mlim : Multiple Imputation with Automated Machine Learning

In reccent years, there have been several attempts for using machine learning for missing data imputation. Yet, mlim R package is unique because it is the first R package to implement automated machine learning for multiple imputation and brings the state-of-the-arts of machine learning to provide a versatile missing data solution. Not only mlim supports various data types (continuous, binary or multinomial, and ordinal), but also, it is expected to result in lower imputation error compared to other missing data imputation software. Simply put, for each variable in the dataset, mlim automatically fine-tunes a fast machine learning model, which results in significantly lower imputation error compared to classical statistical models or even untuned machine learning imputation software that use Random Forest or unsuperwised learning algorithms. Moreover, mlim is intended to give social scientists a powerful solution to their missing data problem, a tool that can automatically adopts to different variable types, that can appear at different rates, with unknown destributions and have high correlations or interactions with one another.

mlim outperforms other R packages for all variable types, continuous, binary (factor), multinomial (factor), and ordinal (ordered factor). The reason for this improved performance is that mlim:

Download mlim multiple imputation handbook

mlim comes with a free and open-source handbook to help you get started with either single or multiple imputation. The handbook is written in LaTeX and its source is publically hosted on GitHub, visit for more information.

Procedure: From preimputation to imputation and postimputation

mlim follows three steps to optimize the missing data imputation. This procedure is optional, depending on the amount of computing resources available to you. In general, ELNET imputation already outperforms other available single and multiple imputation methods available in R. However, the imputation error can be significantly reduced by training stronger algorithms such as GBM, XGB, DL, or even Ensemble. For the majority of the users, the GBM or XGB (available only in Mac OSX and Linux) will significantly imprive the ELNET imputation, if long-enough time is provided to generate a lot of models to fine-tune them.

You do not necessarily need the post-imputation. Once you have reimputed the data with ELNET, you can stop there. ELNET is relatively a fast algorithm and it is easy to fine-tune it compared to GBM, XGB, DL, or Ensemble. In addition, ELNET generalizes nicely and is less prone to overfiting. In the flowchart below the procedure of mlim algorithm is drawn. When using mlim, you can use ELNET to impute a dataset with NA or optimize the imputed values of a dataset that is already imputed. If you wish to go the extra mile, you can use heavier algorithms as well to activate the postimputation procedure, but it is strictly optional and by default, mlim does not use postimputation.

Fast imputation with ELNET (without postimputation)

Below are some comparisons between different R packages for carrying out multiple imputations (bars with error) and single imputation. In these analyses, I only used the ELNET algorithm, which fine-tunes much faster than other algorithms (GBM, XGBoost, and DL). As it evident, ELNET already outperforms all other single and multiple imputation procedures available in R language. However, the performance of mlim can still be improved, by adding another algorithm, which activates the postimputation procedure.


mlim is under fast development. The package receive monthly updates on CRAN. Therefore, it is recommended that you install the GitHub version until version 0.1 is released. To install the latest development version from GitHub:


Or alternatively, install the latest stable version from CRAN:


Supported algorithms

mlim supports several algorithms:

ELNET is the default imputation algorithm. Among all of the above, ELNET is the simplest model, fastest to fine-tune, requires the least amount of RAM and CPU, and yet, it is the most stable one, which also makes it one of the most generalizable algorithms. By default, mlim uses only ELNET, however, you can add another algorithm to activate the post-imputation procedure.


But which one should you choose, assuming computation resources are not in question? Well, GBM is very liokely to outperform ELNET, if you specify a large enough max_models argument to well-tune the algorithm for imputing each feature. That basically means generating more than 100 models, at least. But you will enjoy a slight – yet probably statistically significant – improvement in the imputation accuracy. The option is there, for those who can use it, and to my knowledge, fine-tuning GBM with large enough number of models will be the most accurate imputation algorithm compared to any other procedure I know. But ELNET comes second and compared to its speed advantage, it is indeed charming!

Both of these algorithms offer one advantage over all the other machine learning missing data imputation methods such as kNN, K-Means, PCA, Random Forest, etc… Simply put, you do not need to specify any parameter yourself, everything is automatic and mlim searches for the optimal parameters for imputing each variable within each iteration. For all the aformentioned packages, some parameters need to be specified, which influence the imputation accuracy. Number of k for kNN, number of components for PCA, number of trees (and other parameters) for Random Forest, etc… This is why elnet outperform the other packages. You get a software that optimizes its models on its own.

Advantages and limitations

mlim fine-tunes models for imputation, a procedure that has never been implemented in other R packages. This procedure often yields much higher accuracy compared to other machine learning imputation methods or missing data imputation procedures because of using more accurate models that are fine-tuned for each feature in the dataset. The cost, however, is computational resources. If you have access to a very powerful machine, with a huge amount of RAM per CPU, then try GBM. If you specify a high enough number of models in each fine-tuning process, you are likely to get a more accurate imputation that ELNET. However, for personal machines and laptops, ELNET is generally recommended (see below). If your machine is not powerful enough, it is likely that the imputation crashes due to memory problems…. So, perhaps begin with ELNET, unless you are working with a powerful server. This is my general advice as long as mlim is in Beta version and under development.



iris ia a small dataset with 150 rows only. Let’s add 50% of artifitial missing data and compare several state-of-the-art machine learning missing data imputation procedures. ELNET comes up as a winner for a very simple reason! Because it was fine-tuned and all the rest were not. The larger the dataset and the higher the number of features, the difference between ELNET and the others becomes more vivid.

# Comparison of different R packages imputing iris dataset
# ===============================================================================
rm(list = ls())

# Add artifitial missing data
# ===============================================================================
irisNA <-, p = 0.5, stratify = TRUE, seed = 2022)

# Single imputation with mlim, giving it 180 seconds to fine-tune each imputation
# ===============================================================================
MLIM <- mlim(irisNA, m=1, seed = 2022, tuning_time = 180) 
print(MLIMerror <- mlim.error(MLIM, irisNA, iris))

# kNN Imputation with VIM
# ===============================================================================
kNN <- kNN(irisNA, imp_var=FALSE)
print(kNNerror <- mlim.error(kNN, irisNA, iris))

# Single imputation with MICE (for the sake of demonstration)
# ===============================================================================
MC <- mice(irisNA, m=1, maxit = 50, method = 'pmm', seed = 500)
print(MCerror <- mlim.error(MC, irisNA, iris))

# Random Forest Imputation with missForest
# ===============================================================================
RF <- missForest(irisNA)
print(RFerror <- mlim.error(RF$ximp, irisNA, iris))

rngr <- missRanger(irisNA, num.trees=100, seed = 2022)
print(missRanger <- mlim.error(rngr, irisNA, iris))