Add a “scroll to top” icon to R Markdown and Shiny
Add a “scroll back to top” Font Awesome icon to R Markdown documents and Shiny using GoTop.
Install the released version from CRAN.
To get a bug fix, or use a feature from the development version, you can install it from GitHub.
To add a scroll up icon in a R Markdown document, simply add use_gotop()
inside a R code chunk with {r, echo = FALSE}
so the code will not be shown in the final document.
To use it in Shiny, call use_gotop()
inside the apps’ UI.
ui = fluidPage(
align = "center",
use_gotop(), # add it inside the ui
h2("Shiny with gotop"),
HTML(rep("↓<br/><br/>scroll down<br/><br/>", 20)),
server = function(input, output, session){
output$lookright <- renderText({ print("Look right") })
You can replace the default Font Awesome chevron up icon (“fas fa-chevron-up”) by any other Font Awesome icon, change its color, width and much more (run ?use_gotop()
to see the documentation).