
CRAN status R-CMD-check

This package contains various functions to scrape and clean play-by-play data from Season play-by-play data scraped with these functions can be found in the hockeyR-data repository. It also contains functions to scrape data from, including standings, player stats, and jersey number history.


Install the development version of hockeyR (requires R 3.5) from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


Load the package (and any others you might need—for plotting an ice surface I highly recommend the sportyR package).


Loading season play-by-play

The fastest way to load a season’s play-by-play data is through the load_pbp() function, which pulls the desired season(s) from hockeyR-data. load_pbp() also has the advantage of accepting more explicit values for the seasons desired. For example, if you want to get the play-by-play for the 2020-2021 NHL season, all of load_pbp('2020-2021'), load_pbp('2020-21'), and load_pbp(2021) will get it for you. The option shift_events is a logical value indicating whether or not to load the play-by-play data with specific shift change events. The default is to exclude them, which cuts the size of the data in half and still leaves the most important events like shots, penalties, and faceoffs. Data without shift events does still include columns for players on the ice at the time of each event.

pbp <- load_pbp('2018-19')

The available data goes back to the 2010-2011 season as of now, as the NHL JSON source used for this scraper doesn’t include detailed play-by-play prior to that.

All variables available in the raw play-by-play data are included, along with a few extras added on including:

The shot_distance and shot_angle are measured in feet and degrees, respectively. The variables x_fixed and y_fixed are transformations of the x and y event coordinates such that the home team is always shooting to the right and the away team is always shooting to the left. For full details on the included variables, see the scrape_game() documentation.

As mentioned above, an easy way to create a shot plot is through the sportyR package. You can also use the included team_colors_logos data to add color and team logos to your plots.

# get single game
game <- pbp %>%
  filter(game_date == "2019-04-23" & home_abbreviation == "SJS")

# grab team logos & colors
team_logos <- hockeyR::team_logos_colors %>%
  filter(team_abbr == unique(game$home_abbreviation) | team_abbr == unique(game$away_abbreviation)) %>%
  # add in dummy variables to put logos on the ice
  mutate(x = ifelse(full_team_name == unique(game$home_name), 50, -50),
         y = 0)

# add transparency to logo
transparent <- function(img) {
  magick::image_fx(img, expression = "0.3*a", channel = "alpha")

# get only shot events
fenwick_events <- c("MISSED_SHOT","SHOT","GOAL")

shots <- game %>% filter(event_type %in% fenwick_events) %>%
  # adding team colors
  left_join(team_logos, by = c("event_team_abbr" = "team_abbr"))

# create shot plot
geom_hockey("nhl") +
    data = team_logos,
    aes(x = x, y = y, image = team_logo_espn),
    image_fun = transparent, size = 0.22, asp = 2.35
    ) +
    data = shots,
    aes(x_fixed, y_fixed),
    size = 6,
    color = shots$team_color1,
    shape = ifelse(shots$event_type == "GOAL", 19, 1)
    ) +
    title = glue::glue("{unique(game$away_name)} @ {unique(game$home_name)}"),
    subtitle = glue::glue(
    {unique(shots$away_abbreviation)} {unique(shots$away_final)} - {unique(shots$home_final)} {unique(shots$home_abbreviation)}"
    caption = "data from hockeyR | plot made with sportyR"
    ) +
    plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
    plot.subtitle = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
    plot.caption = element_text(hjust = .9)

Future Work

Getting clean data for games going back to the start of the NHL RTSS era (2007-2008 season) is in the works. There are also plans to create a basic expected goals model and perhaps a win probability model that would include xG values for each shot and win probabilities for each play, similar to the expected points model found in the nflfastR package. And of course, scraping the upcoming NHL season and updating the data daily is planned for the 2021-2022 season.
