- feature selection and ranking by simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximationFeature selection can be loosely defined as finding an optimal subset of available features in a dataset that are asssociated with the response variable. There are three broad categories of featue selection methods: filter methods, wrapper methods, and embedded methods. In the vignette, we introduce the Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation for Feature Selection and Ranking (SPSA-FSR) Algorithm as one of the wrapper methods and how to use the spFSR
package which implements this algorithm. The spFSR
package is built upon the works by Aksakalli and Malekipirbazari (2016) <arXiv:1508.07630> and Yenice et al. (2018) <arXiv:1804.05589>.
As the spFSR
package depends upon the mlr package, we shall follow the mlr workflow to define a learner and a task. The spFSR
package supports classification and regression problems. We show how to perform feature selection with the spFSR
package with two applications - one classification problem and one regression problem. The spFSR
package does not support unsupervised learning (such as clustering), cost-sensitive classification, and survival analysis.
Let X be an \(n \times p\) data matrix of \(p\) features and \(n\) observations whereas \(Y\) denotes the \(n \times 1\) response vector consitute as the dataset. Let \(X:= \{ X_1, X_2, ....X_p \}\) denote the feature set where \(X_j\) represents the \(j^{th}\) feature in. For a nonempty subset \(X' \subset X\), we define \(\mathcal{L}_{C}(X', Y)\) as the true value of performance criterion of a wrapper classifier (the model) \(C\) on the dataset. As \(\mathcal{L}_{C}\) is not known, we train the classifier \(C\) and compute the error rate, which is denoted by \(y_C(X', Y)\). Therefore, \(y_C = \mathcal{L}_C + \varepsilon\). The wrapper feature selection problem is defined as determining the non-empty feature set \(X^{*}\):
\[X^{*} := \arg \min_{X' \subset X}y_C(X', Y)\]
It is a stochastic optimisation problem because the functional form of \(Y\) is unknown and can be estmated using stochastic optimisation algorithms, including the Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation (SPSA). Introduced by Spall (1992), the SPSA is a pseudo-gradient descent stochastic optimisation algorithm. It starts with a random solution (vector) and moves toward the optimal solution in successive iterations in which the current solution is perturbed simultaneously by random offsets generated from a specified probability distribution. The SPSA-FSR algorithm is therefore an application of the SPSA for feature selection.
In the context of SPSA, given \(w \in D \subset \mathbb{R}^{p}\), the loss function is given as:
\[\mathcal{L}(w): D \mapsto \mathbb{R}\]
where its functional form is unknown but one can observe noisy measurement:
\[y(w) := \mathcal{L}(w) + \varepsilon(w)\]
where \(\varepsilon\) is the noise. Let \(g(w)\) denote the gradient of \(\mathcal{L}\):
\[g(w): = \nabla \mathcal{L} = \frac{\partial \mathcal{L} }{\partial w}\]
The SPSA-FSR algorithm uses a binary version of the SPSA where \(w \in \mathbb{Z}^{p}\). Hence, the loss function becomes \(\mathcal{L}: \{0,1\}^{p} \mapsto \mathbb{R}\). The SPSA-FSR algorithm starts with an initial solution \(\hat{w}_0\) and iterates following the recursion below in search for a local minima \(w^{*}\):
\[\hat{w}_{k+1} := \hat{w}_{k} - a_k \hat{g}(\hat{w}_{k})\]
