
SMARTAR package is for primary data analysis for sequential multiple assignment randomization trial (SMART) and are calibration tools for clinical trial planning purposes. This is a simple illustration of SMARTAR package. It only contains five main functions which are seqmeans, atsmeans, smartest, smartsize and getncp. In addition, it also contains one dataset codiacs.

The use of these functions and dataset is:

load package and dataset



Exports treatment sequence, summarizes all the sequence-specific descriptive statistics and graphs, and provides design diagram of SMART.

seqmeans(data=codiacs ,family="gaussian",plot="d", digits = 2,xlab = "SMART design")
#> Each subject followed one of the below
#>                  treatment sequences during the trial.
#> A treatment sequence is defined
#>                     as a vector of values (A1,O2,A2).

#>   SEQ A1 O2 A2  N  MEAN    VAR    SD
#> 1   1  0  0  0 25  1.32  50.48  7.10
#> 2   2  0  0  1  2 10.50   0.50  0.71
#> 3   3  0  1  0 24 10.88  31.42  5.61
#> 4   4  0  1  1  5  5.20  18.70  4.32
#> 5   5  1  0  0  5  7.80   8.70  2.95
#> 6   6  1  0  1 19  5.16  45.47  6.74
#> 7   7  1  1  0  2 22.00 242.00 15.56
#> 8   8  1  1  1 26 10.88  55.07  7.42
seqmeans(data=codiacs ,plot="s",color = "lightblue",xlab = "SEQ",family="gaussian")
#> Each subject followed one of the below
#>                  treatment sequences during the trial.
#> A treatment sequence is defined
#>                     as a vector of values (A1,O2,A2).

#>   SEQ A1 O2 A2  N      MEAN       VAR         SD
#> 1   1  0  0  0 25  1.320000  50.47667  7.1046933
#> 2   2  0  0  1  2 10.500000   0.50000  0.7071068
#> 3   3  0  1  0 24 10.875000  31.41848  5.6052188
#> 4   4  0  1  1  5  5.200000  18.70000  4.3243497
#> 5   5  1  0  0  5  7.800000   8.70000  2.9495762
#> 6   6  1  0  1 19  5.157895  45.47368  6.7434178
#> 7   7  1  1  0  2 22.000000 242.00000 15.5563492
#> 8   8  1  1  1 26 10.884615  55.06615  7.4206572


Exports all the ATS embedded in SMART design and gives estimated strategy values and the variance-covariance matrix of estimated values.

atsmeans(data=codiacs,conf=TRUE, alpha=0.05,plot=TRUE,digits = 2,pch=18,xlab="Treatment sequence")
#> $value: estimated strategy values
#>                 (with confidence intervals)
#> $vmat: variance-covariance matrix
#>                 of estimated strategy values
#> A strategy is defined as a vector of
#>                   decision makings (d0;d00,d01) for 2 stages 
#> d0 is the stage-1 decision making for A1
#> d00 is the stage-2 decision making for A2,
#>                   conditioning on A1=d0 and O2=0
#> d01 is the stage-2 decision making for A2,
#>                   conditioning on A1=d0 and O2=0

