scatterPlotMatrix 0.2.0
- Added:
- new argument ‘cssRules’ to apply CSS rules
- new argument ‘scatterPlotProperties’ to adjust some properties (size and color of points, etc.)
- new argument and API ‘cutoffs’ to allow points filtering
- ‘multibrush’ functionnality
- new ‘corrPlotType’ values (‘AbsText’ and ‘Empty’)
- send a ‘zAxisChange’ event when coloration is changed by clicking a column header
- Changed:
- smooth density curves/reduce bands number
- keep correlation circle positions unchanged from one tile to the next (and draw reference circles corresponding to a correlation of 1)
- when ‘corrPlotType’ is ‘Text’ and if a categorical variable is selected for coloration, don’t use a gradient, use the color associated to each category
- set position of tooltips to the right side
- when mouse hovers a point, highlighted point just has to be drawn greater, keeping its color (not black)
- when mouse hovers a point, print values for all visible columns
- Fixed:
- generating two times a plot with a categorical zAxis, some correlations and distribPlots are wrong
- wrong display for ‘CorrelationPlot’ values if filtering keeps no points
- Y axis of distributionPlot are not updated when filtered points are changed
- ‘setZAxis’ should not log a warning when ‘controlWidgets’ is not active
- don’t send a ‘ZAXIS_EVENT’ when the zAxis is not set to a new value
scatterPlotMatrix 0.1.0
- Added a
file to track changes to the package.