Let \(\Delta_k \in \mathbb{R}^p\) be a simultaneous perturbation vector at iteration \(k\). Spall (1992) suggests to imposes certain regularity conditions on \(\Delta_k\):
The finite inverse requirement basically precludes \(\Delta_k\) from uniform or normal distributions. A good candidate is a symmetric zero mean Bernoulli distribution, say \(\pm 1\) with 0.5 probability. The SPSA-FSR algorithm “perturbs” the current iterate \(\hat{w}_k\) by an amount of \(c_k \Delta_k\) in each direction of \(\hat{w}_k + c_k \Delta_k\) and \(\hat{w}_k - c_k \Delta_k\) respectively. Hence, the simultaneous perturbations around \(\hat{w}_{k}\) are defined as:
\[\hat{w}^{\pm}_k := \hat{w}_{k} \pm c_k \Delta_k\]
where \(c_k\) is a nonnegative gradient gain sequence. The noisy measurements of \(\hat{w}^{\pm}_k\) at iteration \(k\) become:
\[y^{+}_k:=\mathcal{L}(\hat{w}_k + c_k \Delta_k) + \varepsilon_{k}^{+} \\ y^{-}_k:=\mathcal{L}(\hat{w}_k - c_k \Delta_k) + \varepsilon_{k}^{-}\]
where \(\mathbb{E}( \varepsilon_{k}^{+} - \varepsilon_{k}^{-}|\hat{w}_0, \hat{w}_1,...\hat{w}_k, \Delta_k) = 0 \forall k\). At each iteration, \(\hat{w}_k^{\pm}\) are bounded and rounded before \(y_k^{\pm}\) are evaluated. Therefore, \(\hat{g}_k\) is computed as:
\[\hat{g}_k(\hat{w}_k):=\bigg[ \frac{y^{+}_k-y^{-}_k}{w^{+}_{k1}-w^{-}_{k1}},...,\frac{y^{+}_k-y^{-}_k}{w^{+}_{kp}-w^{-}_{kp}} \bigg]^{T} = \bigg[ \frac{y^{+}_k-y^{-}_k}{2c_k \Delta_{k1}},...,\frac{y^{+}_k-y^{-}_k}{2c_k \Delta_{kp}} \bigg]^{T} = \frac{y^{+}_k-y^{-}_k}{2c_k}[\Delta_{k1}^{-1},...,\Delta_{kp}^{-1}]^{T}\]
For convergence, Spall (1992) proposes the iteration and gradient gain sequences to be:
\(A\), \(a\), \(\alpha\), \(c\) and \(\gamma\) are pre-defined; these parameters must be fine-tuned properly. In the SPSA-FSR algorithm, we set \(\gamma = 1\) so that \(c_k\) is a constant. The detail of fine-tuning values are found in Aksakalli and Malekipirbazari (2016). Yenice et al. (2018) propose a nonmonotone Barzilai-Borwein method (Barzilai and Borwein 1988) to smooth the gain via
\[\hat{b}_k = \frac{\sum_{n=k-t}^k{\hat{a}_{n}^{'}}}{t+1}\]
The role of \(\hat{b}_k\) is to eliminate the irrational fluctuations in the gains and ensure the stability of the SPSA-FSR algorithm. It averages the gains at the current and last two iterations, i.e. \(t=2\). Gain smoothing results in a decrease in convergence time. Due to its stochastic nature and noisy measurements, the gradients \(\hat{g}(\hat{w})\) can be approximately wrongly and hence distort the convergence direction in SPSA-FRS algorithm. To mitigate such side effect, the current and the previous \(m\) gradients are averaged as a gradient estimate at the current iteration:
\[\hat{g_k}(\hat{w_k}) = \frac{\sum_{n=k-m}^k{\hat{g_{n}}(\hat{w_{k}})}}{m+1}\]
The SPSA-FSR algorithm does not have automatic stopping rules. So, we can specify a maximum number of iterations as a stopping criterion. The SPSA-FSR algorithm is summarised as:
- Generate \(\Delta_{k, j} \sim \text{Bernoulli}(-1, +1)\) with \(\mathbb{P}(\Delta_{k, j}=1) = \mathbb{P}(\Delta_{k, j}=-1) = 0.5\) for \(j=1,..p\)
- Compute \(\hat{w}^{\pm}_k:=\hat{w}_{k} \pm c \Delta_k\)
- Bound and then round:
- \(\hat{w}^{\pm}_k \mapsto B(\hat{w}^{\pm}_k)\) where \(B( \bullet)\) is the component-wise \([0,1]\) operator.
- \(B(\hat{w}^{\pm}_k) \mapsto R(\hat{w}^{\pm}_k)\) where \(R( \bullet)\) is the component-wise rounding operator.
