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Search and download data from the Swiss Federal Statistical Office

The BFS package allows to search and download public data from the Swiss Federal Statistical Office (BFS stands for Bundesamt für Statistik in German) in a dynamic and reproducible way.



You can also install the development version from Github.




Get the data catalog

To search and download data from the Swiss Federal Statistical Office, you first need to retrieve information about the available public datasets.

You can get the data catalog by language based on the official RSS feed. Unfortunately, it seems that not the all public datasets are in the RSS feed, but only the most recently udpated. Note also that Italian and English give access to less datasets.

catalog_data_en <- bfs_get_catalog_data(language = "en")

## # A tibble: 180 x 5
##    title                                          langu~1 publi~2 url_bfs url_px
##    <chr>                                          <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr> 
##  1 Businesses by difficulties in recruiting staf~ en      Busine~ https:~ https~
##  2 Businesses by difficulties in recruiting staf~ en      Busine~ https:~ https~
##  3 Businesses by employment prospects and econom~ en      Busine~ https:~ https~
##  4 Businesses by employment prospects and major ~ en      Busine~ https:~ https~
##  5 Job vacancies by economic divisions (selectio~ en      Job va~ https:~ https~
##  6 Job vacancies by major region                  en      Job va~ https:~ https~
##  7 Jobs by economic division, employment rate an~ en      Jobs b~ https:~ https~
##  8 Jobs by major region, economic sector, employ~ en      Jobs b~ https:~ https~
##  9 Retail Trade Turnover Statistics - monthly se~ en      Retail~ https:~ https~
## 10 Retail Trade Turnover Statistics - quarterly ~ en      Retail~ https:~ https~
## # ... with 170 more rows, and abbreviated variable names 1: language,
## #   2: published

To find older datasets, you can use the search bar in the official BFS website.

Search for a specific dataset

You could use for example dplyr to search for a given dataset.


catalog_data_uni <- catalog_data_en %>%
  filter(title == "University students by year, ISCED field, sex and level of study")

## # A tibble: 1 x 5
##   title                                           langu~1 publi~2 url_bfs url_px
##   <chr>                                           <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr> 
## 1 University students by year, ISCED field, sex ~ en      Univer~ https:~ https~
## # ... with abbreviated variable names 1: language, 2: published

Download a dataset in any language

To download a BFS dataset, you have two options. You can add the official BFS URL webpage to the url_bfs argument to the bfs_get_data(). For example, you can use the URL of a given dataset you found using bfs_get_catalog_data().

df_uni <- bfs_get_data(url_bfs = catalog_data_uni$url_bfs, language = "en")
##   Downloading large query (in 4 batches):
##   |                                                                              |                                                                      |   0%  |                                                                              |==================                                                    |  25%  |                                                                              |===================================                                   |  50%  |                                                                              |====================================================                  |  75%  |                                                                              |======================================================================| 100%
## # A tibble: 17,640 x 5
##    Year    `ISCED Field`     Sex    `Level of study`                     Unive~1
##    <chr>   <chr>             <chr>  <chr>                                  <dbl>
##  1 1980/81 Education science Male   First university degree or diploma       545
##  2 1980/81 Education science Male   Bachelor                                   0
##  3 1980/81 Education science Male   Master                                     0
##  4 1980/81 Education science Male   Doctorate                                 93
##  5 1980/81 Education science Male   Further education, advanced studies~      13
##  6 1980/81 Education science Female First university degree or diploma       946
##  7 1980/81 Education science Female Bachelor                                   0
##  8 1980/81 Education science Female Master                                     0
##  9 1980/81 Education science Female Doctorate                                 70
## 10 1980/81 Education science Female Further education, advanced studies~      52
## # ... with 17,630 more rows, and abbreviated variable name
## #   1: `University students`

Note that some datasets are only accessible in German and French.

In case the data is not accessible using bfs_get_catalog_data(), you can manually add the BFS number in the bfs_get_data() function using the number_bfs argument.

# open webpage

Use again bfs_get_data() but this time with the number_bfs argument.

bfs_get_data(number_bfs = "px-x-1502040100_131", language = "en")

Please privilege the number_bfs argument of the bfs_get_data() if you want more stable and reproducible code.

