Unidimensional and Multidimensional Methods for Recurrence Quantification Analysis with crqa()


In this very synthetic tutorial, we will walk readers through different analyses and example of usages of the latest version of R package crqa() as they appear in Coco, et, al., (in press). Our goal is to provide readers with a reference guide to all analyses that are possible with crqa(). We refer readers to such a paper for greater details about the theoretical insights associated with these sets of analysis.

Load the required packages

library(crqa)      # The crqa() package 
library(pracma)    # To simulate data (sine waves) 
data(crqa) # Load the data available in the package 

Initialise constants and variables that we will need later on.

options(scipen = 999) # Disable scientific notation

# Alpha colours for illustrating diagonal|windowed-crqa 
diagcol = "#FF000080" # gray 80 
windcol = "#36648B80" # gray 51

## The focus window for the text example (Figure 4)
xd = c(100, 0,   1800, 2000)
yd = c(0, 100, 2000, 2000)

xw = c(0, 0,   100, 100)
yw = c(0, 100, 100, 0)

Methodological background

Initialize arguments needed to produce the recurrence plots of Figure 1

parC = list(unit = 200, labelx = "", labely = "", 
            cols = "black", pcex = .3, pch = 20, las = 0, 
            labax = seq(0, nrow(Figure_1), 200), labay = seq(0, nrow(Figure_1), 200)) 

Figure 1

Top row

par(mfrow = c(1, 3), font.lab = 2, font.axis = 2, cex.lab = 2, cex.axis = 1.5)

plot(Figure_1$sinus, type = "l", xlab = "", ylab = "", axes = F, lwd = 2)

plot(Figure_1$lorenz, type = "l", xlab = "", ylab = "", axes = F, lwd = 2)

plot(Figure_1$wnoise, type = "l", xlab = "", ylab = "", axes = F, lwd = 2)

Mid row

SINrqa1 <- crqa(ts1 = Figure_1$sinus, ts2 = Figure_1$sinus, delay = 1, 
                embed = 1, rescale = 0, radius = 0.03, normalize = 0, 
                side = 'both', method = 'rqa', datatype = 'continuous')

LORrqa1 <- crqa(ts1 = Figure_1$lorenz, ts2 = Figure_1$lorenz, delay = 1, 
                embed = 1, rescale = 0, radius = 0.03, normalize = 0, 
                side = 'both', method = 'rqa', datatype = 'continuous')

WNOISErqa1 <- crqa(ts1 = Figure_1$wnoise, ts2 = Figure_1$wnoise, delay = 1, 
                   embed = 1, rescale = 0, radius = 0.003, normalize = 0, 
                   side = 'both', method = 'rqa', datatype = 'continuous')

par(mfrow = c(1,3), font.lab = 2, font.axis = 2, cex.lab = 2, cex.axis = 1.5, 
    mar = c(1, 5.5, 3, 2), oma = c(1,1,2,1))

plotRP(SINrqa1$RP, parC)
plotRP(LORrqa1$RP, parC)
plotRP(WNOISErqa1$RP, parC)

Bottom row

SINrqa2 <- crqa(ts1 = Figure_1$sinus, ts2 = Figure_1$sinus, delay = 110, 
                embed = 2, rescale = 0, radius = 0.02, normalize = 0, 
                side = 'both', method = 'rqa', datatype = 'continuous')

LORrqa2 <- crqa(ts1 = Figure_1$lorenz, ts2 = Figure_1$lorenz, delay = 10, 
                embed = 3, rescale = 0, radius = 1.3, normalize = 0, 
                side = 'both', method = 'rqa', datatype = 'continuous')

WNOISErqa2 <- crqa(ts1 = Figure_1$wnoise, ts2 = Figure_1$wnoise, delay = 1, 
                   embed = 3, rescale = 0, radius = 0.1, normalize = 0, 
                   side = 'both', method = 'rqa', datatype = 'continuous')

par(mfrow = c(1,3), font.lab = 2, font.axis = 2, cex.lab = 2, cex.axis = 1.5, 
    mar = c(1, 5.5, 3, 2), oma = c(1,1,2,1))

