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SCORPIUS an unsupervised approach for inferring linear developmental chronologies from single-cell RNA sequencing data. In comparison to similar approaches, it has three main advantages:


Installing SCORPIUS

You can install:

If you encounter a bug, please file a minimal reproducible example on the issues page.


To get started, read the introductory example below, or read one of the vignettes containing more elaborate examples:

Introductory example

This section describes the main workflow of SCORPIUS without going in depth in the R code. For a more detailed explanation, see the vignettes listed below.

To start using SCORPIUS, simply write:


The ginhoux dataset (See Schlitzer et al. 2015) contains 248 dendritic cell progenitors in one of three cellular cellular states: MDP, CDP or PreDC. Note that this is a reduced version of the dataset, for packaging reasons. See ?ginhoux for more info.

expression <- ginhoux$expression
group_name <- ginhoux$sample_info$group_name

With the following code, SCORPIUS reduces the dimensionality of the dataset and provides a visual overview of the dataset. In this plot, cells that are similar in terms of expression values will be placed closer together than cells with dissimilar expression values.

space <- reduce_dimensionality(expression, "spearman")
draw_trajectory_plot(space, group_name, contour = TRUE)

To infer and visualise a trajectory through these cells, run:

traj <- infer_trajectory(space)
draw_trajectory_plot(space, group_name, traj$path, contour = TRUE)

To identify candidate marker genes, run:

# warning: setting num_permutations to 10 requires a long time (~30min) to run!
# set it to 0 and define a manual cutoff for the genes (e.g. top 200) for a much shorter execution time.
gimp <- gene_importances(
  num_permutations = 10, 
  num_threads = 8, 
  ntree = 10000,
  ntree_perm = 1000

To select the most important genes and scale its expression, run:

gimp$qvalue <- p.adjust(gimp$pvalue, "BH", length(gimp$pvalue))
gene_sel <- gimp$gene[gimp$qvalue < .05]
expr_sel <- scale_quantile(expression[,gene_sel])

To visualise the expression of the selected genes, use the draw_trajectory_heatmap function.

Finally, these genes can also be grouped into modules as follows:

Latest changes

Check out news(package = "SCORPIUS") or for a full list of changes.

Recent changes in SCORPIUS 1.0.8

Recent changes in SCORPIUS 1.0.7 (2020-05-11)

Fix ahead of dplyr 1.0 release.


Schlitzer, Andreas, V Sivakamasundari, Jinmiao Chen, Hermi Rizal Bin Sumatoh, Jaring Schreuder, Josephine Lum, Benoit Malleret, et al. 2015. “Identification of cDC1- and cDC2-committed DC progenitors reveals early lineage priming at the common DC progenitor stage in the bone marrow.” Nature Immunology 16 (7): 718–26.