- Evaluate \(y^{\pm}_k:=\mathcal{L}(\hat{w}_k + c_k \Delta_k) \pm \varepsilon_{k}^{+}\)
- Compute the gradient estimate:
\[\hat{g}_k(\hat{w}_k):=\bigg( \frac{y^{+}_k-y^{-}_k}{2c}\bigg)[\Delta_{k1}^{-1},...,\Delta_{kp}^{-1}]^{T}\]
- Update \(\hat{w}^{\pm}_k := \hat{w}_{k} \pm c_k \Delta_k\)
The spFSR
package can be installed from CRAN as follow:
If it is installed manually from an archive (tar.gz), then the following dependency and imported packages must be installed first:
if(!require("mlr") ){ install.packages("mlr") } # mlr (>= 2.11)
if(!require("parallelMap") ){ install.packages("parallelMap") } # parallelMap (>= 1.3)
if(!require("parallel") ){ install.packages("parallel")} # parallel (>= 3.4.2)
if(!require("tictoc") ){ install.packages("tictoc") } # tictoc (>= 1.0)
if(!require("ggplot2") ){ install.packages("ggplot2") } # tictoc (>= 1.0)
if(!require('spFSR') ){
install.packages('spFSR_1.0.0.tar.gz', repos = NULL)
The mlr
depends on other packages. Although only some are utilised in the spFSR
, it is highly recommended to install the suggested packages:
ada, adabag, bartMachine, batchtools, brnn, bst, C50, care, caret (>= 6.0-57), class, clue, cluster, clusterSim (>= 0.44-5), clValid, cmaes, CoxBoost, crs, Cubist, deepnet, DiceKriging, DiceOptim, DiscriMiner, e1071, earth, elasticnet, elmNN, emoa, evtree, extraTrees, flare, fields, FNN, fpc, frbs, FSelector, gbm, GenSA, ggvis, glmnet, h2o (>=, GPfit, Hmisc, ipred, irace (>= 2.0), kernlab, kknn, klaR, knitr, kohonen, laGP, LiblineaR, lqa, MASS, mboost, mco, mda, mlbench, mldr, mlrMBO, modeltools, mRMRe, nnet, nodeHarvest (>= 0.7-3), neuralnet, numDeriv, pamr, party, penalized (>= 0.9-47), pls, PMCMR (>= 4.1), pROC (>= 1.8), randomForest, randomForestSRC (>= 2.2.0), ranger (>= 0.6.0), RCurl, Rfast, rFerns, rjson, rknn, rmarkdown, robustbase, ROCR, rotationForest, rpart, RRF, rrlda, rsm, RSNNS, RWeka, sda, shiny, smoof, sparsediscrim, sparseLDA, stepPlr, SwarmSVM, svglite, testthat, tgp, TH.data, xgboost (>= 0.6-2), XML
To see why, say we would like to apply k-nearest neighbour (knn) on a classification problem. In the mlr
, this can be done by defining a learner
as mlr::makeLearner("classif.knn", k = 5)
in R
. Note that "classif.knn"
is called from the class
package via mlr
. So it the class
package has not been installed, this learner cannot be defined. To get the full list of learners from the mlr
package, see listLearners()
for more details.
Using the classical iris data, the goal is to choose 3 of 4 features (Sepal.Length
, Sepal.Width
, Petal.Length
, and Petal.Width
) that give the highest mean accuracy rate in predicting Species
#> Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species
#> 1 5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2 setosa
#> 2 4.9 3.0 1.4 0.2 setosa
#> 3 4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2 setosa
#> 4 4.6 3.1 1.5 0.2 setosa
#> 5 5.0 3.6 1.4 0.2 setosa
#> 6 5.4 3.9 1.7 0.4 setosa
After loading the mlr
package, we create a wrapper
which is a knn learner with \(k=5\). Then, we make a classification task
by specifying Species
as the response or target variable we would like to predict. Lastly, we specify acc
(accuracy) to evaluate the wrapper’s performance.
#> Loading required package: ParamHelpers
#> Warning: replacing previous import 'BBmisc::isFALSE' by
#> 'backports::isFALSE' when loading 'mlr'
knnWrapper <- makeLearner("classif.knn", k = 5)
classifTask <- makeClassifTask(data = iris, target = "Species")
perf.measure <- acc
The spFeatureSelection
function requires four main arguments:
: a task
object created using mlr
package. In this example, task = classifTask
: a Learner
object created using mlr
package. In this example, it is wrapper = knnWrapper
: a performance measure supported by task
; here, measure = perf.measure
: number of features to be selected. In this example, we aim to choose three features (num.features.selected = 3
).In addition, due to the stochastic nature of the SPSA-FSR algorithm, we recommend user to run it multiple iterations by specifying iters.max
in spFeatureSelection
. The default value of iters.max
is 25. For illustration, we shall run up to 10 iterations by specifying iters.max = 10
. To speed up, user can specify how many processor cores to run the algorithm. The default value is 2 or the minimum core available on the computer. In this example, we apply a single core (num.cores = 1
#> Loading required package: parallelMap
#> Loading required package: parallel
#> Loading required package: tictoc
spsaMod <- spFeatureSelection(
task = classifTask,
wrapper = knnWrapper,
measure = perf.measure ,
num.features.selected = 3,
iters.max = 10,
num.cores = 1)
#> SPSA-FSR begins:
#> Wrapper = knn
#> Measure = acc
#> Number of selected features = 3
#> iter value st.dev num.ft best.value
#> 1 0.95778 0.03666 3 0.95778 *
#> 2 0.95778 0.03443 3 0.95778
#> 3 0.97111 0.02779 3 0.97111 *
#> 4 0.95111 0.04153 3 0.97111
#> 5 0.96 0.03381 3 0.97111
#> 6 0.95333 0.0276 3 0.97111
#> 7 0.95556 0.01627 3 0.97111
#> 8 0.96222 0.03301 3 0.97111
#> 9 0.96667 0.02817 3 0.97111
#> 10 0.95778 0.02346 3 0.97111
#> Best iteration = 3
#> Number of selected features = 3
#> Best measure value = 0.97111
#> Std. dev. of best measure = 0.02779
#> Run time = 0.1 minutes.
