/(confusion_matrix[1, 2] + confusion_matrix[2,
     2]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[1, 3] = round(confusion_matrix[1,
     2]/(confusion_matrix[1, 1] + confusion_matrix[1,
     2]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[2, 3] = round(confusion_matrix[2,
     1]/(confusion_matrix[2, 1] + confusion_matrix[2,
     2]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[3, 3] = round((confusion_matrix[1,
     2] + confusion_matrix[2, 1])/sum(confusion_matrix[1:2,
     1:2]), 3)
     bart_machine$confusion_matrix = confusion_matrix
     bart_machine$misclassification_error = confusion_matrix[3,
     if (verbose) {
     if (serialize) {
     cat("serializing in order to be saved for future R sessions...")
     class(bart_machine) = "bartMachine"
     })(X = iris1[, -5], y = iris1[, 5], verbose = FALSE)`: object 'iris1' not found
     1. └─bartMachine::bartMachine(iris1[, -5], iris1[, 5], verbose = FALSE) at test-CVpredict.R:485:2
     2. ├─, as.list([-1])
     3. └─bartMachine (local) `<fn>`(X = iris1[, -5], y = iris1[, 5], verbose = FALSE)
     ── Error (test-CVpredict.R:502:3): CVpredict bartMachine numeric ───────────────
     Error in `(function (X = NULL, y = NULL, Xy = NULL, num_trees = 50, num_burn_in = 250,
     num_iterations_after_burn_in = 1000, alpha = 0.95, beta = 2,
     k = 2, q = 0.9, nu = 3, prob_rule_class = 0.5, mh_prob_steps = c(2.5,
     2.5, 4)/9, debug_log = FALSE, run_in_sample = TRUE, s_sq_y = "mse",
     sig_sq_est = NULL, cov_prior_vec = NULL, interaction_constraints = NULL,
     use_missing_data = FALSE, covariates_to_permute = NULL, num_rand_samps_in_library = 10000,
     use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars = FALSE, replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar = FALSE,
     impute_missingness_with_rf_impute = FALSE, impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm = TRUE,
     mem_cache_for_speed = TRUE, flush_indices_to_save_RAM = TRUE,
     serialize = FALSE, seed = NULL, verbose = TRUE)
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine initializing with", num_trees, "trees...\n")
     t0 = Sys.time()
     if (use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars && replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar) {
     stop("You cannot impute by averages and use missing data as dummies simultaneously.")
     if ((is.null(X) && is.null(Xy)) || is.null(y) && is.null(Xy)) {
     stop("You need to give bartMachine a training set either by specifying X and y or by specifying a matrix Xy which contains the response named \"y.\"\n")
     else if (!is.null(X) && !is.null(y) && !is.null(Xy)) {
     stop("You cannot specify both X,y and Xy simultaneously.")
     else if (is.null(X) && is.null(y)) {
     if (!inherits(Xy, "data.frame")) {
     stop(paste("The training data Xy must be a data frame."),
     call. = FALSE)
     y = Xy[, ncol(Xy)]
     for (cov in 1:(ncol(Xy) - 1)) {
     if (colnames(Xy)[cov] == "") {
     colnames(Xy)[cov] = paste("V", cov, sep = "")
     X =[, 1:(ncol(Xy) - 1)])
     colnames(X) = colnames(Xy)[1:(ncol(Xy) - 1)]
     if (!inherits(X, "data.frame")) {
     stop(paste("The training data X must be a data frame."),
     call. = FALSE)
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine vars checked...\n")
     y_levels = levels(y)
     if (inherits(y, "numeric") || inherits(y, "integer")) {
     if (inherits(y, "integer")) {
     y = as.numeric(y)
     java_bart_machine = .jnew("bartMachine.bartMachineRegressionMultThread")
     y_remaining = y
     pred_type = "regression"
     if (inherits(y, "integer")) {
     cat("Warning: The response y is integer, bartMachine will run regression.\n")
     else if (inherits(y, "factor") & length(y_levels) == 2) {
     java_bart_machine = .jnew("bartMachine.bartMachineClassificationMultThread")
     y_remaining = ifelse(y == y_levels[1], 1, 0)
     pred_type = "classification"
     else {
     stop("Your response must be either numeric, an integer or a factor with two levels.\n")
     num_gibbs = num_burn_in + num_iterations_after_burn_in
     if (ncol(X) == 0) {
     stop("Your data matrix must have at least one attribute.")
     if (nrow(X) == 0) {
     stop("Your data matrix must have at least one observation.")
     if (length(y) != nrow(X)) {
     stop("The number of responses must be equal to the number of observations in the training data.")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine java init...\n")
     if (is.null(colnames(X))) {
     colnames(X) = paste("V", seq(from = 1, to = ncol(X),
     by = 1), sep = "")
     if (any(mh_prob_steps < 0)) {
     stop("The grow, prune, change ratio parameter vector must all be greater than 0.")
     predictors_which_are_factors = names(which(sapply(X, is.factor)))
     for (predictor in predictors_which_are_factors) {
     X[, predictor] = factor(X[, predictor])
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine factors created...\n")
     if (sum( > 0) {
     stop("You cannot have any missing data in your response vector.")
     rf_imputations_for_missing = NULL
     if (impute_missingness_with_rf_impute) {
     if (nrow(na.omit(X)) == nrow(X)) {
     warning("No missing entries in the training data to impute.")
     rf_imputations_for_missing = X
     else {
     predictor_colnums_with_missingness = names(which(colSums( >
     rf_imputations_for_missing = rfImpute(X, y)
     rf_imputations_for_missing = rf_imputations_for_missing[,
     rf_imputations_for_missing = rf_imputations_for_missing[,
     colnames(rf_imputations_for_missing) = paste(colnames(rf_imputations_for_missing),
     "_imp", sep = "")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine after rf imputations...\n")
     if (!use_missing_data && !replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar) {
     rows_before = nrow(X)
     X = na.omit(X)
     rows_after = nrow(X)
     if (rows_before - rows_after > 0) {
     stop("You have ", rows_before - rows_after, " observations with missing data. \nYou must either omit your missing data using \"na.omit()\" or turn on the\n\"use_missing_data\" or \"replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar\" feature in order to use bartMachine.\n")
     else if (replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar) {
     X = imputeMatrixByXbarjContinuousOrModalForBinary(X,
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Imputed missing data using attribute averages.\n")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine before preprocess...\n")
     pre_process_obj = pre_process_training_data(X, use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars,
     model_matrix_training_data = cbind(pre_process_obj$data,
     p = ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1
     factor_lengths = pre_process_obj$factor_lengths
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine after preprocess...", p, "total features...\n")
     null_cov_prior_vec = is.null(cov_prior_vec)
     if (null_cov_prior_vec && length(factor_lengths) > 0) {
     cov_prior_vec = rep(1, p)
     j_factor_begin = p - sum(factor_lengths) + 1
     for (l in 1:length(factor_lengths)) {
     factor_length = factor_lengths[l]
     cov_prior_vec[j_factor_begin:(j_factor_begin + factor_length -
     1)] = 1/factor_length
     j_factor_begin = j_factor_begin + factor_length
     if (!is.null(interaction_constraints)) {
     if (!mem_cache_for_speed) {
     stop("In order to use interaction constraints, \"mem_cache_for_speed\" must be set to TRUE.")
     if (!inherits(interaction_constraints, "list")) {
     stop("specified parameter \"interaction_constraints\" must be a list")
     else if (length(interaction_constraints) == 0) {
     stop("interaction_constraints list cannot be empty")
     for (a in 1:length(interaction_constraints)) {
     vars_a = interaction_constraints[[a]]
     for (b in 1:length(vars_a)) {
     var = vars_a[b]
     if ((inherits(var, "numeric") | inherits(var,
     "integer")) & !(var %in% (1:p))) {
     stop(paste("Element", var, "in interaction_constraints vector number",
     a, "is numeric but not one of 1, ...,", p,
     "where", p, "is the number of columns in X."))
     if (inherits(var, "factor")) {
     var = as.character(var)
     if (inherits(var, "character") & !(var %in% colnames(X))) {
     stop(paste("Element", var, "in interaction_constraints vector number",
     a, "is a string but not one of the column names of X."))
     if (inherits(var, "integer") | inherits(var,
     "numeric")) {
     vars_a[b] = var - 1
     else if (inherits(var, "character")) {
     vars_a[b] = which(colnames(X) == var) - 1
     interaction_constraints[[a]] = as.integer(vars_a)
     if (!is.null(covariates_to_permute)) {
     for (cov in covariates_to_permute) {
     if (!(cov %in% colnames(model_matrix_training_data)) &&
     inherits(cov, "character")) {
     stop("Covariate \"", cov, "\" not found in design matrix.")
     permuted_order = sample(1:nrow(model_matrix_training_data),
     model_matrix_training_data[, covariates_to_permute] = model_matrix_training_data[permuted_order,
     if (debug_log & verbose) {
     cat("warning: printing out the log file will slow down the runtime significantly.\n")
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "writeStdOutToLogFile")
     if (ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1 >= nrow(model_matrix_training_data)) {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("warning: cannot use MSE of linear model for s_sq_y if p > n. bartMachine will use sample var(y) instead.\n")
     s_sq_y = "var"
     if (is.null(sig_sq_est)) {
     if (pred_type == "regression") {
     y_range = max(y) - min(y)
     y_trans = (y - min(y))/y_range - 0.5
     if (s_sq_y == "mse") {
     X_for_lm =[1:(ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     if (impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm) {
     X_for_lm = imputeMatrixByXbarjContinuousOrModalForBinary(X_for_lm,
     else if (nrow(na.omit(X_for_lm)) == 0) {
     stop("The data does not have enough full records to estimate a naive prediction error. Please rerun with \"impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm\" set to true.")
     mod = lm(y_trans ~ ., X_for_lm)
     mse = var(mod$residuals)
     sig_sq_est = as.numeric(mse)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setSampleVarY",
     else if (s_sq_y == "var") {
     sig_sq_est = as.numeric(var(y_trans))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setSampleVarY",
     else {
     stop("s_sq_y must be \"mse\" or \"var\"", call. = FALSE)
     sig_sq_est = sig_sq_est * y_range^2
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine sigsq estimated...\n")
     else {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine using previous sigsq estimated...\n")
     if (!exists("BART_NUM_CORES", envir = bartMachine_globals)) {
     assign("BART_NUM_CORES", BART_NUM_CORES_DEFAULT, bartMachine_globals)
     num_cores = get("BART_NUM_CORES", bartMachine_globals)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumCores", as.integer(num_cores))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumTrees", as.integer(num_trees))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumGibbsBurnIn", as.integer(num_burn_in))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumGibbsTotalIterations",
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setAlpha", alpha)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setBeta", beta)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setK", k)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setQ", q)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNU", nu)
     mh_prob_steps = mh_prob_steps/sum(mh_prob_steps)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setProbGrow", mh_prob_steps[1])
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setProbPrune", mh_prob_steps[2])
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setVerbose", verbose)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setMemCacheForSpeed", mem_cache_for_speed)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setFlushIndicesToSaveRAM",
     if (!is.null(seed)) {
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setSeed", as.integer(seed))
     if (num_cores > 1) {
     warning("Setting the seed when using parallelization does not result in deterministic output.\nIf you need deterministic output, you must run \"set_bart_machine_num_cores(1)\" and then build the BART model with the set seed.")
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNormSamples", rnorm(num_rand_samps_in_library))
     n_plus_hyper_nu = nrow(model_matrix_training_data) + nu
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setGammaSamples", rchisq(num_rand_samps_in_library,
     if (length(cov_prior_vec) != 0) {
     offset = length(cov_prior_vec) - (ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     if (offset < 0) {
     warning(paste("covariate prior vector length =",
     length(cov_prior_vec), "has to be equal to p =",
     ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1, "(the vector was lengthened with 1's)"))
     cov_prior_vec = c(cov_prior_vec, rep(1, -offset))
     if (length(cov_prior_vec) != ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     1) {
     warning(paste("covariate prior vector length =",
     length(cov_prior_vec), "has to be equal to p =",
     ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1, "(the vector was shortened)"))
     cov_prior_vec = cov_prior_vec[1:(ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     if (sum(cov_prior_vec > 0) != ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     1) {
     stop("covariate prior vector has to have all its elements be positive",
     call. = FALSE)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setCovSplitPrior", .jarray(as.numeric(cov_prior_vec)))
     if (!is.null(interaction_constraints)) {
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "intializeInteractionConstraints",
     for (interaction_constraint_vector in interaction_constraints) {
     for (b in 1:length(interaction_constraint_vector)) {
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "addInteractionConstraint",
     for (i in 1:nrow(model_matrix_training_data)) {
     row_as_char = as.character(model_matrix_training_data[i,
     row_as_char = replace(row_as_char,,
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "addTrainingDataRow",
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "finalizeTrainingData")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine training data finalized...\n")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Now building bartMachine for", pred_type)
     if (pred_type == "classification") {
     cat(" where \"", y_levels[1], "\" is considered the target level",
     sep = "")
     if (length(cov_prior_vec) != 0) {
     cat("Covariate importance prior ON. ")
     if (use_missing_data) {
     cat("Missing data feature ON. ")
     if (use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars) {
     cat("Missingness used as covariates. ")
     if (impute_missingness_with_rf_impute) {
     cat("Missing values imputed via rfImpute. ")
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "Build")
     bart_machine = list(java_bart_machine = java_bart_machine,
     training_data_features = colnames(model_matrix_training_data)[1:ifelse(use_missing_data &&
     use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars, (p/2), p)], training_data_features_with_missing_features = colnames(model_matrix_training_data)[1:p],
     X = X, y = y, y_levels = y_levels, pred_type = pred_type,
     model_matrix_training_data = model_matrix_training_data,
     n = nrow(model_matrix_training_data), p = p, num_cores = num_cores,
     num_trees = num_trees, num_burn_in = num_burn_in, num_iterations_after_burn_in = num_iterations_after_burn_in,
     num_gibbs = num_gibbs, alpha = alpha, beta = beta, k = k,
     q = q, nu = nu, prob_rule_class = prob_rule_class, mh_prob_steps = mh_prob_steps,
     s_sq_y = s_sq_y, run_in_sample = run_in_sample, sig_sq_est = sig_sq_est,
     time_to_build = Sys.time() - t0, cov_prior_vec = cov_prior_vec,
     interaction_constraints = interaction_constraints, use_missing_data = use_missing_data,
     use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars = use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars,
     replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar = replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar,
     impute_missingness_with_rf_impute = impute_missingness_with_rf_impute,
     impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm = impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm,
     verbose = verbose, serialize = serialize, mem_cache_for_speed = mem_cache_for_speed,
     flush_indices_to_save_RAM = flush_indices_to_save_RAM,
     debug_log = debug_log, seed = seed, num_rand_samps_in_library = num_rand_samps_in_library)
     if (!null_cov_prior_vec) {
     bart_machine$cov_prior_vec = cov_prior_vec
     if (run_in_sample) {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("evaluating in sample data...")
     if (pred_type == "regression") {
     y_hat_posterior_samples = .jcall(bart_machine$java_bart_machine,
     "[[D", "getGibbsSamplesForPrediction", .jarray(model_matrix_training_data,
     dispatch = TRUE), as.integer(num_cores), simplify = TRUE)
     y_hat_train = rowMeans(y_hat_posterior_samples)
     bart_machine$y_hat_train = y_hat_train
     bart_machine$residuals = y_remaining - bart_machine$y_hat_train
     bart_machine$L1_err_train = sum(abs(bart_machine$residuals))
     bart_machine$L2_err_train = sum(bart_machine$residuals^2)
     bart_machine$PseudoRsq = 1 - bart_machine$L2_err_train/sum((y_remaining -
     bart_machine$rmse_train = sqrt(bart_machine$L2_err_train/bart_machine$n)
     else if (pred_type == "classification") {
     p_hat_posterior_samples = .jcall(bart_machine$java_bart_machine,
     "[[D", "getGibbsSamplesForPrediction", .jarray(model_matrix_training_data,
     dispatch = TRUE), as.integer(num_cores), simplify = TRUE)
     p_hat_train = rowMeans(p_hat_posterior_samples)
     y_hat_train = labels_to_y_levels(bart_machine, p_hat_train >
     bart_machine$p_hat_train = p_hat_train
     bart_machine$y_hat_train = y_hat_train
     confusion_matrix =, nrow = 3,
     ncol = 3))
     rownames(confusion_matrix) = c(paste("actual", y_levels),
     "use errors")
     colnames(confusion_matrix) = c(paste("predicted",
     y_levels), "model errors")
     confusion_matrix[1:2, 1:2] = as.integer(table(y,
     confusion_matrix[3, 1] = round(confusion_matrix[2,
     1]/(confusion_matrix[1, 1] + confusion_matrix[2,
     1]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[3, 2] = round(confusion_matrix[1,
     2]/(confusion_matrix[1, 2] + confusion_matrix[2,
     2]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[1, 3] = round(confusion_matrix[1,
     2]/(confusion_matrix[1, 1] + confusion_matrix[1,
     2]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[2, 3] = round(confusion_matrix[2,
     1]/(confusion_matrix[2, 1] + confusion_matrix[2,
     2]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[3, 3] = round((confusion_matrix[1,
     2] + confusion_matrix[2, 1])/sum(confusion_matrix[1:2,
     1:2]), 3)
     bart_machine$confusion_matrix = confusion_matrix
     bart_machine$misclassification_error = confusion_matrix[3,
     if (verbose) {
     if (serialize) {
     cat("serializing in order to be saved for future R sessions...")
     class(bart_machine) = "bartMachine"
     })(X = iris1[, -1], y = iris1[, 1], verbose = FALSE)`: object 'iris1' not found
     1. └─bartMachine::bartMachine(iris1[, -1], iris1[, 1], verbose = FALSE) at test-CVpredict.R:502:2
     2. ├─, as.list([-1])
     3. └─bartMachine (local) `<fn>`(X = iris1[, -1], y = iris1[, 1], verbose = FALSE)
     [ FAIL 2 | WARN 2 | SKIP 0 | PASS 205 ]
     Error: Test failures
     Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc

Version: 0.1.1
Check: tests
Result: ERROR
     Running ‘testthat.R’ [31s/74s]
    Running the tests in ‘tests/testthat.R’ failed.
    Complete output:
     > library(testthat)
     > library(condvis2)
     > test_check("condvis2")
     [ FAIL 2 | WARN 2 | SKIP 0 | PASS 205 ]
     ══ Failed tests ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
     ── Error (test-CVpredict.R:485:3): CVpredict bartMachine factor ────────────────
     Error in `(function (X = NULL, y = NULL, Xy = NULL, num_trees = 50, num_burn_in = 250,
     num_iterations_after_burn_in = 1000, alpha = 0.95, beta = 2,
     k = 2, q = 0.9, nu = 3, prob_rule_class = 0.5, mh_prob_steps = c(2.5,
     2.5, 4)/9, debug_log = FALSE, run_in_sample = TRUE, s_sq_y = "mse",
     sig_sq_est = NULL, cov_prior_vec = NULL, interaction_constraints = NULL,
     use_missing_data = FALSE, covariates_to_permute = NULL, num_rand_samps_in_library = 10000,
     use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars = FALSE, replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar = FALSE,
     impute_missingness_with_rf_impute = FALSE, impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm = TRUE,
     mem_cache_for_speed = TRUE, flush_indices_to_save_RAM = TRUE,
     serialize = FALSE, seed = NULL, verbose = TRUE)
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine initializing with", num_trees, "trees...\n")
     t0 = Sys.time()
     if (use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars && replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar) {
     stop("You cannot impute by averages and use missing data as dummies simultaneously.")
     if ((is.null(X) && is.null(Xy)) || is.null(y) && is.null(Xy)) {
     stop("You need to give bartMachine a training set either by specifying X and y or by specifying a matrix Xy which contains the response named \"y.\"\n")
     else if (!is.null(X) && !is.null(y) && !is.null(Xy)) {
     stop("You cannot specify both X,y and Xy simultaneously.")
     else if (is.null(X) && is.null(y)) {
     if (!inherits(Xy, "data.frame")) {
     stop(paste("The training data Xy must be a data frame."),
     call. = FALSE)
     y = Xy[, ncol(Xy)]
     for (cov in 1:(ncol(Xy) - 1)) {
     if (colnames(Xy)[cov] == "") {
     colnames(Xy)[cov] = paste("V", cov, sep = "")
     X =[, 1:(ncol(Xy) - 1)])
     colnames(X) = colnames(Xy)[1:(ncol(Xy) - 1)]
     if (!inherits(X, "data.frame")) {
     stop(paste("The training data X must be a data frame."),
     call. = FALSE)
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine vars checked...\n")
     y_levels = levels(y)
     if (inherits(y, "numeric") || inherits(y, "integer")) {
     if (inherits(y, "integer")) {
     y = as.numeric(y)
     java_bart_machine = .jnew("bartMachine.bartMachineRegressionMultThread")
     y_remaining = y
     pred_type = "regression"
     if (inherits(y, "integer")) {
     cat("Warning: The response y is integer, bartMachine will run regression.\n")
     else if (inherits(y, "factor") & length(y_levels) == 2) {
     java_bart_machine = .jnew("bartMachine.bartMachineClassificationMultThread")
     y_remaining = ifelse(y == y_levels[1], 1, 0)
     pred_type = "classification"
     else {
     stop("Your response must be either numeric, an integer or a factor with two levels.\n")
     num_gibbs = num_burn_in + num_iterations_after_burn_in
     if (ncol(X) == 0) {
     stop("Your data matrix must have at least one attribute.")
     if (nrow(X) == 0) {
     stop("Your data matrix must have at least one observation.")
     if (length(y) != nrow(X)) {
     stop("The number of responses must be equal to the number of observations in the training data.")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine java init...\n")
     if (is.null(colnames(X))) {
     colnames(X) = paste("V", seq(from = 1, to = ncol(X),
     by = 1), sep = "")
     if (any(mh_prob_steps < 0)) {
     stop("The grow, prune, change ratio parameter vector must all be greater than 0.")
     predictors_which_are_factors = names(which(sapply(X, is.factor)))
     for (predictor in predictors_which_are_factors) {
     X[, predictor] = factor(X[, predictor])
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine factors created...\n")
     if (sum( > 0) {
     stop("You cannot have any missing data in your response vector.")
     rf_imputations_for_missing = NULL
     if (impute_missingness_with_rf_impute) {
     if (nrow(na.omit(X)) == nrow(X)) {
     warning("No missing entries in the training data to impute.")
     rf_imputations_for_missing = X
     else {
     predictor_colnums_with_missingness = names(which(colSums( >
     rf_imputations_for_missing = rfImpute(X, y)
     rf_imputations_for_missing = rf_imputations_for_missing[,
     rf_imputations_for_missing = rf_imputations_for_missing[,
     colnames(rf_imputations_for_missing) = paste(colnames(rf_imputations_for_missing),
     "_imp", sep = "")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine after rf imputations...\n")
     if (!use_missing_data && !replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar) {
     rows_before = nrow(X)
     X = na.omit(X)
     rows_after = nrow(X)
     if (rows_before - rows_after > 0) {
     stop("You have ", rows_before - rows_after, " observations with missing data. \nYou must either omit your missing data using \"na.omit()\" or turn on the\n\"use_missing_data\" or \"replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar\" feature in order to use bartMachine.\n")
     else if (replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar) {
     X = imputeMatrixByXbarjContinuousOrModalForBinary(X,
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Imputed missing data using attribute averages.\n")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine before preprocess...\n")
     pre_process_obj = pre_process_training_data(X, use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars,
     model_matrix_training_data = cbind(pre_process_obj$data,
     p = ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1
     factor_lengths = pre_process_obj$factor_lengths
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine after preprocess...", p, "total features...\n")
     null_cov_prior_vec = is.null(cov_prior_vec)
     if (null_cov_prior_vec && length(factor_lengths) > 0) {
     cov_prior_vec = rep(1, p)
     j_factor_begin = p - sum(factor_lengths) + 1
     for (l in 1:length(factor_lengths)) {
     factor_length = factor_lengths[l]
     cov_prior_vec[j_factor_begin:(j_factor_begin + factor_length -
     1)] = 1/factor_length
     j_factor_begin = j_factor_begin + factor_length
     if (!is.null(interaction_constraints)) {
     if (!mem_cache_for_speed) {
     stop("In order to use interaction constraints, \"mem_cache_for_speed\" must be set to TRUE.")
     if (!inherits(interaction_constraints, "list")) {
     stop("specified parameter \"interaction_constraints\" must be a list")
     else if (length(interaction_constraints) == 0) {
     stop("interaction_constraints list cannot be empty")
     for (a in 1:length(interaction_constraints)) {
     vars_a = interaction_constraints[[a]]
     for (b in 1:length(vars_a)) {
     var = vars_a[b]
     if ((inherits(var, "numeric") | inherits(var,
     "integer")) & !(var %in% (1:p))) {
     stop(paste("Element", var, "in interaction_constraints vector number",
     a, "is numeric but not one of 1, ...,", p,
     "where", p, "is the number of columns in X."))
     if (inherits(var, "factor")) {
     var = as.character(var)
     if (inherits(var, "character") & !(var %in% colnames(X))) {
     stop(paste("Element", var, "in interaction_constraints vector number",
     a, "is a string but not one of the column names of X."))
     if (inherits(var, "integer") | inherits(var,
     "numeric")) {
     vars_a[b] = var - 1
     else if (inherits(var, "character")) {
     vars_a[b] = which(colnames(X) == var) - 1
     interaction_constraints[[a]] = as.integer(vars_a)
     if (!is.null(covariates_to_permute)) {
     for (cov in covariates_to_permute) {
     if (!(cov %in% colnames(model_matrix_training_data)) &&
     inherits(cov, "character")) {
     stop("Covariate \"", cov, "\" not found in design matrix.")
     permuted_order = sample(1:nrow(model_matrix_training_data),
     model_matrix_training_data[, covariates_to_permute] = model_matrix_training_data[permuted_order,
     if (debug_log & verbose) {
     cat("warning: printing out the log file will slow down the runtime significantly.\n")
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "writeStdOutToLogFile")
     if (ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1 >= nrow(model_matrix_training_data)) {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("warning: cannot use MSE of linear model for s_sq_y if p > n. bartMachine will use sample var(y) instead.\n")
     s_sq_y = "var"
     if (is.null(sig_sq_est)) {
     if (pred_type == "regression") {
     y_range = max(y) - min(y)
     y_trans = (y - min(y))/y_range - 0.5
     if (s_sq_y == "mse") {
     X_for_lm =[1:(ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     if (impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm) {
     X_for_lm = imputeMatrixByXbarjContinuousOrModalForBinary(X_for_lm,
     else if (nrow(na.omit(X_for_lm)) == 0) {
     stop("The data does not have enough full records to estimate a naive prediction error. Please rerun with \"impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm\" set to true.")
     mod = lm(y_trans ~ ., X_for_lm)
     mse = var(mod$residuals)
     sig_sq_est = as.numeric(mse)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setSampleVarY",
     else if (s_sq_y == "var") {
     sig_sq_est = as.numeric(var(y_trans))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setSampleVarY",
     else {
     stop("s_sq_y must be \"mse\" or \"var\"", call. = FALSE)
     sig_sq_est = sig_sq_est * y_range^2
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine sigsq estimated...\n")
     else {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine using previous sigsq estimated...\n")
     if (!exists("BART_NUM_CORES", envir = bartMachine_globals)) {
     assign("BART_NUM_CORES", BART_NUM_CORES_DEFAULT, bartMachine_globals)
     num_cores = get("BART_NUM_CORES", bartMachine_globals)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumCores", as.integer(num_cores))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumTrees", as.integer(num_trees))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumGibbsBurnIn", as.integer(num_burn_in))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumGibbsTotalIterations",
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setAlpha", alpha)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setBeta", beta)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setK", k)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setQ", q)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNU", nu)
     mh_prob_steps = mh_prob_steps/sum(mh_prob_steps)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setProbGrow", mh_prob_steps[1])
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setProbPrune", mh_prob_steps[2])
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setVerbose", verbose)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setMemCacheForSpeed", mem_cache_for_speed)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setFlushIndicesToSaveRAM",
     if (!is.null(seed)) {
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setSeed", as.integer(seed))
     if (num_cores > 1) {
     warning("Setting the seed when using parallelization does not result in deterministic output.\nIf you need deterministic output, you must run \"set_bart_machine_num_cores(1)\" and then build the BART model with the set seed.")