## The sinusoid has a longer delay, so we need to change the label to reflect this
parC$labax = seq(0, 1000, 200); parC$labay = seq(0,1000, 200)
plotRP(SINrqa2$RP, parC)

parC$labax = seq(0, 1200, 200); parC$labay = seq(0,1200, 200)
plotRP(LORrqa2$RP, parC)
plotRP(WNOISErqa2$RP, parC)

Figure 2

Figure_2 = as.numeric(as.matrix(Figure_2)) # Make it a vector

Figure 2.A

par(font.lab = 2, font.axis = 2, cex.lab = 1.7, cex.axis = 1.5)

plot(Figure_2[1:42], Figure_2[4:45], type = 'b', 
     las = 1, xlab = 'dimension 1', ylab = 'dimension 2', 
     main = '', lwd = 2)

points(Figure_2[1], Figure_2[4], pch = 19, cex = 1.2, col = "blue")
points(Figure_2[6], Figure_2[9], pch = 19, cex = 1.2, col = "green")
points(Figure_2[9], Figure_2[12], pch = 19, cex = 1.2, col = "red")

symbols(x = Figure_2[9], y = Figure_2[12], circles = 0.25, add = TRUE,
        inches = FALSE)

points(Figure_2[24], Figure_2[27], pch = 19, cex = 1.2, col = "red")
points(Figure_2[38], Figure_2[41], pch = 19, cex = 1.2, col = "red")
points(Figure_2[39], Figure_2[42], pch = 19, cex = 1.2, col = "red")

text(x = -0.5, y = -1.1, labels = "Threshold", adj = 1)
text(x = -0.6, y = -0.2, adj = 0,
     label = "Recurrences of the point")
text(x = -0.6, y = -0.3, adj = 0,

Figure 2.B

par(font.lab = 2, font.axis = 2, cex.lab = 2, cex.axis = 1.5)

plot(Figure_2, 45:1, type = 'b', las = 1, xlab = "", ylab = "time",
     yaxt = "n")
points(Figure_2[1], 45, pch = 19, cex = 1.2, col = "blue")
points(Figure_2[6], 40, pch = 19, cex = 1.2, col = "green")
points(Figure_2[9], 37, pch = 19, cex = 1.2, col = "red")
axis(side = 2, at = seq(from = 45, to = 5, by = -10), las = 1,
     labels = c(0, 10, 20, 30, 40), tick = T)

Figure 2.C

par(font.lab = 2, font.axis = 2, cex.lab = 2, cex.axis = 1.5)

plot(Figure_2[4:45], type = 'b', las = 1, xlab = 'time', ylab = '')

points(1, Figure_2[4], pch = 19,  cex  = 1.2, col = "blue")
points(6, Figure_2[9], pch = 19,  cex  = 1.2, col = "green")
points(9, Figure_2[12], pch = 19, cex  = 1.2, col = "red")

Figure 2.D

fig2rqa <- crqa(ts1 = Figure_2, ts2 = Figure_2, delay = 3, embed = 2, 
                radius = 0.25, method = 'rqa', datatype = 'continuous')

parC$unit = 10; parC$labax = ""; parC$labay = ""; parC$pcex = 1; parC$pch = 15

par(font.lab = 2, font.axis = 2, cex.lab = 2, cex.axis = 1.5)

plotRP(fig2rqa$RP, parC)
ixi_9 = which(fig2rqa$RP[9,] == T)
points(rep(9, length(ixi_9)), ixi_9, col = "red", pch = 15, cex = 1)
points(ixi_9, rep(9, length(ixi_9)), col = "red", pch = 15, cex = 1)

Figure 3

par(mfrow = c(1,2), font.lab = 2, font.axis = 2, cex.lab = 2, cex.axis = 1.5, 
    mar = c(4.5, 4.5, 1, 1))

L1 <- Figure_3[,1]
L2 <- Figure_3[,2]

