plot3logit 3.1.3

Minor changes

plot3logit 3.1.2

Typos and other marginal changes

plot3logit 3.1.1

Major changes

plot3logit 3.1.0

Major changes

Minor changes

Typos and other marginal changes

plot3logit 3.0.0

Major changes

Minor changes

Typos and other marginal changes

plot3logit 2.2.0

Major changes

Minor changes

Typos and other marginal changes

plot3logit 2.1.0

Major changes

plot3logit 2.0.0

Major changes

Minor changes

Typos and other marginal changes

plot3logit 1.0.2

Major changes

Minor changes

Typos and other marginal changes

plot3logit 1.0.1

Major changes

Minor changes

Typos and other marginal changes

plot3logit 1.0.0

First release of the package plot3logit on CRAN!