
The INSERT INTO statement inserts new rows into a table. The inserted rows can be specified by value expressions or result from a query.


INSERT INTO [ TABLE ] table_identifier [ partition_spec ] [ ( column_list ) ]
    { VALUES ( { value | NULL } [ , ... ] ) [ , ( ... ) ] | query }



Single Row Insert Using a VALUES Clause

CREATE TABLE students (name VARCHAR(64), address VARCHAR(64))

    ('Amy Smith', '123 Park Ave, San Jose', 111111);

SELECT * FROM students;
|     name|               address|student_id|
|Amy Smith|123 Park Ave, San Jose|    111111|

Multi-Row Insert Using a VALUES Clause

    ('Bob Brown', '456 Taylor St, Cupertino', 222222),
    ('Cathy Johnson', '789 Race Ave, Palo Alto', 333333);

SELECT * FROM students;
|         name|                 address|student_id|
|    Amy Smith|  123 Park Ave, San Jose|    111111|
|    Bob Brown|456 Taylor St, Cupertino|    222222|
|Cathy Johnson| 789 Race Ave, Palo Alto|    333333|

Insert Using a SELECT Statement

-- Assuming the persons table has already been created and populated.
SELECT * FROM persons;
|         name|                   address|      ssn|
|Dora Williams|134 Forest Ave, Menlo Park|123456789|
|  Eddie Davis|   245 Market St, Milpitas|345678901|

INSERT INTO students PARTITION (student_id = 444444)
    SELECT name, address FROM persons WHERE name = "Dora Williams";

SELECT * FROM students;
|         name|                   address|student_id|
|    Amy Smith|    123 Park Ave, San Jose|    111111|
|    Bob Brown|  456 Taylor St, Cupertino|    222222|
|Cathy Johnson|   789 Race Ave, Palo Alto|    333333|
|Dora Williams|134 Forest Ave, Menlo Park|    444444|

Insert Using a TABLE Statement

-- Assuming the visiting_students table has already been created and populated.
SELECT * FROM visiting_students;
|         name|              address|student_id|
|Fleur Laurent|345 Copper St, London|    777777|
|Gordon Martin| 779 Lake Ave, Oxford|    888888|

INSERT INTO students TABLE visiting_students;

SELECT * FROM students;
|         name|                   address|student_id|
|    Amy Smith|    123 Park Ave, San Jose|    111111|
|    Bob Brown|  456 Taylor St, Cupertino|    222222|
|Cathy Johnson|   789 Race Ave, Palo Alto|    333333|
|Dora Williams|134 Forest Ave, Menlo Park|    444444|
|Fleur Laurent|     345 Copper St, London|    777777|
|Gordon Martin|      779 Lake Ave, Oxford|    888888|

Insert Using a FROM Statement

-- Assuming the applicants table has already been created and populated.
SELECT * FROM applicants;
|       name|                   address|student_id|qualified|
|Helen Davis| 469 Mission St, San Diego|    999999|     true|
|   Ivy King|367 Leigh Ave, Santa Clara|    101010|    false|
| Jason Wang|     908 Bird St, Saratoga|    121212|     true|

INSERT INTO students
     FROM applicants SELECT name, address, id applicants WHERE qualified = true;

SELECT * FROM students;
|         name|                   address|student_id|
|    Amy Smith|    123 Park Ave, San Jose|    111111|
|    Bob Brown|  456 Taylor St, Cupertino|    222222|
|Cathy Johnson|   789 Race Ave, Palo Alto|    333333|
|Dora Williams|134 Forest Ave, Menlo Park|    444444|
|Fleur Laurent|     345 Copper St, London|    777777|
|Gordon Martin|      779 Lake Ave, Oxford|    888888|
|  Helen Davis| 469 Mission St, San Diego|    999999|
|   Jason Wang|     908 Bird St, Saratoga|    121212|

Insert Using a Typed Date Literal for a Partition Column Value

CREATE TABLE students (name STRING, address  STRING) PARTITIONED BY (birthday DATE);

INSERT INTO students PARTITION (birthday = date'2019-01-02')
    VALUES ('Amy Smith', '123 Park Ave, San Jose');

SELECT * FROM students;
|         name|                  address|   birthday|
|    Amy Smith|   123 Park Ave, San Jose| 2019-01-02|
#### Insert with a column list

INSERT INTO students (address, name, student_id) VALUES
    ('Hangzhou, China', 'Kent Yao', 11215016);

SELECT * FROM students WHERE name = 'Kent Yao';
|     name|               address|student_id|
|Kent Yao |       Hangzhou, China|  11215016|

Insert with both a partition spec and a column list

INSERT INTO students PARTITION (student_id = 11215017) (address, name) VALUES
    ('Hangzhou, China', 'Kent Yao Jr.');

SELECT * FROM students WHERE student_id = 11215017;
|        name|               address|student_id|
|Kent Yao Jr.|       Hangzhou, China|  11215017|