The goal of cyclestreets is to provide a simple R interface to the CycleStreets routing service.
It was split-out from stplanr for modularity.
You can install the released version of cyclestreets from CRAN with:
Install the development version with devtools as follows:
A common need is to get from A to B:
library ("cyclestreets")
# stplanr::geo_code ("leeds rail station")
from = c(-1.544, 53.794)
# stplanr::geo_code ("leeds university")
to = c(-1.551, 53.807)
r = cyclestreets::journey(from, to, "balanced")
#> Warning: plotting the first 10 out of 32 attributes; use max.plot = 32 to plot
#> all
#> Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
#> Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
To get a key go to
Save the key as an environment varible using export CYCLESTREETS=your_key_here
by adding CYCLESTREETS=your_key_here
as a new line in your .Renviron
file, e.g. with the following command:
Check the map is good with leaflet:
p = colorNumeric("RdYlBu", domain = r$busynance, reverse = TRUE)
leaflet(r) %>%
addTiles() %>%
addPolylines(color = ~p(busynance), weight = 20, opacity = 0.9) %>%
addLegend(pal = p, values = ~busynance)
Or tmap, highlighting the recently added ‘quietness’ variable:
#> tmap mode set to interactive viewing
tm_shape(r) + tm_lines("quietness", palette = "RdYlBu", lwd = 3, popup.vars = names(r)[-32])
See an interactive version of this map, showing all variables per segment, here.
Or mapview:
Route types available are: fastest, quietest, balanced. See help pages such as ?journey
and for details.
You can also get streets by LTN status.