As covered in the Get
Started vignette, the function load_raster()
raster data products in R as RasterStack
objects, which we
can work with using the raster
package. Let’s start by
loading the seasonal relative abundance raster for the example
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker data. We’ll work with the low resolution data
in this vignette to ensure fast processing times.
<- raster::extract
# download the example yellow-bellied sapsucker data
# this simplified dataset doesn't require an access key
<- ebirdst_download("example_data")
path # alternatively, you can use the following to get the data path
# if the data package has already been downloaded
<- get_species_path("example_data")
# load seasonal mean relative abundance at low res
<- load_raster(path,
abd_seasonal product = "abundance",
period = "seasonal",
metric = "mean",
resolution = "lr")
# get the seasons corresponding to each layer
# extract just the breeding season relative abundance
<- abd_seasonal[["breeding"]] abd_breeding
We can get the dates and quality scores associated with each of these
seasons by filtering the ebirdst_runs
data frame.
ebirdst_runs # note that the example data are for yellow-bellied sapsucker
filter(common_name == "Yellow-bellied Sapsucker") %>%
In this section, we’ll demonstrate how to make a simple map of breeding season relative abundance. However, note that to make high-quality, publication-ready maps typically requires extra work. It many cases, it may be worthwhile designing maps in a traditional GIS environment such as QGIS or ArcGIS.
The simplest way to map the seasonal relative abundance data is to
use the built in plot()
function from the
plot(abd_breeding, axes = FALSE)
Clearly this approach doesn’t work out of the box! There are a wide variety of issues that we’ll tackle one at a time.
All raster data downloaded through this package are defined over the
same global grid, regardless of the range of the individual species. The
example data only has non-zero abundance within the state of Michigan,
which is barely visible on the above global map. We need to define an
extent for our map. There are a variety of ways to do this, but we’ll
use the R package rnaturalearth
to access a polygon
boundary for Michigan, which we’ll then use to crop the raster.
# boundary polygon for michigan
<- ne_states(iso_a2 = "US", returnclass = "sf") %>%
mi filter(postal == "MI") %>%
# project to same coordinate reference system as the raster data
# crop data to michigan
<- crop(abd_breeding, mi)
# map the cropped data
plot(abd_breeding_mi, axes = FALSE)
The raster data are all provided in the same equal area sinusoidal
projection as NASA MODIS data. While this projection is suitable for
analysis, it is not ideal for mapping since it introduces significant
distortion. Instead, as part of the Status and Trends workflow, custom
species-specific projections are provided that are optimized for the
region that the species occurs within. We can access the projection for
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker with load_fac_map_parameters()
then transform the raster data to this custom projection.
# load the mapping parameters
<- load_fac_map_parameters(path)
fac_parameters <- fac_parameters$custom_projection
# transform to the custom projection using nearest neighbor resampling
<- projectRaster(abd_breeding_mi, crs = crs, method = "ngb")
# map the cropped and projected data
plot(abd_projected, axes = FALSE)
The relative abundance data are not uniformly distributed, which can
lead to challenges distinguishing areas of differing levels of
abundance. To address this, we’ll use a quantile bins for the map, where
each color in the legend corresponds to an equal number of cells in the
raster. We’ll define these bins excluding zeros, then assign a separate
color to the zeros. We can also use the function
to get the same set of colors we use in
the legends on the eBird Status and Trends website.
# quantiles of non-zero values
<- values(abd_projected)
v <- v[! & v > 0]
v <- quantile(v, seq(0, 1, by = 0.1))
bins # add a bin for 0
<- c(0, bins)
# status and trends palette
<- abundance_palette(length(bins) - 1)
pal # add a color for zero
<- c("#e6e6e6", pal)
# map using the quantile bins
plot(abd_projected, breaks = bins, col = pal, axes = FALSE)
Finally, we’ll add state and country boundaries to provide some
context. The R package rnaturalearth
is an excellent source
of attribution free contextual GIS data.
# natural earth boundaries
<- ne_countries(returnclass = "sf") %>%
countries st_geometry() %>%
<- ne_states(iso_a2 = "US", returnclass = "sf") %>%
states st_geometry() %>%
# define the map extent with the michigan polygon
<- mi %>%
mi_ext st_geometry() %>%
# add basemap
plot(countries, col = "#cfcfcf", border = "#888888", add = TRUE)
# add data
breaks = bins, col = pal,
axes = FALSE, legend = FALSE, add = TRUE)
# add boundaries
plot(countries, col = NA, border = "#888888", add = TRUE)
plot(states, col = NA, border = "#888888", add = TRUE)
# add legend
# label the bottom, middle, and top
<- quantile(bins, c(0, 0.5, 1))
labels plot(abd_projected, zlim = c(0, 1), legend.only = TRUE,
col = pal, breaks = seq(0, 1, length.out = length(bins)),
legend.shrink = 0.9, legend.width = 2,
axis.args = list(at = seq(0, 1, length.out = length(labels)),
labels = signif(labels, 3),
col.axis = "black", fg = NA,
cex.axis = 0.9, lwd.ticks = 0,
line = -0.5))
Next, we’ll look at the temporal component of the relative abundance data. Using the weekly relative abundance cubes, we can chart the change in relative abundance throughout the year for a fixed location. Furthermore, using the upper and lower confidence interval rasters, we can add uncertainty estimates. We often refer to these as relative abundance trajectories.
