Simulation methods

Krystian Igras


DataFakeR offers various methods for defining how exactly each column should be simulated.

We can highlight the below four simulation method types:

  1. Deterministic (formula or constraint-based) simulation.
  2. Special method simulation.
  3. Restricted simulation.
  4. Default simulation.

The package tries to simulate the column with each method, with preserving the order of the above list.

That means, the package will try to simulate the column using special method first and when such method cannot be executed (the conditions for running such method are not met) then, the next method is applied. More to that when one of the methods successfully generated the data, the following ones are skipped.

The goal of this document is to describe each method providing required details and, if applied, provide an information how each method can be customized.

Deterministic (formula or constraint-based) simulation.

Let’s imagine we want to generate tables that reflects standard database used in the library. One of the tables used there, can be the one describing all the books owned by the library.

The YAML configuration of such table can have a form:

# schema-books.yml
          type: char(12)
          type: varchar
          type: varchar
          type: varchar
          type: date
          type: smallint
          type: varchar

While running the standard simulation process we get the following result:

sch <- schema_source(system.file("extdata", "schema-books.yml", package = "DataFakeR"))
sch <- schema_simulate(sch)
schema_get_table(sch, "books")
#> # A tibble: 10 × 7
#>    book_id  author   title    genre      bought     amount purchase_id
#>    <chr>    <chr>    <chr>    <chr>      <date>      <int> <chr>      
#>  1 OoVtwCbu QJoEYa   XLaS     xljCUY     1971-02-17 -28970 ZUYlCSp    
#>  2 cXxXjdFu fRZxZuvf h        dkvg       1982-12-06  -6823 rMSssP     
#>  3 MCRxukhz VHwPDx   TSbmLV   WcDNUKrH   1999-06-19 -28513 H          
#>  4 ikcePHyu lHcxeV   NgJ      pci        2018-07-04 -17965 kFBzBRvgOm 
#>  5 jpBYnLQM hQQLTzI  smigTbte IgQl       2012-03-14 -29188 rQZkhhyVGb 
#>  6 HVVTHHMY E        rQk      Uyyl       1983-05-07  11159 L          
#>  7 NsCWpGdK Hjguim   NeZNdvuO NLeNbo     1996-09-13 -13255 ZTzULgHyaI 
#>  8 GnuTiETO bi       Q        I          2016-05-26 -26167 g          
#>  9 qXqqpWng q        zgwYViH  VYtwtjxadR 1994-08-08 -28056 ziVQrHKuQS 
#> 10 kAYLTfSF oy       dMyfaUt  SBat       2010-05-15  24932 oKAVZ

Even though many columns don’t look realistic let’s take care of book_id and purchase_id columns. From the rules followed in the library, we know that:

If we want to preserve such rules, we have two options:

Let’s describe purchase_id using the first method:

# schema-books_2.yml
          type: char(12)
          type: varchar
          type: varchar
          type: varchar
          type: date
          type: smallint
          type: varchar
          column: purchase_id
          expression: !expr purchase_id == paste0('purchase_', bought)

let’s update the source and plot column dependencies:

sch <- schema_update_source(sch, file = system.file("extdata", "schema-books_2.yml", package = "DataFakeR"))
schema_plot_deps(sch, "books")

As you can see DataFakeR detected dependency between purchase_id and bought column. More to that the package will assure bought column will be simulated before purchase_id.

Let’s take a quick look at the data:

sch <- schema_simulate(sch)
schema_get_table(sch, "books")
#> # A tibble: 10 × 7
#>    book_id  author     title      genre     bought     amount
#>    <chr>    <chr>      <chr>      <chr>     <date>      <int>
#>  1 KZRpDRUS bVnNsuEksi JKxINeIhK  LkFH      2020-06-11 -13344
#>  2 jiJcVUeV noTSZCjx   bRdd       VhBHNl    1973-08-08 -24281
#>  3 CfOjSusR mICawvE    OMue       WF        2017-08-07  -8661
#>  4 wvBDkNJE UAyrAD     ZnCggoUL   T         2007-09-12  -1893
#>  5 ngSilEFa ZVrEkB     hXdmHbG    abvIVVXBv 1985-10-16 -31085
#>  6 xJdjADgp dRqmjgdN   eKbsdjZ    nyuzTSo   1979-04-13  -4147
#>  7 zZxHxYIU BZrXkZX    xHVdgQrw   HamKiXu   1985-06-29  26178
#>  8 qSzDjOOW RBhe       uPcdqBdNjK P         2011-09-08 -17948
#>  9 oDsgMvoo HShhTST    JuYWecgg   dBddwjd   1977-01-01 -29141
#> 10 MLuNjQjl vnHRMIyFD  HPnghwfmI  InPjGZE   2001-06-28 -12128
#>    purchase_id        
#>    <chr>              
#>  1 purchase_2020-06-11
#>  2 purchase_1973-08-08
#>  3 purchase_2017-08-07
#>  4 purchase_2007-09-12
#>  5 purchase_1985-10-16
#>  6 purchase_1979-04-13
#>  7 purchase_1985-06-29
#>  8 purchase_2011-09-08
#>  9 purchase_1977-01-01
#> 10 purchase_2001-06-28