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNormSamples", rnorm(num_rand_samps_in_library))
     n_plus_hyper_nu = nrow(model_matrix_training_data) + nu
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setGammaSamples", rchisq(num_rand_samps_in_library,
     if (length(cov_prior_vec) != 0) {
     offset = length(cov_prior_vec) - (ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     if (offset < 0) {
     warning(paste("covariate prior vector length =",
     length(cov_prior_vec), "has to be equal to p =",
     ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1, "(the vector was lengthened with 1's)"))
     cov_prior_vec = c(cov_prior_vec, rep(1, -offset))
     if (length(cov_prior_vec) != ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     1) {
     warning(paste("covariate prior vector length =",
     length(cov_prior_vec), "has to be equal to p =",
     ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1, "(the vector was shortened)"))
     cov_prior_vec = cov_prior_vec[1:(ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     if (sum(cov_prior_vec > 0) != ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     1) {
     stop("covariate prior vector has to have all its elements be positive",
     call. = FALSE)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setCovSplitPrior", .jarray(as.numeric(cov_prior_vec)))
     if (!is.null(interaction_constraints)) {
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "intializeInteractionConstraints",
     for (interaction_constraint_vector in interaction_constraints) {
     for (b in 1:length(interaction_constraint_vector)) {
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "addInteractionConstraint",
     for (i in 1:nrow(model_matrix_training_data)) {
     row_as_char = as.character(model_matrix_training_data[i,
     row_as_char = replace(row_as_char,,
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "addTrainingDataRow",
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "finalizeTrainingData")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine training data finalized...\n")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Now building bartMachine for", pred_type)
     if (pred_type == "classification") {
     cat(" where \"", y_levels[1], "\" is considered the target level",
     sep = "")
     if (length(cov_prior_vec) != 0) {
     cat("Covariate importance prior ON. ")
     if (use_missing_data) {
     cat("Missing data feature ON. ")
     if (use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars) {
     cat("Missingness used as covariates. ")
     if (impute_missingness_with_rf_impute) {
     cat("Missing values imputed via rfImpute. ")
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "Build")
     bart_machine = list(java_bart_machine = java_bart_machine,
     training_data_features = colnames(model_matrix_training_data)[1:ifelse(use_missing_data &&
     use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars, (p/2), p)], training_data_features_with_missing_features = colnames(model_matrix_training_data)[1:p],
     X = X, y = y, y_levels = y_levels, pred_type = pred_type,
     model_matrix_training_data = model_matrix_training_data,
     n = nrow(model_matrix_training_data), p = p, num_cores = num_cores,
     num_trees = num_trees, num_burn_in = num_burn_in, num_iterations_after_burn_in = num_iterations_after_burn_in,
     num_gibbs = num_gibbs, alpha = alpha, beta = beta, k = k,
     q = q, nu = nu, prob_rule_class = prob_rule_class, mh_prob_steps = mh_prob_steps,
     s_sq_y = s_sq_y, run_in_sample = run_in_sample, sig_sq_est = sig_sq_est,
     time_to_build = Sys.time() - t0, cov_prior_vec = cov_prior_vec,
     interaction_constraints = interaction_constraints, use_missing_data = use_missing_data,
     use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars = use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars,
     replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar = replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar,
     impute_missingness_with_rf_impute = impute_missingness_with_rf_impute,
     impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm = impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm,
     verbose = verbose, serialize = serialize, mem_cache_for_speed = mem_cache_for_speed,
     flush_indices_to_save_RAM = flush_indices_to_save_RAM,
     debug_log = debug_log, seed = seed, num_rand_samps_in_library = num_rand_samps_in_library)
     if (!null_cov_prior_vec) {
     bart_machine$cov_prior_vec = cov_prior_vec
     if (run_in_sample) {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("evaluating in sample data...")
     if (pred_type == "regression") {
     y_hat_posterior_samples = .jcall(bart_machine$java_bart_machine,
     "[[D", "getGibbsSamplesForPrediction", .jarray(model_matrix_training_data,
     dispatch = TRUE), as.integer(num_cores), simplify = TRUE)
     y_hat_train = rowMeans(y_hat_posterior_samples)
     bart_machine$y_hat_train = y_hat_train
     bart_machine$residuals = y_remaining - bart_machine$y_hat_train
     bart_machine$L1_err_train = sum(abs(bart_machine$residuals))
     bart_machine$L2_err_train = sum(bart_machine$residuals^2)
     bart_machine$PseudoRsq = 1 - bart_machine$L2_err_train/sum((y_remaining -
     bart_machine$rmse_train = sqrt(bart_machine$L2_err_train/bart_machine$n)
     else if (pred_type == "classification") {
     p_hat_posterior_samples = .jcall(bart_machine$java_bart_machine,
     "[[D", "getGibbsSamplesForPrediction", .jarray(model_matrix_training_data,
     dispatch = TRUE), as.integer(num_cores), simplify = TRUE)
     p_hat_train = rowMeans(p_hat_posterior_samples)
     y_hat_train = labels_to_y_levels(bart_machine, p_hat_train >
     bart_machine$p_hat_train = p_hat_train
     bart_machine$y_hat_train = y_hat_train
     confusion_matrix =, nrow = 3,
     ncol = 3))
     rownames(confusion_matrix) = c(paste("actual", y_levels),
     "use errors")
     colnames(confusion_matrix) = c(paste("predicted",
     y_levels), "model errors")
     confusion_matrix[1:2, 1:2] = as.integer(table(y,
     confusion_matrix[3, 1] = round(confusion_matrix[2,
     1]/(confusion_matrix[1, 1] + confusion_matrix[2,
     1]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[3, 2] = round(confusion_matrix[1,
     2]/(confusion_matrix[1, 2] + confusion_matrix[2,
     2]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[1, 3] = round(confusion_matrix[1,
     2]/(confusion_matrix[1, 1] + confusion_matrix[1,
     2]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[2, 3] = round(confusion_matrix[2,
     1]/(confusion_matrix[2, 1] + confusion_matrix[2,
     2]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[3, 3] = round((confusion_matrix[1,
     2] + confusion_matrix[2, 1])/sum(confusion_matrix[1:2,
     1:2]), 3)
     bart_machine$confusion_matrix = confusion_matrix
     bart_machine$misclassification_error = confusion_matrix[3,
     if (verbose) {
     if (serialize) {
     cat("serializing in order to be saved for future R sessions...")
     class(bart_machine) = "bartMachine"
     })(X = iris1[, -5], y = iris1[, 5], verbose = FALSE)`: object 'iris1' not found
     1. └─bartMachine::bartMachine(iris1[, -5], iris1[, 5], verbose = FALSE) at test-CVpredict.R:485:2
     2. ├─, as.list([-1])
     3. └─bartMachine (local) `<fn>`(X = iris1[, -5], y = iris1[, 5], verbose = FALSE)
     ── Error (test-CVpredict.R:502:3): CVpredict bartMachine numeric ───────────────
     Error in `(function (X = NULL, y = NULL, Xy = NULL, num_trees = 50, num_burn_in = 250,
     num_iterations_after_burn_in = 1000, alpha = 0.95, beta = 2,
     k = 2, q = 0.9, nu = 3, prob_rule_class = 0.5, mh_prob_steps = c(2.5,
     2.5, 4)/9, debug_log = FALSE, run_in_sample = TRUE, s_sq_y = "mse",
     sig_sq_est = NULL, cov_prior_vec = NULL, interaction_constraints = NULL,
     use_missing_data = FALSE, covariates_to_permute = NULL, num_rand_samps_in_library = 10000,
     use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars = FALSE, replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar = FALSE,
     impute_missingness_with_rf_impute = FALSE, impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm = TRUE,
     mem_cache_for_speed = TRUE, flush_indices_to_save_RAM = TRUE,
     serialize = FALSE, seed = NULL, verbose = TRUE)
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine initializing with", num_trees, "trees...\n")
     t0 = Sys.time()
     if (use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars && replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar) {
     stop("You cannot impute by averages and use missing data as dummies simultaneously.")
     if ((is.null(X) && is.null(Xy)) || is.null(y) && is.null(Xy)) {
     stop("You need to give bartMachine a training set either by specifying X and y or by specifying a matrix Xy which contains the response named \"y.\"\n")
     else if (!is.null(X) && !is.null(y) && !is.null(Xy)) {
     stop("You cannot specify both X,y and Xy simultaneously.")
     else if (is.null(X) && is.null(y)) {
     if (!inherits(Xy, "data.frame")) {
     stop(paste("The training data Xy must be a data frame."),
     call. = FALSE)
     y = Xy[, ncol(Xy)]
     for (cov in 1:(ncol(Xy) - 1)) {
     if (colnames(Xy)[cov] == "") {
     colnames(Xy)[cov] = paste("V", cov, sep = "")
     X =[, 1:(ncol(Xy) - 1)])
     colnames(X) = colnames(Xy)[1:(ncol(Xy) - 1)]
     if (!inherits(X, "data.frame")) {
     stop(paste("The training data X must be a data frame."),
     call. = FALSE)
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine vars checked...\n")
     y_levels = levels(y)
     if (inherits(y, "numeric") || inherits(y, "integer")) {
     if (inherits(y, "integer")) {
     y = as.numeric(y)
     java_bart_machine = .jnew("bartMachine.bartMachineRegressionMultThread")
     y_remaining = y
     pred_type = "regression"
     if (inherits(y, "integer")) {
     cat("Warning: The response y is integer, bartMachine will run regression.\n")
     else if (inherits(y, "factor") & length(y_levels) == 2) {
     java_bart_machine = .jnew("bartMachine.bartMachineClassificationMultThread")
     y_remaining = ifelse(y == y_levels[1], 1, 0)
     pred_type = "classification"
     else {
     stop("Your response must be either numeric, an integer or a factor with two levels.\n")
     num_gibbs = num_burn_in + num_iterations_after_burn_in
     if (ncol(X) == 0) {
     stop("Your data matrix must have at least one attribute.")
     if (nrow(X) == 0) {
     stop("Your data matrix must have at least one observation.")
     if (length(y) != nrow(X)) {
     stop("The number of responses must be equal to the number of observations in the training data.")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine java init...\n")
     if (is.null(colnames(X))) {
     colnames(X) = paste("V", seq(from = 1, to = ncol(X),
     by = 1), sep = "")
     if (any(mh_prob_steps < 0)) {
     stop("The grow, prune, change ratio parameter vector must all be greater than 0.")
     predictors_which_are_factors = names(which(sapply(X, is.factor)))
     for (predictor in predictors_which_are_factors) {
     X[, predictor] = factor(X[, predictor])
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine factors created...\n")
     if (sum( > 0) {
     stop("You cannot have any missing data in your response vector.")
     rf_imputations_for_missing = NULL
     if (impute_missingness_with_rf_impute) {
     if (nrow(na.omit(X)) == nrow(X)) {
     warning("No missing entries in the training data to impute.")
     rf_imputations_for_missing = X
     else {
     predictor_colnums_with_missingness = names(which(colSums( >
     rf_imputations_for_missing = rfImpute(X, y)
     rf_imputations_for_missing = rf_imputations_for_missing[,
     rf_imputations_for_missing = rf_imputations_for_missing[,
     colnames(rf_imputations_for_missing) = paste(colnames(rf_imputations_for_missing),
     "_imp", sep = "")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine after rf imputations...\n")
     if (!use_missing_data && !replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar) {
     rows_before = nrow(X)
     X = na.omit(X)
     rows_after = nrow(X)
     if (rows_before - rows_after > 0) {
     stop("You have ", rows_before - rows_after, " observations with missing data. \nYou must either omit your missing data using \"na.omit()\" or turn on the\n\"use_missing_data\" or \"replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar\" feature in order to use bartMachine.\n")
     else if (replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar) {
     X = imputeMatrixByXbarjContinuousOrModalForBinary(X,
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Imputed missing data using attribute averages.\n")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine before preprocess...\n")
     pre_process_obj = pre_process_training_data(X, use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars,
     model_matrix_training_data = cbind(pre_process_obj$data,
     p = ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1
     factor_lengths = pre_process_obj$factor_lengths
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine after preprocess...", p, "total features...\n")
     null_cov_prior_vec = is.null(cov_prior_vec)
     if (null_cov_prior_vec && length(factor_lengths) > 0) {
     cov_prior_vec = rep(1, p)
     j_factor_begin = p - sum(factor_lengths) + 1
     for (l in 1:length(factor_lengths)) {
     factor_length = factor_lengths[l]
     cov_prior_vec[j_factor_begin:(j_factor_begin + factor_length -
     1)] = 1/factor_length
     j_factor_begin = j_factor_begin + factor_length
     if (!is.null(interaction_constraints)) {
     if (!mem_cache_for_speed) {
     stop("In order to use interaction constraints, \"mem_cache_for_speed\" must be set to TRUE.")
     if (!inherits(interaction_constraints, "list")) {
     stop("specified parameter \"interaction_constraints\" must be a list")
     else if (length(interaction_constraints) == 0) {
     stop("interaction_constraints list cannot be empty")
     for (a in 1:length(interaction_constraints)) {
     vars_a = interaction_constraints[[a]]
     for (b in 1:length(vars_a)) {
     var = vars_a[b]
     if ((inherits(var, "numeric") | inherits(var,
     "integer")) & !(var %in% (1:p))) {
     stop(paste("Element", var, "in interaction_constraints vector number",
     a, "is numeric but not one of 1, ...,", p,
     "where", p, "is the number of columns in X."))
     if (inherits(var, "factor")) {
     var = as.character(var)
     if (inherits(var, "character") & !(var %in% colnames(X))) {
     stop(paste("Element", var, "in interaction_constraints vector number",
     a, "is a string but not one of the column names of X."))
     if (inherits(var, "integer") | inherits(var,
     "numeric")) {
     vars_a[b] = var - 1
     else if (inherits(var, "character")) {
     vars_a[b] = which(colnames(X) == var) - 1
     interaction_constraints[[a]] = as.integer(vars_a)
     if (!is.null(covariates_to_permute)) {
     for (cov in covariates_to_permute) {
     if (!(cov %in% colnames(model_matrix_training_data)) &&
     inherits(cov, "character")) {
     stop("Covariate \"", cov, "\" not found in design matrix.")
     permuted_order = sample(1:nrow(model_matrix_training_data),
     model_matrix_training_data[, covariates_to_permute] = model_matrix_training_data[permuted_order,
     if (debug_log & verbose) {
     cat("warning: printing out the log file will slow down the runtime significantly.\n")
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "writeStdOutToLogFile")
     if (ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1 >= nrow(model_matrix_training_data)) {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("warning: cannot use MSE of linear model for s_sq_y if p > n. bartMachine will use sample var(y) instead.\n")
     s_sq_y = "var"
     if (is.null(sig_sq_est)) {
     if (pred_type == "regression") {
     y_range = max(y) - min(y)
     y_trans = (y - min(y))/y_range - 0.5
     if (s_sq_y == "mse") {
     X_for_lm =[1:(ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     if (impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm) {
     X_for_lm = imputeMatrixByXbarjContinuousOrModalForBinary(X_for_lm,
     else if (nrow(na.omit(X_for_lm)) == 0) {
     stop("The data does not have enough full records to estimate a naive prediction error. Please rerun with \"impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm\" set to true.")
     mod = lm(y_trans ~ ., X_for_lm)
     mse = var(mod$residuals)
     sig_sq_est = as.numeric(mse)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setSampleVarY",
     else if (s_sq_y == "var") {
     sig_sq_est = as.numeric(var(y_trans))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setSampleVarY",
     else {
     stop("s_sq_y must be \"mse\" or \"var\"", call. = FALSE)
     sig_sq_est = sig_sq_est * y_range^2
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine sigsq estimated...\n")
     else {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine using previous sigsq estimated...\n")
     if (!exists("BART_NUM_CORES", envir = bartMachine_globals)) {
     assign("BART_NUM_CORES", BART_NUM_CORES_DEFAULT, bartMachine_globals)
     num_cores = get("BART_NUM_CORES", bartMachine_globals)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumCores", as.integer(num_cores))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumTrees", as.integer(num_trees))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumGibbsBurnIn", as.integer(num_burn_in))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumGibbsTotalIterations",
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setAlpha", alpha)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setBeta", beta)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setK", k)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setQ", q)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNU", nu)
     mh_prob_steps = mh_prob_steps/sum(mh_prob_steps)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setProbGrow", mh_prob_steps[1])
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setProbPrune", mh_prob_steps[2])
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setVerbose", verbose)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setMemCacheForSpeed", mem_cache_for_speed)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setFlushIndicesToSaveRAM",
     if (!is.null(seed)) {
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setSeed", as.integer(seed))
     if (num_cores > 1) {
     warning("Setting the seed when using parallelization does not result in deterministic output.\nIf you need deterministic output, you must run \"set_bart_machine_num_cores(1)\" and then build the BART model with the set seed.")
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNormSamples", rnorm(num_rand_samps_in_library))
     n_plus_hyper_nu = nrow(model_matrix_training_data) + nu
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setGammaSamples", rchisq(num_rand_samps_in_library,
     if (length(cov_prior_vec) != 0) {
     offset = length(cov_prior_vec) - (ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     if (offset < 0) {
     warning(paste("covariate prior vector length =",
     length(cov_prior_vec), "has to be equal to p =",
     ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1, "(the vector was lengthened with 1's)"))
     cov_prior_vec = c(cov_prior_vec, rep(1, -offset))
     if (length(cov_prior_vec) != ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     1) {
     warning(paste("covariate prior vector length =",
     length(cov_prior_vec), "has to be equal to p =",
     ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1, "(the vector was shortened)"))
     cov_prior_vec = cov_prior_vec[1:(ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     if (sum(cov_prior_vec > 0) != ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     1) {
     stop("covariate prior vector has to have all its elements be positive",
     call. = FALSE)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setCovSplitPrior", .jarray(as.numeric(cov_prior_vec)))
     if (!is.null(interaction_constraints)) {
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "intializeInteractionConstraints",
     for (interaction_constraint_vector in interaction_constraints) {
     for (b in 1:length(interaction_constraint_vector)) {
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "addInteractionConstraint",
     for (i in 1:nrow(model_matrix_training_data)) {
     row_as_char = as.character(model_matrix_training_data[i,
     row_as_char = replace(row_as_char,,
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "addTrainingDataRow",
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "finalizeTrainingData")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine training data finalized...\n")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Now building bartMachine for", pred_type)
     if (pred_type == "classification") {
     cat(" where \"", y_levels[1], "\" is considered the target level",
     sep = "")
     if (length(cov_prior_vec) != 0) {
     cat("Covariate importance prior ON. ")
     if (use_missing_data) {
     cat("Missing data feature ON. ")
     if (use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars) {
     cat("Missingness used as covariates. ")
     if (impute_missingness_with_rf_impute) {
     cat("Missing values imputed via rfImpute. ")
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "Build")
     bart_machine = list(java_bart_machine = java_bart_machine,
     training_data_features = colnames(model_matrix_training_data)[1:ifelse(use_missing_data &&
     use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars, (p/2), p)], training_data_features_with_missing_features = colnames(model_matrix_training_data)[1:p],
     X = X, y = y, y_levels = y_levels, pred_type = pred_type,
     model_matrix_training_data = model_matrix_training_data,
     n = nrow(model_matrix_training_data), p = p, num_cores = num_cores,
     num_trees = num_trees, num_burn_in = num_burn_in, num_iterations_after_burn_in = num_iterations_after_burn_in,
     num_gibbs = num_gibbs, alpha = alpha, beta = beta, k = k,
     q = q, nu = nu, prob_rule_class = prob_rule_class, mh_prob_steps = mh_prob_steps,
     s_sq_y = s_sq_y, run_in_sample = run_in_sample, sig_sq_est = sig_sq_est,
     time_to_build = Sys.time() - t0, cov_prior_vec = cov_prior_vec,
     interaction_constraints = interaction_constraints, use_missing_data = use_missing_data,
     use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars = use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars,
     replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar = replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar,
     impute_missingness_with_rf_impute = impute_missingness_with_rf_impute,
     impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm = impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm,
     verbose = verbose, serialize = serialize, mem_cache_for_speed = mem_cache_for_speed,
     flush_indices_to_save_RAM = flush_indices_to_save_RAM,
     debug_log = debug_log, seed = seed, num_rand_samps_in_library = num_rand_samps_in_library)
     if (!null_cov_prior_vec) {
     bart_machine$cov_prior_vec = cov_prior_vec
     if (run_in_sample) {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("evaluating in sample data...")
     if (pred_type == "regression") {
     y_hat_posterior_samples = .jcall(bart_machine$java_bart_machine,
     "[[D", "getGibbsSamplesForPrediction", .jarray(model_matrix_training_data,
     dispatch = TRUE), as.integer(num_cores), simplify = TRUE)
     y_hat_train = rowMeans(y_hat_posterior_samples)
     bart_machine$y_hat_train = y_hat_train
     bart_machine$residuals = y_remaining - bart_machine$y_hat_train
     bart_machine$L1_err_train = sum(abs(bart_machine$residuals))
     bart_machine$L2_err_train = sum(bart_machine$residuals^2)
     bart_machine$PseudoRsq = 1 - bart_machine$L2_err_train/sum((y_remaining -
     bart_machine$rmse_train = sqrt(bart_machine$L2_err_train/bart_machine$n)
     else if (pred_type == "classification") {
     p_hat_posterior_samples = .jcall(bart_machine$java_bart_machine,
     "[[D", "getGibbsSamplesForPrediction", .jarray(model_matrix_training_data,
     dispatch = TRUE), as.integer(num_cores), simplify = TRUE)
     p_hat_train = rowMeans(p_hat_posterior_samples)
     y_hat_train = labels_to_y_levels(bart_machine, p_hat_train >
     bart_machine$p_hat_train = p_hat_train
     bart_machine$y_hat_train = y_hat_train
     confusion_matrix =, nrow = 3,
     ncol = 3))
     rownames(confusion_matrix) = c(paste("actual", y_levels),
     "use errors")
     colnames(confusion_matrix) = c(paste("predicted",
     y_levels), "model errors")
     confusion_matrix[1:2, 1:2] = as.integer(table(y,
     confusion_matrix[3, 1] = round(confusion_matrix[2,
     1]/(confusion_matrix[1, 1] + confusion_matrix[2,
     1]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[3, 2] = round(confusion_matrix[1,
     2]/(confusion_matrix[1, 2] + confusion_matrix[2,
     2]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[1, 3] = round(confusion_matrix[1,
     2]/(confusion_matrix[1, 1] + confusion_matrix[1,
     2]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[2, 3] = round(confusion_matrix[2,
     1]/(confusion_matrix[2, 1] + confusion_matrix[2,
     2]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[3, 3] = round((confusion_matrix[1,
     2] + confusion_matrix[2, 1])/sum(confusion_matrix[1:2,
     1:2]), 3)
     bart_machine$confusion_matrix = confusion_matrix
     bart_machine$misclassification_error = confusion_matrix[3,
     if (verbose) {
     if (serialize) {
     cat("serializing in order to be saved for future R sessions...")
     class(bart_machine) = "bartMachine"
     })(X = iris1[, -1], y = iris1[, 1], verbose = FALSE)`: object 'iris1' not found
     1. └─bartMachine::bartMachine(iris1[, -1], iris1[, 1], verbose = FALSE) at test-CVpredict.R:502:2
     2. ├─, as.list([-1])
     3. └─bartMachine (local) `<fn>`(X = iris1[, -1], y = iris1[, 1], verbose = FALSE)
     [ FAIL 2 | WARN 2 | SKIP 0 | PASS 205 ]
     Error: Test failures
     Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang

Version: 0.1.1
Check: tests
Result: ERROR
     Running ‘testthat.R’ [31s/83s]
    Running the tests in ‘tests/testthat.R’ failed.