# Panel A.
plot(L2, type = "l", xlab = "time", ylab = "", lwd = 2)
lines(L1, col = "red", lwd = 2)

# Panel B

# Run DCRP analysis on data
Fig3 <- drpfromts(ts1 = L2, ts2 = L1, delay = 1, embed = 1, 
                   windowsize = 20, radius = 0.02, datatype = "continuous", 
                   rescale = 0, normalize = 0, mindiagline = 2, 
                   minvertline = 2, tw = 0, side = 'both', method = "crqa")

# Plot the recurrence profile
plot(-20:20,  Fig3$profile, type = "b", 
     lwd = 2, ylab = "Recurrence Rate", xlab = "Lag", cex = 0.8)
abline(v = 0, lty = 2)

Using the crqa package

Recurrence quantification analysis (RQA)

Figure 4 (left panel)

## Setting the parameters  
delay = 1; embed = 1; rescale = 0; radius = 0.0001;
normalize = 0; mindiagline = 2; minvertline = 2;
tw = 1; whiteline = FALSE; recpt = FALSE; 
side = "both"; method = 'rqa'; metric = 'euclidean';  
datatype = "categorical"

## Run the analysis
ans = crqa(text, text, delay, embed, rescale, radius, normalize, 
           mindiagline, minvertline, tw, whiteline, recpt, side, method, metric, 
#> Warning in crqa(text, text, delay, embed, rescale, radius, normalize,
#> mindiagline, : Your input data was provided either as character or factor, and
#> recoded as numerical identifiers

## Update plotting arguments
parC = list(unit = 10, labelx = "Time", labely = "Time", 
            cols = "black", pcex = .5, pch = 15, las = 0, 
            labax = seq(0, nrow(ans$RP), 10), labay = seq(0, nrow(ans$RP), 10))

## Generate the plot
par(font.lab = 2, font.axis = 2, cex.lab = 2, cex.axis = 1.5)

plotRP(ans$RP, parC)

rect(81, 81, 110, 110, border = "red", lwd = 2)

Figure 4 (right panel)

text_zoom = text[81:110]

ans_zoom = crqa(text_zoom, text_zoom, delay, embed, rescale, radius, normalize, 
                mindiagline, minvertline, tw, whiteline, recpt, side, method, metric, 
#> Warning in crqa(text_zoom, text_zoom, delay, embed, rescale, radius,
#> normalize, : Your input data was provided either as character or factor, and
#> recoded as numerical identifiers

# Add to the graphics parameters the labels for the axes (x,y)
parC$labay = parC$labax = text_zoom

# Change the las argument to print the words vertically
parC$las = 2 # make it vertical

# Change the unit to make it word by word
parC$unit = 1 # make it vertical

# Change the label of x, y axis
parC$labelx = parC$labely = "Words"

par(font.lab = 2, font.axis = 2, cex.lab = 2, cex.axis = 1.5)

plotRP(ans_zoom$RP, parC)

Cross-recurrence quantification analysis (CRQA)

listener = eyemovement$listener
narrator = eyemovement$narrator

delay = 1; embed = 1; rescale = 0; radius = .01;
normalize = 0; mindiagline = 2; minvertline = 2;
tw = 0; whiteline = FALSE; recpt = FALSE; side = "both"
method = 'crqa'; metric = 'euclidean';  
datatype = "categorical"

## Compute cross-recurrence quantification analysis

ans = crqa(narrator, listener, delay, embed, rescale, radius, normalize, 
           mindiagline, minvertline, tw, whiteline, recpt, side, method, metric, 

## Uncomment to check performance (but need to load profvis)
# pf = profvis(crqa(narrator, listener, delay, embed, rescale, radius, normalize, 
#            mindiagline, minvertline, tw, whiteline, recpt, side, method, metric, 
#          datatype))

RP = as.matrix(ans$RP)
results = unlist(ans[1:10])

## Change again the plotting parameters
parC$labelx = parC$labely = "Time (sec.)"
parC$unit = 333 ## in ms
parC$pcex = .1 # make this much smaller as we have loads of points
parC$labax =  parC$labay = seq(0, 60, 10)
parC$las = 1
windowstep = 50

