withr: Run Code 'With' Temporarily Modified Global State

A set of functions to run code 'with' safely and temporarily modified global state. Many of these functions were originally a part of the 'devtools' package, this provides a simple package with limited dependencies to provide access to these functions.

Version: 2.5.0
Depends: R (≥ 3.2.0)
Imports: graphics, grDevices, stats
Suggests: callr, covr, DBI, knitr, lattice, methods, rlang, rmarkdown (≥ 2.12), RSQLite, testthat (≥ 3.0.0)
Published: 2022-03-03
Author: Jim Hester [aut], Lionel Henry [aut, cre], Kirill Müller [aut], Kevin Ushey [aut], Hadley Wickham [aut], Winston Chang [aut], Jennifer Bryan [ctb], Richard Cotton [ctb], RStudio [cph, fnd]
Maintainer: Lionel Henry <lionel at rstudio.com>
BugReports: https://github.com/r-lib/withr/issues
License: MIT + file LICENSE
URL: https://withr.r-lib.org, https://github.com/r-lib/withr#readme
NeedsCompilation: no
Materials: README NEWS
CRAN checks: withr results


Reference manual: withr.pdf
Vignettes: Changing and restoring state


Package source: withr_2.5.0.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel: withr_2.5.0.zip, r-release: withr_2.5.0.zip, r-oldrel: withr_2.5.0.zip
macOS binaries: r-release (arm64): withr_2.5.0.tgz, r-oldrel (arm64): withr_2.5.0.tgz, r-release (x86_64): withr_2.5.0.tgz, r-oldrel (x86_64): withr_2.5.0.tgz
Old sources: withr archive

Reverse dependencies:

Reverse imports: anyLib, APfun, baguette, bambooHR, batchtools, bbw, biodb, biomartr, biometryassist, boomer, caret, celda, checkpoint, citation, cliapp, cloudml, covr, cyclocomp, DBItest, dbplyr, decoupleR, DeepBlueR, details, detrendr, devtools, dials, DisaggregateTS, discrim, downlit, EcotoneFinder, edwards97, embed, exampletestr, excursions, fake, fgeo.analyze, filesstrings, FindIT2, FLAMES, flashlight, fledge, flippant, flipr, forcats, FourWayHMM, FSA, gargle, GDPuc, GeoDiff, ggdist, ggforce, ggplot2, ggraph, ggridges, ggstance, ghclass, goodpractice, googleCloudRunner, googledrive, httr2, ijtiff, indiedown, inlabru, jagstargets, jsontools, learnr, logr, madrat, MAINT.Data, MatrixMixtures, metaumbrella, mice, microservices, mistyR, mlflow, mlr3pipelines, mockr, mrgsim.sa, mudata2, multilevelmod, musicatk, nandb, NanoMethViz, natmanager, nipnTK, odin, OmnipathR, opencage, OpenRepGrid.ic, oppr, orderly, PanomiR, parsermd, parsnip, parzer, personalr, pins, pkgbuild, pkgdepends, pkgdown, pkgload, pkgmaker, pkgstats, PL94171, pmparser, ppsr, precommit, precrec, prioritizr, prodigenr, proffer, profile, racademyocean, raptr, raws.profile, rcmdcheck, recipes, reporter, reprex, reticulate, rextendr, RFishBC, rgoogleads, rhino, rhub, ropenblas, roxygen2, roxygen2md, RPostgres, rsurveycto, RTTWebClient, rtweet, rvest, rytstat, sccore, seeker, SenTinMixt, sharp, shiny, shinytest, shinytest2, singcar, singleCellTK, slackr, sparklyr, stacomiR, styler, surveyvoi, tarchetypes, targets, tatoo, taxonbridge, testthat, themis, thinkr, tidybayes, tidypaleo, torch, torchdatasets, torchvision, toRvik, TSdisaggregation, tune, typetracer, usethat, usethis, vetiver, vprr, vroom, vsp, webdriver, workflowsets, worldfootballR, xpectr, ymlthis
Reverse suggests: adnuts, altdoc, and, AnVIL, anybadger, arrow, asciicast, assemblerr, bcdata, BCEA, bcmaps, bench, bigrquery, BiocManager, bittermelon, bookdown, brmsmargins, bslib, cabinets, callr, chk, circle, cli, cliff, clock, codemetar, condGEE, conflr, connectwidgets, cpp11, cranlike, crayon, crossmap, crosstable, crunch, crunchy, DatabaseConnector, datarobot, dataversionr, datawizard, datefixR, dbflobr, dccvalidator, debugme, depigner, desc, Dire, distill, dittodb, dm, dotprofile, dplyr, duckdb, eaf, easystats, ebirdst, EdSurvey, enc, encryptr, ergm, excluder, exuber, fauxnaif, ffscrapr, fig, filebin, flexsiteboard, fracture, fs, FSelectorRcpp, furrr, fy, generics, ggdag, ggExtra, ggPMX, ggspatial, ggthemes, gh, gitcreds, gitdown, glue, golem, googlesheets4, gratia, grattan, greta, here, hermes, hippie, htmltools, hutils, hutilscpp, iai, icecream, igraph, IOHanalyzer, ipumsr, irace, IRdisplay, ISAnalytics, jetpack, JSmediation, jsonvalidate, JWileymisc, keras, keyring, knitrProgressBar, lambdr, languageserver, lefser, lightr, lintr, liteq, logrx, luz, lvmisc, mailmerge, makepipe, manydata, marginaleffects, mark, melt, meltr, meteospain, MGMM, microbiomeMarker, MicrobiotaProcess, MicroMoB, miniCRAN, minSNPs, mlr3filters, mlr3oml, mlr3spatiotempcv, mockthat, multidplyr, multinma, namedropR, NHSRplotthedots, nlmixr2, nlmixr2est, nlmixr2extra, nlmixr2plot, nodbi, ooplah, oskeyring, ottr, pacs, pak, parsedate, PHEindicatormethods, PhilipsHue, PhIPData, piggyback, pillar, pkgcache, pkgnet, plu, polyMatrix, PracticalEquiDesign, presser, prettycode, processx, progress, prompt, prt, r2dii.analysis, rappdirs, rb3, rcompendium, rdoc, RDP, readr, redist, remotes, rfacts, ricu, riingo, riot, riskmetric, rlang, RMariaDB, rmarkdown, RNOmni, roahd, rosm, rprojroot, rsample, rxode2, santoku, sass, secret, sessioninfo, sims, sinew, skimr, sortable, spatialsample, srcr, ssdtools, sship, stacomirtools, starsTileServer, statsExpressions, stevedore, SurrogateRegression, survex, surveydata, survParamSim, swag, tabnet, Temporal, terraTCGAdata, tfruns, tglkmeans, thematic, tibble, tidylab, tidyselect, tidysq, tidytreatment, tikzDevice, tinkr, Tplyr, truncnormbayes, tufte, utf8, vaultr, vcr, vctrs, vdiffr, vegawidget, VIM, waldo, webfakes, WeMix, whoami, workflowr, xportr, ypr, ZillowR, zip


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