Matrix: Sparse and Dense Matrix Classes and Methods

A rich hierarchy of matrix classes, including triangular, symmetric, and diagonal matrices, both dense and sparse and with pattern, logical and numeric entries. Numerous methods for and operations on these matrices, using 'LAPACK' and 'SuiteSparse' libraries.

Version: 1.5-0
Priority: recommended
Depends: R (≥ 3.5.0)
Imports: methods, graphics, grid, stats, utils, lattice
Suggests: expm, MASS
Enhances: MatrixModels, graph, SparseM, sfsmisc, igraph, maptools, sp, spdep
Published: 2022-09-10
Author: Douglas Bates [aut], Martin Maechler ORCID iD [aut, cre], Mikael Jagan ORCID iD [aut], Timothy A. Davis [ctb] (SuiteSparse and 'cs' C libraries, notably CHOLMOD and AMD, collaborators listed in dir(pattern="^[A-Z]+[.]txt$", full.names=TRUE, system.file("doc", "SuiteSparse", package="Matrix"))), Jens Oehlschlägel [ctb] (initial nearPD()), Jason Riedy [ctb] (condest() and onenormest() for octave, Copyright: Regents of the University of California), R Core Team [ctb] (base R matrix implementation)
Maintainer: Martin Maechler <mmaechler+Matrix at>
License: GPL-2 | GPL-3 | file LICENCE [expanded from: GPL (≥ 2) | file LICENCE]
NeedsCompilation: yes
Materials: NEWS ChangeLog
In views: Econometrics, NumericalMathematics
CRAN checks: Matrix results


Reference manual: Matrix.pdf
Vignettes: Comparisons of Least Squares calculation speeds
Design Issues in Matrix package Development
2nd Introduction to the Matrix Package
Introduction to the Matrix Package
Sparse Model Matrices


Package source: Matrix_1.5-0.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel:, r-release:, r-oldrel:
macOS binaries: r-release (arm64): Matrix_1.4-1.tgz, r-oldrel (arm64): Matrix_1.4-1.tgz, r-release (x86_64): Matrix_1.4-1.tgz, r-oldrel (x86_64): Matrix_1.4-1.tgz
Old sources: Matrix archive

Reverse dependencies:

Reverse depends: adapt4pv, adaptMCMC, addhaz, ADDT, ADMMnet, ahaz, APML0, arm, arules, arulesCBA, aster2, BacArena, BayesFactor, bc3net, BCE, bgsmtr, biglasso, BinNonNor, BinNor, bioassayR, birankr, BiRewire, bolasso, Boptbd, BSW, BTLLasso, cAIC4, Category, celda, centiserve, cgam, cjoint, climwin, clipper, CodataGS, conos, covEB, cplm, CRTgeeDR, cthreshER, ctmcmove, curephEM, CVST, dataPreparation, dcGOR, dcGSA, dclone, DelayedArray, dglars, dhglm, disordR, distrom, dmm, DNABarcodes, DoubleCone, DRR, DTRlearn2, DWDLargeR, EMCluster, EMMREML, epistasis, epoc, evalITR, EventPointer, excursions, expectreg, expm, fanc, fastadi, fastclime, fastCorrDiff, fastRG, fdaPDE, flare, flowMap, FoReco, frailtyHL, FSTpackage, gamlr, gamlss.lasso, gamm4, GaussSuppression, gbmt, gdistance, GeDS, geeM, genlasso, GenOrd, GenoScan, geomorph, GhostKnockoff, GIGSEA, GlarmaVarSel, glmm, glmnet, glmSparseNet, GPvam, GrassmannOptim, gremlin, growthrate, grpCox, GWAS.BAYES, HelpersMG, hglm,, hibayes, HiCfeat, hierSDR, HSDiC, hsem, ibmdbR, inca, invertiforms, irlba, islasso, isotonic.pen, kinship2, KnockoffScreen, L1mstate, lcpm, leidenAlg, lfe, lingmatch, LKT, lme4, logcondiscr, LPmerge, LRMF3, MAP, MargCond, Matrix.utils, MatrixExtra, matter, MBC, mcen, mclogit, MCMCglmm, mdhglm, MDPtoolbox, mediation, MedSurvey, mefa4, metafor, mgwrsar, mi, midasml, mind, monocle, msgl, MuData, MultiGlarmaVarSel, MultiOrd, MultiVarSel, mvglmmRank, N2R, nadiv, NegBinBetaBinreg, NetworkRiskMeasures, NOISeq, optbdmaeAT, optimbase, optrcdmaeAT, OrdNor, pagoda2, PCovR, pedgene, pedigree, pedigreemm, penDvine, pense, PERMANOVA, phateR, PhylogeneticEM, picasso, pleio, POINT, PoisBinNonNor, PoisBinOrd, PoisBinOrdNonNor, PoisBinOrdNor, PoisNonNor, PoisNor, PrevMap, PRISMA, ProbitSpatial, prodest, psqn, qlcMatrix, qpcR, QPmin, QRM, quadrupen, qut, QZ, ramps, rBMF, RCBR, RealVAMS, REBayes, recommenderlab, Rediscover, reglogit, RegSDC, REREFACT, RGE, RGENERATEPREC, Ringo, rliger, Rmagic, RNewsflow, robustlmm, RSarules, rsparse, rSPDE, rwc, saeMSPE, sbw, SC.MEB, scITD, sdpt3r, sdwd, SEAGLE, sensory, serrsBayes, sglasso, sglOptim, sharpPen, SKAT, SmallCountRounding, snpReady, snpStats, softImpute, sommer, soptdmaeA, SOR, sparseLRMatrix, sparsenet, sparsenetgls, sparsestep, spatialprobit, spatialreg, spatstat.sparse, speedglm, sRDA, SSBtools, sSDR, ssfa, stcos, StratifiedSampling, sureLDA, surf, survey, surveyvoi, svydiags, sybil, sybilccFBA, sybilcycleFreeFlux, systemfit, TargetScore, text2map, textir, textmineR, textTinyR, tmvtnorm, TPEA, triversity, TropFishR, tsapp, tvReg, uwot, vagam, VAM, WaveSampling, WGScan, wordspace
Reverse imports: abess, abnormality, abtest, ACV, AdaptiveSparsity, ADImpute, adjclust, ADMM, aggregateBioVar, AGHmatrix, aghq, AGPRIS, AHM, ahMLE, AICcmodavg, alakazam, albatross, altmeta, AMARETTO, amplican, animalcules, animalEKF, anndata, anticlust, apcluster, apdesign, aphylo, applicable, ar.matrix, arc, archetypal, ArCo, argo, aricode, AROC, ASGSCA, ashr, ASICS, asnipe, ASpediaFI, atena, autoMFA, backbone, bamlss, basefun, BASiCS, bastah, batchelor, BatchQC, BayesianTools, Bayesiantreg, BayesLN, BayesMassBal, BayesMRA, BayesNSGP, BayesS5, BayesSampling, BayesSpace, BayesSUR, bayNorm, bbknnR, bbmle, BBSSL, BCA1SG, BCEA, bcSeq, beachmat, beam, BEclear, benchmarkme, Bergm, BeSS, bestridge, BeviMed, BFpack, BGmisc, BGVAR, bibliometrix, biClassify, BiDAG, bigDM, bigQF, BigQuic, bigsnpr, bigsparser, BinOrdNonNor, BiocNeighbors, BioCor, BiocSingular, biomformat, biospear, biscuiteer, blapsr, blatent, blavaan, BlockCov, blockForest, blockmodeling, BLPestimatoR, bluster, bootnet, BOSO, BOSSreg, brainGraph, brant, bravo, brglm2, bridgesampling, brms, bsreg, btergm, BTYD, BumpyMatrix, BUSpaRse, bWGR, CAGEfightR, CAMML, cape, Cardinal, CARlasso, castor, cat.dt, CATALYST, catch, cate, CatEncoders, CausalMBSTS, causalOT, ccfindR, CDatanet, CEGO, celaref, CellaRepertorium, CelliD, cellpypes, cepreader, CeTF, cgaim, ChainLadder, chinese.misc, chords, ChromSCape, chromVAR, CIAAWconsensus, cicero, CIMICE, CiteFuse, cleanNLP, clevr, ClimMobTools, CliquePercolation, ClustAssess, clusterExperiment, clustifyr, clustvarsel, CLVTools, cmaRs, cmR, CMShiny, cna, CNVScope, coalescentMCMC, coca, coda.base, codingMatrices, CollocInfer, colourvision, comapr, comato, combi, CompareCausalNetworks, compartmap, complexplus, conleyreg, conquer, conText, control, cope, copula, Corbi, corncob, corpustools, corral, corTest, CoSMoS, COTAN, cotram, countland, Countr, CovCombR, covsim, CovTools, coxme, CR2, CRF, crisp, Crossover, crqa, csaw, cSEM, csurvey, ctgGEM, ctrialsgov, ctsem, ctsemOMX, cvCovEst, CVXR, Cyclops, CytoGLMM, cytominer, CytoTree, DAISIE, DAMOCLES, dbcsp, dcanr, DCD, dce, DCLEAR, DDD, DDL, ddpca, decompTumor2Sig, decoupleR, deepgp, deepNN, deepregression, DelayedMatrixStats, DelayedTensor, demu, denoiseR, denseFLMM, derfinderHelper, DEsingle, destiny, DEsubs, detect, DHARMa, did, did2s, didimputation, DifferentialRegulation, DiffNet, diffudist, diffusionMap, diffuStats, digitalDLSorteR, dineR, Dino, diproperm, dipw, Dire, dirttee, DisaggregateTS, disaggregation, discfrail, distinct, diversityForest, DMRScan, dnet, DNMF, DOBAD, doBy, dplR, DR.SC, dr4pl, DRaWR, DrBats, drf, DropletUtils, dtwclust, DUBStepR, DWLasso, dynr, dynutils, dynwrap, easySdcTable, eatATA, eBsc, eCAR, econet, economiccomplexity, ecpc, edmcr, EdSurvey, ef, EFDR, EGAnet, ElliptCopulas, ELMER, EmbedSOM, enerscape, enhancerHomologSearch, EnMCB, Epi, epidemia, EpiDISH, epigraHMM, ergm, ergMargins, eRm, escape, espadon, eva, evclust, evolqg, evolvability, EWCE, ExperimentSubset, ez, face, fad, FamAgg, fastcox, FastImputation, fastLink, fastNaiveBayes, fastTopics, FAVAR, fbar, fcaR, fcoex, fdaMocca, fdapace, fdasrvf, FeatureHashing, FELLA, FEprovideR, fGarch, fglsnet, fgsea, fiberLD, file2meco, FindIt, fishpond, FKSUM, FLAMES, FlexGAM, flexrsurv, flexsurv, flowGraph, fmcmc, ForecastComb, fossilbrush, frailtyEM, frechet, FRK, FSInteract, fssemR, FuncNN, fundiversity, fuser, fwildclusterboot, GAPGOM, GAprediction, gcbd, gcdnet, geeasy, geecure, geex, gemma2, gen3sis, GeneralizedWendland, GENESIS, GENLIB, GENMETA, GeoDiff, GeomComb, geonet, geostan, gespeR, gesso, GFD, gfilmm, GFisher, ggmix, GGMnonreg, GHap, gif, GillespieSSA2, gllvm, glmmLasso, glmmPen, glmmTMB, glmnetUtils, GLMpack, gMCP, GMMAT, gMOIP, gmwmx, gnm, gofcat, goric, GOSim, gpboost, GPCERF, gplite, GPvecchia, GRaNIE, graper, graph4lg, graphicalVAR, graphsim, gRbase, greed, grf, grpreg, GSALightning, gslnls, GSVA, gTestsMulti, GUniFrac, gustave, gwer, gWQS, GWSDAT, hal9001, harmony, hbsae, HCV, HDCI, HDF5Array, HDPenReg, heatmaps, hergm, hero, HeteroGGM, HGC, hierarchicalDS, hierarchicalSets, highriskzone, higrad, HIPPO, hIRT, HiTC, HLMdiag, hmlasso, Hmsc, hopit, hrqglas, hscovar, htmcglm, hts, huge, HyperG, hypr, iAdapt, ib, iCARH, ICBioMark, icdGLM, iCellR, ICglm, IDE, IFAA, igraph, iGraphMatch, iilasso, ILoReg, IMAS, immcp, incidentally, infercnv, influence.ME, influenceR, INLABMA, inlabru, intensitynet, InteractionSet, IPCAPS, IPV, IRISFGM, irtplay, IsingFit, isodistrreg, isokernel, iTOP, ITRSelect, IVAS, ivmodel, jlsm, joineRML, kebabs, keyATM, kknn, klic, knn.covertree, knockoff, koRpus, ks, L0Learn, l1spectral, L2E, LACE, landsepi, LassoBacktracking, latentcor, lavaSearch2, LDABiplots, ldblock, leastcostpath, leiden, lgcp, lightgbm, lime, LineagePulse, lineartestr, lmds, LMERConvenienceFunctions, lmeresampler, lmfor, LMMsolver, LMMstar, lmvar, LocKer, locStra, logbin, lognorm, lolog, LoomExperiment, lpbrim, lpcde, LRQMM, lsbs, LSX, ltmle, ludic, lvnet, M3C, M3Drop, MachineShop, madness, madrat, MAGEE, makemyprior, MANOVA.RM, maotai, mapfit, marcher, marked, markovchain, martini, MatrixModels, MBECS, mbkmeans, mboost, mbr, mbsts, mcglm, MCMCprecision, mcmcsae, mcompanion, mdatools, mdw, medflex, MEGENA, MendelianRandomization, merDeriv, MESS, metaBLUE, metafuse, metagear, metagenomeSeq, metaMix, metaMS, MetaNeighbor, metaSDTreg, metaSEM, metaseqR2, MethReg, MetID, metrix, mfaces, MFPCA, mgcv, MGDrivE2, mglasso, mgss, micemd, microbiomeDASim, MicrobiomeStat, midasr, MIIVsem, miloR, MiRKAT, miRNAss, mirt, misclassGLM, missCompare, missSBM, mistral, mixedCCA, MixedPsy, MixfMRI, mixgb, mixKernel, mlapi, mlergm, mlfit, MLGL, mlmi, mlmm.gwas, mlmts, MLMusingR, mlt, mltools, MM4LMM, mme, MMeM, mmmgee, ModelMatrixModel, modnets, MoMPCA, MonteCarloSEM, Morpho, mosaic, MoTBFs, motifcluster, motifmatchr, moult, MRFcov, MRTSampleSizeBinary, msaenet, msaeOB, msaeRB, MSclust, msqrob2, mstDIF, MTAR, MuChPoint, multiAssetOptions, MultiBaC, multibiplotGUI, multimark, multinma, MultiStatM, multivar, MultiVarMI, multiview, MuMIn, mumm, mumosa, muscat, mvord, mvpd, mvrsquared, mvSLOUCH, natural, ndi, nebula, Nebulosa, net4pg, netchain, netCoin, netcom, netcontrol, netdiffuseR, netgsa, netgwas, NetMix, netprioR, netrankr, netregR, netShiny, netSmooth, NetworkComparisonTest, NetworkDistance, networkR, networktree, netZooR, neuroim, newsmap, NewWave, nlmixr, nlmixr2est, nlmm, nlraa, nmathresh, nmslibR, nnSVG, nonlinearTseries, NonProbEst, nopaco, nprcgenekeepr, NSAE, nutriNetwork, NVCSSL, nvmix, oem, omicsViewer, ompr, ompr.roi, ondisc, OpenMx, oppr, optBiomarker, OptimalDesign, optiSel, optiSolve, optweight, opusminer, ordinal, ORKM, orthogene, oscar, osqp, palasso, PanCanVarSel, PanelMatch, panelvar, pareg, parglm, PartCensReg, PBImisc, pbkrtest, PCADSC, PCAtools, pcgen, pcts, pdynmc, pedigreeTools, PEIP, penAFT, pencal, PenCoxFrail, PenIC, PepsNMR, PERFect, PerFit, permubiome, permuco, pez, PFIM, phangorn, phantasus, PhenoGeneRanker, phia, phm, phyloregion, phyr, Pi, pipeComp, pkggraph, PlackettLuce, Platypus, PLmixed, PLNmodels, podkat, poismf, polmineR, polycor, polyMatrix, polywog, poolfstat, porridge, powerplus, PQLseq, pre, PRECAST, predictmeans, PRIMAL, primePCA, prioriactions, prioritizr, ProcMod, profoc, PROreg, provGraphR, proxyC, prozor, PRSPGx, PSMatch, pspatreg, psychonetrics, ptf, pulsar, PureCN, pvca, pvclass, pwlmm, qape, qgraph, qpgraph, qrjoint, qtlpoly, Qtools, quanteda, quanteda.textmodels, quanteda.textplots, quanteda.textstats, quantkriging, quantreg, QUBIC, quid, r2glmm, R2MLwiN, RaceID, RaggedExperiment, ragt2ridges, RAINBOWR, randomLCA, RandomWalkRestartMH, ranger, raptr, rare, rbenvo, rbi.helpers, rbmi, rbridge, rcage, RcppEigen, RcppML, rdomains, readsparse, recipes, recometrics, reconsi, recount3, ReDaMoR, refund, regmedint, remiod, REndo, repolr, rescue, ResidualMatrix, ResourceSelection, reticulate, RevEcoR, RGF, RHPCBenchmark, rhype, Riemann, riskclustr, riskParityPortfolio, RKEEL, RLassoCox, Rlinsolve, rmatio, rmgarch, RMLPCA, RMThreshold, rNeighborGWAS, rNeighborQTL, RNGforGPD, Rnmr1D, robin, RobKF, RobustIV, robustreg, robustsur, ROCnReg, rodd, ROI.plugin.ecos, ROI.plugin.osqp, RPANDA, rPanglaoDB, Rphylopars, rpql, rqt, rr2, rrMixture, RRPP, RSC, rsetse, RSiena, rsmatrix, RSpectra, rsq, RSSL, rstanarm, Rsubread, Rsurrogate, rsvd, rTensor2, Rwclust, rWind, rWishart, saeRobust, SALES, samc, sanic, SANTA, SAR, sarsop, sasfunclust, satuRn, SAVER, sbfc, ScaledMatrix, scalpel, scam, scanMiRApp, scATAC.Explorer, scater, scBFA, scCATCH, scCB2, scClassify, sccore, scDblFinder, scDHA, scds, SCFA, SCGLR, scHOT, SCORNET, SCORPIUS, scPCA, scpi, scpoisson, scPOP, scran, scRecover, ScreenClean, scRNAstat, scry, scShapes, scTenifoldKnk, scTenifoldNet, sctransform, scTreeViz, scUtils, scuttle, sdcTable, sdpdth, seededlda, semnova, seqArchR, seqHMM, SeqVarTools, SEset, SEtools, Seurat, SeuratObject, shapr, sharpr2, sigFeature, SightabilityModel, Signac, SignacX, signatureSearch, signnet, SimCorrMix, simer, simExam, SimInf, SIMLR, SimMultiCorrData, simplifyEnrichment, singleCellHaystack, SingleCellMultiModal, singleCellTK, SingleR, SIRE, sirus, SISIR, sklarsomega, slanter, SLBDD, slimrec, SLOPE, SLTCA, smallstuff, smam, SmCCNet, smile, SMNCensReg, smoothedLasso, SmoothTensor, smurf, snapcount, sNPLS,, SOMNiBUS, SoupX, SpaceTimeBSS, spaMM, sparrow, sparsebnUtils, sparseFLMM, sparsegl, sparseHessianFD, sparseinv, sparseMatrixStats, sparseMVN, sparsesvd, sparsevar, sparsio, SPAS, spatgraphs, spatialDE, SpatialDecon, spatialHeatmap, spatialLIBD, spatstat.core,, spatstat.Knet, spatstat.linnet, spatsurv, spBayes, SPCompute, spectralGraphTopology, SpectralTAD, spflow, spGARCH, sphet, spldv, SplitKnockoff, splm, spmodel, spmoran, SPOTlight, spots, spqdep, spreadr, spsur, squeezy, SRTsim, SSN, StableEstim, stabm, stan4bart, starm, starnet, statcomp, statgenIBD, statgenMPP, STB, STdeconvolve, SteppedPower, stfit, stm, stocc, stR, strand, stylest, sumFREGAT, SummarizedExperiment, SUMMER, superbiclust, surbayes, surveillance, survival, survivalsvm, survtmle, susieR, svs, SwarmSVM, symphony, synlik, SystemicR, syt, TADCompare, TAG, TANDEM, TCA, tcl, tea, tensorr, tensorTS, text2vec, TextForecast, textplot, textrecipes, TFisher, tidylda, tidytext, TKCat, TMB, TMExplorer, TOHM, TooManyCellsR, topdownr, topicmodels.etm, TopicScore, TraceAssist, tradeSeq, TrajectoryUtils, tram, tramME, transformGamPoi, treeDA, TREG, TRESS, TRMF, trustOptim, TSCAN, tscopula, TSdisaggregation, tsDyn, tsrobprep, TSsmoothing, TTCA, ttTensor, tukeytrend, TULIP, tvR, tximeta, ubms, UCell, udpipe, ui, umap, umx, ungroup, unmarked, useful, uSORT, VAJointSurv, varbvs, variancePartition, VariantTools, varjmcm, varTestnlme, VCA, velociraptor, veloviz, vennLasso, visa, visaOTR, ViSiElse, votesys, vrnmf, vsp, wactor, waydown, wdnet, WeMix, wfe, widyr, WoodburyMatrix, wppi, WSGeometry, xcore, xgboost, xLLiM, xrf, xtreg2way, yamss, ycevo, zellkonverter, zinbwave, ZIPFA
Reverse linking to: ahMLE, bcSeq, cplm, GeneralizedWendland, hibayes, irlba, mcmcsae, PRIMME, spGARCH, TMB
Reverse suggests: afex, AgreementInterval, alphastable, autostats, biotmle, BloodCancerMultiOmics2017, brokenstick, broom.mixed, bsseq, car, caracas, caret, cccd, CHETAH, ChoiceModelR, CLA, classGraph, clubSandwich, cluster, cmfrec, cobs, combinIT, conflicted, corpus, corrgram, cpr, cvwrapr, DAPAR, DelayedRandomArray, DGCA, diffHic, diffusr, dimRed, discSurv, DoE.MIParray, DPQmpfr, DWLS, dyndimred, e1071, ECOSolveR, EIX, ePCR, eyetrackingR, fabletools, flacco, ForIT, FSelectorRcpp, funrar, gap, gcKrig, GDINA, gdsfmt, gear, gemtc, GenomicRanges, genscore, gets, ggeffects, glmpca, gmodels, h2o, h2o4gpu, hamlet, hardhat, hdi, HiCDCPlus, hmclearn, HSAUR, HSAUR2, hydra, IHW, insight, ivdesign, ivmte, KFAS, lava, lda, lfactors, LiblineaR, lmeInfo, LncPath, loe, lotri, MARSS, MAST, MatrixGenerics, mefa, mfpp, microbiomeMarker, mildsvm, mimager, mlr3, mlt.docreg, MoBPS, modelbased, MOFA2, MsCoreUtils, muscData, naivebayes, NCmisc, neat, netbiov, netmediate, OPWeight, parameters, parsnip, pcalg, pcFactorStan, pdp, performance, pergola, pmml, PRIMME, psborrow, psr, R.matlab, r2mlm, rARPACK, rattle, RcppArmadillo, RCTS, recosystem, rgraph6, Rmpfr, rmumps, robustbase, rope, round, rstan, RxODE, rxode2, Ryacas, Ryacas0, S4Vectors, sageR, SCArray, scGPS, SCIBER, scMerge, sf, SFSI, sfsmisc, simstudy, SimSurvNMarker, SingleCellExperiment, sirt, SNPRelate, spam, spdep, sptm, srvyr, stabledist, stanette, StanHeaders, STPGA, tableone, TAPseq, tidySingleCellExperiment, tiledb, TileDBArray, TOAST, tramnet, tscount, tximport, visreg, WeightSVM, xcoredata, xrnet, zenplots
Reverse enhances: coop, isotree, Rcplex, Rcsdp, Rsymphony, rviewgraph, skmeans, slam


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