#> $value
#>   ATS d0 d00 d01  N value   se lower upper
#> 1   1  0   0   0 49  6.27 1.11  4.10  8.44
#> 2   2  0   0   1 30  3.33 1.24  0.90  5.76
#> 3   3  0   1   0 26 10.69 0.64  9.44 11.95
#> 4   4  0   1   1  7  7.76 1.09  5.62  9.89
#> 5   5  1   0   0  7 15.45 6.03  3.62 27.27
#> 6   6  1   0   1 31  9.46 1.01  7.47 11.45
#> 7   7  1   1   0 21 14.23 6.08  2.31 26.14
#> 8   8  1   1   1 45  8.24 1.13  6.02 10.46
#> $vmat
#>       [,1] [,2] [,3]  [,4]  [,5] [,6]  [,7] [,8]
#> [1,]  1.23 0.63 0.37 -0.23  0.00 0.00  0.00 0.00
#> [2,]  0.63 1.54 0.01  0.91  0.00 0.00  0.00 0.00
#> [3,]  0.37 0.01 0.41  0.05  0.00 0.00  0.00 0.00
#> [4,] -0.23 0.91 0.05  1.19  0.00 0.00  0.00 0.00
#> [5,]  0.00 0.00 0.00  0.00 36.42 0.58 36.23 0.39
#> [6,]  0.00 0.00 0.00  0.00  0.58 1.03  0.25 0.70
#> [7,]  0.00 0.00 0.00  0.00 36.23 0.25 36.95 0.97
#> [8,]  0.00 0.00 0.00  0.00  0.39 0.70  0.97 1.28
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "myclass" "list"
atsmeans(data=codiacs,conf=TRUE, alpha=0.05,digits = 2,pch=18,xlab="abc")
#> $value: estimated strategy values
#>                 (with confidence intervals)
#> $vmat: variance-covariance matrix
#>                 of estimated strategy values 
#> A strategy is defined as a vector of
#>                   decision makings (d0;d00,d01) for 2 stages 
#> d0 is the stage-1 decision making for A1
#> d00 is the stage-2 decision making for A2,
#>                   conditioning on A1=d0 and O2=0
#> d01 is the stage-2 decision making for A2,
#>                   conditioning on A1=d0 and O2=0
#> $value
#>   ATS d0 d00 d01  N value   se lower upper
#> 1   1  0   0   0 49  6.27 1.11  4.10  8.44
#> 2   2  0   0   1 30  3.33 1.24  0.90  5.76
#> 3   3  0   1   0 26 10.69 0.64  9.44 11.95
#> 4   4  0   1   1  7  7.76 1.09  5.62  9.89
#> 5   5  1   0   0  7 15.45 6.03  3.62 27.27
#> 6   6  1   0   1 31  9.46 1.01  7.47 11.45
#> 7   7  1   1   0 21 14.23 6.08  2.31 26.14
#> 8   8  1   1   1 45  8.24 1.13  6.02 10.46
#> $vmat
#>       [,1] [,2] [,3]  [,4]  [,5] [,6]  [,7] [,8]
#> [1,]  1.23 0.63 0.37 -0.23  0.00 0.00  0.00 0.00
#> [2,]  0.63 1.54 0.01  0.91  0.00 0.00  0.00 0.00
#> [3,]  0.37 0.01 0.41  0.05  0.00 0.00  0.00 0.00
#> [4,] -0.23 0.91 0.05  1.19  0.00 0.00  0.00 0.00
#> [5,]  0.00 0.00 0.00  0.00 36.42 0.58 36.23 0.39
#> [6,]  0.00 0.00 0.00  0.00  0.58 1.03  0.25 0.70
#> [7,]  0.00 0.00 0.00  0.00 36.23 0.25 36.95 0.97
#> [8,]  0.00 0.00 0.00  0.00  0.39 0.70  0.97 1.28
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "myclass" "list"


Exports results of statistical tests of comparing adaptive treatment strategies based on both global and pairwise tests.

