The attached sample data and request files were constructed to illustrate the use of the EventStudyTools R-package.
The files hold data about the addition of several well known firms to the S&P 500 index in the late 1990s. With this data, the R package will investigate for you the question whether a company’s stock value increases if the firm is added to the S&P 500 index. This is a common research question and has been adressed, among others, by Anthony W. Lynch and Richard R. Mendenha in a 1997 study: They found a positive effect of about 3.8% over the period starting the day after the announcement and ending the day before the effective date of the change.
You can use our R-package to easily investigate such and similar questions.
For performing an Event Study with our API you need:
)You get a free API key from our website EventStudyTools. In the first step we need to authenticate to the web API. There are three ways to handle this two parameters:
<- ""
apiUrl <- "Please insert your key here" apiKey
Option 1 and 2: You can save API key and URL in the options
# The URL is already set by default
# options(EventStudy.URL = apiUrl)
options(EventStudy.KEY = apiKey)
# use EventStudy estAPIKey function
# initialize object
<- EventStudyAPI$new() estSetup
Option 2: Set the API Key and URL directly during the EventStudyAPI
# Setup API Connection
<- EventStudyAPI$new(apiUrl)
estSetup $authentication(apiKey) estSetup
This API package is designed to perform all analyses we provide on our website. Furthermore, all parameters can be set. You are able to set every parameter in R (we will provide more details later), or you can perform a fast Event Study with default parameters.
There will be soon a separate vignette for setting parameters.
Our API offers different types of Event Studies:
Default parameters for all type of above Event Studies are:
and avc
and GARCH(1, 1) Model for avyc
The type of Event Study can be set by parameter:
<- "arc" estType
By default all data files must be named as follows. Furthermore, they have to be in the current directory:
You are also able to set custom file names and paths by defining it in a named vector:
<- c("request_file" = "01_RequestFile.csv",
dataFiles "firm_data" = "02_firmData.csv",
"market_data" = "03_MarketData.csv")
All results will be written by default into the directory ./results
. You can easily change this path by setting it as a parameter:
<- "results" resultPath
If the resultPath
do not exist, the R package will create this directory.
Finally, the Event Study is performed by:
<- estSetup$performDefaultEventStudy(estType = estType,
estResult dataFiles = dataFiles,
destDir = resultPath)
It will write all result files into the result directory. Furthermore, results will be parsed into a R object.
For performing an Event Study we need three files (file names can be chosen arbitrarly):
All files must be saved without header, semi-colon separated and dates has to be in following format: 30.04.1997
. In next section we will descripe the file structure based on the S&P 500 example Event Study more detailed. You always find more information (if necessary) on our website: EventStudyTools.
We added the S&P 500 example Event Study to this package. The three necessary files can be easily generated by following command:
We named the request and data files in following manner:
In your analysis, you can name them as you want.
This csv file contains the event definitions. It contains 9 columns. The order must be in the following way, as the columns are not named in the csv.
]: Date of the eventIn the following example, we have an event window of [-2, 2]
(an event window of length 5
), an estimation window of length 120
, and the estimation window ends 11
days before the event.
<- readr::read_delim("01_RequestFile.csv", col_names = F, delim = ";")
df names(df) <- c("Event ID", "Firm ID", "Market ID", "Event Date", "Grouping Variable", "Start Event Window", "End Event Window", "End of Estimation Window", "Estimation Window Length")
::kable(head(df), pad=0) knitr
Event ID | Firm ID | Market ID | Event Date | Grouping Variable | Start Event Window | End Event Window | End of Estimation Window | Estimation Window Length |
75510 | Adobe Systems | SP500 | 30.04.1997 | Addition | -2 | 2 | -11 | 120 |
64390 | Progressive | SP500 | 25.07.1997 | Addition | -2 | 2 | -11 | 120 |
23473 | Cincinnati | SP500 | 16.12.1997 | Addition | -2 | 2 | -11 | 120 |
70500 | Coca-Cola Enterprises | SP500 | 01.10.1998 | Addition | -2 | 2 | -11 | 120 |
70519 | Travelers Group | SP500 | 01.10.1998 | Addition | -2 | 2 | -11 | 120 |
76149 | Safeway | SP500 | 05.11.1998 | Addition | -2 | 2 | -11 | 120 |
The first column (Event IDs) must be unique and numeric.
The stock data for each firm defined in the request file. It contains 3 columns.
]: Date of the closing price.The following table shows the first 20
entries of our example firm data.
<- readr::read_delim("02_FirmData.csv", col_names = F, delim = ";")
df names(df) <- c("Firm ID", "Date", "Closing Price")
::kable(head(df)) knitr
Firm ID | Date | Closing Price |
Cincinnati | 01.10.1996 | 58.000 |
Cincinnati | 02.10.1996 | 57.000 |
Cincinnati | 03.10.1996 | 56.750 |
Cincinnati | 04.10.1996 | 57.500 |
Cincinnati | 07.10.1996 | 57.625 |
Cincinnati | 08.10.1996 | 57.750 |
This file is similary structured as 02_FirmData.csv
]: Date of the closing price.The following table shows the first 20
entries of our example firm data.
<- readr::read_delim("03_MarketData.csv", col_names = F, delim = ";")
df names(df) <- c("Market ID", "Date", "Closing Price")
::kable(head(df)) knitr
Market ID | Date | Closing Price |
SP500 | 30.09.1996 | 100.0000 |
SP500 | 01.10.1996 | 100.2575 |
SP500 | 02.10.1996 | 100.9747 |
SP500 | 03.10.1996 | 100.7958 |
SP500 | 04.10.1996 | 102.0587 |
SP500 | 07.10.1996 | 102.3380 |
You are also able to apply a Fama-French 3-Factor Model or a Fama-French Momentum-4-Factor Model. This will change the neccessary data you need for performing an Event Study (e.g. by adding Fama-French Factors). You find more information at
Please cite our work in your publication.