You can access additional information about the dataset by running bfs_get_data_comments().

bfs_get_data_comments(number_bfs = "px-x-1502040100_131", language = "en")
##   Downloading large query (in 4 batches):
##   |                                                                              |                                                                      |   0%  |                                                                              |==================                                                    |  25%  |                                                                              |===================================                                   |  50%  |                                                                              |====================================================                  |  75%  |                                                                              |======================================================================| 100%

## # A tibble: 1 x 4
##   row_no col_no comment_type   comment                                          
##    <int>  <int> <chr>          <chr>                                            
## 1     NA      4 column_comment "To ensure that the presentations from cubes con~

Catalog of tables

A lot of tables are not accessible through the official API, but they are still present in the official BFS website. You can access the RSS feed tables catalog using bfs_get_catalog_tables(). Most of these tables are Excel or CSV files. Note again that only a part of all the public tables accessible are in the RSS feed (the most recently updated datasets).

catalog_tables_en <- bfs_get_catalog_tables(language = "en")

## # A tibble: 350 x 5
##    title                                         langu~1 publi~2 url_bfs url_t~3
##    <chr>                                         <chr>   <chr>   <chr>   <chr>  
##  1 "Difficulties in recruiting staff with educa~ en      "Diffi~ https:~ https:~
##  2 "Difficulties in recruiting staff with educa~ en      "Diffi~ https:~ https:~
##  3 "Difficulties in recruiting staff with highe~ en      "Diffi~ https:~ https:~
##  4 "Difficulties in recruiting staff with unive~ en      "Diffi~ https:~ https:~
##  5 "Full-time job equivalent per sector"         en      "Full-~ https:~ https:~
##  6 "Full-time job per sector and gender"         en      "Full-~ https:~ https:~
##  7 "Index of employment evolution prospects per~ en      "Index~ https:~ https:~
##  8 "Job vacancy per branch of economic activity~ en      "Job v~ https:~ https:~
##  9 "Jobs per sector and gender, gross and seaso~ en      "Jobs ~ https:~ https:~
## 10 "Jobs per sector and main region"             en      "Jobs ~ https:~ https:~
## # ... with 340 more rows, and abbreviated variable names 1: language,
## #   2: published, 3: url_table

index_table_url <- catalog_tables_en %>%
  filter(grepl("index", title)) %>% # search table
  slice(1) %>%

df <- tryCatch(expr = openxlsx::read.xlsx(index_table_url, startRow = 1),
    error = function(e) "Failed reading table") %>%

## # A tibble: 466 x 19
##    Landesind~1 X2    X3    X4    X5    ©.Bun~2 X7    Indic~3 X9    Indic~4 X11  
##    <chr>       <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>   <chr> <chr>   <chr> <chr>   <chr>
##  1 Warenkorbs~ <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  "Ausku~ <NA>  "Panie~ <NA>  "Panie~ <NA> 
##  2 Basis Deze~ <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  <NA>  "http:~ <NA>  "Base ~ <NA>  "Base ~ <NA> 
##  3 Code        PosNo PosT~ Level COIC~ "Posit~ PosT~ "Posit~ PosT~ "Posiz~ PosT~
##  4 100_100     100   1     1     <NA>  "Total" Total "Total" Total "Total~ Tota~
##  5 100_1       1     2     2     '01   "    N~ Nahr~ "    A~ Alim~ "    P~ Prod~
##  6 100_1001    1001  3     3     '01.1 "     ~ Nahr~ "     ~ Alim~ "     ~ Prod~
##  7 100_1002    1002  3     4     '01.~ "     ~ Brot~ "     ~ Pain~ "     ~ Pane~
##  8 100_1003    1003  4     5     '01.~ "     ~ Reis  "     ~ Riz   "     ~ Riso 
##  9 100_1008    1008  4     5     '01.~ "     ~ Mehl~ "     ~ Fari~ "     ~ Fari~
## 10 100_1014    1014  3     5     <NA>  "     ~ Brot~ "     ~ Pain~ "     ~ Pane~
## # ... with 456 more rows, 8 more variables: Swiss.Consumer.Price.Index <chr>,
## #   X13 <chr>, Gewicht <chr>, X15 <chr>, X16 <chr>, X17 <chr>, X18 <chr>,
## #   X19 <chr>, and abbreviated variable names
## #   1: Landesindex.der.Konsumentenpreise,
## #   2: `©.Bundesamt.für.Statistik,'Europe.10,.CH-2010.Neuchâtel`,
## #   3: Indice.des.prix.à.la.consommation,
## #   4:

Other information

A blog article showing a concrete example about how to use the BFS package and to visualize the data in a Swiss map.

The BFS package is using the pxweb R package under the hood to access the Swiss Federal Statistical Office pxweb API and tidyRSS to scrap the official BFS RSS feeds.

This package is in no way officially related to or endorsed by the Swiss Federal Statistical Office (BFS).


Any contribution is strongly appreciated. Feel free to report a bug, ask any question or make a pull request for any remaining issue.