Figure 5 (left panel)

par(font.lab = 2, font.axis = 2, cex.lab = 2, cex.axis = 1.5)

plotRP(RP, parC)

polygon(xd, yd, col = diagcol, border = F) # the diagonal
polygon(xw, yw, col = windcol, border = F) # the first window
for (w in 1:10){ # the number of overlapping windows that we want to plot
  polygon(xw + windowstep, yw + windowstep, col = windcol, border = F) # # the second window
  polygon(xw + w*windowstep, yw + w*windowstep, col = windcol, border = F) # the third window
  polygon(xw + w*windowstep, yw + w*windowstep, col = windcol, border = F) # the fourth window

Figure 5 (mid panel)

## Construct the time-course for the diagonal profile
timecourse = round( seq(-3300,3300,33)/1000, digit = 2)

## Show diagonal-profile CRQA with eye-movement data
res = drpfromts(narrator, listener, windowsize = 100,
                 radius = 0.001, delay = 1, embed = 1, rescale = 0,
                 normalize = 0, mindiagline = 2, minvertline = 2,
                 tw = 0, whiteline = F, recpt = F, side = 'both', 
                 method = 'crqa', metric = 'euclidean', 
                 datatype = 'continuous')

profile = res$profile*100

par(font.lab = 2, font.axis = 2, cex.lab = 1.8, cex.axis = 1.3,
    mar = c(4.5, 5.5, 1, 2))

plot(timecourse, profile, type = "l", lwd = 2.5, xlab = "Lag (seconds)", 
     ylab = "Recurrence Rate %")

Figure 5 (right panel)

delay = 1; embed = 1; rescale = 1; radius = 0.001;
normalize = 0; mindiagline = 2; minvertline = 2;
tw = 0; whiteline = FALSE; recpt = FALSE; side = "both"
method = 'crqa'; metric = 'euclidean';  
datatype = "categorical"; windowsize =  100; 
lagwidth = 50; windowstep = 20

## Calculate windowed cross-recurrence
res = windowdrp(narrator, listener, windowstep, windowsize, lagwidth,
                radius = 0.001, delay = 1, embed = 1, rescale = 0,
                normalize = 0, mindiagline = 2, minvertline = 2,
                tw = 0, whiteline = F, side = 'both', 
                method = 'crqa', metric = 'euclidean',  
                datatype = "continuous")

profile = res$profile*100

timecourse = round( seq(1, length(profile), 1)*windowstep*.033, digit = 1)

par(font.lab = 2, font.axis = 2, cex.lab = 1.8, cex.axis = 1.3,
    mar = c(4.5, 5.5, 1, 2))

plot(timecourse, profile, type = "l", lwd = 2.5,
     xlab = "Time (seconds)", ylab = "Recurrence Rate %")

Extra (use wincrqa)

listener = eyemovement$listener
narrator = eyemovement$narrator

delay = 1; embed = 1; rescale = 0; radius = 0.001;
normalize = 0; mindiagline = 2; minvertline = 2;
tw = 0; whiteline = FALSE; recpt = FALSE; side = "both"
method = 'crqa'; metric = 'euclidean';  
datatype = "continuous"; 
windowsize =  100; windowstep = 20
trend = FALSE

ans = wincrqa(listener, narrator, windowstep, windowsize, delay, embed,
                    radius, rescale, normalize, mindiagline, minvertline,
                    tw, whiteline, recpt, side, method, metric, 
                    datatype, trend)

profile = as.numeric(ans$RR)

plot(profile, type = 'l')

Multidimensional recurrence quantification analysis (MdRQA)

# Reduce the dimensionality of the time series to reduce runtime 
# handset = handmovement[1:3000, ]
handset = handmovement[1:1000, ]