Let’s start by loading all the necessary relative abundance cubes.
<- load_raster(path, product = "abundance",
abd_median metric = "median", resolution = "lr")
<- load_raster(path, product = "abundance",
abd_lower metric = "lower", resolution = "lr")
<- load_raster(path, product = "abundance",
abd_upper metric = "upper", resolution = "lr")
Now we’ll extract the values for a fixed location.
# set a point
<- st_point(c(-88.1, 46.7)) %>%
pt st_sfc(crs = 4326) %>%
st_transform(crs = st_crs(abd_median)) %>%
# extract
<- extract(abd_median, pt, fun = mean, na.rm = TRUE)[1, ]
traj_median <- extract(abd_upper, pt, fun = mean, na.rm = TRUE)[1, ]
traj_upper <- extract(abd_lower, pt, fun = mean, na.rm = TRUE)[1, ]
# plot trajectories
<- data.frame(x = 1:length(traj_median),
plot_frame y = unname(traj_median),
lower = unname(traj_lower),
upper = unname(traj_upper))
ggplot(plot_frame, aes(x, y)) +
geom_line(data = plot_frame) +
geom_ribbon(data = plot_frame,
aes(ymin = lower, ymax = upper),
alpha = 0.3) +
ylab("Relative abundance") +
xlab("Week") +
In addition to maps and visualizations, the eBird Status and Trends website provides a set of statistics summarizing the spatial data over regions (countries and states) and seasons. The five regional statistics are:
These statistics can be downloaded from the Status and Trends website for all regions and seasons for any given species; however, there may be situations where you want to calculate them over different regions than those provided. With that in mind, in this section we’ll cover how to calculate a couple of these statistics: percent of population in region and percent of region occupied. The remaining 3 statistics can be calculated following the same approach with some modifications.
Since the example data used in this vignette is restricted to Michigan, we’ll calculate the statistics over the counties in Michigan; however, this approach can easily be extended to any set of regions. Let’s start by downloading county boundaries for Michigan.
<- getData("GADM", country = "USA", level = 2, path = tempdir()) %>%
mi_counties st_as_sf() %>%
filter(NAME_1 == "Michigan") %>%
select(county = NAME_2, county_code = HASC_2) %>%
# remove lakes which aren't true counties
filter(county_code != "US.MI.WB")
# project to sinusoidal
<- st_transform(mi_counties, crs = projection(abd_median)) mi_counties_proj
We’ll need the seasonal percent of population cubes and the seasonal ranges for these calculations.
<- load_raster(path, product = "percent-population",
pop_seasonal period = "seasonal", resolution = "lr")
<- load_ranges(path, resolution = "lr", smoothed = FALSE) ranges
Percent of population in regions is one of the simplest statistics to calculate since a raster of percent of population is already provided; we simply sum all the raster cells within each region polygon.
<- exact_extract(pop_seasonal, mi_counties_proj, fun = "sum") %>%
pctpop # attach county attributes
mutate(county_code = mi_counties$county_code) %>%
# transpose to long format, one season per row
pivot_longer(cols = -county_code,
names_to = "season", names_prefix = "sum.",
values_to = "percent_population")
Let’s make a quick map comparing the breeding and non-breeding percent of population within counties in Michigan.
# join back to county boundaries
<- pctpop %>%
pctpop_proj filter(season %in% c("breeding", "nonbreeding")) %>%
inner_join(mi_counties, ., by = "county_code") %>%
# transform to custom projection for plotting
st_transform(crs = crs)
# plot
ggplot(pctpop_proj) +
geom_sf(aes(fill = percent_population)) +
scale_fill_viridis_c(trans = "sqrt") +
guides(fill = guide_colorbar(title.position = "top", barwidth = 15)) +
facet_wrap(~ season, ncol = 2) +
labs(title = "Seasonal percent of population in MI counties",
fill = "Percent of population") +
theme_bw() +
theme(legend.position = "bottom")
To calculate range-based stats it’s often easiest to use the range polygons rather than the raster data. We can calculate the area of each county, then calculate the area of intersection between the counties and the ranges, and finally divide the two to get the percent of each region occupied.
# add the area of each region
$area <- st_area(mi_counties)
mi_counties# for each season, intersect with the county boundaries and calculate area
range_pct_occupied for (s in ranges$season) {
<- ranges %>%
range_pct_occupied filter(season == s) %>%
st_intersection(mi_counties, .) %>%
mutate(percent_occupied = as.numeric(st_area(.) / area)) %>%
select(season, county_code, percent_occupied) %>%
st_drop_geometry() %>%
bind_rows(range_pct_occupied, .)