2016-30-05 version 1.1.0
dependence on LambertW package (W function) was replaced by lamW package (lambertWm1 function)
[d-p-q-r]dwlindley functions for the discrete weighted Lindley distribution were implemented
[d-p-q-r]dplindley functions for the discrete power Lindley distribution were implemented
[d-p-q-r]dlindley functions for the one-parameter discrete Lindley distribution were implemented
[d-h-p-q-r]gamlindley functions for the Gamma Lindley distribution were implemented
[d-h-p-q-r]lindleye functions for the Lindley exponential distribution were implemented
some examples using real data sets were included
dependence on packages actuar, VGAM and zipfR were suppressed
typographical errors in mathematical expressions were corrected
pwlindley was rewritten
2016-20-05 version 1.0.0