P1 = cbind(handset$P1_TT_d, handset$P1_TT_n) 
P2 = cbind(handset$P2_TT_d, handset$P2_TT_n)

delay = 5; embed = 2; rescale = 0; radius = .1;
normalize = 0; mindiagline = 10; minvertline = 10;
tw = 0; whiteline = FALSE; recpt = FALSE; side = "both"
method = 'mdcrqa'; metric = 'euclidean';  
datatype = "continuous"

ans = crqa(P1, P2, delay, embed, rescale, radius, normalize, 
           mindiagline, minvertline, tw, whiteline, recpt, side, method, metric, 

RP = ans$RP
results = unlist(ans[1:10])
#>           RR          DET       NRLINE         maxL            L         ENTR 
#>   19.6643519   75.4671721 4024.0000000  161.0000000   36.5111829    3.7221108 
#>        rENTR          LAM           TT         catH 
#>    0.7408836   83.9759197   23.3335028           NA

## Adjust the plotting parameters

parC$unit = 300
parC$pcex = .1 # make this much smaller as we have loads of points
parC$labax =  parC$labay = seq(0, nrow(RP), parC$unit)

plotRP(RP, parC)

Estimating starting parameters: optimizeParam

## Estimate parameters for uni-dimensional RQA using simulated data generated off sinusoids. 
ts1 = seq(0.1, 200, .1)
ts1 = sin(ts1) + linspace(0, 1,length(ts1));
ts2 = ts1

par = list(method = "rqa", metric = "euclidean", maxlag =  20, 
           radiusspan = 100, radiussample = 40, normalize = 0, 
           rescale = 4, mindiagline = 10, minvertline = 10, tw = 0, 
           whiteline = FALSE, recpt = FALSE, side = "both", 
           datatype = "continuous", fnnpercent  = 10,  typeami = 'mindip')

results = optimizeParam(ts1, ts2, par, min.rec = 2, max.rec = 5) # it may take some time
#>     radius     emddim      delay 
#>  0.1755553  2.0000000 18.0000000

ans = crqa(ts1, ts2, delay = results$delay, embed = results$emddim, 
           rescale, radius = results$radius)

#> $RR
#> [1] 2.028753
#> $DET
#> [1] 99.39771
#> [1] 7127
#> $maxL
#> [1] 1982
#> $L
#> [1] 11.11492
#> $ENTR
#> [1] 2.666816
#> $rENTR
#> [1] 0.7181268
#> $LAM
#> [1] 97.9861
#> $TT
#> [1] 3.205311
#> $catH
#> [1] NA
#>           RR          DET       NRLINE         maxL            L         ENTR 
#>    2.0287532   99.3977113 7127.0000000 1982.0000000   11.1149151    2.6668157 
#>        rENTR          LAM           TT         catH 
#>    0.7181268   97.9860972    3.2053113           NA

Let optimize parameters of multi-dimensional data using the hand-movements.

## Change a few parameters to set this
par$method = "mdcrqa";par$fnnpercent = NA; par$typeami = NA; 
par$nbins  = 50; par$criterion = "firstBelow"; par$threshold = 1.6;
par$maxEmb = 20; par$numSamples = 500; par$Rtol = 10; par$Atol = 2

results = optimizeParam(P1, P2, par, min.rec = 2, max.rec = 5) # it may take some time
#> Warning in sqrt((temp[yRd1[j]] - r2d[j])/r2d[j]): NaNs produced