As we can see check constraint rule was applied to correctly create purchase_id column.

Note: Check constraint expressions are used to detect column dependency and to create the checked column, only when the ones are equality expressions (that means the expression contains == operator). Such expression assures the column definition is deterministic. In the future releases (depending on the user’s needs) the check expression rule can be extended to the cases where expression constains < and > operators.

Now let’s take care to assure that book_id is the first 8 letters of concatenation of author, title and bought-year. Such example can be also described using check constraint, but we’ll use a different method that opens various options for defining column rules.

If you want to create a column using custom expression, you pass it as a formula parameter in yaml configuration file. In our case, we want book_id be created with expression paste0(substr(author, 1, 4), substr(title, 1, 4), substr(bought, 1, 4)). Let’s put it in configuration as formula parameter:

# schema-books_3.yml
          type: char(12)
          formula: !expr paste0(substr(author, 1, 4), substr(title, 1, 4), substr(bought, 1, 4))
          type: varchar
          type: varchar
          type: varchar
          type: date
          type: smallint
          type: varchar
          column: purchase_id
          expression: !expr purchase_id == paste0('purchase_', bought)

Again, update the source and plot column dependencies:

sch <- schema_update_source(sch, file = system.file("extdata", "schema-books_3.yml", package = "DataFakeR"))
schema_plot_deps(sch, "books")

The column dependencies are detected correctly. Let’s move then to simulation step:

sch <- schema_simulate(sch)
schema_get_table(sch, "books")
#> # A tibble: 10 × 7
#>    book_id      author   title      genre      bought     amount
#>    <chr>        <chr>    <chr>      <chr>      <date>      <int>
#>  1 MswCZY1986   MswCQq   ZY         y          1986-06-29  22762
#>  2 GTzWEhJM1979 GTzWPPdY EhJM       ayYLMBSyk  1979-12-19 -24661
#>  3 rdjCa2020    rdjCWK   a          jqEqKPHKcB 2020-07-28 -23651
#>  4 KjBXXHIP2001 KjBXmcV  XHIPl      UDvM       2001-07-10 -23590
#>  5 TUucM2000    TUucakYr M          yuqFZJt    2000-04-21  24526
#>  6 nTzOJfTy1977 nTzO     JfTyRcdMRE CLiN       1977-02-18  27014
#>  7 kctRFFfv2015 kctR     FFfvoY     AatWBL     2015-11-22    228
#>  8 KxtD2012     K        xtD        ohENWtGS   2012-07-19  31943
#>  9 qbt2001      qb       t          bSWYivOlPh 2001-01-06 -27890
#> 10 nQNqvwHC1976 nQNqxc   vwHCWAFa   H          1976-12-09  -1163
#>    purchase_id        
#>    <chr>              
#>  1 purchase_1986-06-29
#>  2 purchase_1979-12-19
#>  3 purchase_2020-07-28
#>  4 purchase_2001-07-10
#>  5 purchase_2000-04-21
#>  6 purchase_1977-02-18
#>  7 purchase_2015-11-22
#>  8 purchase_2012-07-19
#>  9 purchase_2001-01-06
#> 10 purchase_1976-12-09

As we can see the result is again as expected.

Note The formula expression is passed to dplyr::mutate in the implementation, which means you may use in the formula any dplyr-specific functions, such as n().

Note Formula-based column definition was classified as a ‘Deterministic simulation’ method, but you may also define formulas with random sampling inside. For example assuring that column end_date have values larger than start_date you may define: formula: start_date + sample(1:10, dplyr::n(), replace = TRUE).