The output above shows that the result produced by spFeatureSelection
. At each iteration (iter
), it shows mean accuracy rate (value
) and its standard deviation (st.dev
) on three features (num.fit
= 3). The best.value
represents the best mean accuracy rate produced by spFeatureSelection
. At the first iteration (iter
= 1), the best mean accuracy rate is 0.96 and it is denoted by ’*’. At the second iteration, the mean accuracy rate is lower and hence the accuracy rate from the first iteration remains as the best value. At the third iteration, the accuracy rate improves to 0.97111 which is higher the previous best value. The accuracy rate of the third iteration therefore becomes the best value.
The spFSR
package supports three S3 generic methods: print
, summary
, and plot
. The usages of print
and summary
are quite straighforward. The summary return the following information:
#> $target
#> [1] "Species"
#> $importance
#> features importance
#> 1 Petal.Width 0.76373
#> 2 Petal.Length 0.39640
#> 3 Sepal.Width 0.27386
#> $nfeatures
#> [1] 3
#> $niters
#> [1] 10
#> $name
#> [1] "k-Nearest Neighbor"
#> $best.iter
#> [1] 3
#> $best.value
#> [1] 0.97111
#> $best.std
#> [1] 0.02779
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "summary.spFSR"
We can produce a scatterplot of mean accuracy rate at each iteration by calling the plot
function on spsaMod
. We can also add an error bar of \(\pm 1\) standard deviation around the mean accuracy rate at each iteration by specifying errorBar = TRUE
. Other graphical parameters such as pch
, type
, ylab
, and col
are allowed.
plot(spsaMod, errorBar = TRUE)
The spFSR
package has:
which returns the importance ranks of best performing features as a data.frame
which plots the importance ranks of best performing featuresgetBestModel
which returns the trained or wrapped model based on the set of best performing features.getImportance(spsaMod)
#> features importance
#> 1 Petal.Width 0.76373
#> 2 Petal.Length 0.39640
#> 3 Sepal.Width 0.27386
The vertical bar chart generated by plotImportance
shows that Petal.Width
is the most important feature. We can obtain the best performing model by calling getBestModel
bestMod <- getBestModel(spsaMod)
is an object of WrapperModel
class from the mlr
#> [1] "WrappedModel"
It inherits all methods of this class including predict
. The predict
function can be used to predict out-of-sample data using setting new.data
to a test data. It can be also used to return the predicted responses by incorporating the task = spsaMod$task.spfs
(which contains only the best performing features). The code chunk below illustrates how predicted responses can be obtained and used to calculate the confusion matrix by calling calculateConfusionMatrix
from the mlr
# predict using the best mod
pred <- predict(bestMod, task = spsaMod$task.spfs )
# Obtain confusion matrix
calculateConfusionMatrix( pred )
#> predicted
#> true setosa versicolor virginica -err.-
#> setosa 49 1 0 1
#> versicolor 0 48 2 2
#> virginica 0 2 48 2
#> -err.- 0 3 2 5
The goal is to select 10 out of 14 features which predict the median house price (medv
in USD 1000’s) from the “BostonHosuing” data. The data is loaded from the mlbench
if( !require(mlbench) ){install.packages('mlbench')}
#> crim zn indus chas nox rm age dis rad tax ptratio b
#> 1 0.00632 18 2.31 0 0.538 6.575 65.2 4.0900 1 296 15.3 396.90
#> 2 0.02731 0 7.07 0 0.469 6.421 78.9 4.9671 2 242 17.8 396.90
#> 3 0.02729 0 7.07 0 0.469 7.185 61.1 4.9671 2 242 17.8 392.83
#> 4 0.03237 0 2.18 0 0.458 6.998 45.8 6.0622 3 222 18.7 394.63
