The Dataset

Employment, salary and firm data is from IBGE’s “Cadastro Central de Empresas” (aka CEMPRE). The data is available between 2006 and 2019.

The definition of the Brazilian Legal Amazon at the municipality level is taken from IBGE’s “Mapas Regionais - Amazônia Legal” available here: https://www.ibge.gov.br/geociencias/cartas-e-mapas/mapas-regionais/15819-amazonia-legal.html?=&t=o-que-e.


Using the package is easy enough:


# Download raw data (raw_data = TRUE) with the aggregation level being the country ( geo_level = "country") 
# from 2008 to 2010 (time_period = 2008:2010). 
# In this example, the user did not want to visualize data by sector (sectors = FALSE) 
# and the user also did not want the data to be restricted to the 
#Legal Amazon area (legal_amazon_only = FALSE).
data <- load_cempre(dataset = "cempre", 
                    raw_data = TRUE,
                    geo_level = "country", 
                    time_period = 2008:2010,
                    sectors = FALSE,
                    legal_amazon_only = FALSE) 

# Download treted data (raw_data = FALSE) by state (geo_level = "state") 
# from 2008 to 2010 (time_period = 2008:2010) in portuguese (language = "pt"). 
# In this example, the user wanted to visualize data by sector (sectors = TRUE)
# and the user also wanted the data to be restricted to the 
# Legal Amazon area (legal_amazon_only = TRUE).
data <- load_cempre(dataset = "cempre", 
                    raw_data = FALSE,
                    geo_level = "state", 
                    time_period = 2008:2010,
                    language = "pt",
                    sectors = TRUE,
                    legal_amazon_only = TRUE)