Fitting a catenary to data

Jono Tuke


Simulate dataset

We simulate a dataset with x-points from a uniform (0,4) distribution, the y-points are from the function

\[ y_i = c_1 \cosh\left(\frac{x_i-c_2}{c_1}\right) + \lambda + \epsilon_i, \] where \(\epsilon_i \sim N(0,\sigma=0.1)\).


sim_data <- data_frame(x = runif(100,0,4))
sim_data  <- sim_data %>% 
  mutate(y = f(x, c1 = 1, c2 = 2, lambda = 3))
sim_data  <- sim_data %>% 
  mutate(y = y + rnorm(100,0,0.1))

sim_data %>% ggplot(aes(x,y)) + geom_point()

Fitting a catenary to the data

We fit the catenary with the

sim_data_cat <- fittedCatenary(sim_data$x, sim_data$y)
## [1] "Fitted catenary"
plot(sim_data_cat,fit='cat', envelope='cat')
## Warning: Ignoring unknown aesthetics: y

## $parameters
##           value
## c1     1.000367
## c2     1.997133
## lambda 2.996144
## $endpoints
##                x        y
## left  0.01005299 6.710548
## right 3.93234511 6.529990
## $length
##       c1 
## 6.966456 
## $vertex
##     x.c2     y.c1 
## 1.997133 3.996510 
## $ss
##     para catenary 
## 1.109343 0.862067

Get summary statistics of goodness of fit

Unfortunately R-square values are not appropriate for non-linear methods, which is how the catenary model is fitted to the data - see for example why-is-there-no-r-squared-for-nonlinear-regression. Instead I have added a new method gof() which will take a fitted catenary object and return the summary statistics like Akaike’s information criterion and Bayesian information criterion, which can be used to assess model fit.

##   model      sigma isConv       finTol   logLik       AIC       BIC
## 1   cat 0.09427242   TRUE 8.706064e-08 95.78577 -183.5715 -173.1509
## 2  para 0.10694169     NA           NA 83.17626 -158.3525 -147.9318
##   deviance df.residual r.squared adj.r.squared statistic      p.value df
## 1 0.862067          97        NA            NA        NA           NA NA
## 2 1.109343          97 0.9825454     0.9821855  2730.138 5.402863e-86  3