    Complete output:
     > library(testthat)
     > library(condvis2)
     > test_check("condvis2")
     [ FAIL 2 | WARN 2 | SKIP 0 | PASS 205 ]
     ══ Failed tests ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
     ── Error (test-CVpredict.R:485:3): CVpredict bartMachine factor ────────────────
     Error in `(function (X = NULL, y = NULL, Xy = NULL, num_trees = 50, num_burn_in = 250,
     num_iterations_after_burn_in = 1000, alpha = 0.95, beta = 2,
     k = 2, q = 0.9, nu = 3, prob_rule_class = 0.5, mh_prob_steps = c(2.5,
     2.5, 4)/9, debug_log = FALSE, run_in_sample = TRUE, s_sq_y = "mse",
     sig_sq_est = NULL, cov_prior_vec = NULL, interaction_constraints = NULL,
     use_missing_data = FALSE, covariates_to_permute = NULL, num_rand_samps_in_library = 10000,
     use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars = FALSE, replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar = FALSE,
     impute_missingness_with_rf_impute = FALSE, impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm = TRUE,
     mem_cache_for_speed = TRUE, flush_indices_to_save_RAM = TRUE,
     serialize = FALSE, seed = NULL, verbose = TRUE)
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine initializing with", num_trees, "trees...\n")
     t0 = Sys.time()
     if (use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars && replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar) {
     stop("You cannot impute by averages and use missing data as dummies simultaneously.")
     if ((is.null(X) && is.null(Xy)) || is.null(y) && is.null(Xy)) {
     stop("You need to give bartMachine a training set either by specifying X and y or by specifying a matrix Xy which contains the response named \"y.\"\n")
     else if (!is.null(X) && !is.null(y) && !is.null(Xy)) {
     stop("You cannot specify both X,y and Xy simultaneously.")
     else if (is.null(X) && is.null(y)) {
     if (!inherits(Xy, "data.frame")) {
     stop(paste("The training data Xy must be a data frame."),
     call. = FALSE)
     y = Xy[, ncol(Xy)]
     for (cov in 1:(ncol(Xy) - 1)) {
     if (colnames(Xy)[cov] == "") {
     colnames(Xy)[cov] = paste("V", cov, sep = "")
     X =[, 1:(ncol(Xy) - 1)])
     colnames(X) = colnames(Xy)[1:(ncol(Xy) - 1)]
     if (!inherits(X, "data.frame")) {
     stop(paste("The training data X must be a data frame."),
     call. = FALSE)
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine vars checked...\n")
     y_levels = levels(y)
     if (inherits(y, "numeric") || inherits(y, "integer")) {
     if (inherits(y, "integer")) {
     y = as.numeric(y)
     java_bart_machine = .jnew("bartMachine.bartMachineRegressionMultThread")
     y_remaining = y
     pred_type = "regression"
     if (inherits(y, "integer")) {
     cat("Warning: The response y is integer, bartMachine will run regression.\n")
     else if (inherits(y, "factor") & length(y_levels) == 2) {
     java_bart_machine = .jnew("bartMachine.bartMachineClassificationMultThread")
     y_remaining = ifelse(y == y_levels[1], 1, 0)
     pred_type = "classification"
     else {
     stop("Your response must be either numeric, an integer or a factor with two levels.\n")
     num_gibbs = num_burn_in + num_iterations_after_burn_in
     if (ncol(X) == 0) {
     stop("Your data matrix must have at least one attribute.")
     if (nrow(X) == 0) {
     stop("Your data matrix must have at least one observation.")
     if (length(y) != nrow(X)) {
     stop("The number of responses must be equal to the number of observations in the training data.")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine java init...\n")
     if (is.null(colnames(X))) {
     colnames(X) = paste("V", seq(from = 1, to = ncol(X),
     by = 1), sep = "")
     if (any(mh_prob_steps < 0)) {
     stop("The grow, prune, change ratio parameter vector must all be greater than 0.")
     predictors_which_are_factors = names(which(sapply(X, is.factor)))
     for (predictor in predictors_which_are_factors) {
     X[, predictor] = factor(X[, predictor])
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine factors created...\n")
     if (sum( > 0) {
     stop("You cannot have any missing data in your response vector.")
     rf_imputations_for_missing = NULL
     if (impute_missingness_with_rf_impute) {
     if (nrow(na.omit(X)) == nrow(X)) {
     warning("No missing entries in the training data to impute.")
     rf_imputations_for_missing = X
     else {
     predictor_colnums_with_missingness = names(which(colSums( >
     rf_imputations_for_missing = rfImpute(X, y)
     rf_imputations_for_missing = rf_imputations_for_missing[,
     rf_imputations_for_missing = rf_imputations_for_missing[,
     colnames(rf_imputations_for_missing) = paste(colnames(rf_imputations_for_missing),
     "_imp", sep = "")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine after rf imputations...\n")
     if (!use_missing_data && !replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar) {
     rows_before = nrow(X)
     X = na.omit(X)
     rows_after = nrow(X)
     if (rows_before - rows_after > 0) {
     stop("You have ", rows_before - rows_after, " observations with missing data. \nYou must either omit your missing data using \"na.omit()\" or turn on the\n\"use_missing_data\" or \"replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar\" feature in order to use bartMachine.\n")
     else if (replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar) {
     X = imputeMatrixByXbarjContinuousOrModalForBinary(X,
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Imputed missing data using attribute averages.\n")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine before preprocess...\n")
     pre_process_obj = pre_process_training_data(X, use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars,
     model_matrix_training_data = cbind(pre_process_obj$data,
     p = ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1
     factor_lengths = pre_process_obj$factor_lengths
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine after preprocess...", p, "total features...\n")
     null_cov_prior_vec = is.null(cov_prior_vec)
     if (null_cov_prior_vec && length(factor_lengths) > 0) {
     cov_prior_vec = rep(1, p)
     j_factor_begin = p - sum(factor_lengths) + 1
     for (l in 1:length(factor_lengths)) {
     factor_length = factor_lengths[l]
     cov_prior_vec[j_factor_begin:(j_factor_begin + factor_length -
     1)] = 1/factor_length
     j_factor_begin = j_factor_begin + factor_length
     if (!is.null(interaction_constraints)) {
     if (!mem_cache_for_speed) {
     stop("In order to use interaction constraints, \"mem_cache_for_speed\" must be set to TRUE.")
     if (!inherits(interaction_constraints, "list")) {
     stop("specified parameter \"interaction_constraints\" must be a list")
     else if (length(interaction_constraints) == 0) {
     stop("interaction_constraints list cannot be empty")
     for (a in 1:length(interaction_constraints)) {
     vars_a = interaction_constraints[[a]]
     for (b in 1:length(vars_a)) {
     var = vars_a[b]
     if ((inherits(var, "numeric") | inherits(var,
     "integer")) & !(var %in% (1:p))) {
     stop(paste("Element", var, "in interaction_constraints vector number",
     a, "is numeric but not one of 1, ...,", p,
     "where", p, "is the number of columns in X."))
     if (inherits(var, "factor")) {
     var = as.character(var)
     if (inherits(var, "character") & !(var %in% colnames(X))) {
     stop(paste("Element", var, "in interaction_constraints vector number",
     a, "is a string but not one of the column names of X."))
     if (inherits(var, "integer") | inherits(var,
     "numeric")) {
     vars_a[b] = var - 1
     else if (inherits(var, "character")) {
     vars_a[b] = which(colnames(X) == var) - 1
     interaction_constraints[[a]] = as.integer(vars_a)
     if (!is.null(covariates_to_permute)) {
     for (cov in covariates_to_permute) {
     if (!(cov %in% colnames(model_matrix_training_data)) &&
     inherits(cov, "character")) {
     stop("Covariate \"", cov, "\" not found in design matrix.")
     permuted_order = sample(1:nrow(model_matrix_training_data),
     model_matrix_training_data[, covariates_to_permute] = model_matrix_training_data[permuted_order,
     if (debug_log & verbose) {
     cat("warning: printing out the log file will slow down the runtime significantly.\n")
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "writeStdOutToLogFile")
     if (ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1 >= nrow(model_matrix_training_data)) {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("warning: cannot use MSE of linear model for s_sq_y if p > n. bartMachine will use sample var(y) instead.\n")
     s_sq_y = "var"
     if (is.null(sig_sq_est)) {
     if (pred_type == "regression") {
     y_range = max(y) - min(y)
     y_trans = (y - min(y))/y_range - 0.5
     if (s_sq_y == "mse") {
     X_for_lm =[1:(ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     if (impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm) {
     X_for_lm = imputeMatrixByXbarjContinuousOrModalForBinary(X_for_lm,
     else if (nrow(na.omit(X_for_lm)) == 0) {
     stop("The data does not have enough full records to estimate a naive prediction error. Please rerun with \"impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm\" set to true.")
     mod = lm(y_trans ~ ., X_for_lm)
     mse = var(mod$residuals)
     sig_sq_est = as.numeric(mse)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setSampleVarY",
     else if (s_sq_y == "var") {
     sig_sq_est = as.numeric(var(y_trans))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setSampleVarY",
     else {
     stop("s_sq_y must be \"mse\" or \"var\"", call. = FALSE)
     sig_sq_est = sig_sq_est * y_range^2
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine sigsq estimated...\n")
     else {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine using previous sigsq estimated...\n")
     if (!exists("BART_NUM_CORES", envir = bartMachine_globals)) {
     assign("BART_NUM_CORES", BART_NUM_CORES_DEFAULT, bartMachine_globals)
     num_cores = get("BART_NUM_CORES", bartMachine_globals)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumCores", as.integer(num_cores))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumTrees", as.integer(num_trees))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumGibbsBurnIn", as.integer(num_burn_in))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumGibbsTotalIterations",
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setAlpha", alpha)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setBeta", beta)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setK", k)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setQ", q)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNU", nu)
     mh_prob_steps = mh_prob_steps/sum(mh_prob_steps)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setProbGrow", mh_prob_steps[1])
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setProbPrune", mh_prob_steps[2])
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setVerbose", verbose)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setMemCacheForSpeed", mem_cache_for_speed)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setFlushIndicesToSaveRAM",
     if (!is.null(seed)) {
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setSeed", as.integer(seed))
     if (num_cores > 1) {
     warning("Setting the seed when using parallelization does not result in deterministic output.\nIf you need deterministic output, you must run \"set_bart_machine_num_cores(1)\" and then build the BART model with the set seed.")
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNormSamples", rnorm(num_rand_samps_in_library))
     n_plus_hyper_nu = nrow(model_matrix_training_data) + nu
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setGammaSamples", rchisq(num_rand_samps_in_library,
     if (length(cov_prior_vec) != 0) {
     offset = length(cov_prior_vec) - (ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     if (offset < 0) {
     warning(paste("covariate prior vector length =",
     length(cov_prior_vec), "has to be equal to p =",
     ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1, "(the vector was lengthened with 1's)"))
     cov_prior_vec = c(cov_prior_vec, rep(1, -offset))
     if (length(cov_prior_vec) != ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     1) {
     warning(paste("covariate prior vector length =",
     length(cov_prior_vec), "has to be equal to p =",
     ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1, "(the vector was shortened)"))
     cov_prior_vec = cov_prior_vec[1:(ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     if (sum(cov_prior_vec > 0) != ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     1) {
     stop("covariate prior vector has to have all its elements be positive",
     call. = FALSE)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setCovSplitPrior", .jarray(as.numeric(cov_prior_vec)))
     if (!is.null(interaction_constraints)) {
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "intializeInteractionConstraints",
     for (interaction_constraint_vector in interaction_constraints) {
     for (b in 1:length(interaction_constraint_vector)) {
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "addInteractionConstraint",
     for (i in 1:nrow(model_matrix_training_data)) {
     row_as_char = as.character(model_matrix_training_data[i,
     row_as_char = replace(row_as_char,,
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "addTrainingDataRow",
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "finalizeTrainingData")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine training data finalized...\n")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Now building bartMachine for", pred_type)
     if (pred_type == "classification") {
     cat(" where \"", y_levels[1], "\" is considered the target level",
     sep = "")
     if (length(cov_prior_vec) != 0) {
     cat("Covariate importance prior ON. ")
     if (use_missing_data) {
     cat("Missing data feature ON. ")
     if (use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars) {
     cat("Missingness used as covariates. ")
     if (impute_missingness_with_rf_impute) {
     cat("Missing values imputed via rfImpute. ")
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "Build")
     bart_machine = list(java_bart_machine = java_bart_machine,
     training_data_features = colnames(model_matrix_training_data)[1:ifelse(use_missing_data &&
     use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars, (p/2), p)], training_data_features_with_missing_features = colnames(model_matrix_training_data)[1:p],
     X = X, y = y, y_levels = y_levels, pred_type = pred_type,
     model_matrix_training_data = model_matrix_training_data,
     n = nrow(model_matrix_training_data), p = p, num_cores = num_cores,
     num_trees = num_trees, num_burn_in = num_burn_in, num_iterations_after_burn_in = num_iterations_after_burn_in,
     num_gibbs = num_gibbs, alpha = alpha, beta = beta, k = k,
     q = q, nu = nu, prob_rule_class = prob_rule_class, mh_prob_steps = mh_prob_steps,
     s_sq_y = s_sq_y, run_in_sample = run_in_sample, sig_sq_est = sig_sq_est,
     time_to_build = Sys.time() - t0, cov_prior_vec = cov_prior_vec,
     interaction_constraints = interaction_constraints, use_missing_data = use_missing_data,
     use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars = use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars,
     replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar = replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar,
     impute_missingness_with_rf_impute = impute_missingness_with_rf_impute,
     impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm = impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm,
     verbose = verbose, serialize = serialize, mem_cache_for_speed = mem_cache_for_speed,
     flush_indices_to_save_RAM = flush_indices_to_save_RAM,
     debug_log = debug_log, seed = seed, num_rand_samps_in_library = num_rand_samps_in_library)
     if (!null_cov_prior_vec) {
     bart_machine$cov_prior_vec = cov_prior_vec
     if (run_in_sample) {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("evaluating in sample data...")
     if (pred_type == "regression") {
     y_hat_posterior_samples = .jcall(bart_machine$java_bart_machine,
     "[[D", "getGibbsSamplesForPrediction", .jarray(model_matrix_training_data,
     dispatch = TRUE), as.integer(num_cores), simplify = TRUE)
     y_hat_train = rowMeans(y_hat_posterior_samples)
     bart_machine$y_hat_train = y_hat_train
     bart_machine$residuals = y_remaining - bart_machine$y_hat_train
     bart_machine$L1_err_train = sum(abs(bart_machine$residuals))
     bart_machine$L2_err_train = sum(bart_machine$residuals^2)
     bart_machine$PseudoRsq = 1 - bart_machine$L2_err_train/sum((y_remaining -
     bart_machine$rmse_train = sqrt(bart_machine$L2_err_train/bart_machine$n)
     else if (pred_type == "classification") {
     p_hat_posterior_samples = .jcall(bart_machine$java_bart_machine,
     "[[D", "getGibbsSamplesForPrediction", .jarray(model_matrix_training_data,
     dispatch = TRUE), as.integer(num_cores), simplify = TRUE)
     p_hat_train = rowMeans(p_hat_posterior_samples)
     y_hat_train = labels_to_y_levels(bart_machine, p_hat_train >
     bart_machine$p_hat_train = p_hat_train
     bart_machine$y_hat_train = y_hat_train
     confusion_matrix =, nrow = 3,
     ncol = 3))
     rownames(confusion_matrix) = c(paste("actual", y_levels),
     "use errors")
     colnames(confusion_matrix) = c(paste("predicted",
     y_levels), "model errors")
     confusion_matrix[1:2, 1:2] = as.integer(table(y,
     confusion_matrix[3, 1] = round(confusion_matrix[2,
     1]/(confusion_matrix[1, 1] + confusion_matrix[2,
     1]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[3, 2] = round(confusion_matrix[1,
     2]/(confusion_matrix[1, 2] + confusion_matrix[2,
     2]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[1, 3] = round(confusion_matrix[1,
     2]/(confusion_matrix[1, 1] + confusion_matrix[1,
     2]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[2, 3] = round(confusion_matrix[2,
     1]/(confusion_matrix[2, 1] + confusion_matrix[2,
     2]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[3, 3] = round((confusion_matrix[1,
     2] + confusion_matrix[2, 1])/sum(confusion_matrix[1:2,
     1:2]), 3)
     bart_machine$confusion_matrix = confusion_matrix
     bart_machine$misclassification_error = confusion_matrix[3,
     if (verbose) {
     if (serialize) {
     cat("serializing in order to be saved for future R sessions...")
     class(bart_machine) = "bartMachine"
     })(X = iris1[, -5], y = iris1[, 5], verbose = FALSE)`: object 'iris1' not found
     1. └─bartMachine::bartMachine(iris1[, -5], iris1[, 5], verbose = FALSE) at test-CVpredict.R:485:2
     2. ├─, as.list([-1])
     3. └─bartMachine (local) `<fn>`(X = iris1[, -5], y = iris1[, 5], verbose = FALSE)
     ── Error (test-CVpredict.R:502:3): CVpredict bartMachine numeric ───────────────
     Error in `(function (X = NULL, y = NULL, Xy = NULL, num_trees = 50, num_burn_in = 250,
     num_iterations_after_burn_in = 1000, alpha = 0.95, beta = 2,
     k = 2, q = 0.9, nu = 3, prob_rule_class = 0.5, mh_prob_steps = c(2.5,
     2.5, 4)/9, debug_log = FALSE, run_in_sample = TRUE, s_sq_y = "mse",
     sig_sq_est = NULL, cov_prior_vec = NULL, interaction_constraints = NULL,
     use_missing_data = FALSE, covariates_to_permute = NULL, num_rand_samps_in_library = 10000,
     use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars = FALSE, replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar = FALSE,
     impute_missingness_with_rf_impute = FALSE, impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm = TRUE,
     mem_cache_for_speed = TRUE, flush_indices_to_save_RAM = TRUE,
     serialize = FALSE, seed = NULL, verbose = TRUE)
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine initializing with", num_trees, "trees...\n")
     t0 = Sys.time()
     if (use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars && replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar) {
     stop("You cannot impute by averages and use missing data as dummies simultaneously.")
     if ((is.null(X) && is.null(Xy)) || is.null(y) && is.null(Xy)) {
     stop("You need to give bartMachine a training set either by specifying X and y or by specifying a matrix Xy which contains the response named \"y.\"\n")
     else if (!is.null(X) && !is.null(y) && !is.null(Xy)) {
     stop("You cannot specify both X,y and Xy simultaneously.")
     else if (is.null(X) && is.null(y)) {
     if (!inherits(Xy, "data.frame")) {
     stop(paste("The training data Xy must be a data frame."),
     call. = FALSE)
     y = Xy[, ncol(Xy)]
     for (cov in 1:(ncol(Xy) - 1)) {
     if (colnames(Xy)[cov] == "") {
     colnames(Xy)[cov] = paste("V", cov, sep = "")
     X =[, 1:(ncol(Xy) - 1)])
     colnames(X) = colnames(Xy)[1:(ncol(Xy) - 1)]
     if (!inherits(X, "data.frame")) {
     stop(paste("The training data X must be a data frame."),
     call. = FALSE)
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine vars checked...\n")
     y_levels = levels(y)
     if (inherits(y, "numeric") || inherits(y, "integer")) {
     if (inherits(y, "integer")) {
     y = as.numeric(y)
     java_bart_machine = .jnew("bartMachine.bartMachineRegressionMultThread")
     y_remaining = y
     pred_type = "regression"
     if (inherits(y, "integer")) {
     cat("Warning: The response y is integer, bartMachine will run regression.\n")
     else if (inherits(y, "factor") & length(y_levels) == 2) {
     java_bart_machine = .jnew("bartMachine.bartMachineClassificationMultThread")
     y_remaining = ifelse(y == y_levels[1], 1, 0)
     pred_type = "classification"
     else {
     stop("Your response must be either numeric, an integer or a factor with two levels.\n")
     num_gibbs = num_burn_in + num_iterations_after_burn_in
     if (ncol(X) == 0) {
     stop("Your data matrix must have at least one attribute.")
     if (nrow(X) == 0) {
     stop("Your data matrix must have at least one observation.")
     if (length(y) != nrow(X)) {
     stop("The number of responses must be equal to the number of observations in the training data.")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine java init...\n")
     if (is.null(colnames(X))) {
     colnames(X) = paste("V", seq(from = 1, to = ncol(X),
     by = 1), sep = "")
     if (any(mh_prob_steps < 0)) {
     stop("The grow, prune, change ratio parameter vector must all be greater than 0.")
     predictors_which_are_factors = names(which(sapply(X, is.factor)))
     for (predictor in predictors_which_are_factors) {
     X[, predictor] = factor(X[, predictor])
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine factors created...\n")
     if (sum( > 0) {
     stop("You cannot have any missing data in your response vector.")
     rf_imputations_for_missing = NULL
     if (impute_missingness_with_rf_impute) {
     if (nrow(na.omit(X)) == nrow(X)) {
     warning("No missing entries in the training data to impute.")
     rf_imputations_for_missing = X
     else {
     predictor_colnums_with_missingness = names(which(colSums( >
     rf_imputations_for_missing = rfImpute(X, y)
     rf_imputations_for_missing = rf_imputations_for_missing[,
     rf_imputations_for_missing = rf_imputations_for_missing[,
     colnames(rf_imputations_for_missing) = paste(colnames(rf_imputations_for_missing),
     "_imp", sep = "")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine after rf imputations...\n")
     if (!use_missing_data && !replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar) {
     rows_before = nrow(X)
     X = na.omit(X)
     rows_after = nrow(X)
     if (rows_before - rows_after > 0) {
     stop("You have ", rows_before - rows_after, " observations with missing data. \nYou must either omit your missing data using \"na.omit()\" or turn on the\n\"use_missing_data\" or \"replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar\" feature in order to use bartMachine.\n")
     else if (replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar) {
     X = imputeMatrixByXbarjContinuousOrModalForBinary(X,
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Imputed missing data using attribute averages.\n")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine before preprocess...\n")
     pre_process_obj = pre_process_training_data(X, use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars,
     model_matrix_training_data = cbind(pre_process_obj$data,
     p = ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1
     factor_lengths = pre_process_obj$factor_lengths
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine after preprocess...", p, "total features...\n")
     null_cov_prior_vec = is.null(cov_prior_vec)
     if (null_cov_prior_vec && length(factor_lengths) > 0) {
     cov_prior_vec = rep(1, p)
     j_factor_begin = p - sum(factor_lengths) + 1
     for (l in 1:length(factor_lengths)) {
     factor_length = factor_lengths[l]
     cov_prior_vec[j_factor_begin:(j_factor_begin + factor_length -
     1)] = 1/factor_length
     j_factor_begin = j_factor_begin + factor_length
     if (!is.null(interaction_constraints)) {
     if (!mem_cache_for_speed) {
     stop("In order to use interaction constraints, \"mem_cache_for_speed\" must be set to TRUE.")
     if (!inherits(interaction_constraints, "list")) {
     stop("specified parameter \"interaction_constraints\" must be a list")
     else if (length(interaction_constraints) == 0) {
     stop("interaction_constraints list cannot be empty")
     for (a in 1:length(interaction_constraints)) {
     vars_a = interaction_constraints[[a]]
     for (b in 1:length(vars_a)) {
     var = vars_a[b]
     if ((inherits(var, "numeric") | inherits(var,
     "integer")) & !(var %in% (1:p))) {
     stop(paste("Element", var, "in interaction_constraints vector number",
     a, "is numeric but not one of 1, ...,", p,
     "where", p, "is the number of columns in X."))
     if (inherits(var, "factor")) {
     var = as.character(var)
     if (inherits(var, "character") & !(var %in% colnames(X))) {
     stop(paste("Element", var, "in interaction_constraints vector number",
     a, "is a string but not one of the column names of X."))
     if (inherits(var, "integer") | inherits(var,
     "numeric")) {
     vars_a[b] = var - 1
     else if (inherits(var, "character")) {
     vars_a[b] = which(colnames(X) == var) - 1
     interaction_constraints[[a]] = as.integer(vars_a)
     if (!is.null(covariates_to_permute)) {
     for (cov in covariates_to_permute) {
     if (!(cov %in% colnames(model_matrix_training_data)) &&
     inherits(cov, "character")) {
     stop("Covariate \"", cov, "\" not found in design matrix.")
     permuted_order = sample(1:nrow(model_matrix_training_data),
     model_matrix_training_data[, covariates_to_permute] = model_matrix_training_data[permuted_order,
     if (debug_log & verbose) {
     cat("warning: printing out the log file will slow down the runtime significantly.\n")
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "writeStdOutToLogFile")
     if (ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1 >= nrow(model_matrix_training_data)) {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("warning: cannot use MSE of linear model for s_sq_y if p > n. bartMachine will use sample var(y) instead.\n")
     s_sq_y = "var"
     if (is.null(sig_sq_est)) {
     if (pred_type == "regression") {
     y_range = max(y) - min(y)
     y_trans = (y - min(y))/y_range - 0.5
     if (s_sq_y == "mse") {
     X_for_lm =[1:(ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     if (impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm) {
     X_for_lm = imputeMatrixByXbarjContinuousOrModalForBinary(X_for_lm,
     else if (nrow(na.omit(X_for_lm)) == 0) {
     stop("The data does not have enough full records to estimate a naive prediction error. Please rerun with \"impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm\" set to true.")
     mod = lm(y_trans ~ ., X_for_lm)
     mse = var(mod$residuals)
     sig_sq_est = as.numeric(mse)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setSampleVarY",
     else if (s_sq_y == "var") {
     sig_sq_est = as.numeric(var(y_trans))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setSampleVarY",
     else {
     stop("s_sq_y must be \"mse\" or \"var\"", call. = FALSE)
     sig_sq_est = sig_sq_est * y_range^2
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine sigsq estimated...\n")
     else {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine using previous sigsq estimated...\n")
     if (!exists("BART_NUM_CORES", envir = bartMachine_globals)) {
     assign("BART_NUM_CORES", BART_NUM_CORES_DEFAULT, bartMachine_globals)
     num_cores = get("BART_NUM_CORES", bartMachine_globals)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumCores", as.integer(num_cores))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumTrees", as.integer(num_trees))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumGibbsBurnIn", as.integer(num_burn_in))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumGibbsTotalIterations",
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setAlpha", alpha)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setBeta", beta)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setK", k)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setQ", q)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNU", nu)
     mh_prob_steps = mh_prob_steps/sum(mh_prob_steps)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setProbGrow", mh_prob_steps[1])
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setProbPrune", mh_prob_steps[2])
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setVerbose", verbose)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setMemCacheForSpeed", mem_cache_for_speed)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setFlushIndicesToSaveRAM",
     if (!is.null(seed)) {
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setSeed", as.integer(seed))
     if (num_cores > 1) {
     warning("Setting the seed when using parallelization does not result in deterministic output.\nIf you need deterministic output, you must run \"set_bart_machine_num_cores(1)\" and then build the BART model with the set seed.")
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNormSamples", rnorm(num_rand_samps_in_library))
     n_plus_hyper_nu = nrow(model_matrix_training_data) + nu
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setGammaSamples", rchisq(num_rand_samps_in_library,
     if (length(cov_prior_vec) != 0) {
     offset = length(cov_prior_vec) - (ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     if (offset < 0) {
     warning(paste("covariate prior vector length =",
     length(cov_prior_vec), "has to be equal to p =",
     ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1, "(the vector was lengthened with 1's)"))
     cov_prior_vec = c(cov_prior_vec, rep(1, -offset))
     if (length(cov_prior_vec) != ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     1) {
     warning(paste("covariate prior vector length =",
     length(cov_prior_vec), "has to be equal to p =",
     ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1, "(the vector was shortened)"))
     cov_prior_vec = cov_prior_vec[1:(ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     if (sum(cov_prior_vec > 0) != ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     1) {
     stop("covariate prior vector has to have all its elements be positive",
     call. = FALSE)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setCovSplitPrior", .jarray(as.numeric(cov_prior_vec)))
     if (!is.null(interaction_constraints)) {
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "intializeInteractionConstraints",
     for (interaction_constraint_vector in interaction_constraints) {
     for (b in 1:length(interaction_constraint_vector)) {
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "addInteractionConstraint",
     for (i in 1:nrow(model_matrix_training_data)) {
     row_as_char = as.character(model_matrix_training_data[i,
     row_as_char = replace(row_as_char,,
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "addTrainingDataRow",
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "finalizeTrainingData")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine training data finalized...\n")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Now building bartMachine for", pred_type)
     if (pred_type == "classification") {
     cat(" where \"", y_levels[1], "\" is considered the target level",
     sep = "")
     if (length(cov_prior_vec) != 0) {
     cat("Covariate importance prior ON. ")
     if (use_missing_data) {
     cat("Missing data feature ON. ")
     if (use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars) {
     cat("Missingness used as covariates. ")
     if (impute_missingness_with_rf_impute) {
     cat("Missing values imputed via rfImpute. ")
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "Build")
     bart_machine = list(java_bart_machine = java_bart_machine,
     training_data_features = colnames(model_matrix_training_data)[1:ifelse(use_missing_data &&
     use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars, (p/2), p)], training_data_features_with_missing_features = colnames(model_matrix_training_data)[1:p],
     X = X, y = y, y_levels = y_levels, pred_type = pred_type,
     model_matrix_training_data = model_matrix_training_data,
     n = nrow(model_matrix_training_data), p = p, num_cores = num_cores,
     num_trees = num_trees, num_burn_in = num_burn_in, num_iterations_after_burn_in = num_iterations_after_burn_in,
     num_gibbs = num_gibbs, alpha = alpha, beta = beta, k = k,
     q = q, nu = nu, prob_rule_class = prob_rule_class, mh_prob_steps = mh_prob_steps,
     s_sq_y = s_sq_y, run_in_sample = run_in_sample, sig_sq_est = sig_sq_est,
     time_to_build = Sys.time() - t0, cov_prior_vec = cov_prior_vec,
     interaction_constraints = interaction_constraints, use_missing_data = use_missing_data,
     use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars = use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars,
     replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar = replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar,
     impute_missingness_with_rf_impute = impute_missingness_with_rf_impute,
     impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm = impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm,
     verbose = verbose, serialize = serialize, mem_cache_for_speed = mem_cache_for_speed,
     flush_indices_to_save_RAM = flush_indices_to_save_RAM,
     debug_log = debug_log, seed = seed, num_rand_samps_in_library = num_rand_samps_in_library)
     if (!null_cov_prior_vec) {
     bart_machine$cov_prior_vec = cov_prior_vec
     if (run_in_sample) {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("evaluating in sample data...")
     if (pred_type == "regression") {
     y_hat_posterior_samples = .jcall(bart_machine$java_bart_machine,
     "[[D", "getGibbsSamplesForPrediction", .jarray(model_matrix_training_data,
     dispatch = TRUE), as.integer(num_cores), simplify = TRUE)
     y_hat_train = rowMeans(y_hat_posterior_samples)
     bart_machine$y_hat_train = y_hat_train
     bart_machine$residuals = y_remaining - bart_machine$y_hat_train
     bart_machine$L1_err_train = sum(abs(bart_machine$residuals))
     bart_machine$L2_err_train = sum(bart_machine$residuals^2)
     bart_machine$PseudoRsq = 1 - bart_machine$L2_err_train/sum((y_remaining -
     bart_machine$rmse_train = sqrt(bart_machine$L2_err_train/bart_machine$n)
     else if (pred_type == "classification") {
     p_hat_posterior_samples = .jcall(bart_machine$java_bart_machine,
     "[[D", "getGibbsSamplesForPrediction", .jarray(model_matrix_training_data,
     dispatch = TRUE), as.integer(num_cores), simplify = TRUE)
     p_hat_train = rowMeans(p_hat_posterior_samples)
     y_hat_train = labels_to_y_levels(bart_machine, p_hat_train >
     bart_machine$p_hat_train = p_hat_train
     bart_machine$y_hat_train = y_hat_train
     confusion_matrix =, nrow = 3,
     ncol = 3))
     rownames(confusion_matrix) = c(paste("actual", y_levels),
     "use errors")
     colnames(confusion_matrix) = c(paste("predicted",
     y_levels), "model errors")
     confusion_matrix[1:2, 1:2] = as.integer(table(y,
     confusion_matrix[3, 1] = round(confusion_matrix[2,
     1]/(confusion_matrix[1, 1] + confusion_matrix[2,
     1]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[3, 2] = round(confusion_matrix[1,
     2]/(confusion_matrix[1, 2] + confusion_matrix[2,
     2]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[1, 3] = round(confusion_matrix[1,
     2]/(confusion_matrix[1, 1] + confusion_matrix[1,
     2]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[2, 3] = round(confusion_matrix[2,
     1]/(confusion_matrix[2, 1] + confusion_matrix[2,
     2]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[3, 3] = round((confusion_matrix[1,
     2] + confusion_matrix[2, 1])/sum(confusion_matrix[1:2,
     1:2]), 3)
     bart_machine$confusion_matrix = confusion_matrix
     bart_machine$misclassification_error = confusion_matrix[3,
     if (verbose) {
     if (serialize) {
     cat("serializing in order to be saved for future R sessions...")
     class(bart_machine) = "bartMachine"
     })(X = iris1[, -1], y = iris1[, 1], verbose = FALSE)`: object 'iris1' not found
     1. └─bartMachine::bartMachine(iris1[, -1], iris1[, 1], verbose = FALSE) at test-CVpredict.R:502:2
     2. ├─, as.list([-1])
     3. └─bartMachine (local) `<fn>`(X = iris1[, -1], y = iris1[, 1], verbose = FALSE)
     [ FAIL 2 | WARN 2 | SKIP 0 | PASS 205 ]
     Error: Test failures
     Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc

Version: 0.1.1
Check: tests
Result: ERROR
     Running 'testthat.R' [27s]
    Running the tests in 'tests/testthat.R' failed.
