NEWS | R Documentation | change L to be optional input with default as .Machine$double.xmax, which is the largest double value of R
LDT.estimator.R: change L to be optional input with default as .Machine$double.xmax, which is the largest double value of R
LDT.estimator.R: add a covariance estimate COV12 between SURV1 and SURV2 in the returned value
LDT.estimator.R: change the returned value as a data frame
LDT.mean.estimator.R: change L to be optional input with default as .Machine$double.xmax, which is the largest double value of R
LDT.mean.estimator.R: add a covariance estimate MCOV12 between MEAN1 and MEAN2 in the returned value
LDT.mean.estimator.R: change the returned value as a data frame
New function added to simulate data from sequentially randomized clinical trials (Guo and Tsiatis 2005)
New function WRSE.estimator.R added to calculate WRSE estimator (Guo and Tsiatis 2005)
New function DTR.Wald.test.R added to compare dynamic treatment regimes (DTRs) using Wald-type tests
New function DTR.surv.plot.R added to plot survival curves for dynamic treatment regimes (DTRs)
New function added to simulate data from sequentially randomized clinical trials (Tang and Wahed 2011)
New function DTR.Cox.test.R added to compare dynamic treatment regimes (DTRs) after adjustment for covariates (Tang and Wahed 2011)
New function added to simulate data from sequentially randomized clinical trials (Tang and Wahed 2013 [Epub ahead of print])
New function updateBeta.R added to update the coefficient estimate(s) for covariate(s)
New function CHR.estimator.R added to calculating cumulative hazard ratio (CHR) estimator (Tang and Wahed 2013 [Epub ahead of print])
New function CHR.Wald.test.R added to compare dynamic treatment regimes (DTRs) based on cumulative hazard ratios (CHRs) (Tang and Wahed 2013 [Epub ahead of print])
New function DTR.CHR.plot.R added to plot (log) cumulative hazard ratio between different dynamic treatment regimes (DTRs)
New function added to simulate data from sequentially randomized clinical trials (Kidwell and Wahed 2013)
New function DTR.Logrank.test.R added to compare dynamic treatment regimes (DTRs) using weighted logrank tests
The function was renamed to simLDTdata
The function LDT.estimator.R was replaced by the function LDTestimate.R
The function LDTestimate.R returns an object of class DTR containing all the survival estimates and estimated standard errors at observed event times
The function LDT.mean.estimator.R was deleted
The function was renamed to simWRSEdata
The function WRSE.estimator.R was replaced by the function WRSEestimate.R
The function WRSEestimate.R returns an object of class DTR containing all the survival estimates and estimated standard errors at observed event times
The S3 functions print.DTR, summary.DTR, print.summary.DTR, and plot.DTR were added
The function DTR.Wald.test.R was replaced by the function contrast.wald.R
The function contrast.wald.R implements the function wald.test() from the package aod to perform wald-type tests
The function was renamed to simCHRdata
The function CHR.estimator.R was replaced by the function CHRestimate.R
The function CHRestimate.R returns an object of class CHR containing all the cumulative hazard ratio estimates and estimated standard errors at observed event times
The S3 functions print.CHR, summary.CHR, print.summary.CHR, and plot.CHR were added
The function CHR.Wald.test.R was replaced by the function contrast.chr.R
The function contrast.chr.R implements the function wald.test() from the package aod to perform wald-type tests using the CHR estimates and their variance/covariance estimates
The function was renamed to simPHdata
The function DTR.Cox.test was replaced by two separate functions PHfit.R and
The function PHfit.R returns an object of class coxph containing the proportional hazard model fit
The function implements the function wald.test() from the package aod to perform wald-type tests based on the returned coefficient and variance/covariance estimated from PHfit()
The function was renamed to simLRdata
The function DTR.Logrank.test.R was replaced by the function contrast.logrank.R
The data sets LDTdata, WRSEdata, CHRdata, PHdata, and LRdata were added to data folder
datalist was added to data folder
The function contrast.wald was renamed to contrast_wald
The function contrast.chr was renamed to contrast_chr
The function contrast.logrank was renamed to contrast_logrank
The function was renamed to contrast_ph
An input option covar was added to the function PHfit to allow user to specify the covariates to be adjusted
An input option covar was added to the function CHRestimate to allow user to specify the covariates to be adjusted
An input option censored was added to the function plot.DTR for plotting censoring ticks
A bug in the function CHRestimate was fixed
Add CITATION file from JSS
Add reference to DTR-package.RD
Delete internal function stairstepn
Internal functions stat_stepribbon and StatStepribbon were revised for newest version of ggplot2