
The Dataset

Spatial data on several climate variables, extracted from Climatology Lab’s TerraClimate. The table below shows all possible variables to be extracted, which are chosen through the “dataset” parameter. Data ranges from 1958 to 2020.

Dataset Code Description Units
max_temperature tmax Maximum 2-m Temperature degC
min_temperature tmin Minimum 2-m Temperature degC
wind_speed ws Wind Speed at 10-m m/s
vapor_pressure_deficit vpd Vapor Pressure Deficit kPa
vapor_pressure vap 2-m Vapor Pressure kPa
snow_water_equivalent swe Snow Water Equivalent at End of Month mm
shortwave_radiation_flux srad Downward Shortwave Radiation Flux at the Surface W/m^2
soil_moisture soil Soil Moisture at End of Month mm
runoff q Runoff mm
precipitation ppt Accumulated Precipitation mm
potential_evaporation pet Reference Evapotranspiration mm
climatic_water_deficit def Climatic Water Deficit mm
water_evaporation aet Actual Evapotranspiration mm
palmer_drought_severity_index PDSI Palmer Drought Severity Index unitless

Netcdf files are downloaded from the THREDDS web server, as recommended for rectangular subsets of the global data.


Using the function is easy enough:


# Downloading maximum temperature data from 2000 to 2020

max_temp <- load_climate(dataset = "max_temperature", time_period = 2000:2020)

# Downloading precipitation data only for the legal Amazon in 2010

amz_precipitation <- load_climate(dataset = "precipitation",
                                  time_period = 2010,
                                  legal_amazon_only = TRUE)