#> 5 0.06905 0 2.18 0 0.458 7.147 54.2 6.0622 3 222 18.7 396.90
#> 6 0.02985 0 2.18 0 0.458 6.430 58.7 6.0622 3 222 18.7 394.12
#> lstat medv
#> 1 4.98 24.0
#> 2 9.14 21.6
#> 3 4.03 34.7
#> 4 2.94 33.4
#> 5 5.33 36.2
#> 6 5.21 28.7
We start configuring a regression task and a linear regression (lm) wrapper:
regTask <- makeRegrTask(data = BostonHousing, target = 'medv')
regWrapper <- makeLearner('regr.lm')
For a regression problem, stratified sampling is not supported and so cv.stratify
must be FALSE
. We use mean squared error (mse
) to evaluate the linear regression’s performance. Similar to the previous example, we shall run up to 10 iterations by specifying iters.max = 10
on a single core (num.cores = 1
regSPSA <- spFeatureSelection(
task = regTask, wrapper = regWrapper,
measure = mse, num.features.selected = 10,
cv.stratify = FALSE,
iters.max = 10,
num.cores = 1
#> SPSA-FSR begins:
#> Wrapper = lm
#> Measure = mse
#> Number of selected features = 10
#> iter value st.dev num.ft best.value
#> 1 30.35112 3.1887 10 30.35112 *
#> 2 23.95179 5.18505 10 23.95179 *
#> 3 24.049 5.92193 10 23.95179
#> 4 23.89387 6.01074 10 23.89387 *
#> 5 24.21654 4.77767 10 23.89387
#> 6 24.43404 5.5683 10 23.89387
#> 7 24.13086 7.23643 10 23.89387
#> 8 24.2094 6.5276 10 23.89387
#> 9 24.15275 5.18024 10 23.89387
#> 10 24.06778 7.16643 10 23.89387
#> Best iteration = 4
#> Number of selected features = 10
#> Best measure value = 23.89387
#> Std. dev. of best measure = 6.01074
#> Run time = 0.15 minutes.
The methods and importance functions can be also used for regression problems.
#> $target
#> [1] "medv"
#> $importance
#> features importance
#> 1 nox 1.00000
#> 2 crim 0.95513
#> 3 rm 0.77840
#> 4 zn 0.70200
#> 5 dis 0.56367
#> 6 chas 0.50852
#> 7 ptratio 0.47328
#> 8 tax 0.38742
#> 9 lstat 0.37512
#> 10 rad 0.37019
#> $nfeatures
#> [1] 10
#> $niters
#> [1] 10
#> $name
#> [1] "Simple Linear Regression"
#> $best.iter
#> [1] 4
#> $best.value
#> [1] 23.89387
#> $best.std
#> [1] 6.01074
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "summary.spFSR"
#> features importance
#> 1 nox 1.00000
#> 2 crim 0.95513
#> 3 rm 0.77840
#> 4 zn 0.70200
#> 5 dis 0.56367
#> 6 chas 0.50852
#> 7 ptratio 0.47328
#> 8 tax 0.38742
#> 9 lstat 0.37512
#> 10 rad 0.37019
The importance plot reveals nox and crim to be two most important features in predicting the median housing value. We can also obtain the best model via getBestModel
and make predictions.
bestRegMod <- getBestModel(regSPSA)
predData <- predict(bestRegMod, task = regSPSA$task.spfs) # obtain the prediction
Leveraging on the mlr
package, the spFSR
package implements the SPSA-FSR Algorithm for feature selection. Given a wrapper, the spFSR
package can determine a subset of features which predicts the response variable while optimising a specified performance measure.
Aksakalli, Vural, and Milad Malekipirbazari. 2016. “Feature Selection via Binary Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation.” Pattern Recognition Letters, no. 75. Elsevier B.V.: 41–47.
Barzilai, J., and J. Borwein. 1988. “Two-Point Step Size Gradient Methods.” IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis.
Spall, James C. 1992. “Multivariate Stochastic Approximation Using a Simultaneous Perturbation Gradient Approximation.” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, no. 37 (March). IEEE: 322–41.
Yenice, Zeren D., Niranjan Adhikari, Yong Kai Wong, Alev Taskin Gumus, Vural Aksakalli, and Babak Abbasi. 2018. “SPSA-FSR: Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation for Feature Selection and Ranking.”