    Complete output:
     > library(testthat)
     > library(condvis2)
     > test_check("condvis2")
     [ FAIL 2 | WARN 2 | SKIP 0 | PASS 205 ]
     ══ Failed tests ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
     ── Error (test-CVpredict.R:485:3): CVpredict bartMachine factor ────────────────
     Error in `(function (X = NULL, y = NULL, Xy = NULL, num_trees = 50, num_burn_in = 250,
     num_iterations_after_burn_in = 1000, alpha = 0.95, beta = 2,
     k = 2, q = 0.9, nu = 3, prob_rule_class = 0.5, mh_prob_steps = c(2.5,
     2.5, 4)/9, debug_log = FALSE, run_in_sample = TRUE, s_sq_y = "mse",
     sig_sq_est = NULL, cov_prior_vec = NULL, interaction_constraints = NULL,
     use_missing_data = FALSE, covariates_to_permute = NULL, num_rand_samps_in_library = 10000,
     use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars = FALSE, replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar = FALSE,
     impute_missingness_with_rf_impute = FALSE, impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm = TRUE,
     mem_cache_for_speed = TRUE, flush_indices_to_save_RAM = TRUE,
     serialize = FALSE, seed = NULL, verbose = TRUE)
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine initializing with", num_trees, "trees...\n")
     t0 = Sys.time()
     if (use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars && replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar) {
     stop("You cannot impute by averages and use missing data as dummies simultaneously.")
     if ((is.null(X) && is.null(Xy)) || is.null(y) && is.null(Xy)) {
     stop("You need to give bartMachine a training set either by specifying X and y or by specifying a matrix Xy which contains the response named \"y.\"\n")
     else if (!is.null(X) && !is.null(y) && !is.null(Xy)) {
     stop("You cannot specify both X,y and Xy simultaneously.")
     else if (is.null(X) && is.null(y)) {
     if (!inherits(Xy, "data.frame")) {
     stop(paste("The training data Xy must be a data frame."),
     call. = FALSE)
     y = Xy[, ncol(Xy)]
     for (cov in 1:(ncol(Xy) - 1)) {
     if (colnames(Xy)[cov] == "") {
     colnames(Xy)[cov] = paste("V", cov, sep = "")
     X =[, 1:(ncol(Xy) - 1)])
     colnames(X) = colnames(Xy)[1:(ncol(Xy) - 1)]
     if (!inherits(X, "data.frame")) {
     stop(paste("The training data X must be a data frame."),
     call. = FALSE)
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine vars checked...\n")
     y_levels = levels(y)
     if (inherits(y, "numeric") || inherits(y, "integer")) {
     if (inherits(y, "integer")) {
     y = as.numeric(y)
     java_bart_machine = .jnew("bartMachine.bartMachineRegressionMultThread")
     y_remaining = y
     pred_type = "regression"
     if (inherits(y, "integer")) {
     cat("Warning: The response y is integer, bartMachine will run regression.\n")
     else if (inherits(y, "factor") & length(y_levels) == 2) {
     java_bart_machine = .jnew("bartMachine.bartMachineClassificationMultThread")
     y_remaining = ifelse(y == y_levels[1], 1, 0)
     pred_type = "classification"
     else {
     stop("Your response must be either numeric, an integer or a factor with two levels.\n")
     num_gibbs = num_burn_in + num_iterations_after_burn_in
     if (ncol(X) == 0) {
     stop("Your data matrix must have at least one attribute.")
     if (nrow(X) == 0) {
     stop("Your data matrix must have at least one observation.")
     if (length(y) != nrow(X)) {
     stop("The number of responses must be equal to the number of observations in the training data.")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine java init...\n")
     if (is.null(colnames(X))) {
     colnames(X) = paste("V", seq(from = 1, to = ncol(X),
     by = 1), sep = "")
     if (any(mh_prob_steps < 0)) {
     stop("The grow, prune, change ratio parameter vector must all be greater than 0.")
     predictors_which_are_factors = names(which(sapply(X, is.factor)))
     for (predictor in predictors_which_are_factors) {
     X[, predictor] = factor(X[, predictor])
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine factors created...\n")
     if (sum( > 0) {
     stop("You cannot have any missing data in your response vector.")
     rf_imputations_for_missing = NULL
     if (impute_missingness_with_rf_impute) {
     if (nrow(na.omit(X)) == nrow(X)) {
     warning("No missing entries in the training data to impute.")
     rf_imputations_for_missing = X
     else {
     predictor_colnums_with_missingness = names(which(colSums( >
     rf_imputations_for_missing = rfImpute(X, y)
     rf_imputations_for_missing = rf_imputations_for_missing[,
     rf_imputations_for_missing = rf_imputations_for_missing[,
     colnames(rf_imputations_for_missing) = paste(colnames(rf_imputations_for_missing),
     "_imp", sep = "")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine after rf imputations...\n")
     if (!use_missing_data && !replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar) {
     rows_before = nrow(X)
     X = na.omit(X)
     rows_after = nrow(X)
     if (rows_before - rows_after > 0) {
     stop("You have ", rows_before - rows_after, " observations with missing data. \nYou must either omit your missing data using \"na.omit()\" or turn on the\n\"use_missing_data\" or \"replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar\" feature in order to use bartMachine.\n")
     else if (replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar) {
     X = imputeMatrixByXbarjContinuousOrModalForBinary(X,
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Imputed missing data using attribute averages.\n")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine before preprocess...\n")
     pre_process_obj = pre_process_training_data(X, use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars,
     model_matrix_training_data = cbind(pre_process_obj$data,
     p = ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1
     factor_lengths = pre_process_obj$factor_lengths
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine after preprocess...", p, "total features...\n")
     null_cov_prior_vec = is.null(cov_prior_vec)
     if (null_cov_prior_vec && length(factor_lengths) > 0) {
     cov_prior_vec = rep(1, p)
     j_factor_begin = p - sum(factor_lengths) + 1
     for (l in 1:length(factor_lengths)) {
     factor_length = factor_lengths[l]
     cov_prior_vec[j_factor_begin:(j_factor_begin + factor_length -
     1)] = 1/factor_length
     j_factor_begin = j_factor_begin + factor_length
     if (!is.null(interaction_constraints)) {
     if (!mem_cache_for_speed) {
     stop("In order to use interaction constraints, \"mem_cache_for_speed\" must be set to TRUE.")
     if (!inherits(interaction_constraints, "list")) {
     stop("specified parameter \"interaction_constraints\" must be a list")
     else if (length(interaction_constraints) == 0) {
     stop("interaction_constraints list cannot be empty")
     for (a in 1:length(interaction_constraints)) {
     vars_a = interaction_constraints[[a]]
     for (b in 1:length(vars_a)) {
     var = vars_a[b]
     if ((inherits(var, "numeric") | inherits(var,
     "integer")) & !(var %in% (1:p))) {
     stop(paste("Element", var, "in interaction_constraints vector number",
     a, "is numeric but not one of 1, ...,", p,
     "where", p, "is the number of columns in X."))
     if (inherits(var, "factor")) {
     var = as.character(var)
     if (inherits(var, "character") & !(var %in% colnames(X))) {
     stop(paste("Element", var, "in interaction_constraints vector number",
     a, "is a string but not one of the column names of X."))
     if (inherits(var, "integer") | inherits(var,
     "numeric")) {
     vars_a[b] = var - 1
     else if (inherits(var, "character")) {
     vars_a[b] = which(colnames(X) == var) - 1
     interaction_constraints[[a]] = as.integer(vars_a)
     if (!is.null(covariates_to_permute)) {
     for (cov in covariates_to_permute) {
     if (!(cov %in% colnames(model_matrix_training_data)) &&
     inherits(cov, "character")) {
     stop("Covariate \"", cov, "\" not found in design matrix.")
     permuted_order = sample(1:nrow(model_matrix_training_data),
     model_matrix_training_data[, covariates_to_permute] = model_matrix_training_data[permuted_order,
     if (debug_log & verbose) {
     cat("warning: printing out the log file will slow down the runtime significantly.\n")
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "writeStdOutToLogFile")
     if (ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1 >= nrow(model_matrix_training_data)) {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("warning: cannot use MSE of linear model for s_sq_y if p > n. bartMachine will use sample var(y) instead.\n")
     s_sq_y = "var"
     if (is.null(sig_sq_est)) {
     if (pred_type == "regression") {
     y_range = max(y) - min(y)
     y_trans = (y - min(y))/y_range - 0.5
     if (s_sq_y == "mse") {
     X_for_lm =[1:(ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     if (impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm) {
     X_for_lm = imputeMatrixByXbarjContinuousOrModalForBinary(X_for_lm,
     else if (nrow(na.omit(X_for_lm)) == 0) {
     stop("The data does not have enough full records to estimate a naive prediction error. Please rerun with \"impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm\" set to true.")
     mod = lm(y_trans ~ ., X_for_lm)
     mse = var(mod$residuals)
     sig_sq_est = as.numeric(mse)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setSampleVarY",
     else if (s_sq_y == "var") {
     sig_sq_est = as.numeric(var(y_trans))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setSampleVarY",
     else {
     stop("s_sq_y must be \"mse\" or \"var\"", call. = FALSE)
     sig_sq_est = sig_sq_est * y_range^2
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine sigsq estimated...\n")
     else {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine using previous sigsq estimated...\n")
     if (!exists("BART_NUM_CORES", envir = bartMachine_globals)) {
     assign("BART_NUM_CORES", BART_NUM_CORES_DEFAULT, bartMachine_globals)
     num_cores = get("BART_NUM_CORES", bartMachine_globals)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumCores", as.integer(num_cores))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumTrees", as.integer(num_trees))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumGibbsBurnIn", as.integer(num_burn_in))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumGibbsTotalIterations",
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setAlpha", alpha)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setBeta", beta)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setK", k)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setQ", q)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNU", nu)
     mh_prob_steps = mh_prob_steps/sum(mh_prob_steps)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setProbGrow", mh_prob_steps[1])
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setProbPrune", mh_prob_steps[2])
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setVerbose", verbose)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setMemCacheForSpeed", mem_cache_for_speed)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setFlushIndicesToSaveRAM",
     if (!is.null(seed)) {
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setSeed", as.integer(seed))
     if (num_cores > 1) {
     warning("Setting the seed when using parallelization does not result in deterministic output.\nIf you need deterministic output, you must run \"set_bart_machine_num_cores(1)\" and then build the BART model with the set seed.")
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNormSamples", rnorm(num_rand_samps_in_library))
     n_plus_hyper_nu = nrow(model_matrix_training_data) + nu
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setGammaSamples", rchisq(num_rand_samps_in_library,
     if (length(cov_prior_vec) != 0) {
     offset = length(cov_prior_vec) - (ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     if (offset < 0) {
     warning(paste("covariate prior vector length =",
     length(cov_prior_vec), "has to be equal to p =",
     ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1, "(the vector was lengthened with 1's)"))
     cov_prior_vec = c(cov_prior_vec, rep(1, -offset))
     if (length(cov_prior_vec) != ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     1) {
     warning(paste("covariate prior vector length =",
     length(cov_prior_vec), "has to be equal to p =",
     ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1, "(the vector was shortened)"))
     cov_prior_vec = cov_prior_vec[1:(ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     if (sum(cov_prior_vec > 0) != ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     1) {
     stop("covariate prior vector has to have all its elements be positive",
     call. = FALSE)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setCovSplitPrior", .jarray(as.numeric(cov_prior_vec)))
     if (!is.null(interaction_constraints)) {
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "intializeInteractionConstraints",
     for (interaction_constraint_vector in interaction_constraints) {
     for (b in 1:length(interaction_constraint_vector)) {
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "addInteractionConstraint",
     for (i in 1:nrow(model_matrix_training_data)) {
     row_as_char = as.character(model_matrix_training_data[i,
     row_as_char = replace(row_as_char,,
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "addTrainingDataRow",
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "finalizeTrainingData")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine training data finalized...\n")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Now building bartMachine for", pred_type)
     if (pred_type == "classification") {
     cat(" where \"", y_levels[1], "\" is considered the target level",
     sep = "")
     if (length(cov_prior_vec) != 0) {
     cat("Covariate importance prior ON. ")
     if (use_missing_data) {
     cat("Missing data feature ON. ")
     if (use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars) {
     cat("Missingness used as covariates. ")
     if (impute_missingness_with_rf_impute) {
     cat("Missing values imputed via rfImpute. ")
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "Build")
     bart_machine = list(java_bart_machine = java_bart_machine,
     training_data_features = colnames(model_matrix_training_data)[1:ifelse(use_missing_data &&
     use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars, (p/2), p)], training_data_features_with_missing_features = colnames(model_matrix_training_data)[1:p],
     X = X, y = y, y_levels = y_levels, pred_type = pred_type,
     model_matrix_training_data = model_matrix_training_data,
     n = nrow(model_matrix_training_data), p = p, num_cores = num_cores,
     num_trees = num_trees, num_burn_in = num_burn_in, num_iterations_after_burn_in = num_iterations_after_burn_in,
     num_gibbs = num_gibbs, alpha = alpha, beta = beta, k = k,
     q = q, nu = nu, prob_rule_class = prob_rule_class, mh_prob_steps = mh_prob_steps,
     s_sq_y = s_sq_y, run_in_sample = run_in_sample, sig_sq_est = sig_sq_est,
     time_to_build = Sys.time() - t0, cov_prior_vec = cov_prior_vec,
     interaction_constraints = interaction_constraints, use_missing_data = use_missing_data,
     use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars = use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars,
     replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar = replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar,
     impute_missingness_with_rf_impute = impute_missingness_with_rf_impute,
     impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm = impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm,
     verbose = verbose, serialize = serialize, mem_cache_for_speed = mem_cache_for_speed,
     flush_indices_to_save_RAM = flush_indices_to_save_RAM,
     debug_log = debug_log, seed = seed, num_rand_samps_in_library = num_rand_samps_in_library)
     if (!null_cov_prior_vec) {
     bart_machine$cov_prior_vec = cov_prior_vec
     if (run_in_sample) {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("evaluating in sample data...")
     if (pred_type == "regression") {
     y_hat_posterior_samples = .jcall(bart_machine$java_bart_machine,
     "[[D", "getGibbsSamplesForPrediction", .jarray(model_matrix_training_data,
     dispatch = TRUE), as.integer(num_cores), simplify = TRUE)
     y_hat_train = rowMeans(y_hat_posterior_samples)
     bart_machine$y_hat_train = y_hat_train
     bart_machine$residuals = y_remaining - bart_machine$y_hat_train
     bart_machine$L1_err_train = sum(abs(bart_machine$residuals))
     bart_machine$L2_err_train = sum(bart_machine$residuals^2)
     bart_machine$PseudoRsq = 1 - bart_machine$L2_err_train/sum((y_remaining -
     bart_machine$rmse_train = sqrt(bart_machine$L2_err_train/bart_machine$n)
     else if (pred_type == "classification") {
     p_hat_posterior_samples = .jcall(bart_machine$java_bart_machine,
     "[[D", "getGibbsSamplesForPrediction", .jarray(model_matrix_training_data,
     dispatch = TRUE), as.integer(num_cores), simplify = TRUE)
     p_hat_train = rowMeans(p_hat_posterior_samples)
     y_hat_train = labels_to_y_levels(bart_machine, p_hat_train >
     bart_machine$p_hat_train = p_hat_train
     bart_machine$y_hat_train = y_hat_train
     confusion_matrix =, nrow = 3,
     ncol = 3))
     rownames(confusion_matrix) = c(paste("actual", y_levels),
     "use errors")
     colnames(confusion_matrix) = c(paste("predicted",
     y_levels), "model errors")
     confusion_matrix[1:2, 1:2] = as.integer(table(y,
     confusion_matrix[3, 1] = round(confusion_matrix[2,
     1]/(confusion_matrix[1, 1] + confusion_matrix[2,
     1]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[3, 2] = round(confusion_matrix[1,
     2]/(confusion_matrix[1, 2] + confusion_matrix[2,
     2]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[1, 3] = round(confusion_matrix[1,
     2]/(confusion_matrix[1, 1] + confusion_matrix[1,
     2]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[2, 3] = round(confusion_matrix[2,
     1]/(confusion_matrix[2, 1] + confusion_matrix[2,
     2]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[3, 3] = round((confusion_matrix[1,
     2] + confusion_matrix[2, 1])/sum(confusion_matrix[1:2,
     1:2]), 3)
     bart_machine$confusion_matrix = confusion_matrix
     bart_machine$misclassification_error = confusion_matrix[3,
     if (verbose) {
     if (serialize) {
     cat("serializing in order to be saved for future R sessions...")
     class(bart_machine) = "bartMachine"
     })(X = iris1[, -5], y = iris1[, 5], verbose = FALSE)`: object 'iris1' not found
     1. └─bartMachine::bartMachine(iris1[, -5], iris1[, 5], verbose = FALSE) at test-CVpredict.R:485:2
     2. ├─, as.list([-1])
     3. └─bartMachine (local) `<fn>`(X = iris1[, -5], y = iris1[, 5], verbose = FALSE)
     ── Error (test-CVpredict.R:502:3): CVpredict bartMachine numeric ───────────────
     Error in `(function (X = NULL, y = NULL, Xy = NULL, num_trees = 50, num_burn_in = 250,
     num_iterations_after_burn_in = 1000, alpha = 0.95, beta = 2,
     k = 2, q = 0.9, nu = 3, prob_rule_class = 0.5, mh_prob_steps = c(2.5,
     2.5, 4)/9, debug_log = FALSE, run_in_sample = TRUE, s_sq_y = "mse",
     sig_sq_est = NULL, cov_prior_vec = NULL, interaction_constraints = NULL,
     use_missing_data = FALSE, covariates_to_permute = NULL, num_rand_samps_in_library = 10000,
     use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars = FALSE, replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar = FALSE,
     impute_missingness_with_rf_impute = FALSE, impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm = TRUE,
     mem_cache_for_speed = TRUE, flush_indices_to_save_RAM = TRUE,
     serialize = FALSE, seed = NULL, verbose = TRUE)
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine initializing with", num_trees, "trees...\n")
     t0 = Sys.time()
     if (use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars && replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar) {
     stop("You cannot impute by averages and use missing data as dummies simultaneously.")
     if ((is.null(X) && is.null(Xy)) || is.null(y) && is.null(Xy)) {
     stop("You need to give bartMachine a training set either by specifying X and y or by specifying a matrix Xy which contains the response named \"y.\"\n")
     else if (!is.null(X) && !is.null(y) && !is.null(Xy)) {
     stop("You cannot specify both X,y and Xy simultaneously.")
     else if (is.null(X) && is.null(y)) {
     if (!inherits(Xy, "data.frame")) {
     stop(paste("The training data Xy must be a data frame."),
     call. = FALSE)
     y = Xy[, ncol(Xy)]
     for (cov in 1:(ncol(Xy) - 1)) {
     if (colnames(Xy)[cov] == "") {
     colnames(Xy)[cov] = paste("V", cov, sep = "")
     X =[, 1:(ncol(Xy) - 1)])
     colnames(X) = colnames(Xy)[1:(ncol(Xy) - 1)]
     if (!inherits(X, "data.frame")) {
     stop(paste("The training data X must be a data frame."),
     call. = FALSE)
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine vars checked...\n")
     y_levels = levels(y)
     if (inherits(y, "numeric") || inherits(y, "integer")) {
     if (inherits(y, "integer")) {
     y = as.numeric(y)
     java_bart_machine = .jnew("bartMachine.bartMachineRegressionMultThread")
     y_remaining = y
     pred_type = "regression"
     if (inherits(y, "integer")) {
     cat("Warning: The response y is integer, bartMachine will run regression.\n")
     else if (inherits(y, "factor") & length(y_levels) == 2) {
     java_bart_machine = .jnew("bartMachine.bartMachineClassificationMultThread")
     y_remaining = ifelse(y == y_levels[1], 1, 0)
     pred_type = "classification"
     else {
     stop("Your response must be either numeric, an integer or a factor with two levels.\n")
     num_gibbs = num_burn_in + num_iterations_after_burn_in
     if (ncol(X) == 0) {
     stop("Your data matrix must have at least one attribute.")
     if (nrow(X) == 0) {
     stop("Your data matrix must have at least one observation.")
     if (length(y) != nrow(X)) {
     stop("The number of responses must be equal to the number of observations in the training data.")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine java init...\n")
     if (is.null(colnames(X))) {
     colnames(X) = paste("V", seq(from = 1, to = ncol(X),
     by = 1), sep = "")
     if (any(mh_prob_steps < 0)) {
     stop("The grow, prune, change ratio parameter vector must all be greater than 0.")
     predictors_which_are_factors = names(which(sapply(X, is.factor)))
     for (predictor in predictors_which_are_factors) {
     X[, predictor] = factor(X[, predictor])
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine factors created...\n")
     if (sum( > 0) {
     stop("You cannot have any missing data in your response vector.")
     rf_imputations_for_missing = NULL
     if (impute_missingness_with_rf_impute) {
     if (nrow(na.omit(X)) == nrow(X)) {
     warning("No missing entries in the training data to impute.")
     rf_imputations_for_missing = X
     else {
     predictor_colnums_with_missingness = names(which(colSums( >
     rf_imputations_for_missing = rfImpute(X, y)
     rf_imputations_for_missing = rf_imputations_for_missing[,
     rf_imputations_for_missing = rf_imputations_for_missing[,
     colnames(rf_imputations_for_missing) = paste(colnames(rf_imputations_for_missing),
     "_imp", sep = "")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine after rf imputations...\n")
     if (!use_missing_data && !replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar) {
     rows_before = nrow(X)
     X = na.omit(X)
     rows_after = nrow(X)
     if (rows_before - rows_after > 0) {
     stop("You have ", rows_before - rows_after, " observations with missing data. \nYou must either omit your missing data using \"na.omit()\" or turn on the\n\"use_missing_data\" or \"replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar\" feature in order to use bartMachine.\n")
     else if (replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar) {
     X = imputeMatrixByXbarjContinuousOrModalForBinary(X,
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Imputed missing data using attribute averages.\n")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine before preprocess...\n")
     pre_process_obj = pre_process_training_data(X, use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars,
     model_matrix_training_data = cbind(pre_process_obj$data,
     p = ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1
     factor_lengths = pre_process_obj$factor_lengths
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine after preprocess...", p, "total features...\n")
     null_cov_prior_vec = is.null(cov_prior_vec)
     if (null_cov_prior_vec && length(factor_lengths) > 0) {
     cov_prior_vec = rep(1, p)
     j_factor_begin = p - sum(factor_lengths) + 1
     for (l in 1:length(factor_lengths)) {
     factor_length = factor_lengths[l]
     cov_prior_vec[j_factor_begin:(j_factor_begin + factor_length -
     1)] = 1/factor_length
     j_factor_begin = j_factor_begin + factor_length
     if (!is.null(interaction_constraints)) {
     if (!mem_cache_for_speed) {
     stop("In order to use interaction constraints, \"mem_cache_for_speed\" must be set to TRUE.")
     if (!inherits(interaction_constraints, "list")) {
     stop("specified parameter \"interaction_constraints\" must be a list")
     else if (length(interaction_constraints) == 0) {
     stop("interaction_constraints list cannot be empty")
     for (a in 1:length(interaction_constraints)) {
     vars_a = interaction_constraints[[a]]
     for (b in 1:length(vars_a)) {
     var = vars_a[b]
     if ((inherits(var, "numeric") | inherits(var,
     "integer")) & !(var %in% (1:p))) {
     stop(paste("Element", var, "in interaction_constraints vector number",
     a, "is numeric but not one of 1, ...,", p,
     "where", p, "is the number of columns in X."))
     if (inherits(var, "factor")) {
     var = as.character(var)
     if (inherits(var, "character") & !(var %in% colnames(X))) {
     stop(paste("Element", var, "in interaction_constraints vector number",
     a, "is a string but not one of the column names of X."))
     if (inherits(var, "integer") | inherits(var,
     "numeric")) {
     vars_a[b] = var - 1
     else if (inherits(var, "character")) {
     vars_a[b] = which(colnames(X) == var) - 1
     interaction_constraints[[a]] = as.integer(vars_a)
     if (!is.null(covariates_to_permute)) {
     for (cov in covariates_to_permute) {
     if (!(cov %in% colnames(model_matrix_training_data)) &&
     inherits(cov, "character")) {
     stop("Covariate \"", cov, "\" not found in design matrix.")
     permuted_order = sample(1:nrow(model_matrix_training_data),
     model_matrix_training_data[, covariates_to_permute] = model_matrix_training_data[permuted_order,
     if (debug_log & verbose) {
     cat("warning: printing out the log file will slow down the runtime significantly.\n")
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "writeStdOutToLogFile")
     if (ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1 >= nrow(model_matrix_training_data)) {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("warning: cannot use MSE of linear model for s_sq_y if p > n. bartMachine will use sample var(y) instead.\n")
     s_sq_y = "var"
     if (is.null(sig_sq_est)) {
     if (pred_type == "regression") {
     y_range = max(y) - min(y)
     y_trans = (y - min(y))/y_range - 0.5
     if (s_sq_y == "mse") {
     X_for_lm =[1:(ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     if (impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm) {
     X_for_lm = imputeMatrixByXbarjContinuousOrModalForBinary(X_for_lm,
     else if (nrow(na.omit(X_for_lm)) == 0) {
     stop("The data does not have enough full records to estimate a naive prediction error. Please rerun with \"impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm\" set to true.")
     mod = lm(y_trans ~ ., X_for_lm)
     mse = var(mod$residuals)
     sig_sq_est = as.numeric(mse)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setSampleVarY",
     else if (s_sq_y == "var") {
     sig_sq_est = as.numeric(var(y_trans))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setSampleVarY",
     else {
     stop("s_sq_y must be \"mse\" or \"var\"", call. = FALSE)
     sig_sq_est = sig_sq_est * y_range^2
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine sigsq estimated...\n")
     else {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine using previous sigsq estimated...\n")
     if (!exists("BART_NUM_CORES", envir = bartMachine_globals)) {
     assign("BART_NUM_CORES", BART_NUM_CORES_DEFAULT, bartMachine_globals)
     num_cores = get("BART_NUM_CORES", bartMachine_globals)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumCores", as.integer(num_cores))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumTrees", as.integer(num_trees))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumGibbsBurnIn", as.integer(num_burn_in))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumGibbsTotalIterations",
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setAlpha", alpha)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setBeta", beta)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setK", k)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setQ", q)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNU", nu)
     mh_prob_steps = mh_prob_steps/sum(mh_prob_steps)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setProbGrow", mh_prob_steps[1])
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setProbPrune", mh_prob_steps[2])
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setVerbose", verbose)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setMemCacheForSpeed", mem_cache_for_speed)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setFlushIndicesToSaveRAM",
     if (!is.null(seed)) {
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setSeed", as.integer(seed))
     if (num_cores > 1) {
     warning("Setting the seed when using parallelization does not result in deterministic output.\nIf you need deterministic output, you must run \"set_bart_machine_num_cores(1)\" and then build the BART model with the set seed.")