#> Warning in sqrt((temp[yRd1[j]] - r2d[j])/r2d[j]): NaNs produced

#> Warning in sqrt((temp[yRd1[j]] - r2d[j])/r2d[j]): NaNs produced

#> Warning in sqrt((temp[yRd1[j]] - r2d[j])/r2d[j]): NaNs produced

#> Warning in sqrt((temp[yRd1[j]] - r2d[j])/r2d[j]): NaNs produced

#> Warning in sqrt((temp[yRd1[j]] - r2d[j])/r2d[j]): NaNs produced

#> Warning in sqrt((temp[yRd1[j]] - r2d[j])/r2d[j]): NaNs produced

#> Warning in sqrt((temp[yRd1[j]] - r2d[j])/r2d[j]): NaNs produced

#> Warning in sqrt((temp[yRd1[j]] - r2d[j])/r2d[j]): NaNs produced

#> Warning in sqrt((temp[yRd1[j]] - r2d[j])/r2d[j]): NaNs produced

#> Warning in sqrt((temp[yRd1[j]] - r2d[j])/r2d[j]): NaNs produced

#> Warning in sqrt((temp[yRd1[j]] - r2d[j])/r2d[j]): NaNs produced

#> Warning in sqrt((temp[yRd1[j]] - r2d[j])/r2d[j]): NaNs produced
#>     radius     emddim      delay 
#> 0.04152206 4.00000000 2.00000000

ans = crqa(P1, P2, delay = results$delay, embed = results$emddim, 
           rescale, radius = results$radius, normalize, 
           mindiagline, minvertline, tw, whiteline, recpt, side, method, metric, 

#> $RR
#> [1] 9.457348
#> $DET
#> [1] 80.5687
#> [1] 3136
#> $maxL
#> [1] 87
#> $L
#> [1] 24.0067
#> $ENTR
#> [1] 3.417769
#> $rENTR
#> [1] 0.7965975
#> $LAM
#> [1] 91.88695
#> $TT
#> [1] 31.73394
#> $catH
#> [1] NA

Estimating delay in multidimensional data

nbins = 10; maxlag = 10; criterion = "firstBelow"; threshold = exp(-1)

data(crqa) ## load the data

handset = handmovement[1:300, ] ## take less points

mdDelay(handset, nbins, maxlag, criterion, threshold)
#> [1] 2

Estimating false nearest neighbours in multidimensional data

tau = 1; maxEmb = 10; numSamples = 500; Rtol = 10; Atol = 2

mdFnn(handset, tau, maxEmb, numSamples, Rtol, Atol)
#> $fnnPerc
#>  [1] 100.000000   4.123711   2.749141   2.405498   3.780069   4.467354
#>  [7]   4.810997   4.123711   4.810997   4.467354
#> $embTimes
#>  [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10

Breaking down the computation: piecewiseRQA

YLIM  = range(Figure_6$speed)
YLIM2 = range(Figure_6$memory)

perfFull  = subset(Figure_6, Figure_6$typeRQA == "full")
perfPiece = subset(Figure_6, Figure_6$typeRQA == "piece")

sizes = unique(perfPiece$blocksize)

## Assign PCH to blocksize so that I can plot it
perfPiece$pch = apply(data.frame(perfPiece$blocksize),1,function(x) which(x == sizes))

colors = rainbow(length(sizes)) 
## Assign the color palette to the block size
perfPiece$colors = apply(data.frame(perfPiece$blocksize), 1, function(x){ 
  ixi = which(x == sizes) 
  x = colors[ixi]})

Figure 6 (left panel)

plot(perfPiece$datapoint, perfPiece$speed, type = "p", col = perfPiece$colors, 
     cex = 2.1, xlab = "Number of Data Points", pch = perfPiece$pch, 
     ylab = "Time (sec)", ylim = YLIM, main = "Speed")

points(perfFull$datapoint, perfFull$speed, type = "p", col = "black",
       pch = 19, cex = 2.1)

Figure 6 (right panel)

plot(perfPiece$datapoint, perfPiece$memory, type = "p", col = perfPiece$colors, 
     cex = 2.1, xlab = "Number of Data Points", pch = perfPiece$pch, 
     ylab = "Max Memory (Mb)", ylim = YLIM2, main = "Memory")
points(perfFull$datapoint, perfFull$memory, type = "p", col = "black",
       pch = 19, cex = 2.1)

legend("topleft",legend =  c(unique(perfPiece$blocksize), "full"), 
       col = c(unique(perfPiece$colors), "black"), cex = 1.5,
       pch = c(unique(perfPiece$pch), 19), bty = "n")


Coco, Monster, Leonardi, Dale & Wallot (in press). Unidimensional and Multidimensional Methods for Recurrence Quantification Analysis with crqa(). The R Journal.