Special method simulation

Let’s take a look at the last simulated data:

schema_get_table(sch, "books")
#> # A tibble: 10 × 7
#>    book_id      author   title      genre      bought     amount
#>    <chr>        <chr>    <chr>      <chr>      <date>      <int>
#>  1 MswCZY1986   MswCQq   ZY         y          1986-06-29  22762
#>  2 GTzWEhJM1979 GTzWPPdY EhJM       ayYLMBSyk  1979-12-19 -24661
#>  3 rdjCa2020    rdjCWK   a          jqEqKPHKcB 2020-07-28 -23651
#>  4 KjBXXHIP2001 KjBXmcV  XHIPl      UDvM       2001-07-10 -23590
#>  5 TUucM2000    TUucakYr M          yuqFZJt    2000-04-21  24526
#>  6 nTzOJfTy1977 nTzO     JfTyRcdMRE CLiN       1977-02-18  27014
#>  7 kctRFFfv2015 kctR     FFfvoY     AatWBL     2015-11-22    228
#>  8 KxtD2012     K        xtD        ohENWtGS   2012-07-19  31943
#>  9 qbt2001      qb       t          bSWYivOlPh 2001-01-06 -27890
#> 10 nQNqvwHC1976 nQNqxc   vwHCWAFa   H          1976-12-09  -1163
#>    purchase_id        
#>    <chr>              
#>  1 purchase_1986-06-29
#>  2 purchase_1979-12-19
#>  3 purchase_2020-07-28
#>  4 purchase_2001-07-10
#>  5 purchase_2000-04-21
#>  6 purchase_1977-02-18
#>  7 purchase_2015-11-22
#>  8 purchase_2012-07-19
#>  9 purchase_2001-01-06
#> 10 purchase_1976-12-09

As we mentioned in the previous section, we’re not happy with the result of multiple column values. In this section we’ll take of the result of author and title columns.

In case of author column, we’d like the values to be random, human readable names. Across R packages, there are many that offer such functionality. In case of DataFakeR, it’s just enough to define spec: name for the column definition:

# schema-books_4.yml
          type: char(12)
          formula: !expr paste0(substr(author, 1, 4), substr(title, 1, 4), substr(bought, 1, 4))
          type: varchar
          spec: name
          type: varchar
          type: varchar
          type: date
          type: smallint
          type: varchar
          column: purchase_id
          expression: !expr purchase_id == paste0('purchase_', bought)

Again, update the source and plot column dependencies:

sch <- schema_update_source(sch, file = system.file("extdata", "schema-books_4.yml", package = "DataFakeR"))
sch <- schema_simulate(sch)
schema_get_table(sch, "books")
#> # A tibble: 10 × 7
#>    book_id      author            title      genre      bought     amount
#>    <chr>        <chr>             <chr>      <chr>      <date>      <int>
#>  1 TavaDHD1987  Tavaris Dicki     DHD        qa         1987-03-31  26032
#>  2 Hughbsga2014 Hugh Corkery      bsgaYOA    Fa         2014-12-04 -26637
#>  3 ParaMj1979   Paralee King      Mj         TVmrO      1979-11-03  -6062
#>  4 NakiAXfY1988 Nakita Kris       AXfYXEsbQs oafcJ      1988-02-22  24840
#>  5 ClaurIfI1989 Claudine Russel   rIfIoVBfr  xGLmoTO    1989-06-01   9224
#>  6 DejaXovv1996 Dejah Pagac MD    Xovv       yUiYW      1996-10-15  15407
#>  7 IoneKYqH2006 Ione Tromp PhD    KYqHNX     gvcQQhZofQ 2006-03-14  22101
#>  8 KaraRo1997   Karan King DDS    Ro         iwEgV      1997-02-16 -23947
#>  9 AnitTqbv1970 Anita Langworth   TqbvVYHxP  zyBO       1970-03-14 -30646
#> 10 Mrs.LVAc1992 Mrs. Mettie Berge LVAcejZn   XbPrRF     1992-07-05  28197
#>    purchase_id        
#>    <chr>              
#>  1 purchase_1987-03-31
#>  2 purchase_2014-12-04
#>  3 purchase_1979-11-03
#>  4 purchase_1988-02-22
#>  5 purchase_1989-06-01
#>  6 purchase_1996-10-15
#>  7 purchase_2006-03-14
#>  8 purchase_1997-02-16
#>  9 purchase_1970-03-14
#> 10 purchase_1992-07-05


How does it work?

