The package contains two Rcpp functions, which
bind directly to the C++ implementation of the flexible polyline
encoding. These functions target a tight interface from C++ to R and
reflect the arguments and return values of their counterparts
and hf::decode_polyline
in the C++ implementation.
Encoding a line is straight forward by passing a matrix (column order
is longitude, latitude) with its coordinates to encode()
The default precision value is set to 5
. If a matrix with
two columns is provided, the third dimension is automatically set to
<- matrix(
line2d c(8.69821, 50.10228,
8.69567, 50.10201,
8.69150, 50.10063,
8.68752, 50.09878),
ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE
<- encode(line2d, precision = 5))
(encodes2d #> [1] "BFoz5xJ67i1B1B7PzIhaxL7Y"
If a matrix with three columns is passed, a line with a third
dimension is encoded. The type of the third dimension can be passed to
the encoding and supports the following selection, that are specified
via an integer value via the third_dim
By default the precision of the third dimension
is set to the same value as the
precision value for the longitude and latitude dimensions.
<- matrix(
line3d c(8.69821, 50.10228, 10.11111,
8.69567, 50.10201, 20.22222,
8.69150, 50.10063, 30.33333,
8.68752, 50.09878, 40.44444),
ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE
<- encode(line3d, precision = 5, third_dim = 3, third_dim_precision = 5))
(encodes3d #> [1] "B1Voz5xJ67i1Bu629B1B7Pu629BzIhau629BxL7Yu629B"
In order to decode the lines from above, the encoded line string is
passed to the decode()
function. The function detects from
the encoded string if it is a two-dimensional or three-dimensional
#> [1,] 8.69821 50.10228
#> [2,] 8.69567 50.10201
#> [3,] 8.69150 50.10063
#> [4,] 8.68752 50.09878
In the case of a three-dimensional line, the third column is named
after the name of the third dimension that was chosen during the
encoding (in this example "ELEVATION"
#> [1,] 8.69821 50.10228 10.11111
#> [2,] 8.69567 50.10201 20.22222
#> [3,] 8.69150 50.10063 30.33333
#> [4,] 8.68752 50.09878 40.44444