#TwoRegression 1.0.0 ##Summary Major revision of package structure and scope ##Changes * Added support for other pre-existing models in addition to those of Hibbing et al. (2018) <10.1249/MSS.0000000000001532> * Established unified means of implementing pre-existing models through a single TwoRegression function * Added functions to facilitate development and application of new models

#TwoRegression 0.1.2 ##Summary Resubmission of the initial version ##Changes * Corrected examples for internal functions by removal or :::

#TwoRegression 0.1.1 ##Summary Resubmission of the initial version ##Changes * Listed Vincent van Hees as a contributor in the DESCRIPTION file * Added a reference to Hibbing et al. (2018) <10.1249/MSS.0000000000001532> in the DESCRIPTION file * Added executable examples to function documentation * Incremented version from 0.1.0 to 0.1.1, for clarity

TwoRegression 0.1.0
