ActiveDriverWGS 1.2.0
- Updated trinucleotide quantification in sequence and mutations.
Trinucleotides on the inverse strand are now reverse complemented
instead of complemented to match COSMIC signatures.
- More accurate and stable numeric estimates of expected mutations are
provided as output instead of the Poisson-sampled estimates provided
- The package now allows identification of genomic elements with
significantly fewer mutations than expected, potentially reflecting
negative selection of elements. This is enabled using an optional
command line parameter detect_depleted_mutations. In the analysis
depleted mutations, elements with enriched mutations are assigned
non-significant P-values.
ActiveDriverWGS 1.1.2
- Bug fixed: datasets with very few unmutated elements (<10)
previously failed to include these elements in results.
- New option: mitochondrial mutations can be analyzed (chrM).
ActiveDriverWGS 1.1.1
- Bug fixed: a rare set of very large elements with depletion of
mutations would sometimes appear as enriched in mutations.
ActiveDriverWGS 1.1.0
Major Changes
- Alternative reference genomes for human (hg19, hg38) and mouse (mm9,
mm10) are now supported. Default option is hg19.
- Full rewrite of ADWGS_rest for memory and speed efficiency.
- Improved handling on indels on boundaries of elements is now
default. Removed parameter element_bias that controlled this behaviour
- README.rd and front page now include a simple example of running
ActiveDriverWGS, and the vignette has been updated.
- Site IDs need to match element IDs. Example databases with PTM sites
have been updated.