Whenever you precise spec parameter to the column, DataFakeR will look for the simulation options if the special method with such name was defined. For the specific column type, such option is defined at options$opt_simul_spec_<column-type>.

So for the default options and character column type, we have:

#> $name
#> function (n, not_null, unique, default, spec_params, na_ratio, 
#>     levels_ratio, ...) 
#> {
#>     call_args <- names(
#>     if (!"spec_params" %in% call_args) {
#>         spec_params <- list()
#>     }
#>     spec_params$n <- n
#>     unique_sample(, spec_params), spec_params = spec_params, 
#>         unique = unique) %>% levels_rand(unique = unique, levels_ratio = levels_ratio) %>% 
#>         na_rand(not_null = not_null, na_ratio = na_ratio)
#> }
#> <bytecode: 0x55bf1fc9e7f8>
#> <environment: namespace:DataFakeR>

The name method was defined and we were able to use it in the simulation. Looking at the function body, we may see it uses charlatan::ch_name function to simulate human-readable names.

What else can we spot regarding the method definition? The below points are worth notice:

Now, let’s take care of preparing human-readable title. For this case we’ll create our custom function. The titles will consist of combination of four words from predefined values:

books <- function(n) {
  first <- c("Learning", "Amusing", "Hiding", "Symbols", "Hunting", "Smile")
  second <- c("Of", "On", "With", "From", "In", "Before")
  third <- c("My", "Your", "The", "Common", "Mysterious", "A")
  fourth <- c("Future", "South", "Technology", "Forest", "Storm", "Dreams")
  paste(sample(first, n), sample(second, n), sample(third, n), sample(fourth, n))

Let’s check a few possible results:

#> [1] "Hiding In Common Technology" "Learning On The Future"     
#> [3] "Amusing From Your Storm"


In order to present how spec_params can be used let’s add an option to skip the second word in the result:

books <- function(n, add_second = FALSE) {
  first <- c("Learning", "Amusing", "Hiding", "Symbols", "Hunting", "Smile")
  second <- c("Of", "On", "With", "From", "In", "Before")
  third <- c("My", "Your", "The", "Common", "Mysterious", "A")
  fourth <- c("Future", "South", "Technology", "Forest", "Storm", "Dreams")
  second_res <- NULL
  if (add_second) {
    second_res <- sample(second, n, replace = TRUE)
    sample(first, n, replace = TRUE), second_res, 
    sample(third, n, replace = TRUE), sample(fourth, n, replace = TRUE)

Now, let’s create the final method to use in the workflow.

The function needs to:

simul_spec_character_book <- function(n, unique, spec_params, ...) {
  spec_params$n <- n
  DataFakeR::unique_sample(, spec_params), 
    spec_params = spec_params, unique = unique

Before we run the example, let’s explain code blocks in function definition.

We’re evaluating books using That’s why we need to store all the parameters in the list passed to The only missing one is n, so:

spec_params$n <- n

We allowed our method to respect unique parameter, that’s why we want to assure the returned sample is unique. We may achieve this using DataFakeR::unique_sample.

The function evaluates sampling expression multiple times, replacing duplicated values with the new ones. It’s worth to mention some of the function parameters:

So it’s enough to define:

  sim_expr =, spec_params), 
  spec_params = spec_params, unique = unique

Let’s modify configuration file with the book method (with using spec_params to simulate full title):

          type: char(8)
          formula: !expr paste0(substr(author, 1, 4), substr(title, 1, 4), substr(bought, 1, 4))
          type: varchar
          spec: name
          type: varchar
          spec: book
            add_second: true
          type: varchar
          type: date
          type: smallint
          type: varchar
          column: purchase_id
          expression: !expr purchase_id == paste0('purchase_', bought)

and define the new method in the package options:

