bugfixes: * prelim fix of issue #56
new feature: * changing to linkGRASS for both GRASS 7.x/8.x - keeping linkGRASS7for backwards compatibility
bugfixes: * issue #52
bugfixes: * pre fix issue #52
bugfixes: * fix issue #42, #44, #46, #48, #49
new feature: * add installation vignette * update some documentation
bugfixes: * fix issue #42
bugfixes: * fix issue #40
bugfixes: * fix issue #38
new feature * add linkall * add direct reading and writing of vector data to GRASS sqlite
bugfixes: * smaller bugfixes
new feature * parse and return OTB API help for interactive use in R * add runOTB function according to # 29
bugfixes: * issue 19,21,22,26,29 fixed * first parsing of the new GRASS (since 7.8.x ) start file
new feature: * improved implementation of parseOTB
bugfixes: * several issues fixes * examples and typos
new feature: * full re-implementation of linkGDAL returns now all gdal installations at a given search path
bugfixes: * several fixes for Windows search and linking * examples and typos
new feature: * add manual build function for UNC pathes
bugfixes: * remove search argument for PRZP * several fixes for Windows search and linking * Comments and typos
new feature: * add boolean variable if required API exists
bugfixes: * fix of the quiet option * fix the search order * straighten GRASS problems with r.in.lidar * several fixes for Windows search and linking * fix and add a lot of examples * Comments and typos
new feature: * by default the latest version of each API is selected
bugfixes: * OTB basic wrapper fixed for Windows * new examples * Typos
new feature: * ver_select can be used directly with the number of selection * OTB basic wrapper
bugfixes: * RSAGA related fixes * Typos
new feature: * add returnPaths argument for suppress all returns
bugfixes: * windows RSAGA related fixes
The 0.3-0 version is quite restructured to conform to both common R conventions (e.g. no hidden globals) and to make the calls more intuitive and one-line-like. some of the function follow a slightly different naming and argument setting. This was done to keep in line with further CLI linking functionality.
new feature: * Linux support for multi-version selection * remove all global variables (re-opened issue #3) * homogenization of the link calls * wrap searchAPIOS functions with OS-agnostic findAPI functions * add a more robust return of all pathes and environmental variables as lists * add a quiet option to supress all! console outputs (issue #4)
bugfixes: * remove tailing backslashes * force compatibility to RSAGA and SAGA ver 3+
new feature: * findGRASS a function that wraps for searchGRASSW and searchGRASSX
bugfixes: * fix github issues #2 #3 #5
bugfixes: * fix several small bugs