R package seriation - Infrastructure for Ordering Objects Using Seriation

CRAN version stream r-universe status CRAN RStudio mirror downloads

This package provides the infrastructure for ordering objects with an implementation of several seriation/sequencing/ordination techniques to reorder matrices, dissimilarity matrices, and dendrograms (see below for a full list). Also provides (optimally) reordered heatmaps, color images and clustering visualizations like dissimilarity plots, and visual assessment of cluster tendency plots (VAT and iVAT).

Available Seriation Method

The following methods are available for dissimilarity data:

A detailed comparison of the methods is available in the paper An experimental comparison of seriation methods for one-mode two-way data. (read the preprint).

The following methods are available for matrices:


Stable CRAN version: Install from within R with


Current development version: Install from r-universe.

install.packages("seriation", repos = "https://mhahsler.r-universe.dev")


Load library, read data and calculate distances. Then use default seriation.


# joint probability of disagreement
##           Breyer Ginsburg Kennedy OConnor Rehnquist Scalia Souter Stevens
## Breyer      0.00    0.120    0.25    0.21      0.30  0.353  0.118    0.16
## Ginsburg    0.12    0.000    0.27    0.25      0.31  0.370  0.096    0.15
## Kennedy     0.25    0.267    0.00    0.16      0.12  0.188  0.248    0.33
## OConnor     0.21    0.252    0.16    0.00      0.16  0.207  0.220    0.33
## Rehnquist   0.30    0.308    0.12    0.16      0.00  0.143  0.293    0.40
## Scalia      0.35    0.370    0.19    0.21      0.14  0.000  0.338    0.44
## Souter      0.12    0.096    0.25    0.22      0.29  0.338  0.000    0.17
## Stevens     0.16    0.145    0.33    0.33      0.40  0.438  0.169    0.00
## Thomas      0.36    0.368    0.18    0.21      0.14  0.066  0.331    0.44
##           Thomas
## Breyer     0.359
## Ginsburg   0.368
## Kennedy    0.177
## OConnor    0.205
## Rehnquist  0.137
## Scalia     0.066
## Souter     0.331
## Stevens    0.436
## Thomas     0.000
d <- as.dist(SupremeCourt)
order <- seriate(d)
## object of class 'ser_permutation', 'list'
## contains permutation vectors for 1-mode data
##   vector length seriation method
## 1             9         Spectral
pimage(d, diag = TRUE, upper = TRUE, main = "judges in original alphabetical order")
pimage(d, order, diag = TRUE, upper = TRUE, main = "judges reordered by seriation")

Compare quality.

rbind(alphabetical = criterion(d), seriated = criterion(d, order))
##              2SUM AR_deviations AR_events BAR Cor_R Gradient_raw
## alphabetical  872        10.304        80 1.8 0.024            8
## seriated      811         0.064         5 1.1 0.085          158
##              Gradient_weighted Inertia Lazy_path_length Least_squares LS  ME
## alphabetical              0.54     267              6.9           967 99  99
## seriated                 19.76     364              4.6           942 86 101
##              Moore_stress Neumann_stress Path_length RGAR
## alphabetical          7.0            3.9         1.8 0.48
## seriated              2.5            1.3         1.1 0.03