my_opts <- set_faker_opts(
  opt_simul_spec_character = opt_simul_spec_character(book = simul_spec_character_book)
sch <- schema_source(
  system.file("extdata", "schema-books_5.yml", package = "DataFakeR"), 
  faker_opts = my_opts
sch <- schema_simulate(sch)
schema_get_table(sch, "books")
#> # A tibble: 10 × 7
#>    book_id      author                   title                         
#>    <chr>        <chr>                    <chr>                         
#>  1 ChriLear1984 Christy Block            Learning With Mysterious Storm
#>  2 CarrLear1998 Carrie McDermott         Learning From My South        
#>  3 DevoSymb2016 Devonte Hansen           Symbols From Mysterious Dreams
#>  4 AleaSmil2017 Alease Pouros            Smile On Common Storm         
#>  5 HarvHunt1976 Harvey Bogisich-Leuschke Hunting Before Your Technology
#>  6 VersAmus1977 Versie Rowe              Amusing From Common South     
#>  7 Ica Hunt1978 Ica Flatley              Hunting With A Dreams         
#>  8 BeniLear1990 Benito Franecki          Learning With My Future       
#>  9 Dr. Smil1982 Dr. Saverio Heller IV    Smile In Your Future          
#> 10 LeonLear2020 Leonel Ebert             Learning With The Future      
#>    genre      bought     amount purchase_id        
#>    <chr>      <date>      <int> <chr>              
#>  1 I          1984-09-28 -18916 purchase_1984-09-28
#>  2 fkYodnYtmP 1998-10-08   6322 purchase_1998-10-08
#>  3 dY         2016-05-23 -14514 purchase_2016-05-23
#>  4 wbRSqpcXz  2017-05-21  -5896 purchase_2017-05-21
#>  5 QaWcKSzAC  1976-03-21 -16899 purchase_1976-03-21
#>  6 BJXEbeMFm  1977-12-30  -3695 purchase_1977-12-30
#>  7 VvGxeAppvr 1978-11-30  20402 purchase_1978-11-30
#>  8 enFtPWKUfr 1990-03-12  20058 purchase_1990-03-12
#>  9 uM         1982-09-22  -1565 purchase_1982-09-22
#> 10 dqP        2020-01-29  30320 purchase_2020-01-29

Great! We’ve managed to use our custom special method to simulate human-readable titles.

For the last part of this section it’s worth to mention the remaining special methods for each column type. For numeric, integer, logical and Date column classes, DataFakeR offer spec: distr method that allow to simulate column from the selected distribution. The method requires to provide:

  method: <method-name>

where method name is the name of simulation function such as rnorm, rbinom etc.

For example, in order to simulate the column from normal distribution with mean = 10 and sd = 5 we should define:

spec: distr
  method: rnorm
  mean: 10
  sd: 5

Restricted simulation

Restricted simulation methods allow to simulate data considering exceptional parameters defined for each column.

Such parameters can be for example:

All the restricted methods offered by DataFakeR for column type are defined in default_faker_opts$opt_simul_restricted_<column-type>.

Let’s take a look what methods are offered for integer columns:

#> $f_key
#> function (n, not_null, unique, default, type, values, na_ratio, 
#>     levels_ratio, ...) 
#> {
#>     if (isTRUE(not_null)) {
#>         values <- values[!]
#>     }
#>     if (isTRUE(unique)) {
#>         warning("Requested to simulate foreign key having unique values. Make sure config is correctly defined.")
#>     }
#>     sample(values, n, replace = !unique) %>% na_rand(not_null = not_null, 
#>         na_ratio = na_ratio)
#> }
#> <bytecode: 0x55bf214c10a0>
#> <environment: namespace:DataFakeR>
#> $in_set
#> function (n, not_null, unique, default, type, values, na_ratio, 
#>     levels_ratio, ...) 
#> {
#>     if (!missing(values)) {
#>         if (isTRUE(not_null)) {
#>             values <- values[!]
#>         }
#>         return(sample(values, n, replace = !unique) %>% na_rand(not_null = not_null, 
#>             na_ratio = na_ratio))
#>     }
#>     return(NULL)
#> }
#> <bytecode: 0x55bf214d0a18>
#> <environment: namespace:DataFakeR>
#> $range
#> function (n, not_null, unique, default, type, range, na_ratio, 
#>     levels_ratio, ...) 
#> {
#>     if (!missing(range)) {
#>         return(unique_sample(round(stats::runif(n, range[1], 
#>             range[2])), range = range, n = n, unique = unique) %>% 
#>             na_rand(not_null = not_null, na_ratio = na_ratio))
#>     }
#>     return(NULL)
#> }
#> <bytecode: 0x55bf214cf9b0>
#> <environment: namespace:DataFakeR>

We can see there are three methods defined:

Let’s highlight the general rule for restricted methods used by the package (excluding f_key one):

The last point allows DataFakeR to scan across all the restriction methods. When a method returns NULL result, the package moves to simulate from the next method defined in opt_simul_restricted_<column-type> setting.

