ExIR Shiny app is updated according to the ExIR function.
ExIR visualization function, exir.vis
, is
The package vignettes are updated and the fcor
function described and exemplified in the vignettes.
The ExIR function is optimized (corrected for proper Spearman correlation analysis and added Mutual rank as a measure for filtering top correlations) and speeded up (using the data.table package).
A function named fcor
is added to the package for
super-fast correlation analysis of large datasets and simultaneous
P-value and Mutual Rank calculations.
The package vignettes are updated.
The betweenness
function is corrected.
Documentation of some functions corrected.
Links to my personal website are corrected.
The package vignettes are updated.
The implementations of shiny apps are optimized.
Shiny apps are debugged.
A new argument, label.position
, is added to the
The exir.vis
function is debugged and
The upload file size limit is removed from the local shiny apps.
The package website built with pkgdown is added to github.
The default correlation coefficient is changed from 0.3 to 0.5 in the ExIR function and its shiny app.
The ExIR shiny app is debugged and updated.
The ExIR function is debugged and updated.
The DESCRIPTION file is updated.
The function ExIR
as well as the ExIR shiny app are
Documentations of some functions are updated.
The DESCRIPTION file is updated.
The name of the function for running shiny apps is changed to
Shiny apps are updated in the package for local use.
Documentations of several functions are updated.
The Vignettes are updated.
The Read Me file is updated.
Update package Vignettes.
Documentation on how to access ExIR shiny app is added to the Read Me file, vignettes, and the corresponding functions’ documentations.
The ExIR shiny app is added to the package.
A Shiny app is developed for the running the ExIR model and visualization of its output.
Add the comp_manipulate
function for the simulation
of gene knockout and up-regulation.
Debug the function IVI.
Debug the function ExIR.
Add dependence to R package janitor for the correction of illegal characters in feature names.
Documentation on how to access IVI shiny app is added to the Read Me file, vignettes, and the corresponding functions’ documentations.
The IVI shiny app is added to the package.
A Shiny app is developed for the calculation of IVI as well as IVI-based network visualization.
The dependence of the function ExIR
on the package
reshape2 is removed.
The function ExIR
is debugged.
is debugged.The ReadMe file is updated.
The citation details of the package is updated.
Vignettes of the package are updated and extended.
A new function named exir.vis
is added for the
visualization of the results of the function exir.
A new function named cent_network.vis
is added for
the visualization of a network based on a centrality measure.
A new function named graph_from_incidence_matrix
added (imported from the igraph package) for the network
reconstruction from an incidence matrix.
A new column named Type is added to the
Biomarker table of the function ExIR
The Z-score and statistical significance are added to the results
of the function ExIR
The function ExIR
is updated so that the
experimental data are ranked prior to correlation analysis. This will
result in the assessment of the association based on the Spearman
method, a more robust algorithm in variable conditions and/or
non-parametric distributions.
The version of Roxygen2 is updated in the DESCRIPTION file.
The documentation of the ExIR
function is
The ExIR
function is updated to prevent outputting
NULL results.
The package logo is updated in accordance with the logo design of well-known R packages.
Some documentations in the Read Me file are corrected.
The NC
function is improved.
The documentation of the exir
function is
The DESCRIPTION file is updated according to all of the modifications.
The citation details of the package is updated.
The function diff.data.assembly
is added for
assembling the differential/regression data required as an input for the
The function exir
is added for the
experimental-data-based classification and ranking of top candidate
The function clusterrank
is upgraded to
in order to calculate the ClusterRank
centrality internally.
The function neighborhood.connectivity
is undergone
minor modifications to enhance the performance speed.
The function sif2igraph
is added for automatic
importing and conversion of a SIF file from the users’ local hard drive,
cloud space, or internet into a graph with an igraph class.
The thesis advisors are added to the DESCRIPTION file.
Some minor corrections are done in the documentation of functions and DESCRIPTION file.
The DESCRIPTION file is updated.
The Vignettes file is updated.
The function sirir
is added for the unsupervised
influence ranking of network nodes.
The function hubness.score
is added for the
calculation of the Hubness score.
The function spreading.score
is added for the
calculation of the Spreading score.
The function ivi
is added for the influential node
identification from a graph.
The function ivi.from.indices
is added for the
influential node identification from indices.
The function ihs
is removed as a refined formula is
added for influential node identification.
Updating the normality assessment results of association functions for vectors of length < 4
The function clusterrank
is added for the
calculation of ClusterRank.
The function collective.influence
is added for the
calculation of Collective Influence.
The function lh_index
is added for the calculation
of local H-index.
The function h_index
is added for the calculation of
The function neighborhood.connectivity
is updated so
that it will not return any NA or NaN values and the output will be a
numeric vector.
The formatting of return values in the documentation of each function is corrected.
The citation
details of the package are updated
according to its associated published paper.
The error regarding the use of NNS
since the second
use of association assessment functions including
is now corrected.