#> $Strategy provides the details
#>                 of decision makings under strategy labels (ATS)
#> $Global.test assesses the
#>                 null hypothesis of no difference
#>                 across all the strategy values
#> $Pairwise.test compares
#>                 all the pairs of strategies,
#>                 of which the labels are shown in $Strategy
#> The P values
#>                           should compare to the critical
#>                           value adjusted for the
#>                           Bonferroni correction
#> $Strategy
#>   ATS d0 d00 d10  N
#> 1   1  0   0   0 49
#> 2   2  0   0   1 30
#> 3   3  0   1   0 26
#> 4   4  0   1   1  7
#> 5   5  1   0   0  7
#> 6   6  1   0   1 31
#> 7   7  1   1   0 21
#> 8   8  1   1   1 45
#> $Global.test
#>   size nATS df    chisq       Pvalue
#> 1  108    8  5 36.02528 9.388153e-07
#> $Pairwise.comparisons
#>      label        diff    lower.CI   upper.CI          Z       Pvalue
#> 1  1 vs. 2   2.9388393  -0.8839281  6.7616066  2.4014420 1.633060e-02
#> 2  1 vs. 3  -4.4260714  -7.3947821 -1.4573608 -4.6571978 3.205425e-06
#> 3  1 vs. 4  -1.4872321  -6.7749330  3.8004687 -0.8785895 3.796239e-01
#> 4  1 vs. 5  -9.1780288 -28.3437801  9.9877224 -1.4958833 1.346841e-01
#> 5  1 vs. 6  -3.1928217  -7.8864191  1.5007756 -2.1249219 3.359313e-02
#> 6  1 vs. 7  -7.9585956 -27.2590842 11.3418929 -1.2880783 1.977187e-01
#> 7  1 vs. 8  -1.9733885  -6.9204650  2.9736879 -1.2460576 2.127433e-01
#> 8  2 vs. 1  -2.9388393  -6.7616066  0.8839281 -2.4014420 1.633060e-02
#> 9  2 vs. 3  -7.3649107 -11.7116113 -3.0182101 -5.2927562 1.204865e-07
#> 10 2 vs. 4  -4.4260714  -7.3947821 -1.4573608 -4.6571978 3.205425e-06
#> 11 2 vs. 5 -12.1168681 -31.3618708  7.1281345 -1.9667381 4.921341e-02
#> 12 2 vs. 6  -6.1316610 -11.1390517 -1.1242703 -3.8250824 1.307284e-04
#> 13 2 vs. 7 -10.8974349 -30.2766238  8.4817540 -1.7565593 7.899295e-02
#> 14 2 vs. 8  -4.9122278 -10.1579567  0.3335010 -2.9251409 3.443003e-03
#> 15 3 vs. 1   4.4260714   1.4573608  7.3947821  4.6571978 3.205425e-06
#> 16 3 vs. 2   7.3649107   3.0182101 11.7116113  5.2927562 1.204865e-07
#> 17 3 vs. 4   2.9388393  -0.8839281  6.7616066  2.4014420 1.633060e-02
#> 18 3 vs. 5  -4.7519574 -23.7084178 14.2045029 -0.7830499 4.335978e-01
#> 19 3 vs. 6   1.2332497  -2.5152466  4.9817460  1.0277040 3.040891e-01
#> 20 3 vs. 7  -3.5325242 -22.6251989 15.5601504 -0.5779530 5.632959e-01
#> 21 3 vs. 8   2.4526829  -1.6087127  6.5140784  1.8864280 5.923730e-02
#> 22 4 vs. 1   1.4872321  -3.8004687  6.7749330  0.8785895 3.796239e-01
#> 23 4 vs. 2   4.4260714   1.4573608  7.3947821  4.6571978 3.205425e-06
#> 24 4 vs. 3  -2.9388393  -6.7616066  0.8839281 -2.4014420 1.633060e-02
#> 25 4 vs. 5  -7.6907967 -26.8460697 11.4644763 -1.2541721 2.097795e-01
#> 26 4 vs. 6  -1.7055896  -6.3562151  2.9450359 -1.1456113 2.519560e-01
#> 27 4 vs. 7  -6.4713635 -25.7614469 12.8187199 -1.0479386 2.946669e-01