Similar to special methods, you may also define a set of your custom restricted methods. You may achieve this by setting up new methods with:

  opt_simul_restricted_<column-type> = opt_simul_restricted_<column-type>(my_method = method, ...)

Note: DataFakeR allow also to rewrite currently existing method. So whenever you need to rewrite for example in_set method, just specify it as above.

Having the knowledge about restricted methods, let’s use them to generate amount column from values between 1 and 99. We’ll do it by using range method for amount column:

# schema-books_6.yml
          type: char(8)
          formula: !expr paste0(substr(author, 1, 4), substr(title, 1, 4), substr(bought, 1, 4))
          type: varchar
          spec: name
          type: varchar
          spec: book
            add_second: true
          type: varchar
          type: date
          type: smallint
          range: [1, 99]
          type: varchar
          column: purchase_id
          expression: !expr purchase_id == paste0('purchase_', bought)
sch <- schema_update_source(sch, system.file("extdata", "schema-books_6.yml", package = "DataFakeR"))
sch <- schema_simulate(sch)
schema_get_table(sch, "books")
#> # A tibble: 10 × 7
#>    book_id      author             title                         genre     
#>    <chr>        <chr>              <chr>                         <chr>     
#>  1 MattLear2021 Matteo Wilderman   Learning With Common Storm    bTy       
#>  2 Dr. Symb1977 Dr. Reyna Effertz  Symbols Of The Storm          qsEyoRjRQT
#>  3 Ms. Lear1989 Ms. Reva Stehr DVM Learning On Mysterious Dreams gnTyui    
#>  4 Dr. Amus1980 Dr. Tabetha Ferry  Amusing From Common Dreams    nThgzToW  
#>  5 MeyeHunt1978 Meyer Stamm-Hintz  Hunting From Mysterious Storm VIacj     
#>  6 LottAmus2015 Lottie Smith       Amusing Before My South       RZII      
#>  7 VoneHunt2020 Vonetta Halvorson  Hunting Before Common Storm   apjhWhUYV 
#>  8 WainHunt1971 Waino Barton       Hunting On Mysterious Storm   ErPnM     
#>  9 CanyAmus2018 Canyon Bogan       Amusing In A Dreams           ZuJnbzFes 
#> 10 JadeAmus2004 Jaden Muller DDS   Amusing In My Technology      QhiwnsVjZQ
#>    bought     amount purchase_id        
#>    <date>      <int> <chr>              
#>  1 2021-01-23     24 purchase_2021-01-23
#>  2 1977-02-04     45 purchase_1977-02-04
#>  3 1989-11-10     27 purchase_1989-11-10
#>  4 1980-08-13     12 purchase_1980-08-13
#>  5 1978-03-04      8 purchase_1978-03-04
#>  6 2015-06-21     42 purchase_2015-06-21
#>  7 2020-03-13     30 purchase_2020-03-13
#>  8 1971-12-30     87 purchase_1971-12-30
#>  9 2018-08-07     27 purchase_2018-08-07
#> 10 2004-04-06     57 purchase_2004-04-06

Awesome! Let’s simulate now human-readable book genre from a set of defined values. We can achieve this using in_set method for character column type:

#> function (n, not_null, unique, default, nchar, type, values, 
#>     na_ratio, levels_ratio, ...) 
#> {
#>     if (!missing(values)) {
#>         if (isTRUE(not_null)) {
#>             values <- values[!]
#>         }
#>         return(sample(values, n, replace = !unique) %>% na_rand(not_null = not_null, 
#>             na_ratio = na_ratio))
#>     }
#>     return(NULL)
#> }
#> <bytecode: 0x55bf1fc93168>
#> <environment: namespace:DataFakeR>

So let’s assume we want the genre to be simulated from set: Fantasy, Adventure, Horror, Romance.

Let’s define such set as possible values for genre column:

          type: char(8)
          formula: !expr paste0(substr(author, 1, 4), substr(title, 1, 4), substr(bought, 1, 4))
          type: varchar
          spec: name
          type: varchar
          spec: book
            add_second: true
          type: varchar
          values: [Fantasy, Adventure, Horror, Romance]
          type: date
          type: smallint
          range: [1, 99]
          type: varchar
          column: purchase_id
          expression: !expr purchase_id == paste0('purchase_', bought)
sch <- schema_update_source(sch, system.file("extdata", "schema-books_7.yml", package = "DataFakeR"))
sch <- schema_simulate(sch)
schema_get_table(sch, "books")
#> # A tibble: 10 × 7
#>    book_id      author                title                               
#>    <chr>        <chr>                 <chr>                               
#>  1 GeorHunt1999 George O'Conner       Hunting Before Mysterious Technology
#>  2 DevoHidi2020 Devonte McClure       Hiding Of The Forest                
#>  3 ConaSmil1994 Conard Volkman-Walker Smile Of The Dreams                 
#>  4 EloyHidi1975 Eloy Ratke III        Hiding Before Common Future         
#>  5 PhoeSmil2019 Phoebe Swaniawski     Smile Of My Forest                  
#>  6 AdelSmil1982 Adeline Block PhD     Smile From Common South             
#>  7 Dr. Hunt1975 Dr. Albin Reinger     Hunting From A Forest               
#>  8 MoirSymb1997 Moira Lebsack         Symbols From A Future               
#>  9 KeilSmil2002 Keila Gleichner PhD   Smile With A Dreams                 
#> 10 AlexLear1998 Alexus Bogisich       Learning In Common South            
#>    genre     bought     amount purchase_id        
#>    <chr>     <date>      <int> <chr>              
#>  1 Adventure 1999-12-14     24 purchase_1999-12-14
#>  2 Fantasy   2020-02-18     46 purchase_2020-02-18
#>  3 Horror    1994-06-04     57 purchase_1994-06-04
#>  4 Adventure 1975-06-09     40 purchase_1975-06-09
#>  5 Romance   2019-06-17     10 purchase_2019-06-17
#>  6 Romance   1982-02-11     23 purchase_1982-02-11
#>  7 Fantasy   1975-05-07     73 purchase_1975-05-07
#>  8 Horror    1997-02-05     29 purchase_1997-02-05
#>  9 Romance   2002-10-27     83 purchase_2002-10-27
#> 10 Adventure 1998-06-21     43 purchase_1998-06-21

Let’s add the last improvement by specifying date range for books:

          type: char(8)
          formula: !expr paste0(substr(author, 1, 4), substr(title, 1, 4), substr(bought, 1, 4))
          type: varchar
          spec: name
          type: varchar
          spec: book
            add_second: true
          type: varchar
          values: [Fantasy, Adventure, Horror, Romance]
          type: date
          range: ['2020-01-02', '2021-06-01']
          type: smallint
          range: [1, 99]
          type: varchar
          column: purchase_id
          expression: !expr purchase_id == paste0('purchase_', bought)
sch <- schema_update_source(sch, system.file("extdata", "schema-books_8.yml", package = "DataFakeR"))
sch <- schema_simulate(sch)
schema_get_table(sch, "books")
#> # A tibble: 10 × 7
#>    book_id      author                  title                       genre    
#>    <chr>        <chr>                   <chr>                       <chr>    
#>  1 ChriLear2020 Christoper Kerluke      Learning Before A South     Horror   
#>  2 LeeaAmus2020 Leeann Rice             Amusing Of Mysterious Storm Horror   
#>  3 Mrs.Smil2020 Mrs. Alys Dickinson DVM Smile With Mysterious South Romance  
#>  4 ChriSymb2020 Christin Padberg DVM    Symbols On Your Dreams      Fantasy  
#>  5 DeboHidi2020 Debora Schamberger      Hiding Before Your South    Romance  
#>  6 EzzaAmus2020 Ezzard Keeling          Amusing With Common Forest  Fantasy  
#>  7 KaylHunt2020 Kaylen Brown PhD        Hunting In A Storm          Romance  
#>  8 Mr. Lear2020 Mr. Jovanni Lemke Sr.   Learning In My Dreams       Horror   
#>  9 DuncSymb2020 Duncan Sanford-Schmeler Symbols From A Future       Adventure
#> 10 TracHidi2020 Tracie Roob             Hiding On A Forest          Horror   
#>    bought     amount purchase_id        
#>    <date>      <int> <chr>              
#>  1 2020-09-15      9 purchase_2020-09-15
#>  2 2020-12-03     86 purchase_2020-12-03
#>  3 2020-01-31     18 purchase_2020-01-31
#>  4 2020-12-13     96 purchase_2020-12-13
#>  5 2020-05-22     18 purchase_2020-05-22
#>  6 2020-09-14      4 purchase_2020-09-14
#>  7 2020-01-12     19 purchase_2020-01-12
#>  8 2020-12-01     10 purchase_2020-12-01
#>  9 2020-07-21     96 purchase_2020-07-21
#> 10 2020-08-24     87 purchase_2020-08-24

Here we are.

