The ‘jack’ package: Jack polynomials



As of version 2.0.0, the Jack polynomials can be calculated with Julia. The speed is amazing:

julia <- Jack_julia()
## Starting Julia ...
x <- c(1/2, 2/3, 1, 2/3, -1, -2, 1)
lambda <- c(5, 3, 2, 2, 1)
alpha <- 3
        R = Jack(x, lambda, alpha),
    Julia = julia$Jack(x, lambda, alpha),
    times = 6L,
    unit  = "seconds"
  signif = 6L
## Unit: seconds
##   expr        min         lq      mean    median         uq      max neval
##      R 15.2136000 15.4525000 15.848700 15.618300 15.9377000 17.25190     6
##  Julia  0.0092488  0.0096234  0.448923  0.013536  0.0171231  2.63047     6

Jack_julia() returns a list of functions. ZonalPol, ZonalQPol and SchurPol always return an exact expression of the polynomial, i.e. with rational coefficients (integers for SchurPol). If you want an exact expression with JackPol, you have to give a rational number for the argument alpha, as a character string:

JP <- julia$JackPol(m = 2, lambda = c(3, 1), alpha = "2/5")
## mvp object algebraically equal to
## 3.92 x_1 x_2^3  +  5.6 x_1^2 x_2^2  +  3.92 x_1^3 x_2
## Exact expression:
## 98/25 * x1^3 * x2  +  28/5 * x1^2 * x2^2  +  98/25 * x1 * x2^3

To evaluate a polynomial, use as.function:

jp <- as.function(JP)

You can provide the values of the variables of this function as numbers or character strings:

jp(2, "3/2")
## [1] "1239/10"

You can even pass a variable name to this function:

jp("x", "x")
## [1] "(336*x^4)/25"

This evaluation is performed by the Ryacas package. If you want to substitute a variable with a complex number, use a character string which represents this number, with I denoting the imaginary unit:

jp("2 + 2*I", "2/3")
## [1] "Complex((-26656)/675,43232/675)"

Two functions are provided to print the polynomials with an exact expression:

##        3               2     2               3
## 98 * x1  * x2   28 * x1  * x2    98 * x1 * x2 
## ------------- + -------------- + -------------
##      25               5               25
## $\frac{98 x_{1}^{3} x_{2}}{25}  + \frac{28 x_{1}^{2} x_{2}^{2}}{5}  + \frac{98 x_{1} x_{2}^{3}}{25} $

You can also use the functions JackPol, ZonalPol, ZonalQPol and SchurPol without passing by Jack_julia(). They are implemented in R. To get an exact symbolic polynomial with JackPol, you have to supply a bigq rational number for the parameter alpha:

jpol <- JackPol(2, lambda = c(3, 1), alpha = gmp::as.bigq("2/5"))
## gmpoly object algebraically equal to
## 98/25 x^(1,3) + 28/5 x^(2,2) + 98/25 x^(3,1)

This is a gmpoly object, from the gmpoly package.

gmpoly::gmpolyEval(jpol, c(gmp::as.bigq("2"), gmp::as.bigq("3/2")))
## Big Rational ('bigq') :
## [1] 1239/10

By default, ZonalPol, ZonalQPol and SchurPol return exact symbolic polynomials.

zpol <- ZonalPol(2, lambda = c(3, 1))
## gmpoly object algebraically equal to
## 24/7 x^(1,3) + 16/7 x^(2,2) + 24/7 x^(3,1)

Again, Julia is faster:

n <- 5
lambda <- c(4, 3, 3)
alpha <- "2/3"
alphaq <- gmp::as.bigq(alpha)
      R = JackPol(n, lambda, alphaq),
  Julia = julia$JackPol(n, lambda, alpha),
  times = 6L
## Unit: seconds
##   expr      min       lq     mean   median       uq      max neval
##      R 5.796784 5.969351 6.534679 6.384724 6.501181 8.171313     6
##  Julia 2.314522 2.425651 2.521455 2.488385 2.544755 2.867033     6

As of version 3.0.0, one can also get a gmpoly polynomial with Julia, by setting the argument poly to "gmpoly" in the XXXPol functions in the list returned by Jack_julia:

julia$JackPol(2, lambda = c(3, 1), alpha = "2/5", poly = "gmpoly")
## gmpoly object algebraically equal to
## 98/25 x^(1,3) + 28/5 x^(2,2) + 98/25 x^(3,1)
n <- 5
lambda <- c(4, 3, 3)
alpha <- "2/3"
     Julia_mvp = julia$JackPol(n, lambda, alpha),
  Julia_gmpoly = julia$JackPol(n, lambda, alpha, poly = "gmpoly"),
  times = 6L
## Unit: milliseconds
##          expr       min        lq      mean    median       uq      max neval
##     Julia_mvp 2356.3070 2374.6200 2416.4645 2385.8910 2460.117 2535.961     6
##  Julia_gmpoly  819.8618  885.6438  927.5658  890.9213  925.444 1152.603     6