Database Loading and Extracting Baseball Data

Kris Eberwein


The data contained in the Baseball Databank / Lahman Database are small enough to fit directly into memory using R. However, many may find it preferable to store the data in a local database to be accessed at a later time. The following examples use a local PostgreSQL database and the RPostgreSQL package. Many of the following methods would also work with other database connections such as the RMySQL and DBI packages.

Loading Data

The goal here is to extract the data from source, do the transformations in R, and load them into the database. With the baseballDBR and RPostgreSQL packages, this is a simple task. The following assumes we are starting with an empty PostgreSQL instance named “lahman.”


get_bbdb(AllTables = TRUE)

# Make a list of all data frames.
dbTables <- names(Filter(isTRUE, eapply(.GlobalEnv,

# Load data base drivers and load all data frames in a loop.
drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")
con <- dbConnect(drv, host= "localhost", dbname= "lahman", user= "YOUR_USERNAME", password = "YOUR_PASSWORD")

# Do some transformations on our selected dataframes.
Batting <- mutate(Batting, BA = BA(Batting), PA = PA(Batting), OBP = OBP(Batting), OPS = OPS(Batting))

# Create a loop to write all of our data frames our Postgres instance.
for (i in 1:length(dbTables)) { 
    if (dbExistsTable(con, dbTables[i])) {
       dbRemoveTable(con, dbTables[i])
    dbWriteTable(con, name =  dbTables[i], value = get0(dbTables[i]), row.names = FALSE) 

# Make sure every thing wrote correctly.
test <- dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM Batting LIMIT 5")

# Close the database connection.

Accessing Data

Once our data are loaded into a local database instance, working with the data becomes less cumbersome because we have the choice to only load into R the data that we need, or the choice to leverage dplyr or SQL backends to work with the data without loading into R at all.

Using dplyr Backends

The dplyr package allows us to work with remote or on-disk data stored in databases using a familiar syntax and dplyr verbs. For more on database backends, see the dplyr Databases vignette. A current limitation to this method is, functions from the baseballDBR package will not work, and the method is limited to dplyr verbs.


# Use an "src" connection to access the database. This requires the same arguments that RPostreSQL uses to connect to the database.
# Note: There are also src functions for connecting to various types of databases.
pgcon <- src_postgres(host= "localhost", dbname= "lahman", user= "YOUR_USERNAME", password = "YOUR_PASSWORD")

# We're not laoding the batting table, rather we're loading a method to access it.
Batting_tbl <- tbl(pgcon, "Batting")

# Use familiar dplyr verbs to access our data.
Batting_tbl %>% select(playerID, yearID, H, AB) %>% filter(yearID >= 1900)

# We can pull our data into R to permorm some modifications.
Batting <- collect(Batting_tbl, n = Inf) %>% mutate(BABIP = BABIP(Batting))

# Write the modified table back to the database.
db_insert_into( con = pgcon$con, table = "Batting", values = Batting)

Using SQL Backends

For those familiar with SQL, the same process can be archived in our relational database’s native language.


# Load data base drivers and load all data frames in a loop.
drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")
con <- dbConnect(drv, host= "localhost", dbname= "lahman", user= "YOUR_USERNAME", password = "YOUR_PASSWORD")

# Load the Batting table into R.
Batting <- dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM Batting")

# Permorm some modifications.
Batting <- mutate(BABIP = BABIP(Batting))

# Write modified table back to the database.
dbWriteTable("Batting", Batting)

# Close the database connection.