For the last part of restricted methods, let’s add a few words about f_key restricted method.

As mentioned the method is responsible for simulating foreign key columns. When the column is defined in schema as a foreign key, DataFakeR will source possible values from the parent table and pass such values set as a values parameter to f_key method.

Simulating foreign key will skip execution of the remaining restricted methods defined in options.

To see it in action, let’s extend our schema definition by adding a new borrowed table (let’s also precise nrows for each table).

# schema-books_9.yml
      nrows: 10
          type: char(8)
          formula: !expr paste0(substr(author, 1, 4), substr(title, 1, 4), substr(bought, 1, 4))
          type: varchar
          spec: name
          type: varchar
          spec: book
            add_second: true
          type: varchar
          values: [Fantasy, Adventure, Horror, Romance]
          type: date
          range: ['2020-01-02', '2021-06-01']
          type: smallint
          range: [1, 99]
          type: varchar
          column: purchase_id
          expression: !expr purchase_id == paste0('purchase_', bought)
      nrows: 30
          type: char(8)
          type: char(10)
          columns: book_id
            columns: book_id
            table: books

Let’s update the file and check table dependencies:

sch <- schema_update_source(sch, system.file("extdata", "schema-books_9.yml", package = "DataFakeR"))

As shown, DataFakeR detected dependency between books and borrowed, and will generate books table first to get possible values for foreign key column.

Let’s simulate the data and compare simumlated book ids:

sch <- schema_simulate(sch)
schema_get_table(sch, "books")
#> # A tibble: 10 × 7
#>    book_id      author                 title                          genre    
#>    <chr>        <chr>                  <chr>                          <chr>    
#>  1 TawnHidi2020 Tawny Schulist DVM     Hiding From The Future         Horror   
#>  2 Ms. Amus2021 Ms. Christine Schuster Amusing Of Common Dreams       Adventure
#>  3 MariHunt2020 Maritza Mosciski       Hunting With My Future         Adventure
#>  4 Mr. Smil2021 Mr. Clinton Herzog DVM Smile On Your Storm            Adventure
#>  5 HoseSymb2021 Hosea Adams            Symbols Before Common Forest   Horror   
#>  6 Dr. Symb2020 Dr. Eino Hansen MD     Symbols With Mysterious Future Fantasy  
#>  7 SybiLear2020 Sybilla Hilpert        Learning In Mysterious Storm   Horror   
#>  8 HilmHidi2020 Hilma Hermiston        Hiding Of The South            Adventure
#>  9 RollHunt2021 Rolland Waelchi        Hunting From The Forest        Fantasy  
#> 10 LeigSmil2020 Leighton O'Conner      Smile In Common Storm          Fantasy  
#>    bought     amount purchase_id        
#>    <date>      <int> <chr>              
#>  1 2020-08-23     89 purchase_2020-08-23
#>  2 2021-02-27     63 purchase_2021-02-27
#>  3 2020-06-08     31 purchase_2020-06-08
#>  4 2021-01-16     21 purchase_2021-01-16
#>  5 2021-04-04     26 purchase_2021-04-04
#>  6 2020-10-25     62 purchase_2020-10-25
#>  7 2020-07-27     40 purchase_2020-07-27
#>  8 2020-06-19     86 purchase_2020-06-19
#>  9 2021-01-03      2 purchase_2021-01-03
#> 10 2020-11-14     82 purchase_2020-11-14
unique(schema_get_table(sch, "borrowed")$book_id)
#>  [1] "MariHunt2020" "LeigSmil2020" "HilmHidi2020" "Mr. Smil2021" "RollHunt2021"
#>  [6] NA             "TawnHidi2020" "HoseSymb2021" "Ms. Amus2021" "SybiLear2020"

So the values were correctly inherited from parent table.

Default simulation

When none of the above methods were applied DataFakeR will simulate the column using the default method. For each column type you may find the default methods defined at default_faker_opts$default_faker_opts$opt_simul_default_fun_<column-type>.

In order to overwrite such method it’s just enough to:

  opt_simul_default_fun_<column-type> = my_custom_method