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNormSamples", rnorm(num_rand_samps_in_library))
     n_plus_hyper_nu = nrow(model_matrix_training_data) + nu
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setGammaSamples", rchisq(num_rand_samps_in_library,
     if (length(cov_prior_vec) != 0) {
     offset = length(cov_prior_vec) - (ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     if (offset < 0) {
     warning(paste("covariate prior vector length =",
     length(cov_prior_vec), "has to be equal to p =",
     ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1, "(the vector was lengthened with 1's)"))
     cov_prior_vec = c(cov_prior_vec, rep(1, -offset))
     if (length(cov_prior_vec) != ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     1) {
     warning(paste("covariate prior vector length =",
     length(cov_prior_vec), "has to be equal to p =",
     ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1, "(the vector was shortened)"))
     cov_prior_vec = cov_prior_vec[1:(ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     if (sum(cov_prior_vec > 0) != ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     1) {
     stop("covariate prior vector has to have all its elements be positive",
     call. = FALSE)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setCovSplitPrior", .jarray(as.numeric(cov_prior_vec)))
     if (!is.null(interaction_constraints)) {
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "intializeInteractionConstraints",
     for (interaction_constraint_vector in interaction_constraints) {
     for (b in 1:length(interaction_constraint_vector)) {
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "addInteractionConstraint",
     for (i in 1:nrow(model_matrix_training_data)) {
     row_as_char = as.character(model_matrix_training_data[i,
     row_as_char = replace(row_as_char,,
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "addTrainingDataRow",
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "finalizeTrainingData")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine training data finalized...\n")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Now building bartMachine for", pred_type)
     if (pred_type == "classification") {
     cat(" where \"", y_levels[1], "\" is considered the target level",
     sep = "")
     if (length(cov_prior_vec) != 0) {
     cat("Covariate importance prior ON. ")
     if (use_missing_data) {
     cat("Missing data feature ON. ")
     if (use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars) {
     cat("Missingness used as covariates. ")
     if (impute_missingness_with_rf_impute) {
     cat("Missing values imputed via rfImpute. ")
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "Build")
     bart_machine = list(java_bart_machine = java_bart_machine,
     training_data_features = colnames(model_matrix_training_data)[1:ifelse(use_missing_data &&
     use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars, (p/2), p)], training_data_features_with_missing_features = colnames(model_matrix_training_data)[1:p],
     X = X, y = y, y_levels = y_levels, pred_type = pred_type,
     model_matrix_training_data = model_matrix_training_data,
     n = nrow(model_matrix_training_data), p = p, num_cores = num_cores,
     num_trees = num_trees, num_burn_in = num_burn_in, num_iterations_after_burn_in = num_iterations_after_burn_in,
     num_gibbs = num_gibbs, alpha = alpha, beta = beta, k = k,
     q = q, nu = nu, prob_rule_class = prob_rule_class, mh_prob_steps = mh_prob_steps,
     s_sq_y = s_sq_y, run_in_sample = run_in_sample, sig_sq_est = sig_sq_est,
     time_to_build = Sys.time() - t0, cov_prior_vec = cov_prior_vec,
     interaction_constraints = interaction_constraints, use_missing_data = use_missing_data,
     use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars = use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars,
     replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar = replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar,
     impute_missingness_with_rf_impute = impute_missingness_with_rf_impute,
     impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm = impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm,
     verbose = verbose, serialize = serialize, mem_cache_for_speed = mem_cache_for_speed,
     flush_indices_to_save_RAM = flush_indices_to_save_RAM,
     debug_log = debug_log, seed = seed, num_rand_samps_in_library = num_rand_samps_in_library)
     if (!null_cov_prior_vec) {
     bart_machine$cov_prior_vec = cov_prior_vec
     if (run_in_sample) {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("evaluating in sample data...")
     if (pred_type == "regression") {
     y_hat_posterior_samples = .jcall(bart_machine$java_bart_machine,
     "[[D", "getGibbsSamplesForPrediction", .jarray(model_matrix_training_data,
     dispatch = TRUE), as.integer(num_cores), simplify = TRUE)
     y_hat_train = rowMeans(y_hat_posterior_samples)
     bart_machine$y_hat_train = y_hat_train
     bart_machine$residuals = y_remaining - bart_machine$y_hat_train
     bart_machine$L1_err_train = sum(abs(bart_machine$residuals))
     bart_machine$L2_err_train = sum(bart_machine$residuals^2)
     bart_machine$PseudoRsq = 1 - bart_machine$L2_err_train/sum((y_remaining -
     bart_machine$rmse_train = sqrt(bart_machine$L2_err_train/bart_machine$n)
     else if (pred_type == "classification") {
     p_hat_posterior_samples = .jcall(bart_machine$java_bart_machine,
     "[[D", "getGibbsSamplesForPrediction", .jarray(model_matrix_training_data,
     dispatch = TRUE), as.integer(num_cores), simplify = TRUE)
     p_hat_train = rowMeans(p_hat_posterior_samples)
     y_hat_train = labels_to_y_levels(bart_machine, p_hat_train >
     bart_machine$p_hat_train = p_hat_train
     bart_machine$y_hat_train = y_hat_train
     confusion_matrix =, nrow = 3,
     ncol = 3))
     rownames(confusion_matrix) = c(paste("actual", y_levels),
     "use errors")
     colnames(confusion_matrix) = c(paste("predicted",
     y_levels), "model errors")
     confusion_matrix[1:2, 1:2] = as.integer(table(y,
     confusion_matrix[3, 1] = round(confusion_matrix[2,
     1]/(confusion_matrix[1, 1] + confusion_matrix[2,
     1]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[3, 2] = round(confusion_matrix[1,
     2]/(confusion_matrix[1, 2] + confusion_matrix[2,
     2]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[1, 3] = round(confusion_matrix[1,
     2]/(confusion_matrix[1, 1] + confusion_matrix[1,
     2]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[2, 3] = round(confusion_matrix[2,
     1]/(confusion_matrix[2, 1] + confusion_matrix[2,
     2]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[3, 3] = round((confusion_matrix[1,
     2] + confusion_matrix[2, 1])/sum(confusion_matrix[1:2,
     1:2]), 3)
     bart_machine$confusion_matrix = confusion_matrix
     bart_machine$misclassification_error = confusion_matrix[3,
     if (verbose) {
     if (serialize) {
     cat("serializing in order to be saved for future R sessions...")
     class(bart_machine) = "bartMachine"
     })(X = iris1[, -1], y = iris1[, 1], verbose = FALSE)`: object 'iris1' not found
     1. └─bartMachine::bartMachine(iris1[, -1], iris1[, 1], verbose = FALSE) at test-CVpredict.R:502:2
     2. ├─, as.list([-1])
     3. └─bartMachine (local) `<fn>`(X = iris1[, -1], y = iris1[, 1], verbose = FALSE)
     [ FAIL 2 | WARN 2 | SKIP 0 | PASS 205 ]
     Error: Test failures
     Execution halted
Flavor: r-devel-windows-x86_64

Version: 0.1.1
Check: tests
Result: ERROR
     Running ‘testthat.R’ [24s/29s]
    Running the tests in ‘tests/testthat.R’ failed.
    Complete output:
     > library(testthat)
     > library(condvis2)
     > test_check("condvis2")
     [ FAIL 2 | WARN 2 | SKIP 0 | PASS 205 ]
     ══ Failed tests ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
     ── Error (test-CVpredict.R:485:3): CVpredict bartMachine factor ────────────────
     Error in `(function (X = NULL, y = NULL, Xy = NULL, num_trees = 50, num_burn_in = 250,
     num_iterations_after_burn_in = 1000, alpha = 0.95, beta = 2,
     k = 2, q = 0.9, nu = 3, prob_rule_class = 0.5, mh_prob_steps = c(2.5,
     2.5, 4)/9, debug_log = FALSE, run_in_sample = TRUE, s_sq_y = "mse",
     sig_sq_est = NULL, cov_prior_vec = NULL, interaction_constraints = NULL,
     use_missing_data = FALSE, covariates_to_permute = NULL, num_rand_samps_in_library = 10000,
     use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars = FALSE, replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar = FALSE,
     impute_missingness_with_rf_impute = FALSE, impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm = TRUE,
     mem_cache_for_speed = TRUE, flush_indices_to_save_RAM = TRUE,
     serialize = FALSE, seed = NULL, verbose = TRUE)
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine initializing with", num_trees, "trees...\n")
     t0 = Sys.time()
     if (use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars && replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar) {
     stop("You cannot impute by averages and use missing data as dummies simultaneously.")
     if ((is.null(X) && is.null(Xy)) || is.null(y) && is.null(Xy)) {
     stop("You need to give bartMachine a training set either by specifying X and y or by specifying a matrix Xy which contains the response named \"y.\"\n")
     else if (!is.null(X) && !is.null(y) && !is.null(Xy)) {
     stop("You cannot specify both X,y and Xy simultaneously.")
     else if (is.null(X) && is.null(y)) {
     if (!inherits(Xy, "data.frame")) {
     stop(paste("The training data Xy must be a data frame."),
     call. = FALSE)
     y = Xy[, ncol(Xy)]
     for (cov in 1:(ncol(Xy) - 1)) {
     if (colnames(Xy)[cov] == "") {
     colnames(Xy)[cov] = paste("V", cov, sep = "")
     X =[, 1:(ncol(Xy) - 1)])
     colnames(X) = colnames(Xy)[1:(ncol(Xy) - 1)]
     if (!inherits(X, "data.frame")) {
     stop(paste("The training data X must be a data frame."),
     call. = FALSE)
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine vars checked...\n")
     y_levels = levels(y)
     if (inherits(y, "numeric") || inherits(y, "integer")) {
     if (inherits(y, "integer")) {
     y = as.numeric(y)
     java_bart_machine = .jnew("bartMachine.bartMachineRegressionMultThread")
     y_remaining = y
     pred_type = "regression"
     if (inherits(y, "integer")) {
     cat("Warning: The response y is integer, bartMachine will run regression.\n")
     else if (inherits(y, "factor") & length(y_levels) == 2) {
     java_bart_machine = .jnew("bartMachine.bartMachineClassificationMultThread")
     y_remaining = ifelse(y == y_levels[1], 1, 0)
     pred_type = "classification"
     else {
     stop("Your response must be either numeric, an integer or a factor with two levels.\n")
     num_gibbs = num_burn_in + num_iterations_after_burn_in
     if (ncol(X) == 0) {
     stop("Your data matrix must have at least one attribute.")
     if (nrow(X) == 0) {
     stop("Your data matrix must have at least one observation.")
     if (length(y) != nrow(X)) {
     stop("The number of responses must be equal to the number of observations in the training data.")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine java init...\n")
     if (is.null(colnames(X))) {
     colnames(X) = paste("V", seq(from = 1, to = ncol(X),
     by = 1), sep = "")
     if (any(mh_prob_steps < 0)) {
     stop("The grow, prune, change ratio parameter vector must all be greater than 0.")
     predictors_which_are_factors = names(which(sapply(X, is.factor)))
     for (predictor in predictors_which_are_factors) {
     X[, predictor] = factor(X[, predictor])
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine factors created...\n")
     if (sum( > 0) {
     stop("You cannot have any missing data in your response vector.")
     rf_imputations_for_missing = NULL
     if (impute_missingness_with_rf_impute) {
     if (nrow(na.omit(X)) == nrow(X)) {
     warning("No missing entries in the training data to impute.")
     rf_imputations_for_missing = X
     else {
     predictor_colnums_with_missingness = names(which(colSums( >
     rf_imputations_for_missing = rfImpute(X, y)
     rf_imputations_for_missing = rf_imputations_for_missing[,
     rf_imputations_for_missing = rf_imputations_for_missing[,
     colnames(rf_imputations_for_missing) = paste(colnames(rf_imputations_for_missing),
     "_imp", sep = "")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine after rf imputations...\n")
     if (!use_missing_data && !replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar) {
     rows_before = nrow(X)
     X = na.omit(X)
     rows_after = nrow(X)
     if (rows_before - rows_after > 0) {
     stop("You have ", rows_before - rows_after, " observations with missing data. \nYou must either omit your missing data using \"na.omit()\" or turn on the\n\"use_missing_data\" or \"replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar\" feature in order to use bartMachine.\n")
     else if (replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar) {
     X = imputeMatrixByXbarjContinuousOrModalForBinary(X,
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Imputed missing data using attribute averages.\n")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine before preprocess...\n")
     pre_process_obj = pre_process_training_data(X, use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars,
     model_matrix_training_data = cbind(pre_process_obj$data,
     p = ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1
     factor_lengths = pre_process_obj$factor_lengths
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine after preprocess...", p, "total features...\n")
     null_cov_prior_vec = is.null(cov_prior_vec)
     if (null_cov_prior_vec && length(factor_lengths) > 0) {
     cov_prior_vec = rep(1, p)
     j_factor_begin = p - sum(factor_lengths) + 1
     for (l in 1:length(factor_lengths)) {
     factor_length = factor_lengths[l]
     cov_prior_vec[j_factor_begin:(j_factor_begin + factor_length -
     1)] = 1/factor_length
     j_factor_begin = j_factor_begin + factor_length
     if (!is.null(interaction_constraints)) {
     if (!mem_cache_for_speed) {
     stop("In order to use interaction constraints, \"mem_cache_for_speed\" must be set to TRUE.")
     if (!inherits(interaction_constraints, "list")) {
     stop("specified parameter \"interaction_constraints\" must be a list")
     else if (length(interaction_constraints) == 0) {
     stop("interaction_constraints list cannot be empty")
     for (a in 1:length(interaction_constraints)) {
     vars_a = interaction_constraints[[a]]
     for (b in 1:length(vars_a)) {
     var = vars_a[b]
     if ((inherits(var, "numeric") | inherits(var,
     "integer")) & !(var %in% (1:p))) {
     stop(paste("Element", var, "in interaction_constraints vector number",
     a, "is numeric but not one of 1, ...,", p,
     "where", p, "is the number of columns in X."))
     if (inherits(var, "factor")) {
     var = as.character(var)
     if (inherits(var, "character") & !(var %in% colnames(X))) {
     stop(paste("Element", var, "in interaction_constraints vector number",
     a, "is a string but not one of the column names of X."))
     if (inherits(var, "integer") | inherits(var,
     "numeric")) {
     vars_a[b] = var - 1
     else if (inherits(var, "character")) {
     vars_a[b] = which(colnames(X) == var) - 1
     interaction_constraints[[a]] = as.integer(vars_a)
     if (!is.null(covariates_to_permute)) {
     for (cov in covariates_to_permute) {
     if (!(cov %in% colnames(model_matrix_training_data)) &&
     inherits(cov, "character")) {
     stop("Covariate \"", cov, "\" not found in design matrix.")
     permuted_order = sample(1:nrow(model_matrix_training_data),
     model_matrix_training_data[, covariates_to_permute] = model_matrix_training_data[permuted_order,
     if (debug_log & verbose) {
     cat("warning: printing out the log file will slow down the runtime significantly.\n")
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "writeStdOutToLogFile")
     if (ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1 >= nrow(model_matrix_training_data)) {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("warning: cannot use MSE of linear model for s_sq_y if p > n. bartMachine will use sample var(y) instead.\n")
     s_sq_y = "var"
     if (is.null(sig_sq_est)) {
     if (pred_type == "regression") {
     y_range = max(y) - min(y)
     y_trans = (y - min(y))/y_range - 0.5
     if (s_sq_y == "mse") {
     X_for_lm =[1:(ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     if (impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm) {
     X_for_lm = imputeMatrixByXbarjContinuousOrModalForBinary(X_for_lm,
     else if (nrow(na.omit(X_for_lm)) == 0) {
     stop("The data does not have enough full records to estimate a naive prediction error. Please rerun with \"impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm\" set to true.")
     mod = lm(y_trans ~ ., X_for_lm)
     mse = var(mod$residuals)
     sig_sq_est = as.numeric(mse)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setSampleVarY",
     else if (s_sq_y == "var") {
     sig_sq_est = as.numeric(var(y_trans))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setSampleVarY",
     else {
     stop("s_sq_y must be \"mse\" or \"var\"", call. = FALSE)
     sig_sq_est = sig_sq_est * y_range^2
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine sigsq estimated...\n")
     else {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine using previous sigsq estimated...\n")
     if (!exists("BART_NUM_CORES", envir = bartMachine_globals)) {
     assign("BART_NUM_CORES", BART_NUM_CORES_DEFAULT, bartMachine_globals)
     num_cores = get("BART_NUM_CORES", bartMachine_globals)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumCores", as.integer(num_cores))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumTrees", as.integer(num_trees))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumGibbsBurnIn", as.integer(num_burn_in))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumGibbsTotalIterations",
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setAlpha", alpha)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setBeta", beta)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setK", k)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setQ", q)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNU", nu)
     mh_prob_steps = mh_prob_steps/sum(mh_prob_steps)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setProbGrow", mh_prob_steps[1])
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setProbPrune", mh_prob_steps[2])
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setVerbose", verbose)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setMemCacheForSpeed", mem_cache_for_speed)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setFlushIndicesToSaveRAM",
     if (!is.null(seed)) {
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setSeed", as.integer(seed))
     if (num_cores > 1) {
     warning("Setting the seed when using parallelization does not result in deterministic output.\nIf you need deterministic output, you must run \"set_bart_machine_num_cores(1)\" and then build the BART model with the set seed.")
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNormSamples", rnorm(num_rand_samps_in_library))
     n_plus_hyper_nu = nrow(model_matrix_training_data) + nu
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setGammaSamples", rchisq(num_rand_samps_in_library,
     if (length(cov_prior_vec) != 0) {
     offset = length(cov_prior_vec) - (ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     if (offset < 0) {
     warning(paste("covariate prior vector length =",
     length(cov_prior_vec), "has to be equal to p =",
     ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1, "(the vector was lengthened with 1's)"))
     cov_prior_vec = c(cov_prior_vec, rep(1, -offset))
     if (length(cov_prior_vec) != ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     1) {
     warning(paste("covariate prior vector length =",
     length(cov_prior_vec), "has to be equal to p =",
     ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1, "(the vector was shortened)"))
     cov_prior_vec = cov_prior_vec[1:(ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     if (sum(cov_prior_vec > 0) != ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     1) {
     stop("covariate prior vector has to have all its elements be positive",
     call. = FALSE)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setCovSplitPrior", .jarray(as.numeric(cov_prior_vec)))
     if (!is.null(interaction_constraints)) {
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "intializeInteractionConstraints",
     for (interaction_constraint_vector in interaction_constraints) {
     for (b in 1:length(interaction_constraint_vector)) {
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "addInteractionConstraint",
     for (i in 1:nrow(model_matrix_training_data)) {
     row_as_char = as.character(model_matrix_training_data[i,
     row_as_char = replace(row_as_char,,
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "addTrainingDataRow",
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "finalizeTrainingData")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine training data finalized...\n")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Now building bartMachine for", pred_type)
     if (pred_type == "classification") {
     cat(" where \"", y_levels[1], "\" is considered the target level",
     sep = "")
     if (length(cov_prior_vec) != 0) {
     cat("Covariate importance prior ON. ")
     if (use_missing_data) {
     cat("Missing data feature ON. ")
     if (use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars) {
     cat("Missingness used as covariates. ")
     if (impute_missingness_with_rf_impute) {
     cat("Missing values imputed via rfImpute. ")
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "Build")
     bart_machine = list(java_bart_machine = java_bart_machine,
     training_data_features = colnames(model_matrix_training_data)[1:ifelse(use_missing_data &&
     use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars, (p/2), p)], training_data_features_with_missing_features = colnames(model_matrix_training_data)[1:p],
     X = X, y = y, y_levels = y_levels, pred_type = pred_type,
     model_matrix_training_data = model_matrix_training_data,
     n = nrow(model_matrix_training_data), p = p, num_cores = num_cores,
     num_trees = num_trees, num_burn_in = num_burn_in, num_iterations_after_burn_in = num_iterations_after_burn_in,
     num_gibbs = num_gibbs, alpha = alpha, beta = beta, k = k,
     q = q, nu = nu, prob_rule_class = prob_rule_class, mh_prob_steps = mh_prob_steps,
     s_sq_y = s_sq_y, run_in_sample = run_in_sample, sig_sq_est = sig_sq_est,
     time_to_build = Sys.time() - t0, cov_prior_vec = cov_prior_vec,
     interaction_constraints = interaction_constraints, use_missing_data = use_missing_data,
     use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars = use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars,
     replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar = replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar,
     impute_missingness_with_rf_impute = impute_missingness_with_rf_impute,
     impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm = impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm,
     verbose = verbose, serialize = serialize, mem_cache_for_speed = mem_cache_for_speed,
     flush_indices_to_save_RAM = flush_indices_to_save_RAM,
     debug_log = debug_log, seed = seed, num_rand_samps_in_library = num_rand_samps_in_library)
     if (!null_cov_prior_vec) {
     bart_machine$cov_prior_vec = cov_prior_vec
     if (run_in_sample) {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("evaluating in sample data...")
     if (pred_type == "regression") {
     y_hat_posterior_samples = .jcall(bart_machine$java_bart_machine,
     "[[D", "getGibbsSamplesForPrediction", .jarray(model_matrix_training_data,
     dispatch = TRUE), as.integer(num_cores), simplify = TRUE)
     y_hat_train = rowMeans(y_hat_posterior_samples)
     bart_machine$y_hat_train = y_hat_train
     bart_machine$residuals = y_remaining - bart_machine$y_hat_train
     bart_machine$L1_err_train = sum(abs(bart_machine$residuals))
     bart_machine$L2_err_train = sum(bart_machine$residuals^2)
     bart_machine$PseudoRsq = 1 - bart_machine$L2_err_train/sum((y_remaining -
     bart_machine$rmse_train = sqrt(bart_machine$L2_err_train/bart_machine$n)
     else if (pred_type == "classification") {
     p_hat_posterior_samples = .jcall(bart_machine$java_bart_machine,
     "[[D", "getGibbsSamplesForPrediction", .jarray(model_matrix_training_data,
     dispatch = TRUE), as.integer(num_cores), simplify = TRUE)
     p_hat_train = rowMeans(p_hat_posterior_samples)
     y_hat_train = labels_to_y_levels(bart_machine, p_hat_train >
     bart_machine$p_hat_train = p_hat_train
     bart_machine$y_hat_train = y_hat_train
     confusion_matrix =, nrow = 3,
     ncol = 3))
     rownames(confusion_matrix) = c(paste("actual", y_levels),
     "use errors")
     colnames(confusion_matrix) = c(paste("predicted",
     y_levels), "model errors")
     confusion_matrix[1:2, 1:2] = as.integer(table(y,
     confusion_matrix[3, 1] = round(confusion_matrix[2,
     1]/(confusion_matrix[1, 1] + confusion_matrix[2,
     1]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[3, 2] = round(confusion_matrix[1,
     2]/(confusion_matrix[1, 2] + confusion_matrix[2,
     2]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[1, 3] = round(confusion_matrix[1,
     2]/(confusion_matrix[1, 1] + confusion_matrix[1,
     2]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[2, 3] = round(confusion_matrix[2,
     1]/(confusion_matrix[2, 1] + confusion_matrix[2,
     2]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[3, 3] = round((confusion_matrix[1,
     2] + confusion_matrix[2, 1])/sum(confusion_matrix[1:2,
     1:2]), 3)
     bart_machine$confusion_matrix = confusion_matrix
     bart_machine$misclassification_error = confusion_matrix[3,
     if (verbose) {
     if (serialize) {
     cat("serializing in order to be saved for future R sessions...")
     class(bart_machine) = "bartMachine"
     })(X = iris1[, -5], y = iris1[, 5], verbose = FALSE)`: object 'iris1' not found
     1. └─bartMachine::bartMachine(iris1[, -5], iris1[, 5], verbose = FALSE) at test-CVpredict.R:485:2
     2. ├─, as.list([-1])
     3. └─bartMachine (local) `<fn>`(X = iris1[, -5], y = iris1[, 5], verbose = FALSE)
     ── Error (test-CVpredict.R:502:3): CVpredict bartMachine numeric ───────────────
     Error in `(function (X = NULL, y = NULL, Xy = NULL, num_trees = 50, num_burn_in = 250,
     num_iterations_after_burn_in = 1000, alpha = 0.95, beta = 2,
     k = 2, q = 0.9, nu = 3, prob_rule_class = 0.5, mh_prob_steps = c(2.5,
     2.5, 4)/9, debug_log = FALSE, run_in_sample = TRUE, s_sq_y = "mse",
     sig_sq_est = NULL, cov_prior_vec = NULL, interaction_constraints = NULL,
     use_missing_data = FALSE, covariates_to_permute = NULL, num_rand_samps_in_library = 10000,
     use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars = FALSE, replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar = FALSE,
     impute_missingness_with_rf_impute = FALSE, impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm = TRUE,
     mem_cache_for_speed = TRUE, flush_indices_to_save_RAM = TRUE,
     serialize = FALSE, seed = NULL, verbose = TRUE)
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine initializing with", num_trees, "trees...\n")
     t0 = Sys.time()
     if (use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars && replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar) {
     stop("You cannot impute by averages and use missing data as dummies simultaneously.")
     if ((is.null(X) && is.null(Xy)) || is.null(y) && is.null(Xy)) {
     stop("You need to give bartMachine a training set either by specifying X and y or by specifying a matrix Xy which contains the response named \"y.\"\n")
     else if (!is.null(X) && !is.null(y) && !is.null(Xy)) {
     stop("You cannot specify both X,y and Xy simultaneously.")
