- new function surprisal (Shannon information from p-value)
- formatP can add surprisal to output
- ggcormat has now p-labels for .05,.01, and .001 labels
- roundR can handle input 0 in a more useful way
- new function medianse duplicating se_median (deprecated) for naming
- some parameter names were anglicized (old one still exist for
- function compare_n_numvars now allows non-parametric analysis
- function roundR handles rounding 0 now properly
- help has been extended, new examples have been added
- function print_kable is now deprecated, as package flextable offers
way more power
- function tests have been added
- default for FindVars is now more obvious, symbols are only returned
if requested
- formatP returns vector or matrix, depending on input pIn, this makes
piping easier
- formatP handles wrong inputs by returning NA, e.g. after failed
- meansd adds spaces around ±
- compare2numvars handles cases with more than 2 groups by producing
an error
- cortestR converts input to matrix
- cortestR has bugfix and empty string as changed default for
- compare2numvars has bugfix: Overall n now takes only cases with
valid grouping variable content
- moved testthat from imports to suggests
- bugfix in function compare2numvars
- extended vignette
- released on CRAN
- added missing value tags
- put package names in single quotes
- added documentation tags and examples
- applied styler tidyverse style
- dropped some functions needing further development
- this is the first version ready to be released on CRAN after passing
all checks