#> 28 4 vs. 8  -0.4861564  -5.3924816  4.4201688 -0.3095236 7.569232e-01
#> 29 5 vs. 1   9.1780288  -9.9877224 28.3437801  1.4958833 1.346841e-01
#> 30 5 vs. 2  12.1168681  -7.1281345 31.3618708  1.9667381 4.921341e-02
#> 31 5 vs. 3   4.7519574 -14.2045029 23.7084178  0.7830499 4.335978e-01
#> 32 5 vs. 4   7.6907967 -11.4644763 26.8460697  1.2541721 2.097795e-01
#> 33 5 vs. 6   5.9852071 -12.8318650 24.8022792  0.9935764 3.204291e-01
#> 34 5 vs. 7   1.2194332  -1.7667001  4.2055665  1.2756248 2.020882e-01
#> 35 5 vs. 8   7.2046403 -11.7758778 26.1851584  1.1857097 2.357370e-01
#> 36 6 vs. 1   3.1928217  -1.5007756  7.8864191  2.1249219 3.359313e-02
#> 37 6 vs. 2   6.1316610   1.1242703 11.1390517  3.8250824 1.307284e-04
#> 38 6 vs. 3  -1.2332497  -4.9817460  2.5152466 -1.0277040 3.040891e-01
#> 39 6 vs. 4   1.7055896  -2.9450359  6.3562151  1.1456113 2.519560e-01
#> 40 6 vs. 5  -5.9852071 -24.8022792 12.8318650 -0.9935764 3.204291e-01
#> 41 6 vs. 7  -4.7657739 -23.8900601 14.3585123 -0.7784350 4.363126e-01
#> 42 6 vs. 8   1.2194332  -1.7667001  4.2055665  1.2756248 2.020882e-01
#> 43 7 vs. 1   7.9585956 -11.3418929 27.2590842  1.2880783 1.977187e-01
#> 44 7 vs. 2  10.8974349  -8.4817540 30.2766238  1.7565593 7.899295e-02
#> 45 7 vs. 3   3.5325242 -15.5601504 22.6251989  0.5779530 5.632959e-01
#> 46 7 vs. 4   6.4713635 -12.8187199 25.7614469  1.0479386 2.946669e-01
#> 47 7 vs. 5  -1.2194332  -4.2055665  1.7667001 -1.2756248 2.020882e-01
#> 48 7 vs. 6   4.7657739 -14.3585123 23.8900601  0.7784350 4.363126e-01
#> 49 7 vs. 8   5.9852071 -12.8318650 24.8022792  0.9935764 3.204291e-01
#> 50 8 vs. 1   1.9733885  -2.9736879  6.9204650  1.2460576 2.127433e-01
#> 51 8 vs. 2   4.9122278  -0.3335010 10.1579567  2.9251409 3.443003e-03
#> 52 8 vs. 3  -2.4526829  -6.5140784  1.6087127 -1.8864280 5.923730e-02
#> 53 8 vs. 4   0.4861564  -4.4201688  5.3924816  0.3095236 7.569232e-01
#> 54 8 vs. 5  -7.2046403 -26.1851584 11.7758778 -1.1857097 2.357370e-01
#> 55 8 vs. 6  -1.2194332  -4.2055665  1.7667001 -1.2756248 2.020882e-01
#> 56 8 vs. 7  -5.9852071 -24.8022792 12.8318650 -0.9935764 3.204291e-01


Return the value of non-centralized parameter for the chi-square distribution.

getncp(df=5, alpha = 0.05, beta = 0.2, d = 1e-04, start = 5)
#> [1] 12.8249


Exports estimated strategy-specified means and their confidence interval, as well as the asymptotic variance-covariance matrix for these estimates.

#> The sample size is for total subjects
#>           registered in the trial.
#>       NCP  delta df   N
#> 1 12.8249 0.0435  5 295

SEQ <- 1:8
A1 <- c(rep(0,4),rep(1,4))
PI1 <- rep(0.5,8)
O2 <- rep(c(0,0,1,1),2)
P2 <- c(0.7,0.7,0.3,0.3,0.6,0.6,0.4,0.4)
A2 <- rep(c(0,1),4)
PI2 <- rep(0.5,8)
MEAN <- 1:8
SD <- rep(10,8)
SIMatrix <-,A1,PI1,O2,P2,A2,PI2,MEAN,SD))
#> The sample size is for total subjects
#>           registered in the trial.
#>       NCP      delta df   N
#> 1 12.8249 0.04351961  5 295