     else if (is.null(X) && is.null(y)) {
     if (!inherits(Xy, "data.frame")) {
     stop(paste("The training data Xy must be a data frame."),
     call. = FALSE)
     y = Xy[, ncol(Xy)]
     for (cov in 1:(ncol(Xy) - 1)) {
     if (colnames(Xy)[cov] == "") {
     colnames(Xy)[cov] = paste("V", cov, sep = "")
     X =[, 1:(ncol(Xy) - 1)])
     colnames(X) = colnames(Xy)[1:(ncol(Xy) - 1)]
     if (!inherits(X, "data.frame")) {
     stop(paste("The training data X must be a data frame."),
     call. = FALSE)
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine vars checked...\n")
     y_levels = levels(y)
     if (inherits(y, "numeric") || inherits(y, "integer")) {
     if (inherits(y, "integer")) {
     y = as.numeric(y)
     java_bart_machine = .jnew("bartMachine.bartMachineRegressionMultThread")
     y_remaining = y
     pred_type = "regression"
     if (inherits(y, "integer")) {
     cat("Warning: The response y is integer, bartMachine will run regression.\n")
     else if (inherits(y, "factor") & length(y_levels) == 2) {
     java_bart_machine = .jnew("bartMachine.bartMachineClassificationMultThread")
     y_remaining = ifelse(y == y_levels[1], 1, 0)
     pred_type = "classification"
     else {
     stop("Your response must be either numeric, an integer or a factor with two levels.\n")
     num_gibbs = num_burn_in + num_iterations_after_burn_in
     if (ncol(X) == 0) {
     stop("Your data matrix must have at least one attribute.")
     if (nrow(X) == 0) {
     stop("Your data matrix must have at least one observation.")
     if (length(y) != nrow(X)) {
     stop("The number of responses must be equal to the number of observations in the training data.")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine java init...\n")
     if (is.null(colnames(X))) {
     colnames(X) = paste("V", seq(from = 1, to = ncol(X),
     by = 1), sep = "")
     if (any(mh_prob_steps < 0)) {
     stop("The grow, prune, change ratio parameter vector must all be greater than 0.")
     predictors_which_are_factors = names(which(sapply(X, is.factor)))
     for (predictor in predictors_which_are_factors) {
     X[, predictor] = factor(X[, predictor])
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine factors created...\n")
     if (sum( > 0) {
     stop("You cannot have any missing data in your response vector.")
     rf_imputations_for_missing = NULL
     if (impute_missingness_with_rf_impute) {
     if (nrow(na.omit(X)) == nrow(X)) {
     warning("No missing entries in the training data to impute.")
     rf_imputations_for_missing = X
     else {
     predictor_colnums_with_missingness = names(which(colSums( >
     rf_imputations_for_missing = rfImpute(X, y)
     rf_imputations_for_missing = rf_imputations_for_missing[,
     rf_imputations_for_missing = rf_imputations_for_missing[,
     colnames(rf_imputations_for_missing) = paste(colnames(rf_imputations_for_missing),
     "_imp", sep = "")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine after rf imputations...\n")
     if (!use_missing_data && !replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar) {
     rows_before = nrow(X)
     X = na.omit(X)
     rows_after = nrow(X)
     if (rows_before - rows_after > 0) {
     stop("You have ", rows_before - rows_after, " observations with missing data. \nYou must either omit your missing data using \"na.omit()\" or turn on the\n\"use_missing_data\" or \"replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar\" feature in order to use bartMachine.\n")
     else if (replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar) {
     X = imputeMatrixByXbarjContinuousOrModalForBinary(X,
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Imputed missing data using attribute averages.\n")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine before preprocess...\n")
     pre_process_obj = pre_process_training_data(X, use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars,
     model_matrix_training_data = cbind(pre_process_obj$data,
     p = ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1
     factor_lengths = pre_process_obj$factor_lengths
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine after preprocess...", p, "total features...\n")
     null_cov_prior_vec = is.null(cov_prior_vec)
     if (null_cov_prior_vec && length(factor_lengths) > 0) {
     cov_prior_vec = rep(1, p)
     j_factor_begin = p - sum(factor_lengths) + 1
     for (l in 1:length(factor_lengths)) {
     factor_length = factor_lengths[l]
     cov_prior_vec[j_factor_begin:(j_factor_begin + factor_length -
     1)] = 1/factor_length
     j_factor_begin = j_factor_begin + factor_length
     if (!is.null(interaction_constraints)) {
     if (!mem_cache_for_speed) {
     stop("In order to use interaction constraints, \"mem_cache_for_speed\" must be set to TRUE.")
     if (!inherits(interaction_constraints, "list")) {
     stop("specified parameter \"interaction_constraints\" must be a list")
     else if (length(interaction_constraints) == 0) {
     stop("interaction_constraints list cannot be empty")
     for (a in 1:length(interaction_constraints)) {
     vars_a = interaction_constraints[[a]]
     for (b in 1:length(vars_a)) {
     var = vars_a[b]
     if ((inherits(var, "numeric") | inherits(var,
     "integer")) & !(var %in% (1:p))) {
     stop(paste("Element", var, "in interaction_constraints vector number",
     a, "is numeric but not one of 1, ...,", p,
     "where", p, "is the number of columns in X."))
     if (inherits(var, "factor")) {
     var = as.character(var)
     if (inherits(var, "character") & !(var %in% colnames(X))) {
     stop(paste("Element", var, "in interaction_constraints vector number",
     a, "is a string but not one of the column names of X."))
     if (inherits(var, "integer") | inherits(var,
     "numeric")) {
     vars_a[b] = var - 1
     else if (inherits(var, "character")) {
     vars_a[b] = which(colnames(X) == var) - 1
     interaction_constraints[[a]] = as.integer(vars_a)
     if (!is.null(covariates_to_permute)) {
     for (cov in covariates_to_permute) {
     if (!(cov %in% colnames(model_matrix_training_data)) &&
     inherits(cov, "character")) {
     stop("Covariate \"", cov, "\" not found in design matrix.")
     permuted_order = sample(1:nrow(model_matrix_training_data),
     model_matrix_training_data[, covariates_to_permute] = model_matrix_training_data[permuted_order,
     if (debug_log & verbose) {
     cat("warning: printing out the log file will slow down the runtime significantly.\n")
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "writeStdOutToLogFile")
     if (ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1 >= nrow(model_matrix_training_data)) {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("warning: cannot use MSE of linear model for s_sq_y if p > n. bartMachine will use sample var(y) instead.\n")
     s_sq_y = "var"
     if (is.null(sig_sq_est)) {
     if (pred_type == "regression") {
     y_range = max(y) - min(y)
     y_trans = (y - min(y))/y_range - 0.5
     if (s_sq_y == "mse") {
     X_for_lm =[1:(ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     if (impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm) {
     X_for_lm = imputeMatrixByXbarjContinuousOrModalForBinary(X_for_lm,
     else if (nrow(na.omit(X_for_lm)) == 0) {
     stop("The data does not have enough full records to estimate a naive prediction error. Please rerun with \"impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm\" set to true.")
     mod = lm(y_trans ~ ., X_for_lm)
     mse = var(mod$residuals)
     sig_sq_est = as.numeric(mse)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setSampleVarY",
     else if (s_sq_y == "var") {
     sig_sq_est = as.numeric(var(y_trans))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setSampleVarY",
     else {
     stop("s_sq_y must be \"mse\" or \"var\"", call. = FALSE)
     sig_sq_est = sig_sq_est * y_range^2
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine sigsq estimated...\n")
     else {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine using previous sigsq estimated...\n")
     if (!exists("BART_NUM_CORES", envir = bartMachine_globals)) {
     assign("BART_NUM_CORES", BART_NUM_CORES_DEFAULT, bartMachine_globals)
     num_cores = get("BART_NUM_CORES", bartMachine_globals)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumCores", as.integer(num_cores))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumTrees", as.integer(num_trees))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumGibbsBurnIn", as.integer(num_burn_in))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumGibbsTotalIterations",
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setAlpha", alpha)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setBeta", beta)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setK", k)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setQ", q)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNU", nu)
     mh_prob_steps = mh_prob_steps/sum(mh_prob_steps)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setProbGrow", mh_prob_steps[1])
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setProbPrune", mh_prob_steps[2])
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setVerbose", verbose)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setMemCacheForSpeed", mem_cache_for_speed)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setFlushIndicesToSaveRAM",
     if (!is.null(seed)) {
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setSeed", as.integer(seed))
     if (num_cores > 1) {
     warning("Setting the seed when using parallelization does not result in deterministic output.\nIf you need deterministic output, you must run \"set_bart_machine_num_cores(1)\" and then build the BART model with the set seed.")
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNormSamples", rnorm(num_rand_samps_in_library))
     n_plus_hyper_nu = nrow(model_matrix_training_data) + nu
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setGammaSamples", rchisq(num_rand_samps_in_library,
     if (length(cov_prior_vec) != 0) {
     offset = length(cov_prior_vec) - (ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     if (offset < 0) {
     warning(paste("covariate prior vector length =",
     length(cov_prior_vec), "has to be equal to p =",
     ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1, "(the vector was lengthened with 1's)"))
     cov_prior_vec = c(cov_prior_vec, rep(1, -offset))
     if (length(cov_prior_vec) != ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     1) {
     warning(paste("covariate prior vector length =",
     length(cov_prior_vec), "has to be equal to p =",
     ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1, "(the vector was shortened)"))
     cov_prior_vec = cov_prior_vec[1:(ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     if (sum(cov_prior_vec > 0) != ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     1) {
     stop("covariate prior vector has to have all its elements be positive",
     call. = FALSE)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setCovSplitPrior", .jarray(as.numeric(cov_prior_vec)))
     if (!is.null(interaction_constraints)) {
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "intializeInteractionConstraints",
     for (interaction_constraint_vector in interaction_constraints) {
     for (b in 1:length(interaction_constraint_vector)) {
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "addInteractionConstraint",
     for (i in 1:nrow(model_matrix_training_data)) {
     row_as_char = as.character(model_matrix_training_data[i,
     row_as_char = replace(row_as_char,,
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "addTrainingDataRow",
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "finalizeTrainingData")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine training data finalized...\n")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Now building bartMachine for", pred_type)
     if (pred_type == "classification") {
     cat(" where \"", y_levels[1], "\" is considered the target level",
     sep = "")
     if (length(cov_prior_vec) != 0) {
     cat("Covariate importance prior ON. ")
     if (use_missing_data) {
     cat("Missing data feature ON. ")
     if (use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars) {
     cat("Missingness used as covariates. ")
     if (impute_missingness_with_rf_impute) {
     cat("Missing values imputed via rfImpute. ")
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "Build")
     bart_machine = list(java_bart_machine = java_bart_machine,
     training_data_features = colnames(model_matrix_training_data)[1:ifelse(use_missing_data &&
     use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars, (p/2), p)], training_data_features_with_missing_features = colnames(model_matrix_training_data)[1:p],
     X = X, y = y, y_levels = y_levels, pred_type = pred_type,
     model_matrix_training_data = model_matrix_training_data,
     n = nrow(model_matrix_training_data), p = p, num_cores = num_cores,
     num_trees = num_trees, num_burn_in = num_burn_in, num_iterations_after_burn_in = num_iterations_after_burn_in,
     num_gibbs = num_gibbs, alpha = alpha, beta = beta, k = k,
     q = q, nu = nu, prob_rule_class = prob_rule_class, mh_prob_steps = mh_prob_steps,
     s_sq_y = s_sq_y, run_in_sample = run_in_sample, sig_sq_est = sig_sq_est,
     time_to_build = Sys.time() - t0, cov_prior_vec = cov_prior_vec,
     interaction_constraints = interaction_constraints, use_missing_data = use_missing_data,
     use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars = use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars,
     replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar = replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar,
     impute_missingness_with_rf_impute = impute_missingness_with_rf_impute,
     impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm = impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm,
     verbose = verbose, serialize = serialize, mem_cache_for_speed = mem_cache_for_speed,
     flush_indices_to_save_RAM = flush_indices_to_save_RAM,
     debug_log = debug_log, seed = seed, num_rand_samps_in_library = num_rand_samps_in_library)
     if (!null_cov_prior_vec) {
     bart_machine$cov_prior_vec = cov_prior_vec
     if (run_in_sample) {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("evaluating in sample data...")
     if (pred_type == "regression") {
     y_hat_posterior_samples = .jcall(bart_machine$java_bart_machine,
     "[[D", "getGibbsSamplesForPrediction", .jarray(model_matrix_training_data,
     dispatch = TRUE), as.integer(num_cores), simplify = TRUE)
     y_hat_train = rowMeans(y_hat_posterior_samples)
     bart_machine$y_hat_train = y_hat_train
     bart_machine$residuals = y_remaining - bart_machine$y_hat_train
     bart_machine$L1_err_train = sum(abs(bart_machine$residuals))
     bart_machine$L2_err_train = sum(bart_machine$residuals^2)
     bart_machine$PseudoRsq = 1 - bart_machine$L2_err_train/sum((y_remaining -
     bart_machine$rmse_train = sqrt(bart_machine$L2_err_train/bart_machine$n)
     else if (pred_type == "classification") {
     p_hat_posterior_samples = .jcall(bart_machine$java_bart_machine,
     "[[D", "getGibbsSamplesForPrediction", .jarray(model_matrix_training_data,
     dispatch = TRUE), as.integer(num_cores), simplify = TRUE)
     p_hat_train = rowMeans(p_hat_posterior_samples)
     y_hat_train = labels_to_y_levels(bart_machine, p_hat_train >
     bart_machine$p_hat_train = p_hat_train
     bart_machine$y_hat_train = y_hat_train
     confusion_matrix =, nrow = 3,
     ncol = 3))
     rownames(confusion_matrix) = c(paste("actual", y_levels),
     "use errors")
     colnames(confusion_matrix) = c(paste("predicted",
     y_levels), "model errors")
     confusion_matrix[1:2, 1:2] = as.integer(table(y,
     confusion_matrix[3, 1] = round(confusion_matrix[2,
     1]/(confusion_matrix[1, 1] + confusion_matrix[2,
     1]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[3, 2] = round(confusion_matrix[1,
     2]/(confusion_matrix[1, 2] + confusion_matrix[2,
     2]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[1, 3] = round(confusion_matrix[1,
     2]/(confusion_matrix[1, 1] + confusion_matrix[1,
     2]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[2, 3] = round(confusion_matrix[2,
     1]/(confusion_matrix[2, 1] + confusion_matrix[2,
     2]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[3, 3] = round((confusion_matrix[1,
     2] + confusion_matrix[2, 1])/sum(confusion_matrix[1:2,
     1:2]), 3)
     bart_machine$confusion_matrix = confusion_matrix
     bart_machine$misclassification_error = confusion_matrix[3,
     if (verbose) {
     if (serialize) {
     cat("serializing in order to be saved for future R sessions...")
     class(bart_machine) = "bartMachine"
     })(X = iris1[, -1], y = iris1[, 1], verbose = FALSE)`: object 'iris1' not found
     1. └─bartMachine::bartMachine(iris1[, -1], iris1[, 1], verbose = FALSE) at test-CVpredict.R:502:2
     2. ├─, as.list([-1])
     3. └─bartMachine (local) `<fn>`(X = iris1[, -1], y = iris1[, 1], verbose = FALSE)
     [ FAIL 2 | WARN 2 | SKIP 0 | PASS 205 ]
     Error: Test failures
     Execution halted
Flavors: r-patched-linux-x86_64, r-release-linux-x86_64

Version: 0.1.1
Check: package dependencies
Result: NOTE
    Packages suggested but not available for checking:
     'scagnostics', 'bartMachine'
Flavor: r-release-macos-x86_64

Version: 0.1.1
Check: tests
Result: ERROR
     Running 'testthat.R' [26s]
    Running the tests in 'tests/testthat.R' failed.
    Complete output:
     > library(testthat)
     > library(condvis2)
     > test_check("condvis2")
     [ FAIL 2 | WARN 2 | SKIP 0 | PASS 205 ]
     ══ Failed tests ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
     ── Error (test-CVpredict.R:485:3): CVpredict bartMachine factor ────────────────
     Error in `(function (X = NULL, y = NULL, Xy = NULL, num_trees = 50, num_burn_in = 250,
     num_iterations_after_burn_in = 1000, alpha = 0.95, beta = 2,
     k = 2, q = 0.9, nu = 3, prob_rule_class = 0.5, mh_prob_steps = c(2.5,
     2.5, 4)/9, debug_log = FALSE, run_in_sample = TRUE, s_sq_y = "mse",
     sig_sq_est = NULL, cov_prior_vec = NULL, interaction_constraints = NULL,
     use_missing_data = FALSE, covariates_to_permute = NULL, num_rand_samps_in_library = 10000,
     use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars = FALSE, replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar = FALSE,
     impute_missingness_with_rf_impute = FALSE, impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm = TRUE,
     mem_cache_for_speed = TRUE, flush_indices_to_save_RAM = TRUE,
     serialize = FALSE, seed = NULL, verbose = TRUE)
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine initializing with", num_trees, "trees...\n")
     t0 = Sys.time()
     if (use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars && replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar) {
     stop("You cannot impute by averages and use missing data as dummies simultaneously.")
     if ((is.null(X) && is.null(Xy)) || is.null(y) && is.null(Xy)) {
     stop("You need to give bartMachine a training set either by specifying X and y or by specifying a matrix Xy which contains the response named \"y.\"\n")
     else if (!is.null(X) && !is.null(y) && !is.null(Xy)) {
     stop("You cannot specify both X,y and Xy simultaneously.")
     else if (is.null(X) && is.null(y)) {
     if (!inherits(Xy, "data.frame")) {
     stop(paste("The training data Xy must be a data frame."),
     call. = FALSE)
     y = Xy[, ncol(Xy)]
     for (cov in 1:(ncol(Xy) - 1)) {
     if (colnames(Xy)[cov] == "") {
     colnames(Xy)[cov] = paste("V", cov, sep = "")
     X =[, 1:(ncol(Xy) - 1)])
     colnames(X) = colnames(Xy)[1:(ncol(Xy) - 1)]
     if (!inherits(X, "data.frame")) {
     stop(paste("The training data X must be a data frame."),
     call. = FALSE)
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine vars checked...\n")
     y_levels = levels(y)
     if (inherits(y, "numeric") || inherits(y, "integer")) {
     if (inherits(y, "integer")) {
     y = as.numeric(y)
     java_bart_machine = .jnew("bartMachine.bartMachineRegressionMultThread")
     y_remaining = y
     pred_type = "regression"
     if (inherits(y, "integer")) {
     cat("Warning: The response y is integer, bartMachine will run regression.\n")
     else if (inherits(y, "factor") & length(y_levels) == 2) {
     java_bart_machine = .jnew("bartMachine.bartMachineClassificationMultThread")
     y_remaining = ifelse(y == y_levels[1], 1, 0)
     pred_type = "classification"
     else {
     stop("Your response must be either numeric, an integer or a factor with two levels.\n")
     num_gibbs = num_burn_in + num_iterations_after_burn_in
     if (ncol(X) == 0) {
     stop("Your data matrix must have at least one attribute.")
     if (nrow(X) == 0) {
     stop("Your data matrix must have at least one observation.")
     if (length(y) != nrow(X)) {
     stop("The number of responses must be equal to the number of observations in the training data.")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine java init...\n")
     if (is.null(colnames(X))) {
     colnames(X) = paste("V", seq(from = 1, to = ncol(X),
     by = 1), sep = "")
     if (any(mh_prob_steps < 0)) {
     stop("The grow, prune, change ratio parameter vector must all be greater than 0.")
     predictors_which_are_factors = names(which(sapply(X, is.factor)))
     for (predictor in predictors_which_are_factors) {
     X[, predictor] = factor(X[, predictor])
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine factors created...\n")
     if (sum( > 0) {
     stop("You cannot have any missing data in your response vector.")
     rf_imputations_for_missing = NULL
     if (impute_missingness_with_rf_impute) {
     if (nrow(na.omit(X)) == nrow(X)) {
     warning("No missing entries in the training data to impute.")
     rf_imputations_for_missing = X
     else {
     predictor_colnums_with_missingness = names(which(colSums( >
     rf_imputations_for_missing = rfImpute(X, y)
     rf_imputations_for_missing = rf_imputations_for_missing[,
     rf_imputations_for_missing = rf_imputations_for_missing[,
     colnames(rf_imputations_for_missing) = paste(colnames(rf_imputations_for_missing),
     "_imp", sep = "")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine after rf imputations...\n")
     if (!use_missing_data && !replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar) {
     rows_before = nrow(X)
     X = na.omit(X)
     rows_after = nrow(X)
     if (rows_before - rows_after > 0) {
     stop("You have ", rows_before - rows_after, " observations with missing data. \nYou must either omit your missing data using \"na.omit()\" or turn on the\n\"use_missing_data\" or \"replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar\" feature in order to use bartMachine.\n")
     else if (replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar) {
     X = imputeMatrixByXbarjContinuousOrModalForBinary(X,
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Imputed missing data using attribute averages.\n")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine before preprocess...\n")
     pre_process_obj = pre_process_training_data(X, use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars,
     model_matrix_training_data = cbind(pre_process_obj$data,
     p = ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1
     factor_lengths = pre_process_obj$factor_lengths
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine after preprocess...", p, "total features...\n")
     null_cov_prior_vec = is.null(cov_prior_vec)
     if (null_cov_prior_vec && length(factor_lengths) > 0) {
     cov_prior_vec = rep(1, p)
     j_factor_begin = p - sum(factor_lengths) + 1
     for (l in 1:length(factor_lengths)) {
     factor_length = factor_lengths[l]
     cov_prior_vec[j_factor_begin:(j_factor_begin + factor_length -
     1)] = 1/factor_length
     j_factor_begin = j_factor_begin + factor_length
     if (!is.null(interaction_constraints)) {
     if (!mem_cache_for_speed) {
     stop("In order to use interaction constraints, \"mem_cache_for_speed\" must be set to TRUE.")
     if (!inherits(interaction_constraints, "list")) {
     stop("specified parameter \"interaction_constraints\" must be a list")
     else if (length(interaction_constraints) == 0) {
     stop("interaction_constraints list cannot be empty")
     for (a in 1:length(interaction_constraints)) {
     vars_a = interaction_constraints[[a]]
     for (b in 1:length(vars_a)) {
     var = vars_a[b]
     if ((inherits(var, "numeric") | inherits(var,
     "integer")) & !(var %in% (1:p))) {
     stop(paste("Element", var, "in interaction_constraints vector number",
     a, "is numeric but not one of 1, ...,", p,
     "where", p, "is the number of columns in X."))
     if (inherits(var, "factor")) {
     var = as.character(var)
     if (inherits(var, "character") & !(var %in% colnames(X))) {
     stop(paste("Element", var, "in interaction_constraints vector number",
     a, "is a string but not one of the column names of X."))
     if (inherits(var, "integer") | inherits(var,
     "numeric")) {
     vars_a[b] = var - 1
     else if (inherits(var, "character")) {
     vars_a[b] = which(colnames(X) == var) - 1
     interaction_constraints[[a]] = as.integer(vars_a)
     if (!is.null(covariates_to_permute)) {
     for (cov in covariates_to_permute) {
     if (!(cov %in% colnames(model_matrix_training_data)) &&
     inherits(cov, "character")) {
     stop("Covariate \"", cov, "\" not found in design matrix.")
     permuted_order = sample(1:nrow(model_matrix_training_data),
     model_matrix_training_data[, covariates_to_permute] = model_matrix_training_data[permuted_order,
     if (debug_log & verbose) {
     cat("warning: printing out the log file will slow down the runtime significantly.\n")
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "writeStdOutToLogFile")
     if (ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1 >= nrow(model_matrix_training_data)) {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("warning: cannot use MSE of linear model for s_sq_y if p > n. bartMachine will use sample var(y) instead.\n")
     s_sq_y = "var"
     if (is.null(sig_sq_est)) {
     if (pred_type == "regression") {
     y_range = max(y) - min(y)
     y_trans = (y - min(y))/y_range - 0.5
     if (s_sq_y == "mse") {
     X_for_lm =[1:(ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     if (impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm) {
     X_for_lm = imputeMatrixByXbarjContinuousOrModalForBinary(X_for_lm,
     else if (nrow(na.omit(X_for_lm)) == 0) {
     stop("The data does not have enough full records to estimate a naive prediction error. Please rerun with \"impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm\" set to true.")
     mod = lm(y_trans ~ ., X_for_lm)
     mse = var(mod$residuals)
     sig_sq_est = as.numeric(mse)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setSampleVarY",
     else if (s_sq_y == "var") {
     sig_sq_est = as.numeric(var(y_trans))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setSampleVarY",
     else {
     stop("s_sq_y must be \"mse\" or \"var\"", call. = FALSE)
     sig_sq_est = sig_sq_est * y_range^2
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine sigsq estimated...\n")
     else {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine using previous sigsq estimated...\n")
     if (!exists("BART_NUM_CORES", envir = bartMachine_globals)) {
     assign("BART_NUM_CORES", BART_NUM_CORES_DEFAULT, bartMachine_globals)
     num_cores = get("BART_NUM_CORES", bartMachine_globals)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumCores", as.integer(num_cores))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumTrees", as.integer(num_trees))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumGibbsBurnIn", as.integer(num_burn_in))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumGibbsTotalIterations",
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setAlpha", alpha)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setBeta", beta)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setK", k)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setQ", q)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNU", nu)
     mh_prob_steps = mh_prob_steps/sum(mh_prob_steps)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setProbGrow", mh_prob_steps[1])
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setProbPrune", mh_prob_steps[2])
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setVerbose", verbose)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setMemCacheForSpeed", mem_cache_for_speed)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setFlushIndicesToSaveRAM",
     if (!is.null(seed)) {
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setSeed", as.integer(seed))
     if (num_cores > 1) {
     warning("Setting the seed when using parallelization does not result in deterministic output.\nIf you need deterministic output, you must run \"set_bart_machine_num_cores(1)\" and then build the BART model with the set seed.")
