Here we’ll examine an example application of the widyr package, particularly the pairwise_cor
and pairwise_dist
functions. We’ll use the data on United Nations General Assembly voting from the unvotes
## # A tibble: 869,937 x 4
## rcid country country_code vote
## <dbl> <chr> <chr> <fct>
## 1 3 United States US yes
## 2 3 Canada CA no
## 3 3 Cuba CU yes
## 4 3 Haiti HT yes
## 5 3 Dominican Republic DO yes
## 6 3 Mexico MX yes
## 7 3 Guatemala GT yes
## 8 3 Honduras HN yes
## 9 3 El Salvador SV yes
## 10 3 Nicaragua NI yes
## # … with 869,927 more rows
This dataset has one row for each country for each roll call vote. We’re interested in finding pairs of countries that tended to vote similarly.
Notice that the vote
column is a factor, with levels (in order) “yes”, “abstain”, and “no”:
## [1] "yes" "abstain" "no"
We may then be interested in obtaining a measure of country-to-country agreement for each vote, using the pairwise_cor
<- un_votes %>%
cors mutate(vote = as.numeric(vote)) %>%
pairwise_cor(country, rcid, vote, use = "pairwise.complete.obs", sort = TRUE)
## # A tibble: 39,800 x 3
## item1 item2 correlation
## <chr> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 Slovakia Czechia 0.989
## 2 Czechia Slovakia 0.989
## 3 Lithuania Germany 0.978
## 4 Germany Lithuania 0.978
## 5 Lithuania Estonia 0.975
## 6 Estonia Lithuania 0.975
## 7 Lithuania Latvia 0.973
## 8 Latvia Lithuania 0.973
## 9 Slovakia Slovenia 0.972
## 10 Slovenia Slovakia 0.972
## # … with 39,790 more rows
We could, for example, find the countries that the US is most and least in agreement with:
<- cors %>%
US_cors filter(item1 == "United States")
# Most in agreement
## # A tibble: 199 x 3
## item1 item2 correlation
## <chr> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 United States United Kingdom 0.575
## 2 United States Canada 0.570
## 3 United States Israel 0.546
## 4 United States Australia 0.514
## 5 United States Netherlands 0.513
## 6 United States Luxembourg 0.504
## 7 United States Belgium 0.498
## 8 United States Italy 0.470
## 9 United States Japan 0.462
## 10 United States France 0.459
## # … with 189 more rows
# Least in agreement
US_cors arrange(correlation)
## # A tibble: 199 x 3
## item1 item2 correlation
## <chr> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 United States Belarus -0.331
## 2 United States Cuba -0.313
## 3 United States Czechoslovakia -0.275
## 4 United States Egypt -0.262
## 5 United States Russia -0.261
## 6 United States Syria -0.261
## 7 United States India -0.241
## 8 United States Afghanistan -0.191
## 9 United States Iraq -0.189
## 10 United States Indonesia -0.188
## # … with 189 more rows
This can be particularly useful when visualized on a map.
if (require("maps", quietly = TRUE) &&
require("fuzzyjoin", quietly = TRUE) &&
require("countrycode", quietly = TRUE) &&
require("ggplot2", quietly = TRUE)) {
<- map_data("world") %>%
world_data regex_full_join(iso3166, by = c("region" = "mapname")) %>%
filter(region != "Antarctica")
US_cors mutate(a2 = countrycode(item2, "", "iso2c")) %>%
full_join(world_data, by = "a2") %>%
ggplot(aes(long, lat, group = group, fill = correlation)) +
geom_polygon(color = "gray", size = .1) +
scale_fill_gradient2() +
coord_quickmap() +
theme_void() +
labs(title = "Correlation of each country's UN votes with the United States",
subtitle = "Blue indicates agreement, red indicates disagreement",
fill = "Correlation w/ US")
Another useful kind of visualization is a network plot, which can be created with Thomas Pedersen’s ggraph package. We can filter for pairs of countries with correlations above a particular threshold.
if (require("ggraph", quietly = TRUE) &&
require("igraph", quietly = TRUE) &&
require("countrycode", quietly = TRUE)) {
<- cors %>%
cors_filtered filter(correlation > .6)
<- tibble(country = unique(un_votes$country)) %>%
continents filter(country %in% cors_filtered$item1 |
%in% cors_filtered$item2) %>%
country mutate(continent = countrycode(country, "", "continent"))
cors_filtered graph_from_data_frame(vertices = continents) %>%
ggraph() +
geom_edge_link(aes(edge_alpha = correlation)) +
geom_node_point(aes(color = continent), size = 3) +
geom_node_text(aes(label = name), check_overlap = TRUE, vjust = 1, hjust = 1) +
theme_void() +
labs(title = "Network of countries with correlated United Nations votes")
Choosing the threshold for filtering correlations (or other measures of similarity) typically requires some trial and error. Setting too high a threshold will make a graph too sparse, while too low a threshold will make a graph too crowded.