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNormSamples", rnorm(num_rand_samps_in_library))
     n_plus_hyper_nu = nrow(model_matrix_training_data) + nu
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setGammaSamples", rchisq(num_rand_samps_in_library,
     if (length(cov_prior_vec) != 0) {
     offset = length(cov_prior_vec) - (ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     if (offset < 0) {
     warning(paste("covariate prior vector length =",
     length(cov_prior_vec), "has to be equal to p =",
     ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1, "(the vector was lengthened with 1's)"))
     cov_prior_vec = c(cov_prior_vec, rep(1, -offset))
     if (length(cov_prior_vec) != ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     1) {
     warning(paste("covariate prior vector length =",
     length(cov_prior_vec), "has to be equal to p =",
     ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1, "(the vector was shortened)"))
     cov_prior_vec = cov_prior_vec[1:(ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     if (sum(cov_prior_vec > 0) != ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     1) {
     stop("covariate prior vector has to have all its elements be positive",
     call. = FALSE)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setCovSplitPrior", .jarray(as.numeric(cov_prior_vec)))
     if (!is.null(interaction_constraints)) {
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "intializeInteractionConstraints",
     for (interaction_constraint_vector in interaction_constraints) {
     for (b in 1:length(interaction_constraint_vector)) {
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "addInteractionConstraint",
     for (i in 1:nrow(model_matrix_training_data)) {
     row_as_char = as.character(model_matrix_training_data[i,
     row_as_char = replace(row_as_char,,
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "addTrainingDataRow",
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "finalizeTrainingData")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine training data finalized...\n")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Now building bartMachine for", pred_type)
     if (pred_type == "classification") {
     cat(" where \"", y_levels[1], "\" is considered the target level",
     sep = "")
     if (length(cov_prior_vec) != 0) {
     cat("Covariate importance prior ON. ")
     if (use_missing_data) {
     cat("Missing data feature ON. ")
     if (use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars) {
     cat("Missingness used as covariates. ")
     if (impute_missingness_with_rf_impute) {
     cat("Missing values imputed via rfImpute. ")
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "Build")
     bart_machine = list(java_bart_machine = java_bart_machine,
     training_data_features = colnames(model_matrix_training_data)[1:ifelse(use_missing_data &&
     use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars, (p/2), p)], training_data_features_with_missing_features = colnames(model_matrix_training_data)[1:p],
     X = X, y = y, y_levels = y_levels, pred_type = pred_type,
     model_matrix_training_data = model_matrix_training_data,
     n = nrow(model_matrix_training_data), p = p, num_cores = num_cores,
     num_trees = num_trees, num_burn_in = num_burn_in, num_iterations_after_burn_in = num_iterations_after_burn_in,
     num_gibbs = num_gibbs, alpha = alpha, beta = beta, k = k,
     q = q, nu = nu, prob_rule_class = prob_rule_class, mh_prob_steps = mh_prob_steps,
     s_sq_y = s_sq_y, run_in_sample = run_in_sample, sig_sq_est = sig_sq_est,
     time_to_build = Sys.time() - t0, cov_prior_vec = cov_prior_vec,
     interaction_constraints = interaction_constraints, use_missing_data = use_missing_data,
     use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars = use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars,
     replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar = replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar,
     impute_missingness_with_rf_impute = impute_missingness_with_rf_impute,
     impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm = impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm,
     verbose = verbose, serialize = serialize, mem_cache_for_speed = mem_cache_for_speed,
     flush_indices_to_save_RAM = flush_indices_to_save_RAM,
     debug_log = debug_log, seed = seed, num_rand_samps_in_library = num_rand_samps_in_library)
     if (!null_cov_prior_vec) {
     bart_machine$cov_prior_vec = cov_prior_vec
     if (run_in_sample) {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("evaluating in sample data...")
     if (pred_type == "regression") {
     y_hat_posterior_samples = .jcall(bart_machine$java_bart_machine,
     "[[D", "getGibbsSamplesForPrediction", .jarray(model_matrix_training_data,
     dispatch = TRUE), as.integer(num_cores), simplify = TRUE)
     y_hat_train = rowMeans(y_hat_posterior_samples)
     bart_machine$y_hat_train = y_hat_train
     bart_machine$residuals = y_remaining - bart_machine$y_hat_train
     bart_machine$L1_err_train = sum(abs(bart_machine$residuals))
     bart_machine$L2_err_train = sum(bart_machine$residuals^2)
     bart_machine$PseudoRsq = 1 - bart_machine$L2_err_train/sum((y_remaining -
     bart_machine$rmse_train = sqrt(bart_machine$L2_err_train/bart_machine$n)
     else if (pred_type == "classification") {
     p_hat_posterior_samples = .jcall(bart_machine$java_bart_machine,
     "[[D", "getGibbsSamplesForPrediction", .jarray(model_matrix_training_data,
     dispatch = TRUE), as.integer(num_cores), simplify = TRUE)
     p_hat_train = rowMeans(p_hat_posterior_samples)
     y_hat_train = labels_to_y_levels(bart_machine, p_hat_train >
     bart_machine$p_hat_train = p_hat_train
     bart_machine$y_hat_train = y_hat_train
     confusion_matrix =, nrow = 3,
     ncol = 3))
     rownames(confusion_matrix) = c(paste("actual", y_levels),
     "use errors")
     colnames(confusion_matrix) = c(paste("predicted",
     y_levels), "model errors")
     confusion_matrix[1:2, 1:2] = as.integer(table(y,
     confusion_matrix[3, 1] = round(confusion_matrix[2,
     1]/(confusion_matrix[1, 1] + confusion_matrix[2,
     1]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[3, 2] = round(confusion_matrix[1,
     2]/(confusion_matrix[1, 2] + confusion_matrix[2,
     2]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[1, 3] = round(confusion_matrix[1,
     2]/(confusion_matrix[1, 1] + confusion_matrix[1,
     2]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[2, 3] = round(confusion_matrix[2,
     1]/(confusion_matrix[2, 1] + confusion_matrix[2,
     2]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[3, 3] = round((confusion_matrix[1,
     2] + confusion_matrix[2, 1])/sum(confusion_matrix[1:2,
     1:2]), 3)
     bart_machine$confusion_matrix = confusion_matrix
     bart_machine$misclassification_error = confusion_matrix[3,
     if (verbose) {
     if (serialize) {
     cat("serializing in order to be saved for future R sessions...")
     class(bart_machine) = "bartMachine"
     })(X = iris1[, -5], y = iris1[, 5], verbose = FALSE)`: object 'iris1' not found
     1. └─bartMachine::bartMachine(iris1[, -5], iris1[, 5], verbose = FALSE) at test-CVpredict.R:485:2
     2. ├─, as.list([-1])
     3. └─bartMachine (local) `<fn>`(X = iris1[, -5], y = iris1[, 5], verbose = FALSE)
     ── Error (test-CVpredict.R:502:3): CVpredict bartMachine numeric ───────────────
     Error in `(function (X = NULL, y = NULL, Xy = NULL, num_trees = 50, num_burn_in = 250,
     num_iterations_after_burn_in = 1000, alpha = 0.95, beta = 2,
     k = 2, q = 0.9, nu = 3, prob_rule_class = 0.5, mh_prob_steps = c(2.5,
     2.5, 4)/9, debug_log = FALSE, run_in_sample = TRUE, s_sq_y = "mse",
     sig_sq_est = NULL, cov_prior_vec = NULL, interaction_constraints = NULL,
     use_missing_data = FALSE, covariates_to_permute = NULL, num_rand_samps_in_library = 10000,
     use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars = FALSE, replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar = FALSE,
     impute_missingness_with_rf_impute = FALSE, impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm = TRUE,
     mem_cache_for_speed = TRUE, flush_indices_to_save_RAM = TRUE,
     serialize = FALSE, seed = NULL, verbose = TRUE)
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine initializing with", num_trees, "trees...\n")
     t0 = Sys.time()
     if (use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars && replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar) {
     stop("You cannot impute by averages and use missing data as dummies simultaneously.")
     if ((is.null(X) && is.null(Xy)) || is.null(y) && is.null(Xy)) {
     stop("You need to give bartMachine a training set either by specifying X and y or by specifying a matrix Xy which contains the response named \"y.\"\n")
     else if (!is.null(X) && !is.null(y) && !is.null(Xy)) {
     stop("You cannot specify both X,y and Xy simultaneously.")
     else if (is.null(X) && is.null(y)) {
     if (!inherits(Xy, "data.frame")) {
     stop(paste("The training data Xy must be a data frame."),
     call. = FALSE)
     y = Xy[, ncol(Xy)]
     for (cov in 1:(ncol(Xy) - 1)) {
     if (colnames(Xy)[cov] == "") {
     colnames(Xy)[cov] = paste("V", cov, sep = "")
     X =[, 1:(ncol(Xy) - 1)])
     colnames(X) = colnames(Xy)[1:(ncol(Xy) - 1)]
     if (!inherits(X, "data.frame")) {
     stop(paste("The training data X must be a data frame."),
     call. = FALSE)
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine vars checked...\n")
     y_levels = levels(y)
     if (inherits(y, "numeric") || inherits(y, "integer")) {
     if (inherits(y, "integer")) {
     y = as.numeric(y)
     java_bart_machine = .jnew("bartMachine.bartMachineRegressionMultThread")
     y_remaining = y
     pred_type = "regression"
     if (inherits(y, "integer")) {
     cat("Warning: The response y is integer, bartMachine will run regression.\n")
     else if (inherits(y, "factor") & length(y_levels) == 2) {
     java_bart_machine = .jnew("bartMachine.bartMachineClassificationMultThread")
     y_remaining = ifelse(y == y_levels[1], 1, 0)
     pred_type = "classification"
     else {
     stop("Your response must be either numeric, an integer or a factor with two levels.\n")
     num_gibbs = num_burn_in + num_iterations_after_burn_in
     if (ncol(X) == 0) {
     stop("Your data matrix must have at least one attribute.")
     if (nrow(X) == 0) {
     stop("Your data matrix must have at least one observation.")
     if (length(y) != nrow(X)) {
     stop("The number of responses must be equal to the number of observations in the training data.")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine java init...\n")
     if (is.null(colnames(X))) {
     colnames(X) = paste("V", seq(from = 1, to = ncol(X),
     by = 1), sep = "")
     if (any(mh_prob_steps < 0)) {
     stop("The grow, prune, change ratio parameter vector must all be greater than 0.")
     predictors_which_are_factors = names(which(sapply(X, is.factor)))
     for (predictor in predictors_which_are_factors) {
     X[, predictor] = factor(X[, predictor])
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine factors created...\n")
     if (sum( > 0) {
     stop("You cannot have any missing data in your response vector.")
     rf_imputations_for_missing = NULL
     if (impute_missingness_with_rf_impute) {
     if (nrow(na.omit(X)) == nrow(X)) {
     warning("No missing entries in the training data to impute.")
     rf_imputations_for_missing = X
     else {
     predictor_colnums_with_missingness = names(which(colSums( >
     rf_imputations_for_missing = rfImpute(X, y)
     rf_imputations_for_missing = rf_imputations_for_missing[,
     rf_imputations_for_missing = rf_imputations_for_missing[,
     colnames(rf_imputations_for_missing) = paste(colnames(rf_imputations_for_missing),
     "_imp", sep = "")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine after rf imputations...\n")
     if (!use_missing_data && !replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar) {
     rows_before = nrow(X)
     X = na.omit(X)
     rows_after = nrow(X)
     if (rows_before - rows_after > 0) {
     stop("You have ", rows_before - rows_after, " observations with missing data. \nYou must either omit your missing data using \"na.omit()\" or turn on the\n\"use_missing_data\" or \"replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar\" feature in order to use bartMachine.\n")
     else if (replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar) {
     X = imputeMatrixByXbarjContinuousOrModalForBinary(X,
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Imputed missing data using attribute averages.\n")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine before preprocess...\n")
     pre_process_obj = pre_process_training_data(X, use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars,
     model_matrix_training_data = cbind(pre_process_obj$data,
     p = ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1
     factor_lengths = pre_process_obj$factor_lengths
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine after preprocess...", p, "total features...\n")
     null_cov_prior_vec = is.null(cov_prior_vec)
     if (null_cov_prior_vec && length(factor_lengths) > 0) {
     cov_prior_vec = rep(1, p)
     j_factor_begin = p - sum(factor_lengths) + 1
     for (l in 1:length(factor_lengths)) {
     factor_length = factor_lengths[l]
     cov_prior_vec[j_factor_begin:(j_factor_begin + factor_length -
     1)] = 1/factor_length
     j_factor_begin = j_factor_begin + factor_length
     if (!is.null(interaction_constraints)) {
     if (!mem_cache_for_speed) {
     stop("In order to use interaction constraints, \"mem_cache_for_speed\" must be set to TRUE.")
     if (!inherits(interaction_constraints, "list")) {
     stop("specified parameter \"interaction_constraints\" must be a list")
     else if (length(interaction_constraints) == 0) {
     stop("interaction_constraints list cannot be empty")
     for (a in 1:length(interaction_constraints)) {
     vars_a = interaction_constraints[[a]]
     for (b in 1:length(vars_a)) {
     var = vars_a[b]
     if ((inherits(var, "numeric") | inherits(var,
     "integer")) & !(var %in% (1:p))) {
     stop(paste("Element", var, "in interaction_constraints vector number",
     a, "is numeric but not one of 1, ...,", p,
     "where", p, "is the number of columns in X."))
     if (inherits(var, "factor")) {
     var = as.character(var)
     if (inherits(var, "character") & !(var %in% colnames(X))) {
     stop(paste("Element", var, "in interaction_constraints vector number",
     a, "is a string but not one of the column names of X."))
     if (inherits(var, "integer") | inherits(var,
     "numeric")) {
     vars_a[b] = var - 1
     else if (inherits(var, "character")) {
     vars_a[b] = which(colnames(X) == var) - 1
     interaction_constraints[[a]] = as.integer(vars_a)
     if (!is.null(covariates_to_permute)) {
     for (cov in covariates_to_permute) {
     if (!(cov %in% colnames(model_matrix_training_data)) &&
     inherits(cov, "character")) {
     stop("Covariate \"", cov, "\" not found in design matrix.")
     permuted_order = sample(1:nrow(model_matrix_training_data),
     model_matrix_training_data[, covariates_to_permute] = model_matrix_training_data[permuted_order,
     if (debug_log & verbose) {
     cat("warning: printing out the log file will slow down the runtime significantly.\n")
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "writeStdOutToLogFile")
     if (ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1 >= nrow(model_matrix_training_data)) {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("warning: cannot use MSE of linear model for s_sq_y if p > n. bartMachine will use sample var(y) instead.\n")
     s_sq_y = "var"
     if (is.null(sig_sq_est)) {
     if (pred_type == "regression") {
     y_range = max(y) - min(y)
     y_trans = (y - min(y))/y_range - 0.5
     if (s_sq_y == "mse") {
     X_for_lm =[1:(ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     if (impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm) {
     X_for_lm = imputeMatrixByXbarjContinuousOrModalForBinary(X_for_lm,
     else if (nrow(na.omit(X_for_lm)) == 0) {
     stop("The data does not have enough full records to estimate a naive prediction error. Please rerun with \"impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm\" set to true.")
     mod = lm(y_trans ~ ., X_for_lm)
     mse = var(mod$residuals)
     sig_sq_est = as.numeric(mse)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setSampleVarY",
     else if (s_sq_y == "var") {
     sig_sq_est = as.numeric(var(y_trans))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setSampleVarY",
     else {
     stop("s_sq_y must be \"mse\" or \"var\"", call. = FALSE)
     sig_sq_est = sig_sq_est * y_range^2
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine sigsq estimated...\n")
     else {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine using previous sigsq estimated...\n")
     if (!exists("BART_NUM_CORES", envir = bartMachine_globals)) {
     assign("BART_NUM_CORES", BART_NUM_CORES_DEFAULT, bartMachine_globals)
     num_cores = get("BART_NUM_CORES", bartMachine_globals)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumCores", as.integer(num_cores))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumTrees", as.integer(num_trees))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumGibbsBurnIn", as.integer(num_burn_in))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumGibbsTotalIterations",
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setAlpha", alpha)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setBeta", beta)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setK", k)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setQ", q)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNU", nu)
     mh_prob_steps = mh_prob_steps/sum(mh_prob_steps)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setProbGrow", mh_prob_steps[1])
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setProbPrune", mh_prob_steps[2])
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setVerbose", verbose)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setMemCacheForSpeed", mem_cache_for_speed)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setFlushIndicesToSaveRAM",
     if (!is.null(seed)) {
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setSeed", as.integer(seed))
     if (num_cores > 1) {
     warning("Setting the seed when using parallelization does not result in deterministic output.\nIf you need deterministic output, you must run \"set_bart_machine_num_cores(1)\" and then build the BART model with the set seed.")
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNormSamples", rnorm(num_rand_samps_in_library))
     n_plus_hyper_nu = nrow(model_matrix_training_data) + nu
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setGammaSamples", rchisq(num_rand_samps_in_library,
     if (length(cov_prior_vec) != 0) {
     offset = length(cov_prior_vec) - (ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     if (offset < 0) {
     warning(paste("covariate prior vector length =",
     length(cov_prior_vec), "has to be equal to p =",
     ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1, "(the vector was lengthened with 1's)"))
     cov_prior_vec = c(cov_prior_vec, rep(1, -offset))
     if (length(cov_prior_vec) != ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     1) {
     warning(paste("covariate prior vector length =",
     length(cov_prior_vec), "has to be equal to p =",
     ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1, "(the vector was shortened)"))
     cov_prior_vec = cov_prior_vec[1:(ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     if (sum(cov_prior_vec > 0) != ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     1) {
     stop("covariate prior vector has to have all its elements be positive",
     call. = FALSE)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setCovSplitPrior", .jarray(as.numeric(cov_prior_vec)))
     if (!is.null(interaction_constraints)) {
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "intializeInteractionConstraints",
     for (interaction_constraint_vector in interaction_constraints) {
     for (b in 1:length(interaction_constraint_vector)) {
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "addInteractionConstraint",
     for (i in 1:nrow(model_matrix_training_data)) {
     row_as_char = as.character(model_matrix_training_data[i,
     row_as_char = replace(row_as_char,,
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "addTrainingDataRow",
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "finalizeTrainingData")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine training data finalized...\n")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Now building bartMachine for", pred_type)
     if (pred_type == "classification") {
     cat(" where \"", y_levels[1], "\" is considered the target level",
     sep = "")
     if (length(cov_prior_vec) != 0) {
     cat("Covariate importance prior ON. ")
     if (use_missing_data) {
     cat("Missing data feature ON. ")
     if (use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars) {
     cat("Missingness used as covariates. ")
     if (impute_missingness_with_rf_impute) {
     cat("Missing values imputed via rfImpute. ")
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "Build")
     bart_machine = list(java_bart_machine = java_bart_machine,
     training_data_features = colnames(model_matrix_training_data)[1:ifelse(use_missing_data &&
     use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars, (p/2), p)], training_data_features_with_missing_features = colnames(model_matrix_training_data)[1:p],
     X = X, y = y, y_levels = y_levels, pred_type = pred_type,
     model_matrix_training_data = model_matrix_training_data,
     n = nrow(model_matrix_training_data), p = p, num_cores = num_cores,
     num_trees = num_trees, num_burn_in = num_burn_in, num_iterations_after_burn_in = num_iterations_after_burn_in,
     num_gibbs = num_gibbs, alpha = alpha, beta = beta, k = k,
     q = q, nu = nu, prob_rule_class = prob_rule_class, mh_prob_steps = mh_prob_steps,
     s_sq_y = s_sq_y, run_in_sample = run_in_sample, sig_sq_est = sig_sq_est,
     time_to_build = Sys.time() - t0, cov_prior_vec = cov_prior_vec,
     interaction_constraints = interaction_constraints, use_missing_data = use_missing_data,
     use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars = use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars,
     replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar = replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar,
     impute_missingness_with_rf_impute = impute_missingness_with_rf_impute,
     impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm = impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm,
     verbose = verbose, serialize = serialize, mem_cache_for_speed = mem_cache_for_speed,
     flush_indices_to_save_RAM = flush_indices_to_save_RAM,
     debug_log = debug_log, seed = seed, num_rand_samps_in_library = num_rand_samps_in_library)
     if (!null_cov_prior_vec) {
     bart_machine$cov_prior_vec = cov_prior_vec
     if (run_in_sample) {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("evaluating in sample data...")
     if (pred_type == "regression") {
     y_hat_posterior_samples = .jcall(bart_machine$java_bart_machine,
     "[[D", "getGibbsSamplesForPrediction", .jarray(model_matrix_training_data,
     dispatch = TRUE), as.integer(num_cores), simplify = TRUE)
     y_hat_train = rowMeans(y_hat_posterior_samples)
     bart_machine$y_hat_train = y_hat_train
     bart_machine$residuals = y_remaining - bart_machine$y_hat_train
     bart_machine$L1_err_train = sum(abs(bart_machine$residuals))
     bart_machine$L2_err_train = sum(bart_machine$residuals^2)
     bart_machine$PseudoRsq = 1 - bart_machine$L2_err_train/sum((y_remaining -
     bart_machine$rmse_train = sqrt(bart_machine$L2_err_train/bart_machine$n)
     else if (pred_type == "classification") {
     p_hat_posterior_samples = .jcall(bart_machine$java_bart_machine,
     "[[D", "getGibbsSamplesForPrediction", .jarray(model_matrix_training_data,
     dispatch = TRUE), as.integer(num_cores), simplify = TRUE)
     p_hat_train = rowMeans(p_hat_posterior_samples)
     y_hat_train = labels_to_y_levels(bart_machine, p_hat_train >
     bart_machine$p_hat_train = p_hat_train
     bart_machine$y_hat_train = y_hat_train
     confusion_matrix =, nrow = 3,
     ncol = 3))
     rownames(confusion_matrix) = c(paste("actual", y_levels),
     "use errors")
     colnames(confusion_matrix) = c(paste("predicted",
     y_levels), "model errors")
     confusion_matrix[1:2, 1:2] = as.integer(table(y,
     confusion_matrix[3, 1] = round(confusion_matrix[2,
     1]/(confusion_matrix[1, 1] + confusion_matrix[2,
     1]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[3, 2] = round(confusion_matrix[1,
     2]/(confusion_matrix[1, 2] + confusion_matrix[2,
     2]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[1, 3] = round(confusion_matrix[1,
     2]/(confusion_matrix[1, 1] + confusion_matrix[1,
     2]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[2, 3] = round(confusion_matrix[2,
     1]/(confusion_matrix[2, 1] + confusion_matrix[2,
     2]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[3, 3] = round((confusion_matrix[1,
     2] + confusion_matrix[2, 1])/sum(confusion_matrix[1:2,
     1:2]), 3)
     bart_machine$confusion_matrix = confusion_matrix
     bart_machine$misclassification_error = confusion_matrix[3,
     if (verbose) {
     if (serialize) {
     cat("serializing in order to be saved for future R sessions...")
     class(bart_machine) = "bartMachine"
     })(X = iris1[, -1], y = iris1[, 1], verbose = FALSE)`: object 'iris1' not found
     1. └─bartMachine::bartMachine(iris1[, -1], iris1[, 1], verbose = FALSE) at test-CVpredict.R:502:2
     2. ├─, as.list([-1])
     3. └─bartMachine (local) `<fn>`(X = iris1[, -1], y = iris1[, 1], verbose = FALSE)
     [ FAIL 2 | WARN 2 | SKIP 0 | PASS 205 ]
     Error: Test failures
     Execution halted
Flavor: r-release-windows-x86_64

Version: 0.1.1
Check: tests
Result: ERROR
     Running 'testthat.R' [27s]
    Running the tests in 'tests/testthat.R' failed.
    Complete output:
     > library(testthat)
     > library(condvis2)
     > test_check("condvis2")
     [ FAIL 2 | WARN 2 | SKIP 0 | PASS 205 ]
     == Failed tests ================================================================
     -- Error (test-CVpredict.R:485:3): CVpredict bartMachine factor ----------------
     Error in `(function (X = NULL, y = NULL, Xy = NULL, num_trees = 50, num_burn_in = 250,
     num_iterations_after_burn_in = 1000, alpha = 0.95, beta = 2,
     k = 2, q = 0.9, nu = 3, prob_rule_class = 0.5, mh_prob_steps = c(2.5,
     2.5, 4)/9, debug_log = FALSE, run_in_sample = TRUE, s_sq_y = "mse",
     sig_sq_est = NULL, cov_prior_vec = NULL, interaction_constraints = NULL,
     use_missing_data = FALSE, covariates_to_permute = NULL, num_rand_samps_in_library = 10000,
     use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars = FALSE, replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar = FALSE,
     impute_missingness_with_rf_impute = FALSE, impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm = TRUE,
     mem_cache_for_speed = TRUE, flush_indices_to_save_RAM = TRUE,
     serialize = FALSE, seed = NULL, verbose = TRUE)
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine initializing with", num_trees, "trees...\n")
     t0 = Sys.time()
     if (use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars && replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar) {
     stop("You cannot impute by averages and use missing data as dummies simultaneously.")
     if ((is.null(X) && is.null(Xy)) || is.null(y) && is.null(Xy)) {
     stop("You need to give bartMachine a training set either by specifying X and y or by specifying a matrix Xy which contains the response named \"y.\"\n")
     else if (!is.null(X) && !is.null(y) && !is.null(Xy)) {
     stop("You cannot specify both X,y and Xy simultaneously.")
     else if (is.null(X) && is.null(y)) {
     if (!inherits(Xy, "data.frame")) {
     stop(paste("The training data Xy must be a data frame."),
     call. = FALSE)
     y = Xy[, ncol(Xy)]
     for (cov in 1:(ncol(Xy) - 1)) {
     if (colnames(Xy)[cov] == "") {
     colnames(Xy)[cov] = paste("V", cov, sep = "")
     X =[, 1:(ncol(Xy) - 1)])
     colnames(X) = colnames(Xy)[1:(ncol(Xy) - 1)]
     if (!inherits(X, "data.frame")) {
     stop(paste("The training data X must be a data frame."),
     call. = FALSE)
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine vars checked...\n")
     y_levels = levels(y)
     if (inherits(y, "numeric") || inherits(y, "integer")) {
     if (inherits(y, "integer")) {
     y = as.numeric(y)
     java_bart_machine = .jnew("bartMachine.bartMachineRegressionMultThread")
     y_remaining = y
     pred_type = "regression"
     if (inherits(y, "integer")) {
     cat("Warning: The response y is integer, bartMachine will run regression.\n")
     else if (inherits(y, "factor") & length(y_levels) == 2) {
     java_bart_machine = .jnew("bartMachine.bartMachineClassificationMultThread")
     y_remaining = ifelse(y == y_levels[1], 1, 0)
     pred_type = "classification"
     else {
     stop("Your response must be either numeric, an integer or a factor with two levels.\n")
     num_gibbs = num_burn_in + num_iterations_after_burn_in
     if (ncol(X) == 0) {
     stop("Your data matrix must have at least one attribute.")
     if (nrow(X) == 0) {
     stop("Your data matrix must have at least one observation.")
     if (length(y) != nrow(X)) {
     stop("The number of responses must be equal to the number of observations in the training data.")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine java init...\n")
     if (is.null(colnames(X))) {
     colnames(X) = paste("V", seq(from = 1, to = ncol(X),
     by = 1), sep = "")
     if (any(mh_prob_steps < 0)) {
     stop("The grow, prune, change ratio parameter vector must all be greater than 0.")
     predictors_which_are_factors = names(which(sapply(X, is.factor)))
     for (predictor in predictors_which_are_factors) {
     X[, predictor] = factor(X[, predictor])
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine factors created...\n")
     if (sum( > 0) {
     stop("You cannot have any missing data in your response vector.")
     rf_imputations_for_missing = NULL
     if (impute_missingness_with_rf_impute) {
     if (nrow(na.omit(X)) == nrow(X)) {
     warning("No missing entries in the training data to impute.")
     rf_imputations_for_missing = X
     else {
     predictor_colnums_with_missingness = names(which(colSums( >
     rf_imputations_for_missing = rfImpute(X, y)
     rf_imputations_for_missing = rf_imputations_for_missing[,
     rf_imputations_for_missing = rf_imputations_for_missing[,
     colnames(rf_imputations_for_missing) = paste(colnames(rf_imputations_for_missing),
     "_imp", sep = "")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine after rf imputations...\n")
     if (!use_missing_data && !replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar) {
     rows_before = nrow(X)
     X = na.omit(X)
     rows_after = nrow(X)
     if (rows_before - rows_after > 0) {
     stop("You have ", rows_before - rows_after, " observations with missing data. \nYou must either omit your missing data using \"na.omit()\" or turn on the\n\"use_missing_data\" or \"replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar\" feature in order to use bartMachine.\n")
     else if (replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar) {
     X = imputeMatrixByXbarjContinuousOrModalForBinary(X,
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Imputed missing data using attribute averages.\n")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine before preprocess...\n")
     pre_process_obj = pre_process_training_data(X, use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars,
     model_matrix_training_data = cbind(pre_process_obj$data,
     p = ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1
     factor_lengths = pre_process_obj$factor_lengths
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine after preprocess...", p, "total features...\n")
     null_cov_prior_vec = is.null(cov_prior_vec)
     if (null_cov_prior_vec && length(factor_lengths) > 0) {
     cov_prior_vec = rep(1, p)
     j_factor_begin = p - sum(factor_lengths) + 1
     for (l in 1:length(factor_lengths)) {
     factor_length = factor_lengths[l]
     cov_prior_vec[j_factor_begin:(j_factor_begin + factor_length -
     1)] = 1/factor_length
     j_factor_begin = j_factor_begin + factor_length
     if (!is.null(interaction_constraints)) {
     if (!mem_cache_for_speed) {
     stop("In order to use interaction constraints, \"mem_cache_for_speed\" must be set to TRUE.")
     if (!inherits(interaction_constraints, "list")) {
     stop("specified parameter \"interaction_constraints\" must be a list")
     else if (length(interaction_constraints) == 0) {
     stop("interaction_constraints list cannot be empty")
     for (a in 1:length(interaction_constraints)) {
     vars_a = interaction_constraints[[a]]
     for (b in 1:length(vars_a)) {
     var = vars_a[b]
     if ((inherits(var, "numeric") | inherits(var,
     "integer")) & !(var %in% (1:p))) {
     stop(paste("Element", var, "in interaction_constraints vector number",
     a, "is numeric but not one of 1, ...,", p,
     "where", p, "is the number of columns in X."))
     if (inherits(var, "factor")) {
     var = as.character(var)
     if (inherits(var, "character") & !(var %in% colnames(X))) {
     stop(paste("Element", var, "in interaction_constraints vector number",
     a, "is a string but not one of the column names of X."))
     if (inherits(var, "integer") | inherits(var,
     "numeric")) {
     vars_a[b] = var - 1
     else if (inherits(var, "character")) {
     vars_a[b] = which(colnames(X) == var) - 1
     interaction_constraints[[a]] = as.integer(vars_a)
     if (!is.null(covariates_to_permute)) {
     for (cov in covariates_to_permute) {
     if (!(cov %in% colnames(model_matrix_training_data)) &&
     inherits(cov, "character")) {
     stop("Covariate \"", cov, "\" not found in design matrix.")
     permuted_order = sample(1:nrow(model_matrix_training_data),
     model_matrix_training_data[, covariates_to_permute] = model_matrix_training_data[permuted_order,
     if (debug_log & verbose) {
     cat("warning: printing out the log file will slow down the runtime significantly.\n")
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "writeStdOutToLogFile")
     if (ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1 >= nrow(model_matrix_training_data)) {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("warning: cannot use MSE of linear model for s_sq_y if p > n. bartMachine will use sample var(y) instead.\n")
     s_sq_y = "var"
     if (is.null(sig_sq_est)) {
     if (pred_type == "regression") {
     y_range = max(y) - min(y)
     y_trans = (y - min(y))/y_range - 0.5
     if (s_sq_y == "mse") {
     X_for_lm =[1:(ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     if (impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm) {
     X_for_lm = imputeMatrixByXbarjContinuousOrModalForBinary(X_for_lm,
     else if (nrow(na.omit(X_for_lm)) == 0) {
     stop("The data does not have enough full records to estimate a naive prediction error. Please rerun with \"impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm\" set to true.")
     mod = lm(y_trans ~ ., X_for_lm)
     mse = var(mod$residuals)
     sig_sq_est = as.numeric(mse)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setSampleVarY",
     else if (s_sq_y == "var") {
     sig_sq_est = as.numeric(var(y_trans))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setSampleVarY",
     else {
     stop("s_sq_y must be \"mse\" or \"var\"", call. = FALSE)
     sig_sq_est = sig_sq_est * y_range^2
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine sigsq estimated...\n")
     else {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine using previous sigsq estimated...\n")
     if (!exists("BART_NUM_CORES", envir = bartMachine_globals)) {
     assign("BART_NUM_CORES", BART_NUM_CORES_DEFAULT, bartMachine_globals)
     num_cores = get("BART_NUM_CORES", bartMachine_globals)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumCores", as.integer(num_cores))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumTrees", as.integer(num_trees))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumGibbsBurnIn", as.integer(num_burn_in))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumGibbsTotalIterations",
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setAlpha", alpha)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setBeta", beta)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setK", k)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setQ", q)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNU", nu)
     mh_prob_steps = mh_prob_steps/sum(mh_prob_steps)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setProbGrow", mh_prob_steps[1])
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setProbPrune", mh_prob_steps[2])
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setVerbose", verbose)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setMemCacheForSpeed", mem_cache_for_speed)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setFlushIndicesToSaveRAM",
     if (!is.null(seed)) {
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setSeed", as.integer(seed))
     if (num_cores > 1) {
     warning("Setting the seed when using parallelization does not result in deterministic output.\nIf you need deterministic output, you must run \"set_bart_machine_num_cores(1)\" and then build the BART model with the set seed.")
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNormSamples", rnorm(num_rand_samps_in_library))
     n_plus_hyper_nu = nrow(model_matrix_training_data) + nu
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setGammaSamples", rchisq(num_rand_samps_in_library,
     if (length(cov_prior_vec) != 0) {
     offset = length(cov_prior_vec) - (ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     if (offset < 0) {
     warning(paste("covariate prior vector length =",
     length(cov_prior_vec), "has to be equal to p =",
     ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1, "(the vector was lengthened with 1's)"))
     cov_prior_vec = c(cov_prior_vec, rep(1, -offset))
     if (length(cov_prior_vec) != ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     1) {
     warning(paste("covariate prior vector length =",
     length(cov_prior_vec), "has to be equal to p =",
     ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1, "(the vector was shortened)"))
     cov_prior_vec = cov_prior_vec[1:(ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     if (sum(cov_prior_vec > 0) != ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     1) {
     stop("covariate prior vector has to have all its elements be positive",
     call. = FALSE)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setCovSplitPrior", .jarray(as.numeric(cov_prior_vec)))
     if (!is.null(interaction_constraints)) {
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "intializeInteractionConstraints",
     for (interaction_constraint_vector in interaction_constraints) {
     for (b in 1:length(interaction_constraint_vector)) {
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "addInteractionConstraint",
     for (i in 1:nrow(model_matrix_training_data)) {
     row_as_char = as.character(model_matrix_training_data[i,
     row_as_char = replace(row_as_char,,
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "addTrainingDataRow",
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "finalizeTrainingData")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine training data finalized...\n")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Now building bartMachine for", pred_type)
     if (pred_type == "classification") {
     cat(" where \"", y_levels[1], "\" is considered the target level",
     sep = "")
     if (length(cov_prior_vec) != 0) {
     cat("Covariate importance prior ON. ")
     if (use_missing_data) {
     cat("Missing data feature ON. ")
     if (use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars) {
     cat("Missingness used as covariates. ")
     if (impute_missingness_with_rf_impute) {
     cat("Missing values imputed via rfImpute. ")
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "Build")
     bart_machine = list(java_bart_machine = java_bart_machine,
     training_data_features = colnames(model_matrix_training_data)[1:ifelse(use_missing_data &&
     use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars, (p/2), p)], training_data_features_with_missing_features = colnames(model_matrix_training_data)[1:p],
     X = X, y = y, y_levels = y_levels, pred_type = pred_type,
     model_matrix_training_data = model_matrix_training_data,
     n = nrow(model_matrix_training_data), p = p, num_cores = num_cores,
     num_trees = num_trees, num_burn_in = num_burn_in, num_iterations_after_burn_in = num_iterations_after_burn_in,
     num_gibbs = num_gibbs, alpha = alpha, beta = beta, k = k,
     q = q, nu = nu, prob_rule_class = prob_rule_class, mh_prob_steps = mh_prob_steps,
     s_sq_y = s_sq_y, run_in_sample = run_in_sample, sig_sq_est = sig_sq_est,
     time_to_build = Sys.time() - t0, cov_prior_vec = cov_prior_vec,
     interaction_constraints = interaction_constraints, use_missing_data = use_missing_data,
     use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars = use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars,
     replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar = replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar,
     impute_missingness_with_rf_impute = impute_missingness_with_rf_impute,
     impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm = impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm,
     verbose = verbose, serialize = serialize, mem_cache_for_speed = mem_cache_for_speed,
     flush_indices_to_save_RAM = flush_indices_to_save_RAM,
     debug_log = debug_log, seed = seed, num_rand_samps_in_library = num_rand_samps_in_library)
     if (!null_cov_prior_vec) {
     bart_machine$cov_prior_vec = cov_prior_vec
     if (run_in_sample) {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("evaluating in sample data...")
     if (pred_type == "regression") {
     y_hat_posterior_samples = .jcall(bart_machine$java_bart_machine,
     "[[D", "getGibbsSamplesForPrediction", .jarray(model_matrix_training_data,
     dispatch = TRUE), as.integer(num_cores), simplify = TRUE)
     y_hat_train = rowMeans(y_hat_posterior_samples)
     bart_machine$y_hat_train = y_hat_train
     bart_machine$residuals = y_remaining - bart_machine$y_hat_train
     bart_machine$L1_err_train = sum(abs(bart_machine$residuals))
     bart_machine$L2_err_train = sum(bart_machine$residuals^2)
     bart_machine$PseudoRsq = 1 - bart_machine$L2_err_train/sum((y_remaining -
     bart_machine$rmse_train = sqrt(bart_machine$L2_err_train/bart_machine$n)
     else if (pred_type == "classification") {
     p_hat_posterior_samples = .jcall(bart_machine$java_bart_machine,
     "[[D", "getGibbsSamplesForPrediction", .jarray(model_matrix_training_data,
     dispatch = TRUE), as.integer(num_cores), simplify = TRUE)
     p_hat_train = rowMeans(p_hat_posterior_samples)
     y_hat_train = labels_to_y_levels(bart_machine, p_hat_train >
     bart_machine$p_hat_train = p_hat_train
     bart_machine$y_hat_train = y_hat_train
     confusion_matrix =, nrow = 3,
     ncol = 3))
     rownames(confusion_matrix) = c(paste("actual", y_levels),
     "use errors")
     colnames(confusion_matrix) = c(paste("predicted",
     y_levels), "model errors")
     confusion_matrix[1:2, 1:2] = as.integer(table(y,
     confusion_matrix[3, 1] = round(confusion_matrix[2,
     1]/(confusion_matrix[1, 1] + confusion_matrix[2,
     1]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[3, 2] = round(confusion_matrix[1,
     2]/(confusion_matrix[1, 2] + confusion_matrix[2,
     2]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[1, 3] = round(confusion_matrix[1,
     2]/(confusion_matrix[1, 1] + confusion_matrix[1,
     2]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[2, 3] = round(confusion_matrix[2,
     1]/(confusion_matrix[2, 1] + confusion_matrix[2,
     2]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[3, 3] = round((confusion_matrix[1,
     2] + confusion_matrix[2, 1])/sum(confusion_matrix[1:2,
     1:2]), 3)
     bart_machine$confusion_matrix = confusion_matrix
     bart_machine$misclassification_error = confusion_matrix[3,
     if (verbose) {
     if (serialize) {
     cat("serializing in order to be saved for future R sessions...")
     class(bart_machine) = "bartMachine"
     })(X = iris1[, -5], y = iris1[, 5], verbose = FALSE)`: object 'iris1' not found
     1. \-bartMachine::bartMachine(iris1[, -5], iris1[, 5], verbose = FALSE) at test-CVpredict.R:485:2
     2., as.list([-1])
     3. \-bartMachine (local) `<fn>`(X = iris1[, -5], y = iris1[, 5], verbose = FALSE)
     -- Error (test-CVpredict.R:502:3): CVpredict bartMachine numeric ---------------
     Error in `(function (X = NULL, y = NULL, Xy = NULL, num_trees = 50, num_burn_in = 250,
     num_iterations_after_burn_in = 1000, alpha = 0.95, beta = 2,
     k = 2, q = 0.9, nu = 3, prob_rule_class = 0.5, mh_prob_steps = c(2.5,
     2.5, 4)/9, debug_log = FALSE, run_in_sample = TRUE, s_sq_y = "mse",
     sig_sq_est = NULL, cov_prior_vec = NULL, interaction_constraints = NULL,
     use_missing_data = FALSE, covariates_to_permute = NULL, num_rand_samps_in_library = 10000,
     use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars = FALSE, replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar = FALSE,
     impute_missingness_with_rf_impute = FALSE, impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm = TRUE,
     mem_cache_for_speed = TRUE, flush_indices_to_save_RAM = TRUE,
     serialize = FALSE, seed = NULL, verbose = TRUE)
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine initializing with", num_trees, "trees...\n")
     t0 = Sys.time()
     if (use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars && replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar) {
     stop("You cannot impute by averages and use missing data as dummies simultaneously.")
     if ((is.null(X) && is.null(Xy)) || is.null(y) && is.null(Xy)) {
     stop("You need to give bartMachine a training set either by specifying X and y or by specifying a matrix Xy which contains the response named \"y.\"\n")
     else if (!is.null(X) && !is.null(y) && !is.null(Xy)) {
     stop("You cannot specify both X,y and Xy simultaneously.")
     else if (is.null(X) && is.null(y)) {
     if (!inherits(Xy, "data.frame")) {
     stop(paste("The training data Xy must be a data frame."),
     call. = FALSE)
     y = Xy[, ncol(Xy)]
     for (cov in 1:(ncol(Xy) - 1)) {
     if (colnames(Xy)[cov] == "") {
     colnames(Xy)[cov] = paste("V", cov, sep = "")
     X =[, 1:(ncol(Xy) - 1)])
     colnames(X) = colnames(Xy)[1:(ncol(Xy) - 1)]
     if (!inherits(X, "data.frame")) {
     stop(paste("The training data X must be a data frame."),
     call. = FALSE)
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine vars checked...\n")
     y_levels = levels(y)
     if (inherits(y, "numeric") || inherits(y, "integer")) {
     if (inherits(y, "integer")) {
     y = as.numeric(y)
     java_bart_machine = .jnew("bartMachine.bartMachineRegressionMultThread")
     y_remaining = y
     pred_type = "regression"
     if (inherits(y, "integer")) {
     cat("Warning: The response y is integer, bartMachine will run regression.\n")
     else if (inherits(y, "factor") & length(y_levels) == 2) {
     java_bart_machine = .jnew("bartMachine.bartMachineClassificationMultThread")
     y_remaining = ifelse(y == y_levels[1], 1, 0)
     pred_type = "classification"
     else {
     stop("Your response must be either numeric, an integer or a factor with two levels.\n")
     num_gibbs = num_burn_in + num_iterations_after_burn_in
     if (ncol(X) == 0) {
     stop("Your data matrix must have at least one attribute.")
     if (nrow(X) == 0) {
     stop("Your data matrix must have at least one observation.")
     if (length(y) != nrow(X)) {
     stop("The number of responses must be equal to the number of observations in the training data.")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine java init...\n")
     if (is.null(colnames(X))) {
     colnames(X) = paste("V", seq(from = 1, to = ncol(X),
     by = 1), sep = "")
     if (any(mh_prob_steps < 0)) {
     stop("The grow, prune, change ratio parameter vector must all be greater than 0.")
     predictors_which_are_factors = names(which(sapply(X, is.factor)))
     for (predictor in predictors_which_are_factors) {
     X[, predictor] = factor(X[, predictor])
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine factors created...\n")
     if (sum( > 0) {
     stop("You cannot have any missing data in your response vector.")
     rf_imputations_for_missing = NULL
     if (impute_missingness_with_rf_impute) {
     if (nrow(na.omit(X)) == nrow(X)) {
     warning("No missing entries in the training data to impute.")
     rf_imputations_for_missing = X
     else {
     predictor_colnums_with_missingness = names(which(colSums( >
     rf_imputations_for_missing = rfImpute(X, y)
     rf_imputations_for_missing = rf_imputations_for_missing[,
     rf_imputations_for_missing = rf_imputations_for_missing[,
     colnames(rf_imputations_for_missing) = paste(colnames(rf_imputations_for_missing),
     "_imp", sep = "")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine after rf imputations...\n")
     if (!use_missing_data && !replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar) {
     rows_before = nrow(X)
     X = na.omit(X)
     rows_after = nrow(X)
     if (rows_before - rows_after > 0) {
     stop("You have ", rows_before - rows_after, " observations with missing data. \nYou must either omit your missing data using \"na.omit()\" or turn on the\n\"use_missing_data\" or \"replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar\" feature in order to use bartMachine.\n")
     else if (replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar) {
     X = imputeMatrixByXbarjContinuousOrModalForBinary(X,
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Imputed missing data using attribute averages.\n")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine before preprocess...\n")
     pre_process_obj = pre_process_training_data(X, use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars,
     model_matrix_training_data = cbind(pre_process_obj$data,
     p = ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1
     factor_lengths = pre_process_obj$factor_lengths
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine after preprocess...", p, "total features...\n")
     null_cov_prior_vec = is.null(cov_prior_vec)
     if (null_cov_prior_vec && length(factor_lengths) > 0) {
     cov_prior_vec = rep(1, p)
     j_factor_begin = p - sum(factor_lengths) + 1
     for (l in 1:length(factor_lengths)) {
     factor_length = factor_lengths[l]
     cov_prior_vec[j_factor_begin:(j_factor_begin + factor_length -
     1)] = 1/factor_length
     j_factor_begin = j_factor_begin + factor_length
     if (!is.null(interaction_constraints)) {
     if (!mem_cache_for_speed) {
     stop("In order to use interaction constraints, \"mem_cache_for_speed\" must be set to TRUE.")
     if (!inherits(interaction_constraints, "list")) {
     stop("specified parameter \"interaction_constraints\" must be a list")
     else if (length(interaction_constraints) == 0) {
     stop("interaction_constraints list cannot be empty")
     for (a in 1:length(interaction_constraints)) {
     vars_a = interaction_constraints[[a]]
     for (b in 1:length(vars_a)) {
     var = vars_a[b]
     if ((inherits(var, "numeric") | inherits(var,
     "integer")) & !(var %in% (1:p))) {
     stop(paste("Element", var, "in interaction_constraints vector number",
     a, "is numeric but not one of 1, ...,", p,
     "where", p, "is the number of columns in X."))
     if (inherits(var, "factor")) {
     var = as.character(var)
     if (inherits(var, "character") & !(var %in% colnames(X))) {
     stop(paste("Element", var, "in interaction_constraints vector number",
     a, "is a string but not one of the column names of X."))
     if (inherits(var, "integer") | inherits(var,
     "numeric")) {
     vars_a[b] = var - 1
     else if (inherits(var, "character")) {
     vars_a[b] = which(colnames(X) == var) - 1
     interaction_constraints[[a]] = as.integer(vars_a)
     if (!is.null(covariates_to_permute)) {
     for (cov in covariates_to_permute) {
     if (!(cov %in% colnames(model_matrix_training_data)) &&
     inherits(cov, "character")) {
     stop("Covariate \"", cov, "\" not found in design matrix.")
     permuted_order = sample(1:nrow(model_matrix_training_data),
     model_matrix_training_data[, covariates_to_permute] = model_matrix_training_data[permuted_order,
     if (debug_log & verbose) {
     cat("warning: printing out the log file will slow down the runtime significantly.\n")
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "writeStdOutToLogFile")
     if (ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1 >= nrow(model_matrix_training_data)) {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("warning: cannot use MSE of linear model for s_sq_y if p > n. bartMachine will use sample var(y) instead.\n")
     s_sq_y = "var"
     if (is.null(sig_sq_est)) {
     if (pred_type == "regression") {
     y_range = max(y) - min(y)
     y_trans = (y - min(y))/y_range - 0.5
     if (s_sq_y == "mse") {
     X_for_lm =[1:(ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     if (impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm) {
     X_for_lm = imputeMatrixByXbarjContinuousOrModalForBinary(X_for_lm,
     else if (nrow(na.omit(X_for_lm)) == 0) {
     stop("The data does not have enough full records to estimate a naive prediction error. Please rerun with \"impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm\" set to true.")
     mod = lm(y_trans ~ ., X_for_lm)
     mse = var(mod$residuals)
     sig_sq_est = as.numeric(mse)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setSampleVarY",
     else if (s_sq_y == "var") {
     sig_sq_est = as.numeric(var(y_trans))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setSampleVarY",
     else {
     stop("s_sq_y must be \"mse\" or \"var\"", call. = FALSE)
     sig_sq_est = sig_sq_est * y_range^2
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine sigsq estimated...\n")
     else {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine using previous sigsq estimated...\n")
     if (!exists("BART_NUM_CORES", envir = bartMachine_globals)) {
     assign("BART_NUM_CORES", BART_NUM_CORES_DEFAULT, bartMachine_globals)
     num_cores = get("BART_NUM_CORES", bartMachine_globals)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumCores", as.integer(num_cores))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumTrees", as.integer(num_trees))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumGibbsBurnIn", as.integer(num_burn_in))
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNumGibbsTotalIterations",
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setAlpha", alpha)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setBeta", beta)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setK", k)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setQ", q)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNU", nu)
     mh_prob_steps = mh_prob_steps/sum(mh_prob_steps)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setProbGrow", mh_prob_steps[1])
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setProbPrune", mh_prob_steps[2])
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setVerbose", verbose)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setMemCacheForSpeed", mem_cache_for_speed)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setFlushIndicesToSaveRAM",
     if (!is.null(seed)) {
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setSeed", as.integer(seed))
     if (num_cores > 1) {
     warning("Setting the seed when using parallelization does not result in deterministic output.\nIf you need deterministic output, you must run \"set_bart_machine_num_cores(1)\" and then build the BART model with the set seed.")
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setNormSamples", rnorm(num_rand_samps_in_library))
     n_plus_hyper_nu = nrow(model_matrix_training_data) + nu
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setGammaSamples", rchisq(num_rand_samps_in_library,
     if (length(cov_prior_vec) != 0) {
     offset = length(cov_prior_vec) - (ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     if (offset < 0) {
     warning(paste("covariate prior vector length =",
     length(cov_prior_vec), "has to be equal to p =",
     ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1, "(the vector was lengthened with 1's)"))
     cov_prior_vec = c(cov_prior_vec, rep(1, -offset))
     if (length(cov_prior_vec) != ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     1) {
     warning(paste("covariate prior vector length =",
     length(cov_prior_vec), "has to be equal to p =",
     ncol(model_matrix_training_data) - 1, "(the vector was shortened)"))
     cov_prior_vec = cov_prior_vec[1:(ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     if (sum(cov_prior_vec > 0) != ncol(model_matrix_training_data) -
     1) {
     stop("covariate prior vector has to have all its elements be positive",
     call. = FALSE)
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "setCovSplitPrior", .jarray(as.numeric(cov_prior_vec)))
     if (!is.null(interaction_constraints)) {
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "intializeInteractionConstraints",
     for (interaction_constraint_vector in interaction_constraints) {
     for (b in 1:length(interaction_constraint_vector)) {
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "addInteractionConstraint",
     for (i in 1:nrow(model_matrix_training_data)) {
     row_as_char = as.character(model_matrix_training_data[i,
     row_as_char = replace(row_as_char,,
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "addTrainingDataRow",
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "finalizeTrainingData")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("bartMachine training data finalized...\n")
     if (verbose) {
     cat("Now building bartMachine for", pred_type)
     if (pred_type == "classification") {
     cat(" where \"", y_levels[1], "\" is considered the target level",
     sep = "")
     if (length(cov_prior_vec) != 0) {
     cat("Covariate importance prior ON. ")
     if (use_missing_data) {
     cat("Missing data feature ON. ")
     if (use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars) {
     cat("Missingness used as covariates. ")
     if (impute_missingness_with_rf_impute) {
     cat("Missing values imputed via rfImpute. ")
     .jcall(java_bart_machine, "V", "Build")
     bart_machine = list(java_bart_machine = java_bart_machine,
     training_data_features = colnames(model_matrix_training_data)[1:ifelse(use_missing_data &&
     use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars, (p/2), p)], training_data_features_with_missing_features = colnames(model_matrix_training_data)[1:p],
     X = X, y = y, y_levels = y_levels, pred_type = pred_type,
     model_matrix_training_data = model_matrix_training_data,
     n = nrow(model_matrix_training_data), p = p, num_cores = num_cores,
     num_trees = num_trees, num_burn_in = num_burn_in, num_iterations_after_burn_in = num_iterations_after_burn_in,
     num_gibbs = num_gibbs, alpha = alpha, beta = beta, k = k,
     q = q, nu = nu, prob_rule_class = prob_rule_class, mh_prob_steps = mh_prob_steps,
     s_sq_y = s_sq_y, run_in_sample = run_in_sample, sig_sq_est = sig_sq_est,
     time_to_build = Sys.time() - t0, cov_prior_vec = cov_prior_vec,
     interaction_constraints = interaction_constraints, use_missing_data = use_missing_data,
     use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars = use_missing_data_dummies_as_covars,
     replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar = replace_missing_data_with_x_j_bar,
     impute_missingness_with_rf_impute = impute_missingness_with_rf_impute,
     impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm = impute_missingness_with_x_j_bar_for_lm,
     verbose = verbose, serialize = serialize, mem_cache_for_speed = mem_cache_for_speed,
     flush_indices_to_save_RAM = flush_indices_to_save_RAM,
     debug_log = debug_log, seed = seed, num_rand_samps_in_library = num_rand_samps_in_library)
     if (!null_cov_prior_vec) {
     bart_machine$cov_prior_vec = cov_prior_vec
     if (run_in_sample) {
     if (verbose) {
     cat("evaluating in sample data...")
     if (pred_type == "regression") {
     y_hat_posterior_samples = .jcall(bart_machine$java_bart_machine,
     "[[D", "getGibbsSamplesForPrediction", .jarray(model_matrix_training_data,
     dispatch = TRUE), as.integer(num_cores), simplify = TRUE)
     y_hat_train = rowMeans(y_hat_posterior_samples)
     bart_machine$y_hat_train = y_hat_train
     bart_machine$residuals = y_remaining - bart_machine$y_hat_train
     bart_machine$L1_err_train = sum(abs(bart_machine$residuals))
     bart_machine$L2_err_train = sum(bart_machine$residuals^2)
     bart_machine$PseudoRsq = 1 - bart_machine$L2_err_train/sum((y_remaining -
     bart_machine$rmse_train = sqrt(bart_machine$L2_err_train/bart_machine$n)
     else if (pred_type == "classification") {
     p_hat_posterior_samples = .jcall(bart_machine$java_bart_machine,
     "[[D", "getGibbsSamplesForPrediction", .jarray(model_matrix_training_data,
     dispatch = TRUE), as.integer(num_cores), simplify = TRUE)
     p_hat_train = rowMeans(p_hat_posterior_samples)
     y_hat_train = labels_to_y_levels(bart_machine, p_hat_train >
     bart_machine$p_hat_train = p_hat_train
     bart_machine$y_hat_train = y_hat_train
     confusion_matrix =, nrow = 3,
     ncol = 3))
     rownames(confusion_matrix) = c(paste("actual", y_levels),
     "use errors")
     colnames(confusion_matrix) = c(paste("predicted",
     y_levels), "model errors")
     confusion_matrix[1:2, 1:2] = as.integer(table(y,
     confusion_matrix[3, 1] = round(confusion_matrix[2,
     1]/(confusion_matrix[1, 1] + confusion_matrix[2,
     1]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[3, 2] = round(confusion_matrix[1,
     2]/(confusion_matrix[1, 2] + confusion_matrix[2,
     2]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[1, 3] = round(confusion_matrix[1,
     2]/(confusion_matrix[1, 1] + confusion_matrix[1,
     2]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[2, 3] = round(confusion_matrix[2,
     1]/(confusion_matrix[2, 1] + confusion_matrix[2,
     2]), 3)
     confusion_matrix[3, 3] = round((confusion_matrix[1,
     2] + confusion_matrix[2, 1])/sum(confusion_matrix[1:2,
     1:2]), 3)
     bart_machine$confusion_matrix = confusion_matrix
     bart_machine$misclassification_error = confusion_matrix[3,
     if (verbose) {
     if (serialize) {
     cat("serializing in order to be saved for future R sessions...")
     class(bart_machine) = "bartMachine"
     })(X = iris1[, -1], y = iris1[, 1], verbose = FALSE)`: object 'iris1' not found
     1. \-bartMachine::bartMachine(iris1[, -1], iris1[, 1], verbose = FALSE) at test-CVpredict.R:502:2
     2., as.list([-1])
     3. \-bartMachine (local) `<fn>`(X = iris1[, -1], y = iris1[, 1], verbose = FALSE)
     [ FAIL 2 | WARN 2 | SKIP 0 | PASS 205 ]
     Error: Test failures
     Execution halted
Flavor: r-oldrel-windows-ix86+x86_64